/* Jabber Protocol Plugin for Miranda NG Copyright (c) 2002-04 Santithorn Bunchua Copyright (c) 2005-12 George Hazan Copyright (C) 2012-19 Miranda NG team This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "jabber_secur.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ntlm auth - LanServer based authorization TNtlmAuth::TNtlmAuth(ThreadData *info, const char *mechanism, const wchar_t *hostname) : TJabberAuth(info) { szName = mechanism; szHostName = hostname; const wchar_t *szProvider; if (!mir_strcmp(mechanism, "GSS-SPNEGO")) szProvider = L"Negotiate"; else if (!mir_strcmp(mechanism, "GSSAPI")) szProvider = L"Kerberos"; else if (!mir_strcmp(mechanism, "NTLM")) szProvider = L"NTLM"; else { LBL_Invalid: bIsValid = false; hProvider = nullptr; return; } wchar_t szSpn[1024]; szSpn[0] = 0; if (!mir_strcmp(mechanism, "GSSAPI")) if (!getSpn(szSpn, _countof(szSpn))) goto LBL_Invalid; if ((hProvider = Netlib_InitSecurityProvider(szProvider, szSpn)) == nullptr) bIsValid = false; } TNtlmAuth::~TNtlmAuth() { if (hProvider != nullptr) Netlib_DestroySecurityProvider(hProvider); } bool TNtlmAuth::getSpn(wchar_t* szSpn, size_t dwSpnLen) { wchar_t szFullUserName[128] = L""; ULONG szFullUserNameLen = _countof(szFullUserName); if (!GetUserNameEx(NameDnsDomain, szFullUserName, &szFullUserNameLen)) { szFullUserName[0] = 0; szFullUserNameLen = _countof(szFullUserName); GetUserNameEx(NameSamCompatible, szFullUserName, &szFullUserNameLen); } wchar_t *name = wcsrchr(szFullUserName, '\\'); if (name) *name = 0; else return false; if (szHostName && szHostName[0]) { wchar_t *szFullUserNameU = wcsupr(mir_wstrdup(szFullUserName)); mir_snwprintf(szSpn, dwSpnLen, L"xmpp/%s/%s@%s", szHostName, szFullUserName, szFullUserNameU); mir_free(szFullUserNameU); } else { const char* connectHost = info->conn.manualHost[0] ? info->conn.manualHost : info->conn.server; unsigned long ip = inet_addr(connectHost); PHOSTENT host = (ip == INADDR_NONE) ? nullptr : gethostbyaddr((char*)&ip, 4, AF_INET); if (host && host->h_name) connectHost = host->h_name; wchar_t *connectHostT = mir_a2u(connectHost); mir_snwprintf(szSpn, dwSpnLen, L"xmpp/%s@%s", connectHostT, wcsupr(szFullUserName)); mir_free(connectHostT); } Netlib_Logf(nullptr, "SPN: %S", szSpn); return true; } char* TNtlmAuth::getInitialRequest() { if (!hProvider) return nullptr; // This generates login method advertisement packet if (info->conn.password[0] != 0) return Netlib_NtlmCreateResponse(hProvider, "", info->conn.username, info->conn.password, complete); return Netlib_NtlmCreateResponse(hProvider, "", nullptr, nullptr, complete); } char* TNtlmAuth::getChallenge(const wchar_t *challenge) { if (!hProvider) return nullptr; ptrA text((!mir_wstrcmp(challenge, L"=")) ? mir_strdup("") : mir_u2a(challenge)); if (info->conn.password[0] != 0) return Netlib_NtlmCreateResponse(hProvider, text, info->conn.username, info->conn.password, complete); return Netlib_NtlmCreateResponse(hProvider, text, nullptr, nullptr, complete); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // md5 auth - digest-based authorization TMD5Auth::TMD5Auth(ThreadData *info) : TJabberAuth(info), iCallCount(0) { szName = "DIGEST-MD5"; } TMD5Auth::~TMD5Auth() { } char* TMD5Auth::getChallenge(const wchar_t *challenge) { if (iCallCount > 0) return nullptr; iCallCount++; size_t resultLen; ptrA text((char*)mir_base64_decode( _T2A(challenge), &resultLen)); TStringPairs pairs(text); const char *realm = pairs["realm"], *nonce = pairs["nonce"]; char cnonce[40], tmpBuf[40]; DWORD digest[4], hash1[4], hash2[4]; mir_md5_state_t ctx; Utils_GetRandom(digest, sizeof(digest)); mir_snprintf(cnonce, "%08x%08x%08x%08x", htonl(digest[0]), htonl(digest[1]), htonl(digest[2]), htonl(digest[3])); T2Utf uname(info->conn.username), passw(info->conn.password); ptrA serv(mir_utf8encode(info->conn.server)); mir_md5_init(&ctx); mir_md5_append(&ctx, (BYTE*)(char*)uname, (int)mir_strlen(uname)); mir_md5_append(&ctx, (BYTE*)":", 1); mir_md5_append(&ctx, (BYTE*)realm, (int)mir_strlen(realm)); mir_md5_append(&ctx, (BYTE*)":", 1); mir_md5_append(&ctx, (BYTE*)(char*)passw, (int)mir_strlen(passw)); mir_md5_finish(&ctx, (BYTE*)hash1); mir_md5_init(&ctx); mir_md5_append(&ctx, (BYTE*)hash1, 16); mir_md5_append(&ctx, (BYTE*)":", 1); mir_md5_append(&ctx, (BYTE*)nonce, (int)mir_strlen(nonce)); mir_md5_append(&ctx, (BYTE*)":", 1); mir_md5_append(&ctx, (BYTE*)cnonce, (int)mir_strlen(cnonce)); mir_md5_finish(&ctx, (BYTE*)hash1); mir_md5_init(&ctx); mir_md5_append(&ctx, (BYTE*)"AUTHENTICATE:xmpp/", 18); mir_md5_append(&ctx, (BYTE*)(char*)serv, (int)mir_strlen(serv)); mir_md5_finish(&ctx, (BYTE*)hash2); mir_md5_init(&ctx); mir_snprintf(tmpBuf, "%08x%08x%08x%08x", htonl(hash1[0]), htonl(hash1[1]), htonl(hash1[2]), htonl(hash1[3])); mir_md5_append(&ctx, (BYTE*)tmpBuf, (int)mir_strlen(tmpBuf)); mir_md5_append(&ctx, (BYTE*)":", 1); mir_md5_append(&ctx, (BYTE*)nonce, (int)mir_strlen(nonce)); mir_snprintf(tmpBuf, ":%08d:", iCallCount); mir_md5_append(&ctx, (BYTE*)tmpBuf, (int)mir_strlen(tmpBuf)); mir_md5_append(&ctx, (BYTE*)cnonce, (int)mir_strlen(cnonce)); mir_md5_append(&ctx, (BYTE*)":auth:", 6); mir_snprintf(tmpBuf, "%08x%08x%08x%08x", htonl(hash2[0]), htonl(hash2[1]), htonl(hash2[2]), htonl(hash2[3])); mir_md5_append(&ctx, (BYTE*)tmpBuf, (int)mir_strlen(tmpBuf)); mir_md5_finish(&ctx, (BYTE*)digest); char *buf = (char*)alloca(8000); int cbLen = mir_snprintf(buf, 8000, "username=\"%s\",realm=\"%s\",nonce=\"%s\",cnonce=\"%s\",nc=%08d," "qop=auth,digest-uri=\"xmpp/%s\",charset=utf-8,response=%08x%08x%08x%08x", uname, realm, nonce, cnonce, iCallCount, serv, htonl(digest[0]), htonl(digest[1]), htonl(digest[2]), htonl(digest[3])); return mir_base64_encode(buf, cbLen); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SCRAM-SHA-1 authorization TScramAuth::TScramAuth(ThreadData *info) : TJabberAuth(info) { szName = "SCRAM-SHA-1"; cnonce = msg1 = serverSignature = nullptr; } TScramAuth::~TScramAuth() { mir_free(cnonce); mir_free(msg1); mir_free(serverSignature); } void TScramAuth::Hi(BYTE* res, char* passw, size_t passwLen, char* salt, size_t saltLen, int ind) { size_t bufLen = saltLen + sizeof(UINT32); BYTE *u = (BYTE*)_alloca(max(bufLen, MIR_SHA1_HASH_SIZE)); memcpy(u, salt, saltLen); *(UINT32*)(u + saltLen) = htonl(1); memset(res, 0, MIR_SHA1_HASH_SIZE); for (int i = 0; i < ind; i++) { unsigned int len; HMAC(EVP_sha1(), (BYTE*)passw, passwLen, u, bufLen, u, &len); bufLen = MIR_SHA1_HASH_SIZE; for (unsigned j = 0; j < MIR_SHA1_HASH_SIZE; j++) res[j] ^= u[j]; } } char* TScramAuth::getChallenge(const wchar_t *challenge) { size_t chlLen, saltLen = 0; ptrA snonce, salt; int ind = -1; ptrA chl((char*)mir_base64_decode(_T2A(challenge), &chlLen)); for (char *p = strtok(NEWSTR_ALLOCA(chl), ","); p != nullptr; p = strtok(nullptr, ",")) { if (*p == 'r' && p[1] == '=') { // snonce if (strncmp(cnonce, p + 2, mir_strlen(cnonce))) return nullptr; snonce = mir_strdup(p + 2); } else if (*p == 's' && p[1] == '=') // salt salt = (char*)mir_base64_decode(p + 2, &saltLen); else if (*p == 'i' && p[1] == '=') ind = atoi(p + 2); } if (snonce == nullptr || salt == nullptr || ind == -1) return nullptr; ptrA passw(mir_utf8encodeW(info->conn.password)); size_t passwLen = mir_strlen(passw); BYTE saltedPassw[MIR_SHA1_HASH_SIZE]; Hi(saltedPassw, passw, passwLen, salt, saltLen, ind); BYTE clientKey[MIR_SHA1_HASH_SIZE]; unsigned int len; HMAC(EVP_sha1(), saltedPassw, sizeof(saltedPassw), (BYTE*)"Client Key", 10, clientKey, &len); BYTE storedKey[MIR_SHA1_HASH_SIZE]; mir_sha1_ctx ctx; mir_sha1_init(&ctx); mir_sha1_append(&ctx, clientKey, MIR_SHA1_HASH_SIZE); mir_sha1_finish(&ctx, storedKey); char authmsg[4096]; int authmsgLen = mir_snprintf(authmsg, "%s,%s,c=biws,r=%s", msg1, chl, snonce); BYTE clientSig[MIR_SHA1_HASH_SIZE]; HMAC(EVP_sha1(), storedKey, sizeof(storedKey), (BYTE*)authmsg, authmsgLen, clientSig, &len); BYTE clientProof[MIR_SHA1_HASH_SIZE]; for (unsigned j = 0; j < sizeof(clientKey); j++) clientProof[j] = clientKey[j] ^ clientSig[j]; /* Calculate the server signature */ BYTE serverKey[MIR_SHA1_HASH_SIZE]; HMAC(EVP_sha1(), saltedPassw, sizeof(saltedPassw), (BYTE*)"Server Key", 10, serverKey, &len); BYTE srvSig[MIR_SHA1_HASH_SIZE]; HMAC(EVP_sha1(), serverKey, sizeof(serverKey), (BYTE*)authmsg, authmsgLen, srvSig, &len); serverSignature = mir_base64_encode(srvSig, sizeof(srvSig)); char buf[4096]; ptrA encproof(mir_base64_encode(clientProof, sizeof(clientProof))); int cbLen = mir_snprintf(buf, "c=biws,r=%s,p=%s", snonce, encproof); return mir_base64_encode(buf, cbLen); } char* TScramAuth::getInitialRequest() { T2Utf uname(info->conn.username); unsigned char nonce[24]; Utils_GetRandom(nonce, sizeof(nonce)); cnonce = mir_base64_encode(nonce, sizeof(nonce)); char buf[4096]; int cbLen = mir_snprintf(buf, "n,,n=%s,r=%s", uname, cnonce); msg1 = mir_strdup(buf + 3); return mir_base64_encode(buf, cbLen); } bool TScramAuth::validateLogin(const wchar_t *challenge) { size_t chlLen; ptrA chl((char*)mir_base64_decode(_T2A(challenge), &chlLen)); return chl && strncmp((char*)chl + 2, serverSignature, chlLen - 2) == 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // plain auth - the most simple one TPlainAuth::TPlainAuth(ThreadData *info, bool old) : TJabberAuth(info) { szName = "PLAIN"; bOld = old; } TPlainAuth::~TPlainAuth() { } char* TPlainAuth::getInitialRequest() { T2Utf uname(info->conn.username), passw(info->conn.password); size_t size = 2 * mir_strlen(uname) + mir_strlen(passw) + mir_strlen(info->conn.server) + 4; char *toEncode = (char*)alloca(size); if (bOld) size = mir_snprintf(toEncode, size, "%s@%s%c%s%c%s", uname, info->conn.server, 0, uname, 0, passw); else size = mir_snprintf(toEncode, size, "%c%s%c%s", 0, uname, 0, passw); return mir_base64_encode(toEncode, size); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // basic type TJabberAuth::TJabberAuth(ThreadData* pInfo) : bIsValid(true), complete(0), szName(nullptr), info(pInfo) { } TJabberAuth::~TJabberAuth() { } char* TJabberAuth::getInitialRequest() { return nullptr; } char* TJabberAuth::getChallenge(const wchar_t*) { return nullptr; } bool TJabberAuth::validateLogin(const wchar_t*) { return true; }