/* Jabber Protocol Plugin for Miranda NG Copyright (c) 2002-04 Santithorn Bunchua Copyright (c) 2005-12 George Hazan Copyright (c) 2007 Maxim Mluhov Copyright (C) 2012-24 Miranda NG team This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include #include #include #include "jabber_list.h" static MWindowList hUserInfoList = nullptr; class JabberBaseUserInfoDlg : public CUserInfoPageDlg { INT_PTR DoRefresh(UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM) { OnRefresh(); return 0; } protected: UI_MESSAGE_MAP(JabberBaseUserInfoDlg, CUserInfoPageDlg); UI_MESSAGE(WM_PROTO_REFRESH, DoRefresh); UI_MESSAGE(WM_JABBER_REFRESH_VCARD, DoRefresh); UI_MESSAGE_MAP_END(); CJabberProto *ppro; JabberBaseUserInfoDlg(CJabberProto *_ppro, int dlgId) : CUserInfoPageDlg(g_plugin, dlgId), ppro(_ppro) {} }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // JabberUserInfoDlgProc - main user info dialog enum { INFOLINE_DELETE = 0x80000000, INFOLINE_MASK = 0x7fffffff, INFOLINE_BAD_ID = 0x7fffffff, INFOLINE_NAME = 1, INFOLINE_MOOD, INFOLINE_ACTIVITY, INFOLINE_TUNE, INFOLINE_OFFLINE, INFOLINE_MESSAGE, INFOLINE_SOFTWARE, INFOLINE_VERSION, INFOLINE_SYSTEM, INFOLINE_PRIORITY, INFOLINE_IDLE, INFOLINE_CAPS, INFOLINE_SOFTWARE_INFORMATION, INFOLINE_SUBSCRIPTION, INFOLINE_LOGOFF, INFOLINE_LOGOFF_MSG, INFOLINE_LASTACTIVE, }; __forceinline uint32_t sttInfoLineId(uint32_t res, uint32_t type, uint32_t line = 0) { return (type << 24) & 0x7f000000 | (res << 12) & 0x00fff000 | (line) & 0x00000fff; } class JabberUserInfoDlg : public JabberBaseUserInfoDlg { JABBER_LIST_ITEM *item = nullptr; int resourcesCount = -1; CCtrlTreeView m_tree; UI_MESSAGE_MAP(JabberUserInfoDlg, JabberBaseUserInfoDlg); UI_MESSAGE(WM_PROTO_CHECK_ONLINE, OnCheckOnline); UI_MESSAGE_MAP_END(); INT_PTR OnCheckOnline(UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM) { if (!ppro->m_bJabberOnline) item = nullptr; else OnRefresh(); return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // User information block void CleanupInfo(int stage) { HTREEITEM hItem = m_tree.GetRoot(); while (hItem) { TVITEMEX tvi = { 0 }; tvi.mask = TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_PARAM; tvi.hItem = hItem; m_tree.GetItem(&tvi); switch (stage) { case 0: tvi.lParam |= INFOLINE_DELETE; m_tree.SetItem(&tvi); break; case 1: if (tvi.lParam & INFOLINE_DELETE) { hItem = m_tree.GetNextSibling(hItem); m_tree.DeleteItem(tvi.hItem); continue; } break; } HTREEITEM hItemTmp = nullptr; if (hItemTmp = m_tree.GetChild(hItem)) hItem = hItemTmp; else if (hItemTmp = m_tree.GetNextSibling(hItem)) hItem = hItemTmp; else { while (true) { if (!(hItem = m_tree.GetParent(hItem))) break; if (hItemTmp = m_tree.GetNextSibling(hItem)) { hItem = hItemTmp; break; } } } } } HTREEITEM FindInfoLine(HTREEITEM htiRoot, LPARAM id = INFOLINE_BAD_ID) { if (id == INFOLINE_BAD_ID) return nullptr; for (HTREEITEM hti = m_tree.GetChild(htiRoot); hti; hti = m_tree.GetNextSibling(hti)) { TVITEMEX tvi = { 0 }; tvi.mask = TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_PARAM; tvi.hItem = hti; m_tree.GetItem(&tvi); if ((tvi.lParam&INFOLINE_MASK) == (id&INFOLINE_MASK)) return hti; } return nullptr; } HTREEITEM FillInfoLine(HTREEITEM htiRoot, HICON hIcon, const wchar_t *title, const char *value, LPARAM id = INFOLINE_BAD_ID, bool expand = false) { HTREEITEM hti = FindInfoLine(htiRoot, id); Utf2T wszValue(value); const wchar_t *pwszValue = (value == nullptr) ? TranslateT("") : wszValue; wchar_t buf[256]; if (title) mir_snwprintf(buf, L"%s: %s", title, pwszValue); else mir_wstrncpy(buf, pwszValue, _countof(buf)); TVINSERTSTRUCT tvis = {}; tvis.hParent = htiRoot; tvis.hInsertAfter = TVI_LAST; tvis.itemex.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_PARAM; tvis.itemex.pszText = buf; tvis.itemex.lParam = id; if (hIcon) { HIMAGELIST himl = m_tree.GetImageList(TVSIL_NORMAL); tvis.itemex.mask |= TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE; tvis.itemex.iImage = tvis.itemex.iSelectedImage = ImageList_AddIcon(himl, hIcon); IcoLib_ReleaseIcon(hIcon); } if (hti) { tvis.itemex.mask |= TVIF_HANDLE; tvis.itemex.hItem = hti; m_tree.SetItem(&tvis.itemex); } else { tvis.itemex.mask |= TVIF_STATE; tvis.itemex.stateMask = TVIS_EXPANDED; tvis.itemex.state = expand ? TVIS_EXPANDED : 0; hti = m_tree.InsertItem(&tvis); } return hti; } void FillAdvStatusInfo(HTREEITEM htiRoot, uint32_t dwInfoLine, MCONTACT hContact, wchar_t *szTitle, char *pszSlot) { ptrA szAdvStatusIcon(ppro->ReadAdvStatusA(hContact, pszSlot, ADVSTATUS_VAL_ICON)); ptrW szAdvStatusTitle(ppro->ReadAdvStatusT(hContact, pszSlot, ADVSTATUS_VAL_TITLE)); ptrW szAdvStatusText(ppro->ReadAdvStatusT(hContact, pszSlot, ADVSTATUS_VAL_TEXT)); if (szAdvStatusIcon && szAdvStatusTitle && *szAdvStatusTitle) { wchar_t szText[2048]; if (szAdvStatusText && *szAdvStatusText) mir_snwprintf(szText, L"%s (%s)", TranslateW(szAdvStatusTitle), szAdvStatusText.get()); else wcsncpy_s(szText, TranslateW(szAdvStatusTitle), _TRUNCATE); FillInfoLine(htiRoot, IcoLib_GetIcon(szAdvStatusIcon), szTitle, T2Utf(szText), dwInfoLine); } } void FillResourceInfo(HTREEITEM htiRoot, int resource) { HTREEITEM htiResource = htiRoot; pResourceStatus r = resource ? item->arResources[resource - 1] : item->getTemp(); if (r->m_szResourceName && *r->m_szResourceName) htiResource = FillInfoLine(htiRoot, Skin_LoadProtoIcon(ppro->m_szModuleName, r->m_iStatus), nullptr, r->m_szResourceName, sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_NAME), true); // StatusMsg if (r->m_szStatusMessage) FillInfoLine(htiResource, nullptr, TranslateT("Message"), r->m_szStatusMessage, sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_MESSAGE)); // Software if (CJabberClientPartialCaps *pCaps = r->m_pCaps) { HICON hIcon = nullptr; if (Finger_IsPresent()) { if (pCaps->GetVer()) { wchar_t buf[256]; mir_snwprintf(buf, L"%S %S", pCaps->GetVer(), pCaps->GetSoftVer()); hIcon = Finger_GetClientIcon(buf, 0); } } if (pCaps->GetVer()) FillInfoLine(htiResource, hIcon, TranslateT("Software"), pCaps->GetVer(), sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_SOFTWARE)); if (hIcon) DestroyIcon(hIcon); } // Resource priority char buf[256]; itoa(r->m_iPriority, buf, 10); FillInfoLine(htiResource, nullptr, TranslateT("Priority"), buf, sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_PRIORITY)); // Idle if (r->m_dwIdleStartTime > 0) { struct tm *lt = localtime(&r->m_dwIdleStartTime); mir_snprintf(buf, "%d.%d.%d %d:%d", lt->tm_mday, lt->tm_mon, 1900 + lt->tm_year, lt->tm_hour, lt->tm_min); FillInfoLine(htiResource, nullptr, TranslateT("Last activity"), buf, sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_IDLE)); } // caps JabberCapsBits jcb = ppro->GetResourceCapabilities(MakeJid(item->jid, r->m_szResourceName), r); if (!(jcb & JABBER_RESOURCE_CAPS_ERROR)) { HTREEITEM htiCaps = FillInfoLine(htiResource, IcoLib_GetIconByHandle(ppro->m_hProtoIcon), nullptr, TranslateU("Client capabilities (only ones known to Miranda)"), sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_CAPS)); int i; for (i = 0; i < g_cJabberFeatCapPairs; i++) if (jcb & g_JabberFeatCapPairs[i].jcbCap) { char szDescription[1024]; if (g_JabberFeatCapPairs[i].tszDescription) mir_snprintf(szDescription, "%s (%s)", TranslateU(g_JabberFeatCapPairs[i].tszDescription), g_JabberFeatCapPairs[i].szFeature); else strncpy_s(szDescription, g_JabberFeatCapPairs[i].szFeature, _TRUNCATE); FillInfoLine(htiCaps, nullptr, nullptr, szDescription, sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_CAPS, i)); } for (auto &it : ppro->m_lstJabberFeatCapPairsDynamic) { if (jcb & it->jcbCap) { char szDescription[1024]; if (it->szDescription) mir_snprintf(szDescription, "%s (%s)", TranslateU(it->szDescription), it->szFeature.get()); else strncpy_s(szDescription, it->szFeature, _TRUNCATE); FillInfoLine(htiCaps, nullptr, nullptr, szDescription, sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_CAPS, i++)); } } } // Software info if extended one available if (CJabberClientPartialCaps *pCaps = r->m_pCaps) { if (pCaps->GetSoft() || pCaps->GetSoftVer() || pCaps->GetOs() || pCaps->GetOsVer() || pCaps->GetSoftMir()) { HTREEITEM htiSoftwareInfo = FillInfoLine(htiResource, IcoLib_GetIconByHandle(ppro->m_hProtoIcon), nullptr, TranslateU("Software information"), sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_SOFTWARE_INFORMATION)); int nLineId = 0; if (pCaps->GetOs()) FillInfoLine(htiSoftwareInfo, nullptr, TranslateT("Operating system"), pCaps->GetOs(), sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_SOFTWARE_INFORMATION, nLineId++)); if (pCaps->GetOsVer()) FillInfoLine(htiSoftwareInfo, nullptr, TranslateT("Operating system version"), pCaps->GetOsVer(), sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_SOFTWARE_INFORMATION, nLineId++)); if (pCaps->GetSoft()) FillInfoLine(htiSoftwareInfo, nullptr, TranslateT("Software"), pCaps->GetSoft(), sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_SOFTWARE_INFORMATION, nLineId++)); if (pCaps->GetSoftVer()) FillInfoLine(htiSoftwareInfo, nullptr, TranslateT("Software version"), pCaps->GetSoftVer(), sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_SOFTWARE_INFORMATION, nLineId++)); if (pCaps->GetSoftMir()) FillInfoLine(htiSoftwareInfo, nullptr, TranslateT("Miranda core version"), pCaps->GetSoftMir(), sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_SOFTWARE_INFORMATION, nLineId++)); } } } void FillUserInfo() { m_tree.SendMsg(WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0); CleanupInfo(0); HTREEITEM htiRoot = FillInfoLine(nullptr, IcoLib_GetIconByHandle(ppro->m_hProtoIcon), nullptr, item->jid, sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_NAME), true); if (MCONTACT hContact = ppro->HContactFromJID(item->jid)) { FillAdvStatusInfo(htiRoot, sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_MOOD), hContact, TranslateT("Mood"), ADVSTATUS_MOOD); FillAdvStatusInfo(htiRoot, sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_ACTIVITY), hContact, TranslateT("Activity"), ADVSTATUS_ACTIVITY); FillAdvStatusInfo(htiRoot, sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_TUNE), hContact, TranslateT("Tune"), ADVSTATUS_TUNE); } // subscription switch (item->subscription) { case SUB_BOTH: FillInfoLine(htiRoot, nullptr, TranslateT("Subscription"), TranslateU("both"), sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_SUBSCRIPTION)); break; case SUB_TO: FillInfoLine(htiRoot, nullptr, TranslateT("Subscription"), TranslateU("to"), sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_SUBSCRIPTION)); break; case SUB_FROM: FillInfoLine(htiRoot, nullptr, TranslateT("Subscription"), TranslateU("from"), sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_SUBSCRIPTION)); break; default: FillInfoLine(htiRoot, nullptr, TranslateT("Subscription"), TranslateU("none"), sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_SUBSCRIPTION)); break; } // logoff char buf[256]; JABBER_RESOURCE_STATUS *r = item->getTemp(); if (r->m_dwIdleStartTime > 0) { struct tm *lt = localtime(&r->m_dwIdleStartTime); mir_snprintf(buf, "%d.%d.%d %d:%d", lt->tm_mday, lt->tm_mon, 1900 + lt->tm_year, lt->tm_hour, lt->tm_min); FillInfoLine(htiRoot, nullptr, (item->jid && strchr(item->jid, '@')) ? TranslateT("Last logoff time") : TranslateT("Uptime"), buf, sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_LOGOFF)); } if (r->m_szStatusMessage) FillInfoLine(htiRoot, nullptr, TranslateT("Logoff message"), r->m_szStatusMessage, sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_LOGOFF_MSG)); // activity if (item->m_pLastSeenResource) FillInfoLine(htiRoot, nullptr, TranslateT("Last active resource"), item->m_pLastSeenResource->m_szResourceName, sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_LASTACTIVE)); // resources if (item->arResources.getCount()) { for (int i = 0; i < item->arResources.getCount(); i++) FillResourceInfo(htiRoot, i + 1); } else if (!strchr(item->jid, '@') || (r->m_iStatus != ID_STATUS_OFFLINE)) FillResourceInfo(htiRoot, 0); CleanupInfo(1); m_tree.SendMsg(WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0); RedrawWindow(m_tree.GetHwnd(), nullptr, nullptr, RDW_INVALIDATE); } public: JabberUserInfoDlg(CJabberProto *_ppro) : JabberBaseUserInfoDlg(_ppro, IDD_INFO_JABBER), m_tree(this, IDC_TV_INFO) { m_tree.OnBuildMenu = Callback(this, &JabberUserInfoDlg::onMenu_Tree); } bool OnInitDialog() override { ppro->WindowSubscribe(m_hwnd); Window_SetSkinIcon_IcoLib(m_hwnd, SKINICON_OTHER_USERDETAILS); RECT rc; GetClientRect(m_hwnd, &rc); MoveWindow(m_tree.GetHwnd(), 5, 5, rc.right - 10, rc.bottom - 10, TRUE); HIMAGELIST himl = ImageList_Create(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON), ILC_COLOR | ILC_COLOR32 | ILC_MASK, 5, 1); ImageList_AddSkinIcon(himl, SKINICON_OTHER_SMALLDOT); TreeView_SetImageList(m_tree.GetHwnd(), himl, TVSIL_NORMAL); WindowList_Add(hUserInfoList, m_hwnd, m_hContact); return true; } void OnDestroy() override { ppro->WindowUnsubscribe(m_hwnd); WindowList_Remove(hUserInfoList, m_hwnd); ImageList_Destroy(m_tree.SetImageList(nullptr, TVSIL_NORMAL)); Window_FreeIcon_IcoLib(m_hwnd); } int Resizer(UTILRESIZECONTROL*) override { return RD_ANCHORX_WIDTH | RD_ANCHORY_HEIGHT; } bool OnRefresh() override { if (item == nullptr) { ptrA jid(ppro->getUStringA(m_hContact, "jid")); if (jid == nullptr) return false; if (ppro->m_bJabberOnline) if (!(item = ppro->ListGetItemPtr(LIST_VCARD_TEMP, jid))) item = ppro->ListGetItemPtr(LIST_ROSTER, jid); if (item == nullptr) { m_tree.DeleteAllItems(); HTREEITEM htiRoot = FillInfoLine(nullptr, IcoLib_GetIconByHandle(ppro->m_hProtoIcon), L"JID", jid, sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_NAME), true); if (ppro->m_bJabberOnline) FillInfoLine(htiRoot, g_plugin.getIcon(IDI_VCARD), nullptr, TranslateU("Received vCard does not contain any information.")); else FillInfoLine(htiRoot, g_plugin.getIcon(IDI_VCARD), nullptr, TranslateU("Please switch online to see more details.")); return false; } } FillUserInfo(); return false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Context menu void GetNodeText(HTREEITEM hti, CMStringW &buf, int indent = 0) { for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) buf.AppendChar('\t'); wchar_t wszText[256]; TVITEMEX tvi = {}; tvi.mask = TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_STATE; tvi.hItem = hti; tvi.cchTextMax = _countof(wszText); tvi.pszText = wszText; if (!m_tree.GetItem(&tvi)) // failure, maybe item was removed... return; buf.Append(wszText); buf.Append(L"\r\n"); if (tvi.state & TVIS_EXPANDED) for (hti = m_tree.GetChild(hti); hti; hti = m_tree.GetNextSibling(hti)) GetNodeText(hti, buf, indent + 1); } void onMenu_Tree(CContextMenuPos *pos) { if (!pos->hItem) return; HMENU hMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING, (UINT_PTR)1, TranslateT("Copy")); AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING, (UINT_PTR)2, TranslateT("Copy only this value")); AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, nullptr); AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING, (UINT_PTR)0, TranslateT("Cancel")); int nReturnCmd = TrackPopupMenu(hMenu, TPM_RETURNCMD, pos->pt.x, pos->pt.y, 0, m_hwnd, nullptr); if (nReturnCmd == 1) { CMStringW buf; GetNodeText(pos->hItem, buf); Utils_ClipboardCopy(MClipUnicode(buf)); } else if (nReturnCmd == 2) { wchar_t szBuffer[1024]; TVITEMEX tvi = { 0 }; tvi.mask = TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_STATE; tvi.hItem = pos->hItem; tvi.cchTextMax = _countof(szBuffer); tvi.pszText = szBuffer; if (m_tree.GetItem(&tvi)) { if (wchar_t *str = wcsstr(szBuffer, L": ")) Utils_ClipboardCopy(MClipUnicode(str + 2)); else Utils_ClipboardCopy(MClipUnicode(szBuffer)); } } DestroyMenu(hMenu); } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // JabberUserPhotoDlgProc - Jabber photo dialog class JabberUserPhotoDlg : public JabberBaseUserInfoDlg { HBITMAP hBitmap = nullptr; CCtrlMButton btnSave; UI_MESSAGE_MAP(JabberUserInfoDlg, JabberBaseUserInfoDlg); UI_MESSAGE(WM_PAINT, OnPaint); UI_MESSAGE_MAP_END(); char *GetFileName() const { ptrA jid(ppro->getUStringA(m_hContact, "jid")); if (jid != nullptr) { JABBER_LIST_ITEM *item = ppro->ListGetItemPtr(LIST_VCARD_TEMP, jid); if (item == nullptr) item = ppro->ListGetItemPtr(LIST_ROSTER, jid); if (item != nullptr) return item->photoFileName; } return nullptr; } public: JabberUserPhotoDlg(CJabberProto *_ppro) : JabberBaseUserInfoDlg(_ppro, IDD_VCARD_PHOTO), btnSave(this, IDC_SAVE, g_plugin.getIcon(IDI_SAVE), LPGEN("Save")) { btnSave.OnClick = Callback(this, &JabberUserPhotoDlg::onClick_Save); } bool OnInitDialog() override { ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_LOAD), SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_DELETE), SW_HIDE); return true; } void OnDestroy() override { if (hBitmap) { ppro->debugLogA("Delete bitmap"); DeleteObject(hBitmap); } } bool IsEmpty() const override { return mir_strlen(GetFileName()) == 0; } bool OnRefresh() override { if (hBitmap) { DeleteObject(hBitmap); hBitmap = nullptr; } btnSave.Hide(); char *pszFileName = GetFileName(); if (mir_strlen(pszFileName)) { ppro->debugLogA("Showing picture from %s", pszFileName); hBitmap = Bitmap_Load(Utf2T(pszFileName)); FreeImage_Premultiply(hBitmap); btnSave.Show(); } InvalidateRect(m_hwnd, nullptr, TRUE); UpdateWindow(m_hwnd); return true; } void onClick_Save(CCtrlButton *) { wchar_t szFilter[512]; ptrA jid(ppro->getUStringA(m_hContact, "jid")); if (jid == nullptr) return; JABBER_LIST_ITEM *item = ppro->ListGetItemPtr(LIST_VCARD_TEMP, jid); if (item == nullptr) if ((item = ppro->ListGetItemPtr(LIST_ROSTER, jid)) == nullptr) return; switch (ProtoGetAvatarFileFormat(Utf2T(item->photoFileName))) { case PA_FORMAT_BMP: mir_snwprintf(szFilter, L"BMP %s (*.bmp)%c*.BMP", TranslateT("format"), 0); break; case PA_FORMAT_GIF: mir_snwprintf(szFilter, L"GIF %s (*.gif)%c*.GIF", TranslateT("format"), 0); break; case PA_FORMAT_JPEG: mir_snwprintf(szFilter, L"JPEG %s (*.jpg;*.jpeg)%c*.JPG;*.JPEG", TranslateT("format"), 0); break; default: mir_snwprintf(szFilter, L"%s (*.*)%c*.*", TranslateT("Unknown format"), 0); } wchar_t szFileName[MAX_PATH]; szFileName[0] = '\0'; OPENFILENAME ofn = { 0 }; ofn.lStructSize = OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400; ofn.hwndOwner = m_hwnd; ofn.lpstrFilter = szFilter; ofn.lpstrFile = szFileName; ofn.nMaxFile = _MAX_PATH; ofn.Flags = OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT; if (GetSaveFileName(&ofn)) { ppro->debugLogW(L"File selected is %s", szFileName); CopyFile(Utf2T(item->photoFileName), szFileName, FALSE); } } INT_PTR OnPaint(UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM) { if (!ppro->m_bJabberOnline) SetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, IDC_CANVAS, TranslateT("")); else if (!hBitmap) SetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, IDC_CANVAS, TranslateT("")); else { BITMAP bm; POINT ptSize, ptOrg, pt, ptFitSize; RECT rect; SetDlgItemTextA(m_hwnd, IDC_CANVAS, ""); HWND hwndCanvas = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_CANVAS); HDC hdcCanvas = GetDC(hwndCanvas); HDC hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcCanvas); SelectObject(hdcMem, hBitmap); SetMapMode(hdcMem, GetMapMode(hdcCanvas)); GetObject(hBitmap, sizeof(BITMAP), (LPVOID)&bm); ptSize.x = bm.bmWidth; ptSize.y = bm.bmHeight; DPtoLP(hdcCanvas, &ptSize, 1); ptOrg.x = ptOrg.y = 0; DPtoLP(hdcMem, &ptOrg, 1); GetClientRect(hwndCanvas, &rect); InvalidateRect(hwndCanvas, nullptr, TRUE); UpdateWindow(hwndCanvas); if (ptSize.x <= rect.right && ptSize.y <= rect.bottom) { pt.x = (rect.right - ptSize.x) / 2; pt.y = (rect.bottom - ptSize.y) / 2; ptFitSize = ptSize; } else { if (((float)(ptSize.x - rect.right)) / ptSize.x > ((float)(ptSize.y - rect.bottom)) / ptSize.y) { ptFitSize.x = rect.right; ptFitSize.y = (ptSize.y * rect.right) / ptSize.x; pt.x = 0; pt.y = (rect.bottom - ptFitSize.y) / 2; } else { ptFitSize.x = (ptSize.x * rect.bottom) / ptSize.y; ptFitSize.y = rect.bottom; pt.x = (rect.right - ptFitSize.x) / 2; pt.y = 0; } } RECT rc; if (IsThemeActive()) { GetClientRect(hwndCanvas, &rc); DrawThemeParentBackground(hwndCanvas, hdcCanvas, &rc); } else { GetClientRect(hwndCanvas, &rc); FillRect(hdcCanvas, &rc, (HBRUSH)GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_BTNFACE)); } if (bm.bmBitsPixel == 32) { BLENDFUNCTION bf = { 0 }; bf.AlphaFormat = AC_SRC_ALPHA; bf.BlendOp = AC_SRC_OVER; bf.SourceConstantAlpha = 255; GdiAlphaBlend(hdcCanvas, pt.x, pt.y, ptFitSize.x, ptFitSize.y, hdcMem, ptOrg.x, ptOrg.y, ptSize.x, ptSize.y, bf); } else { SetStretchBltMode(hdcCanvas, COLORONCOLOR); StretchBlt(hdcCanvas, pt.x, pt.y, ptFitSize.x, ptFitSize.y, hdcMem, ptOrg.x, ptOrg.y, ptSize.x, ptSize.y, SRCCOPY); } DeleteDC(hdcMem); } return FALSE; } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // JabberUserPhotoDlgProc - Jabber photo dialog static int EnumOwnSessions(const char *szSetting, void *param) { auto *pList = (LIST*)param; if (!memcmp(szSetting, omemo::DevicePrefix, sizeof(omemo::DevicePrefix)-1)) if (szSetting[sizeof(omemo::DevicePrefix)] != 0) pList->insert(mir_strdup(szSetting)); return 0; } static int EnumOmemoSessions(const char *szSetting, void *param) { auto *pList = (LIST*)param; if (!memcmp(szSetting, omemo::IdentityPrefix, sizeof(omemo::IdentityPrefix) - 1)) pList->insert(mir_strdup(szSetting + sizeof(omemo::IdentityPrefix))); return 0; } class JabberUserOmemoDlg : public JabberBaseUserInfoDlg { CCtrlListView m_list; CCtrlCheck m_ChkEnabled; void AddListItem(const CMStringA &pszStr1, const wchar_t *pszStr2, const CMStringA &pszStr3) { LVITEM lvi = {}; lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT; lvi.pszText = mir_a2u(pszStr1); lvi.iItem = 100500; int idx = m_list.InsertItem(&lvi); mir_free(lvi.pszText); m_list.SetItemText(idx, 1, (wchar_t *)pszStr2); CMStringW fp = omemo::FormatFingerprint(pszStr3); m_list.SetItemText(idx, 2, fp.GetBuffer()); } public: JabberUserOmemoDlg(CJabberProto *_ppro) : JabberBaseUserInfoDlg(_ppro, IDD_INFO_OMEMO), m_list(this, IDC_LIST), m_ChkEnabled(this, IDC_CHECK_ENOMEMO) { // m_ChkEnabled.OnChange = Callback(this, &JabberUserOmemoDlg::onEnCheck); m_list.OnBuildMenu = Callback(this, &JabberUserOmemoDlg::onMenu_List); } bool OnInitDialog() override { LV_COLUMN lvc = {}; lvc.mask = LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_WIDTH; lvc.cx = 90; lvc.pszText = TranslateT("Device ID"); m_list.InsertColumn(1, &lvc); lvc.cx = 80; lvc.pszText = TranslateT("Status"); m_list.InsertColumn(2, &lvc); lvc.cx = 550; lvc.pszText = TranslateT("Fingerprint"); m_list.InsertColumn(3, &lvc); if (m_hContact == 0) { OnRefresh(); m_ChkEnabled.Disable(); m_ChkEnabled.SetState(1); } else { if (ppro->isChatRoom(m_hContact)) { m_ChkEnabled.Disable(); m_ChkEnabled.SetState(0); } else m_ChkEnabled.SetState(!ppro->getByte(m_hContact, "bDisableOmemo")); } return true; } int Resizer(UTILRESIZECONTROL* ctrl) override { switch (ctrl->wId) { case IDC_CHECK_ENOMEMO: return RD_ANCHORX_LEFT | RD_ANCHORY_TOP; default: return RD_ANCHORX_WIDTH | RD_ANCHORY_HEIGHT; } } bool OnRefresh() override { m_list.DeleteAllItems(); if (m_hContact == 0) { // GetOwnDeviceId() creates own keys if they don't exist CMStringA str1(FORMAT, "%d", ppro->m_omemo.GetOwnDeviceId()); size_t fplen; mir_ptr fp(mir_base64_decode(ptrA(ppro->getStringA("OmemoDevicePublicKey")), &fplen)); AddListItem(str1, TranslateT("This device"), omemo::hex_string((uint8_t *)fp.get(), fplen)); } for (int i = 0;; i++) { int device_id = ppro->m_omemo.dbGetDeviceId(m_hContact, i); if (device_id == 0) break; CMStringA suffix(ppro->m_omemo.dbGetSuffix(m_hContact, device_id)); MBinBuffer fp(ppro->getBlob(m_hContact, CMStringA(omemo::IdentityPrefix) + suffix)); CMStringW wsStatus; CMStringA fp_hex; if (!fp.isEmpty()) { fp_hex = omemo::hex_string(fp.data(), fp.length()); int8_t trusted = ppro->getByte(m_hContact, "OmemoFingerprintTrusted_" + fp_hex); if (trusted > FP_VERIFIED) trusted = FP_ABSENT; const wchar_t *status[] = { L"Bad", L"TOFU", L"Verified" }; wsStatus = TranslateW(status[trusted]); } MBinBuffer session(ppro->getBlob(m_hContact, "OmemoSignalSession_" + suffix)); CMStringA device(FORMAT, "%d", device_id); if (!session.isEmpty()) device.AppendChar('*'); AddListItem(device, wsStatus, fp_hex); } return false; } void onMenu_List(CContextMenuPos *pos) { if (pos->iCurr < 0) return; wchar_t wszText[16]; m_list.GetItemText(pos->iCurr, 0, wszText, _countof(wszText)); int device_id = wcstol(wszText, NULL, 10); bool owndevice = (device_id == ppro->m_omemo.GetOwnDeviceId()); CMStringA suffix(ppro->m_omemo.dbGetSuffix(m_hContact, device_id)); MBinBuffer fp(ppro->getBlob(m_hContact, CMStringA(omemo::IdentityPrefix) + suffix)); CMStringA TrustSettingName("OmemoFingerprintTrusted_"); TrustSettingName.Append(omemo::hex_string(fp.data(), fp.length())); int8_t trusted = ppro->getByte(m_hContact, TrustSettingName); bool ses = !ppro->getBlob(m_hContact, "OmemoSignalSession_" + suffix).isEmpty(); HMENU hMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); if (!owndevice) { AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING, (UINT_PTR)1, trusted ? TranslateT("Untrust") : TranslateT("Trust")); AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING | (ses ? 0 : MF_GRAYED), (UINT_PTR)2, TranslateT("Kill session")); } if (m_hContact == 0) AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING | (!owndevice && !ppro->m_bJabberOnline ? MF_GRAYED : 0), (UINT_PTR)3, TranslateT("Remove device")); int nReturnCmd = TrackPopupMenu(hMenu, TPM_RETURNCMD, pos->pt.x, pos->pt.y, 0, m_hwnd, nullptr); switch (nReturnCmd) { case 1: ppro->setByte(m_hContact, TrustSettingName, trusted ? FP_BAD : FP_VERIFIED); break; case 2: ppro->delSetting(m_hContact, "OmemoSignalSession_" + suffix); break; case 3: if (device_id == ppro->m_omemo.GetOwnDeviceId()) { int ret = MessageBoxW(0, TranslateT("Remove device master key completely?\n" "Press NO to regenerate prekeys only"), nullptr, MB_ICONWARNING | MB_YESNOCANCEL); switch (ret) { case IDYES: ppro->delSetting("OmemoDeviceId"); ppro->delSetting("OmemoDevicePublicKey"); ppro->delSetting("OmemoDevicePrivateKey"); ppro->OmemoDeleteBundle(device_id); ppro->OmemoAnnounceDevice(true, true); ppro->OmemoInitDevice(); break; case IDNO: ratchet_identity_key_pair *device_key; if (signal_protocol_identity_get_key_pair(ppro->m_omemo.store_context, &device_key) >= 0) { ppro->m_omemo.RefreshPrekeys(device_key, device_id); SIGNAL_UNREF(device_key); } break; } } else { int ret = MessageBoxW(0, CMStringW(FORMAT, TranslateT("Delete device %d from the announce?"), device_id), nullptr, MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNO); int idx = pos->iCurr - 1; if (ret == IDYES && idx >= 0 && device_id == ppro->m_omemo.dbGetDeviceId(m_hContact, idx)) { ppro->delSetting(omemo::IdentityPrefix + suffix); ppro->delSetting("OmemoSignalSession_" + suffix); while (true) { CMStringA sCurrSetting(FORMAT, "OmemoDeviceId%d", idx); CMStringA sNextSetting(FORMAT, "OmemoDeviceId%d", idx + 1); uint32_t val = ppro->getDword(sNextSetting); if (val == 0) { ppro->delSetting(sCurrSetting); break; } ppro->setDword(sCurrSetting, val); idx++; } ppro->OmemoDeleteBundle(device_id); ppro->OmemoAnnounceDevice(true, true); } } break; } OnRefresh(); DestroyMenu(hMenu); } bool OnApply() override { if (m_ChkEnabled.GetState()) ppro->delSetting(m_hContact, "bDisableOmemo"); else ppro->setByte(m_hContact, "bDisableOmemo", true); return true; } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OnInfoInit - initializes user info option dialogs int CJabberProto::OnUserInfoInit(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM hContact) { if (!Proto_GetAccount(m_szModuleName)) return 0; if (hContact == 0) { // Show our vcard OnUserInfoInit_VCard(wParam, hContact); return 0; } char *szProto = Proto_GetBaseAccountName(hContact); if (szProto != nullptr && !mir_strcmp(szProto, m_szModuleName)) { USERINFOPAGE uip = {}; uip.dwInitParam = (LPARAM)this; uip.flags = ODPF_UNICODE | ODPF_USERINFOTAB; uip.szGroup.w = m_tszUserName; uip.szProto = m_szModuleName; uip.pDialog = new JabberUserInfoDlg(this); uip.position = -2000000000; uip.szTitle.w = LPGENW("Account"); g_plugin.addUserInfo(wParam, &uip); if (!ServiceExists(MS_AV_GETAVATARBITMAP)) { uip.pDialog = new JabberUserPhotoDlg(this); uip.position = 2000000000; uip.szTitle.w = LPGENW("Photo"); g_plugin.addUserInfo(wParam, &uip); } CheckOmemoUserInfo(wParam, uip); } return 0; } void CJabberProto::CheckOmemoUserInfo(WPARAM wParam, USERINFOPAGE &uip) { if (m_bUseOMEMO) { uip.pDialog = new JabberUserOmemoDlg(this); uip.position = 2000000001; uip.szTitle.w = L"OMEMO"; g_plugin.addUserInfo(wParam, &uip); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // JabberUserInfoUpdate void JabberUserInfoInit() { hUserInfoList = WindowList_Create(); } void JabberUserInfoUninit() { WindowList_Destroy(hUserInfoList); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // JabberUserInfoUpdate void JabberUserInfoUpdate(MCONTACT hContact) { if (!hContact) WindowList_BroadcastAsync(hUserInfoList, WM_PROTO_REFRESH, 0, 0); else if (HWND hwnd = WindowList_Find(hUserInfoList, hContact)) PostMessage(hwnd, WM_PROTO_REFRESH, 0, 0); }