/* Jabber Protocol Plugin for Miranda NG Copyright (c) 2002-04 Santithorn Bunchua Copyright (c) 2005-12 George Hazan Copyright (c) 2007-09 Maxim Mluhov Copyright (c) 2007-09 Victor Pavlychko Copyright (ñ) 2012-18 Miranda NG team This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ( at your option ) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ enum TJabberDataFormType { JDFT_BOOLEAN, JDFT_FIXED, JDFT_HIDDEN, JDFT_JID_MULTI, JDFT_JID_SINGLE, JDFT_LIST_MULTI, JDFT_LIST_SINGLE, JDFT_TEXT_MULTI, JDFT_TEXT_PRIVATE, JDFT_TEXT_SINGLE, }; struct TJabberDataFormRegisry_Field { TCHAR *field; TJabberDataFormType type; TCHAR *description_en; TCHAR *description_tr; }; struct TJabberDataFormRegisry_Form { TCHAR *form_type; TJabberDataFormRegisry_Field *fields; int count; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Forwards class CJabberDlgDataForm; class CJabberDataField; class CJabberDataFieldSet; class CJabberDataForm; class CJabberDlgDataPage; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Data form classes class CJabberDataField { public: struct TOption { TCHAR *label; TCHAR *value; }; CJabberDataField(CJabberDataForm *form, XmlNode *node); ~CJabberDataField(); XmlNode *GetNode() { return m_node; } TCHAR *GetTypeName() { return m_typeName; } TJabberDataFormType GetType() { return m_type; } TCHAR *GetVar() { return m_var; } bool IsRequired() { return m_required; } TCHAR *GetDescription(int i) { return m_descriptions[i]; } TCHAR *GetLabel() { return m_label; } int GetValueCount() { return m_values.getCount(); } TCHAR *GetValue(int i = 0) { return m_values[i]; } int GetOptionCount() { return m_options.getCount(); } TOption *GetOption(int i) { return &(m_options[i]); } private: XmlNode *m_node; CJabberDataFieldSet *m_fieldset; bool m_required; TCHAR *m_var; TCHAR *m_label; TCHAR *m_typeName; TJabberDataFormType m_type; OBJLIST m_options; LIST m_values; LIST m_descriptions; }; class CJabberDataFieldSet { public: CJabberDataFieldSet(); int GetCount() { return m_fields.getCount(); } CJabberDataField *GetField(int i) { return &(m_fields[i]); } CJabberDataField *GetField(TCHAR *var); void AddField(CJabberDataField *field) { m_fields.insert(field, m_fields.getCount()); } private: OBJLIST m_fields; }; class CJabberDataForm { public: enum TFormType { TYPE_NONE, TYPE_FORM, TYPE_SUBMIT, TYPE_CANCEL, TYPE_RESULT }; CJabberDataForm(XmlNode *node); ~CJabberDataForm(); TCHAR *GetTypeName() const { return m_typename; } TFormType GetType() const { return m_type; } TCHAR *GetFormType() const { return m_form_type; } TCHAR *GetTitle() const { return m_title; } int GetInstructionsCount() const { return m_instructions.getCount(); } TCHAR *GetInstructions(int idx=0) const { return m_instructions[idx]; } CJabberDataFieldSet *GetFields() { return &m_fields; } CJabberDataFieldSet *GetReported() { return &m_reported; } int GetItemCount() { return m_items.getCount(); } CJabberDataFieldSet *GetItem(int i) { return &(m_items[i]); } private: XmlNode *m_node; TCHAR *m_typename; TFormType m_type; TCHAR *m_form_type; TJabberDataFormRegisry_Form *m_form_type_info; TCHAR *m_title; LIST m_instructions; CJabberDataFieldSet m_fields; CJabberDataFieldSet m_reported; OBJLIST m_items; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UI Control class CCtrlJabberForm: public CCtrlBase { typedef CCtrlBase CSuper; public: static const TCHAR *ClassName; static bool RegisterClass(); static bool UnregisterClass(); CCtrlJabberForm(CDlgBase* dlg, int ctrlId); ~CCtrlJabberForm(); void OnInit(); void SetDataForm(CJabberDataForm *pForm); XmlNode *FetchData(); protected: virtual LRESULT CustomWndProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); private: static bool ClassRegistered; CJabberDataForm *m_pForm; CJabberDlgDataPage *m_pDlgPage; void SetupForm(); void Layout(); };