/* Jabber Protocol Plugin for Miranda NG Copyright (c) 2002-04 Santithorn Bunchua Copyright (c) 2005-12 George Hazan Copyright (c) 2007 Maxim Mluhov Copyright (c) 2012-17 Miranda NG project This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef _JABBER_H_ #define _JABBER_H_ #pragma warning(disable:4706 4121 4127) /******************************************************************* * Global header files *******************************************************************/ #include <windows.h> #include <windowsx.h> #include <commctrl.h> #include <uxtheme.h> #include <richedit.h> #define SECURITY_WIN32 #include <Security.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <io.h> #include <limits.h> #include <locale.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <process.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <newpluginapi.h> #include <m_system.h> #include <m_avatars.h> #include <m_awaymsg.h> #include <m_button.h> #include <m_chat_int.h> #include <m_clist.h> #include <m_cluiframes.h> #include <m_contacts.h> #include <m_database.h> #include <m_extraicons.h> #include <m_file.h> #include <m_fontservice.h> #include <m_genmenu.h> #include <m_hotkeys.h> #include <m_icolib.h> #include <m_idle.h> #include <m_langpack.h> #include <m_message.h> #include <m_netlib.h> #include <m_options.h> #include <m_protosvc.h> #include <m_protoint.h> #include <m_skin.h> #include <m_json.h> #include <m_string.h> #include <m_timezones.h> #include <m_toptoolbar.h> #include <m_userinfo.h> #include <m_utils.h> #include <m_xstatus.h> #include <win2k.h> #include <m_imgsrvc.h> #include <m_clc.h> #include <m_folders.h> #include <m_fingerprint.h> #include <m_jabber.h> #include <m_popup.h> #include <m_proto_listeningto.h> #include <m_nudge.h> #include <m_skin_eng.h> #include <m_gui.h> #include "../../libs/zlib/src/zlib.h" #include "resource.h" #include "version.h" #include "jabber_xml.h" #include "jabber_byte.h" #include "jabber_ibb.h" #include "jabber_db_utils.h" struct SESSION_INFO : public GCSessionInfoBase {}; struct CJabberProto; class CJabberDlgBase : public CProtoDlgBase<CJabberProto> { typedef CProtoDlgBase<CJabberProto> CSuper; protected: __inline CJabberDlgBase(CJabberProto *proto, int idDialog, bool show_label=true) : CSuper(proto, idDialog, show_label) { } int Resizer(UTILRESIZECONTROL *urc) { switch (urc->wId) { case IDC_HEADERBAR: urc->rcItem.right = urc->dlgNewSize.cx; return 0; } return CSuper::Resizer(urc); } }; struct CFilterData; class CCtrlFilterListView : public CCtrlListView { typedef CCtrlListView CSuper; public: CCtrlFilterListView(CDlgBase* dlg, int ctrlId, bool trackFilter, bool keepHiglight); ~CCtrlFilterListView(); wchar_t *GetFilterText(); CCallback<CCtrlFilterListView> OnFilterChanged; protected: CFilterData *fdat; bool m_trackFilter; bool m_keepHiglight; void OnInit(); LRESULT CustomWndProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void FilterHighlight(wchar_t *filter); }; #if !defined(OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400) #define OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400 sizeof(OPENFILENAME) #endif /******************************************************************* * Global constants *******************************************************************/ #define GLOBAL_SETTING_PREFIX "JABBER" #define GLOBAL_SETTING_MODULE "JABBER" #define JABBER_DEFAULT_PORT 5222 #define JABBER_IQID "mir_" #define JABBER_MAX_JID_LEN 1024 #define JABBER_GC_MSG_QUIT LPGENW("I'm happy Miranda NG user. Get it at https://miranda-ng.org/.") #define JABBER_GC_MSG_SLAP LPGENW("/me slaps %s around a bit with a large trout") #define JABBER_SERVER_URL "https://xmpp.net/services.php" // registered db event types #define EVENTTYPE_JABBER_CHATSTATES 2000 #define JS_DB_GETEVENTTEXT_CHATSTATES "/GetEventText2000" #define JABBER_DB_EVENT_CHATSTATES_GONE 1 #define EVENTTYPE_JABBER_PRESENCE 2001 #define JS_DB_GETEVENTTEXT_PRESENCE "/GetEventText2001" #define JABBER_DB_EVENT_PRESENCE_SUBSCRIBE 1 #define JABBER_DB_EVENT_PRESENCE_SUBSCRIBED 2 #define JABBER_DB_EVENT_PRESENCE_UNSUBSCRIBE 3 #define JABBER_DB_EVENT_PRESENCE_UNSUBSCRIBED 4 #define JABBER_DB_EVENT_PRESENCE_ERROR 5 // User-defined message #define WM_JABBER_REGDLG_UPDATE (WM_PROTO_LAST + 100) #define WM_JABBER_AGENT_REFRESH (WM_PROTO_LAST + 101) #define WM_JABBER_TRANSPORT_REFRESH (WM_PROTO_LAST + 102) #define WM_JABBER_REGINPUT_ACTIVATE (WM_PROTO_LAST + 103) #define WM_JABBER_REFRESH WM_PROTO_REFRESH #define WM_JABBER_CHECK_ONLINE WM_PROTO_CHECK_ONLINE #define WM_JABBER_ACTIVATE WM_PROTO_ACTIVATE #define WM_JABBER_CHANGED (WM_PROTO_LAST + 106) #define WM_JABBER_SET_FONT (WM_PROTO_LAST + 108) #define WM_JABBER_FLASHWND (WM_PROTO_LAST + 109) #define WM_JABBER_GC_MEMBER_ADD (WM_PROTO_LAST + 110) #define WM_JABBER_GC_FORCE_QUIT (WM_PROTO_LAST + 111) #define WM_JABBER_SHUTDOWN (WM_PROTO_LAST + 112) #define WM_JABBER_SMILEY (WM_PROTO_LAST + 113) #define WM_JABBER_JOIN (WM_PROTO_LAST + 114) #define WM_JABBER_ADD_TO_ROSTER (WM_PROTO_LAST + 115) #define WM_JABBER_ADD_TO_BOOKMARKS (WM_PROTO_LAST + 116) #define WM_JABBER_REFRESH_VCARD (WM_PROTO_LAST + 117) #define STATUS_TITLE_MAX 16 #define STATUS_DESC_MAX 64 // Error code #define JABBER_ERROR_REDIRECT 302 #define JABBER_ERROR_BAD_REQUEST 400 #define JABBER_ERROR_UNAUTHORIZED 401 #define JABBER_ERROR_PAYMENT_REQUIRED 402 #define JABBER_ERROR_FORBIDDEN 403 #define JABBER_ERROR_NOT_FOUND 404 #define JABBER_ERROR_NOT_ALLOWED 405 #define JABBER_ERROR_NOT_ACCEPTABLE 406 #define JABBER_ERROR_REGISTRATION_REQUIRED 407 #define JABBER_ERROR_REQUEST_TIMEOUT 408 #define JABBER_ERROR_CONFLICT 409 #define JABBER_ERROR_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR 500 #define JABBER_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 501 #define JABBER_ERROR_REMOTE_SERVER_ERROR 502 #define JABBER_ERROR_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE 503 #define JABBER_ERROR_REMOTE_SERVER_TIMEOUT 504 // Vcard flags #define JABBER_VCEMAIL_HOME 1 #define JABBER_VCEMAIL_WORK 2 #define JABBER_VCEMAIL_INTERNET 4 #define JABBER_VCEMAIL_X400 8 #define JABBER_VCTEL_HOME 0x0001 #define JABBER_VCTEL_WORK 0x0002 #define JABBER_VCTEL_VOICE 0x0004 #define JABBER_VCTEL_FAX 0x0008 #define JABBER_VCTEL_PAGER 0x0010 #define JABBER_VCTEL_MSG 0x0020 #define JABBER_VCTEL_CELL 0x0040 #define JABBER_VCTEL_VIDEO 0x0080 #define JABBER_VCTEL_BBS 0x0100 #define JABBER_VCTEL_MODEM 0x0200 #define JABBER_VCTEL_ISDN 0x0400 #define JABBER_VCTEL_PCS 0x0800 // File transfer setting #define JABBER_OPTION_FT_DIRECT 0 // Direct connection #define JABBER_OPTION_FT_PASS 1 // Use PASS server #define JABBER_OPTION_FT_PROXY 2 // Use proxy with local port forwarding // Font style saved in DB #define JABBER_FONT_BOLD 1 #define JABBER_FONT_ITALIC 2 // Font for groupchat log dialog #define JABBER_GCLOG_NUM_FONT 6 // 6 fonts (0:send, 1:msg, 2:time, 3:nick, 4:sys, 5:/me) // Icon list enum { JABBER_IDI_GCOWNER = 0, JABBER_IDI_GCADMIN, JABBER_IDI_GCMODERATOR, JABBER_IDI_GCVOICE, JABBER_ICON_TOTAL }; // Services and Events #define JS_PARSE_XMPP_URI "/ParseXmppURI" // Called when contact changes custom status and extra icon is set to clist_mw //wParam = hContact // contact changing status //lParam = hIcon // HANDLE to clist extra icon set as custom status #define JE_CUSTOMSTATUS_EXTRAICON_CHANGED "/XStatusExtraIconChanged" #define JE_CUSTOMSTATUS_CHANGED "/XStatusChanged" #define LR_BIGICON 0x40 #define JS_SENDXML "/SendXML" // Warning: This service is obsolete. Use IJabberNetInterface::SendXmlNode() instead. #define JS_HTTP_AUTH "/HttpAuthRequest" #define JS_INCOMING_NOTE_EVENT "/IncomingNoteEvent" #define DBSETTING_DISPLAY_UID "display_uid" #define DBSETTING_XSTATUSID "XStatusId" #define DBSETTING_XSTATUSNAME "XStatusName" #define DBSETTING_XSTATUSMSG "XStatusMsg" #define ADVSTATUS_MOOD "mood" #define ADVSTATUS_ACTIVITY "activity" #define ADVSTATUS_TUNE "tune" #define ADVSTATUS_VAL_ID "id" #define ADVSTATUS_VAL_ICON "icon" #define ADVSTATUS_VAL_TITLE "title" #define ADVSTATUS_VAL_TEXT "text" struct CJabberHttpAuthParams { enum {IQ = 1, MSG = 2} m_nType; wchar_t *m_szFrom; wchar_t *m_szIqId; wchar_t *m_szThreadId; wchar_t *m_szId; wchar_t *m_szMethod; wchar_t *m_szUrl; CJabberHttpAuthParams() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(CJabberHttpAuthParams)); } ~CJabberHttpAuthParams() { Free(); } void Free() { mir_free(m_szFrom); mir_free(m_szIqId); mir_free(m_szThreadId); mir_free(m_szId); mir_free(m_szMethod); mir_free(m_szUrl); memset(this, 0, sizeof(CJabberHttpAuthParams)); } }; /******************************************************************* * Global data structures and data type definitions *******************************************************************/ #define CAPS_BOOKMARK 0x0001 #define CAPS_BOOKMARKS_LOADED 0x8000 #define ZLIB_CHUNK_SIZE 2048 #include "jabber_caps.h" #define JABBER_LOGIN_ROSTER 0x0001 #define JABBER_LOGIN_BOOKMARKS 0x0002 #define JABBER_LOGIN_SERVERINFO 0x0004 #define JABBER_LOGIN_BOOKMARKS_AJ 0x0008 struct JABBER_CONN_DATA : public MZeroedObject { wchar_t username[512]; wchar_t password[512]; char server[128]; char manualHost[128]; int port; BOOL useSSL; HWND reg_hwndDlg; }; struct ThreadData { ThreadData(CJabberProto *_pro, JABBER_CONN_DATA *_connData); ~ThreadData(); ptrA szStreamId; char* buffer; // network support HNETLIBCONN s; HANDLE iomutex; // protects i/o operations CJabberProto *proto; // XEP-0138 (Compression support) BOOL useZlib; z_stream zStreamIn,zStreamOut; bool zRecvReady; int zRecvDatalen; char* zRecvData; void xmpp_client_query(void); BOOL zlibInit(void); void zlibUninit(); int zlibSend(char* data, int datalen); int zlibRecv(char* data, long datalen); // for nick names resolving int resolveID; MCONTACT resolveContact; // features & registration bool bIsReg; bool reg_done, bIsSessionAvailable; bool bBookmarksLoaded; DWORD dwLoginRqs; // connection & login data JABBER_CONN_DATA conn; wchar_t resource[128]; wchar_t fullJID[JABBER_MAX_JID_LEN]; ptrW tszNewPassword; class TJabberAuth *auth; JabberCapsBits jabberServerCaps; void close(void); void shutdown(void); int recv(char* buf, size_t len); int send(char* buffer, int bufsize = -1); int send(HXML node); int recvws(char* buffer, size_t bufsize, int flags); int sendws(char* buffer, size_t bufsize, int flags); }; struct JABBER_MODEMSGS { wchar_t *szOnline; wchar_t *szAway; wchar_t *szNa; wchar_t *szDnd; wchar_t *szFreechat; }; typedef enum { FT_SI, FT_OOB, FT_BYTESTREAM, FT_IBB } JABBER_FT_TYPE; typedef enum { FT_CONNECTING, FT_INITIALIZING, FT_RECEIVING, FT_DONE, FT_ERROR, FT_DENIED } JABBER_FILE_STATE; struct filetransfer { filetransfer(CJabberProto *proto); ~filetransfer(); void close(); void complete(); int create(); PROTOFILETRANSFERSTATUS std; JABBER_FT_TYPE type; HNETLIBCONN s; JABBER_FILE_STATE state; wchar_t *jid; int fileId; wchar_t* szId; wchar_t *sid; int bCompleted; HANDLE hWaitEvent; // For type == FT_BYTESTREAM JABBER_BYTE_TRANSFER *jbt; JABBER_IBB_TRANSFER *jibb; // Used by file receiving only char* httpHostName; WORD httpPort; wchar_t *httpPath; unsigned __int64 dwExpectedRecvFileSize; // Used by file sending only HANDLE hFileEvent; unsigned __int64 *fileSize; wchar_t *szDescription; CJabberProto *ppro; }; struct JABBER_GCLOG_FONT { char face[LF_FACESIZE]; // LF_FACESIZE is from LOGFONT struct BYTE style; char size; // signed BYTE charset; COLORREF color; }; struct JABBER_FIELD_MAP { int id; char* name; }; enum JABBER_MUC_JIDLIST_TYPE { MUC_VOICELIST, MUC_MEMBERLIST, MUC_MODERATORLIST, MUC_BANLIST, MUC_ADMINLIST, MUC_OWNERLIST }; struct JABBER_MUC_JIDLIST_INFO { ~JABBER_MUC_JIDLIST_INFO(); JABBER_MUC_JIDLIST_TYPE type; wchar_t *roomJid; // filled-in by the WM_JABBER_REFRESH code HXML iqNode; CJabberProto *ppro; wchar_t *type2str(void) const; }; typedef void (CJabberProto::*JABBER_FORM_SUBMIT_FUNC)(HXML values, void *userdata); //---- jabber_treelist.c ------------------------------------------------ typedef struct TTreeList_ItemInfo *HTREELISTITEM; enum { TLM_TREE, TLM_REPORT }; //---- proto frame ------------------------------------------------ class CJabberInfoFrameItem; struct CJabberInfoFrame_Event { enum { CLICK, DESTROY } m_event; const char *m_pszName; LPARAM m_pUserData; }; class CJabberInfoFrame : public MZeroedObject { public: CJabberInfoFrame(CJabberProto *proto); ~CJabberInfoFrame(); void CreateInfoItem(char *pszName, bool bCompact=false, LPARAM pUserData=0); void SetInfoItemCallback(char *pszName, void (CJabberProto::*onEvent)(CJabberInfoFrame_Event *)); void UpdateInfoItem(char *pszName, HANDLE hIcolibItem, wchar_t *pszText); void ShowInfoItem(char *pszName, bool bShow); void RemoveInfoItem(char *pszName); void LockUpdates(); void Update(); private: CJabberProto *m_proto; HWND m_hwnd; int m_frameId; bool m_compact; OBJLIST<CJabberInfoFrameItem> m_pItems; int m_hiddenItemCount; int m_clickedItem; bool m_bLocked; int m_nextTooltipId; HWND m_hwndToolTip; HANDLE m_hhkFontsChanged; HFONT m_hfntTitle, m_hfntText; COLORREF m_clTitle, m_clText, m_clBack; static void InitClass(); static LRESULT CALLBACK GlobalWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT WndProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void ReloadFonts(); void UpdateSize(); void RemoveTooltip(int id); void SetToolTip(int id, RECT *rc, wchar_t *pszText); void PaintSkinGlyph(HDC hdc, RECT *rc, char **glyphs, COLORREF fallback); void PaintCompact(HDC hdc); void PaintNormal(HDC hdc); enum { SZ_FRAMEPADDING = 2, // padding inside frame SZ_LINEPADDING = 0, // line height will be incremented by this value SZ_LINESPACING = 0, // between lines SZ_ICONSPACING = 2, // between icon and text }; }; #include "jabber_list.h" #include "jabber_proto.h" /******************************************************************* * Global variables *******************************************************************/ extern HINSTANCE hInst; extern HANDLE hExtraMood; extern HANDLE hExtraActivity; extern wchar_t szCoreVersion[]; extern unsigned int g_nTempFileId; extern int g_cbCountries; extern struct CountryListEntry* g_countries; extern FI_INTERFACE *FIP; extern HANDLE hExtListInit, hDiscoInfoResult; extern bool bSecureIM, bMirOTR, bNewGPG, bPlatform; /******************************************************************* * Function declarations *******************************************************************/ //---- jabber_treelist.c ------------------------------------------------ void TreeList_Create(HWND hwnd); void TreeList_Destroy(HWND hwnd); void TreeList_Reset(HWND hwnd); void TreeList_SetMode(HWND hwnd, int mode); HTREELISTITEM TreeList_GetActiveItem(HWND hwnd); void TreeList_SetSortMode(HWND hwnd, int col, BOOL descending); void TreeList_SetFilter(HWND hwnd, wchar_t *filter); HTREELISTITEM TreeList_AddItem(HWND hwnd, HTREELISTITEM hParent, wchar_t *text, LPARAM data); void TreeList_ResetItem(HWND hwnd, HTREELISTITEM hParent); void TreeList_MakeFakeParent(HTREELISTITEM hItem, BOOL flag); void TreeList_AppendColumn(HTREELISTITEM hItem, wchar_t *text); int TreeList_AddIcon(HWND hwnd, HICON hIcon, int iOverlay); void TreeList_SetIcon(HTREELISTITEM hItem, int iIcon, int iOverlay); LPARAM TreeList_GetData(HTREELISTITEM hItem); HTREELISTITEM TreeList_GetRoot(HWND hwnd); int TreeList_GetChildrenCount(HTREELISTITEM hItem); HTREELISTITEM TreeList_GetChild(HTREELISTITEM hItem, int i); void TreeList_Update(HWND hwnd); BOOL TreeList_ProcessMessage(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam, UINT idc, BOOL *result); //---- jabber_form.c ------------------------------------------------ enum TJabberFormControlType { JFORM_CTYPE_NONE, JFORM_CTYPE_TEXT_PRIVATE, JFORM_CTYPE_TEXT_MULTI, JFORM_CTYPE_BOOLEAN, JFORM_CTYPE_LIST_SINGLE, JFORM_CTYPE_LIST_MULTI, JFORM_CTYPE_FIXED, JFORM_CTYPE_HIDDEN, JFORM_CTYPE_TEXT_SINGLE }; typedef struct TJabberFormControlInfo *HJFORMCTRL; typedef struct TJabberFormLayoutInfo *HJFORMLAYOUT; void JabberFormCreateUI(HWND hwndStatic, HXML xNode, int *formHeight, BOOL bCompact = FALSE); void JabberFormDestroyUI(HWND hwndStatic); void JabberFormSetInstruction(HWND hwndForm, const wchar_t *text); HJFORMLAYOUT JabberFormCreateLayout(HWND hwndStatic); // use mir_free to destroy HJFORMCTRL JabberFormAppendControl(HWND hwndStatic, HJFORMLAYOUT layout_info, TJabberFormControlType type, const wchar_t *labelStr, const wchar_t *valueStr); void JabberFormLayoutControls(HWND hwndStatic, HJFORMLAYOUT layout_info, int *formHeight); HXML JabberFormGetData(HWND hwndStatic, HXML xNode); //---- jabber_icolib.c ---------------------------------------------- void g_IconsInit(); void g_XstatusIconsInit(); HANDLE g_GetIconHandle(int iconId); HICON g_LoadIconEx(const char* name, bool big = false); void ImageList_AddIcon_Icolib(HIMAGELIST hIml, HICON hIcon); //---- jabber_libstr.c ---------------------------------------------- int lstrcmp_null(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2); //---- jabber_menu.c ------------------------------------------------ void g_MenuInit(); void g_MenuUninit(); int g_OnToolbarInit(WPARAM, LPARAM); //---- jabber_adhoc.cpp --------------------------------------------- struct CJabberAdhocStartupParams { wchar_t *m_szJid; wchar_t *m_szNode; CJabberProto *m_pProto; CJabberAdhocStartupParams(CJabberProto *proto, wchar_t* szJid, wchar_t* szNode = nullptr) { m_pProto = proto; m_szJid = mir_wstrdup(szJid); m_szNode = szNode ? mir_wstrdup(szNode) : nullptr; } ~CJabberAdhocStartupParams() { mir_free(m_szJid); mir_free(m_szNode); } }; struct JabberAdHocData { CJabberProto *proto; int CurrentHeight; int curPos; int frameHeight; RECT frameRect; HXML AdHocNode; HXML CommandsNode; wchar_t *ResponderJID; }; //---- jabber_util.cpp ------------------------------------------------------------------ struct TStringPairsElem { const char *name, *value; }; struct TStringPairs { TStringPairs(char*); ~TStringPairs(); const char* operator[](const char* name) const; int numElems; TStringPairsElem *elems; }; typedef char JabberShaStrBuf[2*MIR_SHA1_HASH_SIZE + 1]; wchar_t* __stdcall JabberNickFromJID(const wchar_t *jid); wchar_t* JabberPrepareJid(LPCTSTR jid); void __stdcall JabberUrlDecodeW(WCHAR *str); char* __stdcall JabberSha1(const char *str, JabberShaStrBuf buf); wchar_t* __stdcall JabberStrFixLines(const wchar_t *str); void __stdcall JabberHttpUrlDecode(wchar_t *str); int __stdcall JabberCombineStatus(int status1, int status2); wchar_t* __stdcall JabberErrorStr(int errorCode); wchar_t* __stdcall JabberErrorMsg(HXML errorNode, int *errorCode = nullptr); time_t __stdcall JabberIsoToUnixTime(const wchar_t *stamp); wchar_t* __stdcall JabberStripJid(const wchar_t *jid, wchar_t *dest, size_t destLen); int __stdcall JabberGetPacketID(HXML n); wchar_t* __stdcall JabberId2string(int id); LPCTSTR __stdcall JabberGetPictureType(HXML node, const char *picBuf); wchar_t* time2str(time_t _time, wchar_t *buf, size_t bufLen); time_t str2time(const wchar_t*); const wchar_t* JabberStrIStr(const wchar_t *str, const wchar_t *substr); void JabberCopyText(HWND hwnd, const wchar_t *text); CJabberProto* JabberChooseInstance(bool bIsLink=false); bool JabberReadXep203delay(HXML node, time_t &msgTime); int UIEmulateBtnClick(HWND hwndDlg, UINT idcButton); void UIShowControls(HWND hwndDlg, int *idList, int nCmdShow); //---- jabber_userinfo.cpp -------------------------------------------------------------- void JabberUserInfoUpdate(MCONTACT hContact); #endif