/* * Copyright (c) 2003 Rozhuk Ivan <rozhuk.im@gmail.com> * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #if !defined(AFX_LIST_MT__H__INCLUDED_) #define AFX_LIST_MT__H__INCLUDED_ #if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 #include <InterlockedFunctions.h> #if defined(_MSC_VER) #if _MSC_VER >= 800 #if _MSC_VER >= 1200 #pragma warning(push) #endif #pragma warning(disable:4312) // warning C4312: 'type cast' : conversion from 'LONG' to 'PVOID' of greater size #endif #endif // ��������� ��� ������ �� �������, ������� ������ typedef struct _LIST_MT_ITEM { #ifdef __cplusplus _LIST_MT_ITEM *plmtiPrev; // *���������� ������� � ������ _LIST_MT_ITEM *plmtiNext; // *��������� ������� � ������ #else LPVOID *plmtiPrev; // *���������� ������� � ������ LPVOID *plmtiNext; // *��������� ������� � ������ #endif LPVOID lpListMT; // ��������� �� ��������� ������, �� ��������� ���� LPVOID lpData; // ��������� �� ������, ��������� � ��������� ������ }LIST_MT_ITEM, *PLIST_MT_ITEM, *LPLIST_MT_ITEM; typedef CONST PLIST_MT_ITEM PCLIST_MT_ITEM, LPCLIST_MT_ITEM; // ��������� ��� ������ �� �������, ��������� ������ typedef struct _LIST_MT { SIZE_T nCount; // *����������� ��������� � ������ PLIST_MT_ITEM plmtiFirst; // *��������� �� ������ ������� � ������ PLIST_MT_ITEM plmtiLast; // *��������� �� ��������� ������� � ������ CRITICAL_SECTION cs; // *section for exclysive access to List }LIST_MT, *PLIST_MT, *LPLIST_MT; typedef CONST PLIST_MT PCLIST_MT, LPCLIST_MT; // ��������� ��� ������ � ���������� typedef struct _LIST_MT_ITERATOR { PLIST_MT_ITEM plmtListMTItem; }LIST_MT_ITERATOR, *PLIST_MT_ITERATOR, *LPLIST_MT_ITERATOR; //typedef LIST_MT_ITEM LIST_MT_ITERATOR, *PLIST_MT_ITERATOR, *LPLIST_MT_ITERATOR; typedef CONST PLIST_MT_ITERATOR PCLIST_MT_ITERATOR, LPCLIST_MT_ITERATOR; __inline DWORD ListMTInitialize(PCLIST_MT pclmtListMT,DWORD dwSpinCount) { DWORD dwRetErrorCode; #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0403) if (InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&pclmtListMT->cs,((dwSpinCount)? (dwSpinCount | 0x80000000):0L))) #else InitializeCriticalSection(&pclmtListMT->cs); if (TRUE) #endif { InterlockedExchangePointer((volatile PVOID*)&pclmtListMT->nCount,NULL); pclmtListMT->plmtiFirst=NULL; pclmtListMT->plmtiLast=NULL; dwRetErrorCode=NO_ERROR; }else{ dwRetErrorCode=GetLastError(); } return(dwRetErrorCode); } __inline void ListMTDestroy(PCLIST_MT pclmtListMT) { InterlockedExchangePointer((volatile PVOID*)&pclmtListMT->nCount,NULL); pclmtListMT->plmtiFirst=NULL; pclmtListMT->plmtiLast=NULL; DeleteCriticalSection(&pclmtListMT->cs); SecureZeroMemory(&pclmtListMT->cs,sizeof(CRITICAL_SECTION)); } __inline BOOL ListMTTryLock(PCLIST_MT pclmtListMT) { #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0400) return(TryEnterCriticalSection(&pclmtListMT->cs)); #else return(FALSE); #endif } __inline void ListMTLock(PCLIST_MT pclmtListMT) { EnterCriticalSection(&pclmtListMT->cs); } __inline void ListMTUnLock(PCLIST_MT pclmtListMT) { LeaveCriticalSection(&pclmtListMT->cs); } __inline SIZE_T ListMTGetCount(PCLIST_MT pclmtListMT) { return((SIZE_T)InterlockedCompareExchangePointer((LPVOID*)&pclmtListMT->nCount,NULL,NULL)); } __inline SIZE_T ListMTItemAdd(PCLIST_MT pclmtListMT,PCLIST_MT_ITEM pclmtListMTItem,LPVOID lpData) { SIZE_T dwRet=(SIZE_T)InterlockedIncrementPointer(&pclmtListMT->nCount);//pclmtListMT->nCount++; pclmtListMTItem->lpData=lpData; pclmtListMTItem->lpListMT=pclmtListMT; if (pclmtListMT->plmtiLast) {// add node to end of list pclmtListMTItem->plmtiPrev=pclmtListMT->plmtiLast; pclmtListMTItem->plmtiNext=NULL; pclmtListMT->plmtiLast->plmtiNext=pclmtListMTItem; pclmtListMT->plmtiLast=pclmtListMTItem; }else{// add the first node to the linked list pclmtListMTItem->plmtiPrev=NULL; pclmtListMTItem->plmtiNext=NULL; pclmtListMT->plmtiFirst=pclmtListMTItem; pclmtListMT->plmtiLast=pclmtListMTItem; } return(dwRet); } __inline DWORD ListMTItemDelete(PCLIST_MT pclmtListMT,PCLIST_MT_ITEM pclmtListMTItem) { DWORD dwRetErrorCode; if (pclmtListMTItem->lpListMT==pclmtListMT && pclmtListMT) {// ������ ������� ����������� � ����� ������, ����� �������. PLIST_MT_ITEM plmtiPrevNode=pclmtListMTItem->plmtiPrev,plmtiNextNode=pclmtListMTItem->plmtiNext; if (plmtiPrevNode || plmtiNextNode) { if (plmtiPrevNode && plmtiNextNode==NULL) {// This is the start node in the list to delete // ���������� ��������� �������������� plmtiPrevNode->plmtiNext=NULL; pclmtListMT->plmtiLast=plmtiPrevNode; }else{ if (plmtiPrevNode==NULL && plmtiNextNode) {// This is the end node in the list to delete // ���������� ������ �������������� plmtiNextNode->plmtiPrev=NULL; pclmtListMT->plmtiFirst=plmtiNextNode; }else{// ��������� ������ �� ������ � �� ��������� //if (plmtiPrev && plmtiNext) {// Neither start node nor end node in the list plmtiPrevNode->plmtiNext=plmtiNextNode; plmtiNextNode->plmtiPrev=plmtiPrevNode; } } } }else{// This is the only node in the list to delete pclmtListMT->plmtiFirst=NULL; pclmtListMT->plmtiLast=NULL; } pclmtListMTItem->lpListMT=NULL; InterlockedDecrementPointer(&pclmtListMT->nCount);// pclmtListMT->nCount--; dwRetErrorCode=NO_ERROR; }else{// ���������� ������� ������� �� ����������� � ������� ������ dwRetErrorCode=ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; } return(dwRetErrorCode); } __inline LPVOID ListMTItemDataGet(PCLIST_MT_ITEM pclmtListMTItem) { return(pclmtListMTItem->lpData); } __inline void ListMTItemDataSet(PCLIST_MT_ITEM pclmtListMTItem, LPVOID lpData) { pclmtListMTItem->lpData=lpData; } __inline DWORD ListMTItemGetFirst(PCLIST_MT pclmtListMT,PLIST_MT_ITEM *pplmtListMTItem,LPVOID *plpData) {// ���� ����� ������������� ������������ ������, �� ���� ListMTLock � ListMTUnLock DWORD dwRetErrorCode; if (pclmtListMT->plmtiFirst) { if (pplmtListMTItem) (*pplmtListMTItem)=pclmtListMT->plmtiFirst; if (plpData) (*plpData)=pclmtListMT->plmtiFirst->lpData; dwRetErrorCode=NO_ERROR; }else{ dwRetErrorCode=ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; } return(dwRetErrorCode); } __inline DWORD ListMTItemGetLast(PCLIST_MT pclmtListMT,PLIST_MT_ITEM *pplmtListMTItem,LPVOID *plpData) {// ���� ����� ������������� ������������ ������, �� ���� ListMTLock � ListMTUnLock DWORD dwRetErrorCode; if (pclmtListMT->plmtiLast) { if (pplmtListMTItem) (*pplmtListMTItem)=pclmtListMT->plmtiLast; if (plpData) (*plpData)=pclmtListMT->plmtiLast->lpData; dwRetErrorCode=NO_ERROR; }else{ dwRetErrorCode=ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; } return(dwRetErrorCode); } __inline void ListMTItemSwap(PCLIST_MT pclmtListMT,PCLIST_MT_ITEM pclmtListMTItem1,PCLIST_MT_ITEM pclmtListMTItem2) {// �������� ��� �������� ������ �������, ���� ���� ��� �� ������ ������� if (pclmtListMTItem1!=pclmtListMTItem2) {// ��� ������ �������� ������ PLIST_MT_ITEM lpTemp; lpTemp=pclmtListMTItem1->plmtiPrev; if ((pclmtListMTItem1->plmtiPrev=pclmtListMTItem2->plmtiPrev)==NULL) {// pclmtListMTItem2 ��� ������, ��������� �������� �����, ������ ������ pclmtListMTItem1 pclmtListMT->plmtiFirst=pclmtListMTItem1; } if ((pclmtListMTItem2->plmtiPrev=lpTemp)==NULL) {// pclmtListMTItem1 ��� ������, ��������� �������� �����, ������ ������ pclmtListMTItem2 pclmtListMT->plmtiFirst=pclmtListMTItem2; } lpTemp=pclmtListMTItem1->plmtiNext; if ((pclmtListMTItem1->plmtiNext=pclmtListMTItem2->plmtiNext)==NULL) {// pclmtListMTItem2 ��� ���������, ��������� �������� �����, ������ ��������� pclmtListMTItem1 pclmtListMT->plmtiLast=pclmtListMTItem1; } if ((pclmtListMTItem2->plmtiNext=lpTemp)==NULL) {// pclmtListMTItem1 ��� ���������, ��������� �������� �����, ������ ��������� pclmtListMTItem2 pclmtListMT->plmtiLast=pclmtListMTItem2; } } } __inline BOOL ListMTIteratorMoveFirst(PCLIST_MT pclmtListMT,PCLIST_MT_ITERATOR pclmtiIterator) {// ���� ����� ������������� ������������ ������, �� ���� ListMTLock � ListMTUnLock return((pclmtiIterator->plmtListMTItem=pclmtListMT->plmtiFirst)? TRUE:FALSE); } __inline BOOL ListMTIteratorMoveLast(PCLIST_MT pclmtListMT,PCLIST_MT_ITERATOR pclmtiIterator) {// ���� ����� ������������� ������������ ������, �� ���� ListMTLock � ListMTUnLock return((pclmtiIterator->plmtListMTItem=pclmtListMT->plmtiLast)? TRUE:FALSE); } __inline BOOL ListMTIteratorMovePrev(PCLIST_MT_ITERATOR pclmtiIterator) {// ���� ����� ������������� ������������ ������, �� ���� ListMTLock � ListMTUnLock BOOL bRet=FALSE; if (pclmtiIterator->plmtListMTItem) { if (pclmtiIterator->plmtListMTItem=pclmtiIterator->plmtListMTItem->plmtiPrev) bRet=TRUE; } return(bRet); } __inline BOOL ListMTIteratorMoveNext(PCLIST_MT_ITERATOR pclmtiIterator) {// ���� ����� ������������� ������������ ������, �� ���� ListMTLock � ListMTUnLock BOOL bRet=FALSE; if (pclmtiIterator->plmtListMTItem) { if (pclmtiIterator->plmtListMTItem=pclmtiIterator->plmtListMTItem->plmtiNext) bRet=TRUE; } return(bRet); } __inline DWORD ListMTIteratorGet(PCLIST_MT_ITERATOR pclmtiIterator,PLIST_MT_ITEM *pplmtListMTItem,LPVOID *plpData) {// ���� ����� ������������� ������������ ������, �� ���� ListMTLock � ListMTUnLock DWORD dwRetErrorCode; if (pclmtiIterator->plmtListMTItem) { if (pplmtListMTItem) (*pplmtListMTItem)=pclmtiIterator->plmtListMTItem; if (plpData) (*plpData)=pclmtiIterator->plmtListMTItem->lpData; dwRetErrorCode=NO_ERROR; }else{ dwRetErrorCode=ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; } return(dwRetErrorCode); } #if defined(_MSC_VER) #if _MSC_VER >= 800 #if _MSC_VER >= 1200 #pragma warning(pop) #else #pragma warning(default:4312) // warning C4312: 'type cast' : conversion from 'LONG' to 'PVOID' of greater size #endif #endif #endif #endif // !defined(AFX_LIST_MT__H__INCLUDED_)