; Common strings that belong to many files ;[Avatars] ; ../../protocols/MRA/MraAvatars.cpp ;[plugin connections] ; ../../protocols/MRA/MraFilesQueue_mod.cpp ;[No description given] ; ../../protocols/MRA/MraPopUp.cpp ;[Popups] ; ../../protocols/MRA/Mra_options.cpp ;[Account] ;[Anti spam] ;[Connections] ;[Files] ;[Network] ; ../../protocols/MRA/Mra_svcs.cpp ;[E-mail address] ; ../../protocols/MRA/resource.rc ;[&Use Windows colors] ;[512 - 65536 bytes] ;[Add] ;[Add extra address] ;[Age:] ;[Automatic add contacts to server list on logon] ;[Automatic grand authorization to new users] ;[Automatic grand authorization to users in contact list] ;[Automatic request authorization on logon] ;[Back Color] ;[Background colour] ;[Bad words list] ;[Birthday:] ;[Cancel] ;[Check temp contacts] ;[City:] ;[Click to Inbox] ;[Closing in %d] ;[Configuration] ;[Country:] ;[Create a new Mail.ru account using the Mail.ru website] ;[Create new account] ;[Custom Status \"%s\" Details] ;[Default] ;[Delete avatar file with contact] ;[Delete spam bot contacts] ;[Disable spam check] ;[E-mail:] ;[Enable] ;[Enable Anti Spam] ;[Enable MRIM proxy connections] ;[Enable avatars support (loading)] ;[Enable direct connections] ;[Example: Petrov_Ivan@mail.ru] ;[File send block size:] ;[Files exchange] ;[First name:] ;[Font] ;[Full e-mail:] ;[Gender:] ;[Hide menu items for non MRA contacts] ;[Hide my IP addresses] ;[Ignory non AlphaNumeric characters] ;[Last name:] ;[Leave empty if you dont want change password] ;[Location] ;[Login Server:] ;[Mail.ru Account Setup] ;[Mail.ru Agent] ;[Mail.ru e-mail:] ;[Max. language changes in message (0 - disabled)] ;[Message:] ;[Nickname:] ;[No out connection on receive] ;[No out connection on send] ;[Notify] ;[Notify about new mail if increment] ;[Notify about new mail tray icon] ;[Notify me when a message delivery has failed] ;[OK] ;[Out connections: ignory additional ports (443, 2041)] ;[Password:] ;[Please enter your Mail.ru account details to continue:] ;[PopUp type] ;[Popup settings] ;[Port:] ;[Previe&w] ;[Remember] ;[Remove] ;[Retrieve a lost password] ;[Return absolute path] ;[Search online users only] ;[Select e-mail] ;[Send Formated text (send RTF)] ;[Send spam report to server] ;[Server:] ;[Show pop up] ;[Show received Formated text (RTF receive)] ;[State:] ;[Summary] ;[Text Color] ;[Timeout] ;[Title:] ;[Updates check interval, min] ;[Use keep-alive connections] ;[Write to system history] ;[Writed:] ;[Your host (or router):] ;[Zodiak:] ;[from:] ;[to:]