#include "Mra.h" #define MRA_PASS_CRYPT_VER 2 struct SetXStatusData { CMraProto *ppro; DWORD dwXStatus; DWORD dwCountdown; HICON hDlgIcon; }; struct SetBlogStatusData { CMraProto *ppro; MCONTACT hContact; }; #define RECURSION_DATA_STACK_ITEMS_MIN 128 struct RECURSION_DATA_STACK_ITEM { HANDLE hFind; DWORD dwFileNameLen; WIN32_FIND_DATA w32fdFindFileData; }; LRESULT CALLBACK MessageEditSubclassProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); CMStringA MraGetSelfVersionString() { WORD v[4]; LPSTR lpszSecIM = ServiceExists("SecureIM/IsContactSecured") ? " + SecureIM" : ""; CMStringA szSelfVersion; CallService(MS_SYSTEM_GETFILEVERSION, 0, (LPARAM)v); szSelfVersion.Format("Miranda NG %lu.%lu.%lu.%lu Unicode (MRA v%lu.%lu.%lu.%lu)%s, version: %lu.%lu", v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], __FILEVERSION_STRING, lpszSecIM, PROTO_VERSION_MAJOR, PROTO_VERSION_MINOR); return szSelfVersion; } static DWORD GetParamValue(const CMStringA &szData, LPCSTR szParamName, DWORD dwParamNameSize, CMStringA &szParamValue) { if (szData.IsEmpty()) return ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; char *tmp = NEWSTR_ALLOCA(szData.c_str()); _strlwr(tmp); LPSTR lpszParamDataStart = strstr(tmp, szParamName); if (lpszParamDataStart) if ((*((WORD*)(lpszParamDataStart + dwParamNameSize))) == (*((WORD*)"=\""))) { lpszParamDataStart += dwParamNameSize + 2; LPSTR lpszParamDataEnd = strchr(lpszParamDataStart, '"'); if (lpszParamDataEnd) { szParamValue = CMStringA(szData.c_str() + (lpszParamDataStart - tmp), lpszParamDataEnd - lpszParamDataStart); return NO_ERROR; } } return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } CMStringA MraGetVersionStringFromFormatted(const CMStringA &szUserAgentFormatted) { if (szUserAgentFormatted.IsEmpty()) return ""; CMStringA res, tmp; if (!GetParamValue(szUserAgentFormatted, "name", 4, tmp)) if (tmp == "Miranda IM" || tmp == "Miranda NG") { GetParamValue(szUserAgentFormatted, "title", 5, res); return res; } if (!GetParamValue(szUserAgentFormatted, "client", 6, tmp)) { if (tmp == "wmagent") tmp = "MobileAgent for WM"; else if (tmp == "jagent") tmp = "MobileAgent for Java"; else if (tmp == "android") tmp = "MobileAgent for Android"; else if (tmp == "iphoneagent") tmp = "MobileAgent for Iphone"; else if (tmp == "sagent") tmp = "MobileAgent for Symbian"; res += tmp + " "; } if (!GetParamValue(szUserAgentFormatted, "name", 4, tmp)) res += tmp + " "; if (!GetParamValue(szUserAgentFormatted, "title", 5, tmp)) res += tmp + " "; if (!GetParamValue(szUserAgentFormatted, "version", 7, tmp)) { res += tmp + " "; if (!GetParamValue(szUserAgentFormatted, "build", 5, tmp)) res += tmp; } // no data extracted, copy raw return (res.IsEmpty()) ? szUserAgentFormatted : res; } DWORD MraAddrListGetFromBuff(const CMStringA &szAddresses, MRA_ADDR_LIST *pmalAddrList) { if (szAddresses.IsEmpty() || !pmalAddrList) return ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; DWORD dwAllocatedCount = ALLOCATED_COUNT; pmalAddrList->dwAddrCount = 0; pmalAddrList->pMailAddress = (MRA_ADDR_LIST_ITEM*)mir_calloc(sizeof(MRA_ADDR_LIST_ITEM)*dwAllocatedCount); LPSTR buf = NEWSTR_ALLOCA(szAddresses.c_str()), lpszCurrentItem = buf; while (TRUE) { LPSTR lpszEndItem = strchr(lpszCurrentItem, ';'); if (lpszEndItem == NULL) lpszEndItem = buf + szAddresses.GetLength(); if (!lpszEndItem) break; LPSTR lpszDelimiter = strchr(lpszCurrentItem, ':'); if (!lpszDelimiter) break; if (pmalAddrList->dwAddrCount == dwAllocatedCount) { dwAllocatedCount += ALLOCATED_COUNT; pmalAddrList->pMailAddress = (MRA_ADDR_LIST_ITEM*)mir_realloc(pmalAddrList->pMailAddress, (sizeof(MRA_ADDR_LIST_ITEM)*dwAllocatedCount)); } *lpszDelimiter = 0; pmalAddrList->pMailAddress[pmalAddrList->dwAddrCount].dwAddr = inet_addr(lpszCurrentItem); pmalAddrList->pMailAddress[pmalAddrList->dwAddrCount].dwPort = StrToUNum32((lpszDelimiter + 1), (lpszEndItem - (lpszDelimiter + 1))); *lpszDelimiter = ':'; pmalAddrList->dwAddrCount++; lpszCurrentItem = lpszEndItem + 1; if (lpszEndItem == buf + szAddresses.GetLength()) break; } pmalAddrList->pMailAddress = (MRA_ADDR_LIST_ITEM*)mir_realloc(pmalAddrList->pMailAddress, (sizeof(MRA_ADDR_LIST_ITEM)*pmalAddrList->dwAddrCount)); return NO_ERROR; } CMStringA MraAddrListGetToBuff(MRA_ADDR_LIST *pmalAddrList) { if (!pmalAddrList) return ""; CMStringA res; for (size_t i = 0; i < pmalAddrList->dwAddrCount; i++) { char buf[100]; mir_snprintf(buf, SIZEOF(buf), "%s:%lu;", inet_ntoa((*((in_addr*)&pmalAddrList->pMailAddress[i].dwAddr))), pmalAddrList->pMailAddress[i].dwPort); res += buf; } return res; } void CMraProto::MraAddrListStoreToContact(MCONTACT hContact, MRA_ADDR_LIST *pmalAddrList) { if (!hContact || !pmalAddrList) return; if (!pmalAddrList->dwAddrCount) return; setDword(hContact, "OldIP", getDword(hContact, "IP", 0)); setDword(hContact, "IP", ntohl(pmalAddrList->pMailAddress[0].dwAddr)); if (pmalAddrList->dwAddrCount > 1) { setDword(hContact, "OldRealIP", getDword(hContact, "RealIP", 0)); setDword(hContact, "RealIP", ntohl(pmalAddrList->pMailAddress[1].dwAddr)); } } void MraAddrListFree(MRA_ADDR_LIST *pmalAddrList) { if (pmalAddrList) { mir_free(pmalAddrList->pMailAddress); pmalAddrList->dwAddrCount = 0; } } bool DB_GetStaticStringA(MCONTACT hContact, LPCSTR lpszModule, LPCSTR lpszValueName, LPSTR lpszRetBuff, size_t dwRetBuffSize, size_t *pdwRetBuffSize) { bool bRet = false; DBVARIANT dbv = { 0 }; if (db_get_ws(hContact, lpszModule, lpszValueName, &dbv) == 0) { size_t dwRetBuffSizeLocal, dwReadedStringLen = mir_wstrlen(dbv.pwszVal); if (lpszRetBuff && (dwRetBuffSize > dwReadedStringLen)) { dwRetBuffSizeLocal = WideCharToMultiByte(MRA_CODE_PAGE, 0, dbv.pwszVal, dwReadedStringLen, lpszRetBuff, dwRetBuffSize, NULL, NULL); (*((CHAR*)(lpszRetBuff + dwRetBuffSizeLocal))) = 0; bRet = true; } else { dwRetBuffSizeLocal = dwReadedStringLen; if (lpszRetBuff && dwRetBuffSize >= sizeof(WORD)) (*((WORD*)lpszRetBuff)) = 0; } if (pdwRetBuffSize) (*pdwRetBuffSize) = dwRetBuffSizeLocal; db_free(&dbv); } else { if (lpszRetBuff && dwRetBuffSize >= sizeof(WORD)) (*((WORD*)lpszRetBuff)) = 0; if (pdwRetBuffSize) (*pdwRetBuffSize) = 0; } return bRet; } // sizes in wchars bool DB_GetStaticStringW(MCONTACT hContact, LPCSTR lpszModule, LPCSTR lpszValueName, LPWSTR lpwszRetBuff, size_t dwRetBuffSize, size_t *pdwRetBuffSize) { bool bRet = false; size_t dwReadedStringLen; DBVARIANT dbv = { 0 }; if (db_get_ws(hContact, lpszModule, lpszValueName, &dbv) == 0) { dwReadedStringLen = mir_wstrlen(dbv.pwszVal); if (lpwszRetBuff && (dwRetBuffSize > dwReadedStringLen)) { memcpy(lpwszRetBuff, dbv.pszVal, (dwReadedStringLen*sizeof(WCHAR)));//include null terminated (*((WCHAR*)(lpwszRetBuff + dwReadedStringLen))) = 0; bRet = true; } else { if (lpwszRetBuff && dwRetBuffSize >= sizeof(WCHAR)) (*((WCHAR*)lpwszRetBuff)) = 0; } if (pdwRetBuffSize) (*pdwRetBuffSize) = dwReadedStringLen; db_free(&dbv); } else { if (lpwszRetBuff && dwRetBuffSize >= sizeof(WCHAR)) (*((WCHAR*)lpwszRetBuff)) = 0; if (pdwRetBuffSize) (*pdwRetBuffSize) = 0; } return bRet; } bool DB_GetStringA(MCONTACT hContact, LPCSTR lpszModule, LPCSTR lpszValueName, CMStringA& res) { char *szRes = db_get_sa(hContact, lpszModule, lpszValueName); if (szRes) { res = szRes; mir_free(szRes); return true; } res.Empty(); return false; } bool DB_GetStringW(MCONTACT hContact, LPCSTR lpszModule, LPCSTR lpszValueName, CMStringW& res) { WCHAR *szRes = db_get_wsa(hContact, lpszModule, lpszValueName); if (szRes) { res = szRes; mir_free(szRes); return true; } res.Empty(); return false; } bool DB_SetStringExA(MCONTACT hContact, LPCSTR lpszModule, LPCSTR lpszValueName, const CMStringA &szValue) { if (szValue.IsEmpty()) { db_unset(hContact, lpszModule, lpszValueName); return true; } return db_set_s(hContact, lpszModule, lpszValueName, szValue) != 0; } bool DB_SetStringExW(MCONTACT hContact, LPCSTR lpszModule, LPCSTR lpszValueName, const CMStringW &szValue) { if (szValue.IsEmpty()) { db_unset(hContact, lpszModule, lpszValueName); return true; } return db_set_ws(hContact, lpszModule, lpszValueName, szValue) != 0; } bool DB_GetContactSettingBlob(MCONTACT hContact, LPCSTR lpszModule, LPCSTR lpszValueName, LPVOID lpRet, size_t dwRetBuffSize, size_t *pdwRetBuffSize) { bool bRet = false; DBVARIANT dbv; if (db_get(hContact, lpszModule, lpszValueName, &dbv) == 0) { if (dbv.type == DBVT_BLOB) { if (dwRetBuffSize >= dbv.cpbVal) { memcpy(lpRet, dbv.pbVal, dbv.cpbVal); bRet = true; } if (pdwRetBuffSize) (*pdwRetBuffSize) = dbv.cpbVal; } db_free(&dbv); } else { if (pdwRetBuffSize) (*pdwRetBuffSize) = 0; bRet = false; } return bRet; } DWORD CMraProto::MraMoveContactToGroup(MCONTACT hContact, DWORD dwGroupID, LPCTSTR ptszName) { MraGroupItem *p = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < m_groups.getCount(); i++) if (m_groups[i].m_name == ptszName) { p = &m_groups[i]; break; } if (p == NULL) { if (m_groups.getCount() == 20) return 0; DWORD id; for (id = 0; id < 20; id++) if (m_groups.find((MraGroupItem*)&id) == NULL) break; DWORD dwContactFlags = CONTACT_FLAG_UNICODE_NAME | CONTACT_FLAG_GROUP | (id << 24); p = new MraGroupItem(id, dwContactFlags, ptszName); m_groups.insert(p); MraAddContact(NULL, dwContactFlags, 0, ptszName, p->m_name); } if (dwGroupID != p->m_id) { setDword(hContact, "GroupID", p->m_id); MraModifyContact(hContact, 0, 0, &p->m_id); } return p->m_id; } DWORD CMraProto::GetContactFlags(MCONTACT hContact) { DWORD dwRet = 0; if (IsContactMra(hContact)) { dwRet = getDword(hContact, "ContactFlags", 0); dwRet &= ~(CONTACT_FLAG_REMOVED | CONTACT_FLAG_GROUP | CONTACT_FLAG_INVISIBLE | CONTACT_FLAG_VISIBLE | CONTACT_FLAG_IGNORE | CONTACT_FLAG_SHADOW | CONTACT_FLAG_MULTICHAT); dwRet |= CONTACT_FLAG_UNICODE_NAME; CMStringA szEmail; if (mraGetStringA(hContact, "e-mail", szEmail)) if (IsEMailChatAgent(szEmail)) dwRet |= CONTACT_FLAG_MULTICHAT; if (db_get_b(hContact, "CList", "Hidden", 0)) dwRet |= CONTACT_FLAG_SHADOW; switch (getWord(hContact, "ApparentMode", 0)) { case ID_STATUS_OFFLINE: dwRet |= CONTACT_FLAG_INVISIBLE; break; case ID_STATUS_ONLINE: dwRet |= CONTACT_FLAG_VISIBLE; break; } if (CallService(MS_IGNORE_ISIGNORED, hContact, IGNOREEVENT_MESSAGE)) dwRet |= CONTACT_FLAG_IGNORE; } return(dwRet); } DWORD CMraProto::SetContactFlags(MCONTACT hContact, DWORD dwContactFlag) { if (!IsContactMra(hContact)) return ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; setDword(hContact, "ContactFlags", dwContactFlag); if (dwContactFlag & CONTACT_FLAG_SHADOW) db_set_b(hContact, "CList", "Hidden", 1); else db_unset(hContact, "CList", "Hidden"); switch (dwContactFlag & (CONTACT_FLAG_INVISIBLE | CONTACT_FLAG_VISIBLE)) { case CONTACT_FLAG_INVISIBLE: setWord(hContact, "ApparentMode", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); break; case CONTACT_FLAG_VISIBLE: setWord(hContact, "ApparentMode", ID_STATUS_ONLINE); break; default: setWord(hContact, "ApparentMode", 0); break; } if (dwContactFlag & CONTACT_FLAG_IGNORE) CallService(MS_IGNORE_IGNORE, hContact, IGNOREEVENT_MESSAGE); else CallService(MS_IGNORE_UNIGNORE, hContact, IGNOREEVENT_MESSAGE); return 0; } DWORD CMraProto::GetContactBasicInfoW(MCONTACT hContact, DWORD *pdwID, DWORD *pdwGroupID, DWORD *pdwContactFlag, DWORD *pdwContactSeverFlags, DWORD *pdwStatus, CMStringA *szEmail, CMStringW *wszNick, CMStringA *szPhones) { if (!IsContactMra(hContact)) return ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; if (pdwID) *pdwID = getDword(hContact, "ContactID", -1); if (pdwGroupID) *pdwGroupID = getDword(hContact, "GroupID", -1); if (pdwContactSeverFlags) *pdwContactSeverFlags = getDword(hContact, "ContactServerFlags", 0); if (pdwStatus) *pdwStatus = MraGetContactStatus(hContact); if (pdwContactFlag) *pdwContactFlag = GetContactFlags(hContact); if (szEmail) mraGetStringA(hContact, "e-mail", *szEmail); if (wszNick) DB_GetStringW(hContact, "CList", "MyHandle", *wszNick); if (szPhones) { CMStringA szPhone; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { char szValue[50]; mir_snprintf(szValue, SIZEOF(szValue), "MyPhone%d", i); if (DB_GetStringA(hContact, "UserInfo", szValue, szPhone)) { if (szPhones->GetLength()) szPhones->AppendChar(','); szPhones->Append(szPhone); } } } return 0; } DWORD CMraProto::SetContactBasicInfoW(MCONTACT hContact, DWORD dwSetInfoFlags, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwID, DWORD dwGroupID, DWORD dwContactFlag, DWORD dwContactSeverFlags, DWORD dwStatus, const CMStringA *szEmail, const CMStringW *wszNick, const CMStringA *szPhones) { if (!IsContactMra(hContact)) return ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; // LOCK if (dwSetInfoFlags & SCBIFSI_LOCK_CHANGES_EVENTS) setDword(hContact, "HooksLocked", TRUE); // ���� ������� �����, � ��������� ������� �� ������������� if (dwFlags & SCBIF_ID) setDword(hContact, "ContactID", dwID); if ((dwFlags & SCBIF_EMAIL) && szEmail != NULL && !szEmail->IsEmpty()) mraSetStringExA(hContact, "e-mail", *szEmail); // ���� ��������� ������� ������������� if (dwFlags & SCBIF_GROUP_ID) { setDword(hContact, "GroupID", dwGroupID); MraGroupItem *grp = m_groups.find((MraGroupItem*)&dwGroupID); if (grp) db_set_ts(hContact, "CList", "Group", grp->m_name); } if ((dwFlags & SCBIF_NICK) && wszNick != NULL && !wszNick->IsEmpty()) { if ((dwFlags & SCBIF_FLAG) && ((dwContactFlag & CONTACT_FLAG_UNICODE_NAME) == 0)) DB_SetStringExA(hContact, "CList", "MyHandle", CMStringA(*wszNick)); else DB_SetStringExW(hContact, "CList", "MyHandle", *wszNick); } if ((dwFlags & SCBIF_PHONES) && szPhones != NULL && !szPhones->IsEmpty()) { int iStart = 0, i = 0; while (true) { CMStringA szPhone = szPhones->Tokenize(",", iStart); if (iStart == -1) break; char szValue[MAX_PATH]; mir_snprintf(szValue, SIZEOF(szValue), "MyPhone%d", i++); DB_SetStringExA(hContact, "UserInfo", szValue, "+" + szPhone); } } if (dwFlags & SCBIF_FLAG) SetContactFlags(hContact, dwContactFlag); if (dwFlags & SCBIF_SERVER_FLAG) setDword(hContact, "ContactServerFlags", dwContactSeverFlags); if (dwFlags & SCBIF_STATUS) MraSetContactStatus(hContact, dwStatus); SetExtraIcons(hContact); // UNLOCK if (dwSetInfoFlags & SCBIFSI_LOCK_CHANGES_EVENTS) setDword(hContact, "HooksLocked", FALSE); return 0; } MCONTACT CMraProto::MraHContactFromEmail(const CMStringA &szEmail, BOOL bAddIfNeeded, BOOL bTemporary, BOOL *pbAdded) { if (szEmail.IsEmpty()) return NULL; MCONTACT hContact = NULL; bool bFound = false; //check not already on list CMStringA szEMailLocal; for (hContact = db_find_first(m_szModuleName); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact, m_szModuleName)) if (mraGetStringA(hContact, "e-mail", szEMailLocal)) if (szEMailLocal == szEmail) { if (bTemporary == FALSE) db_unset(hContact, "CList", "NotOnList"); bFound = true; break; } if (!bFound && bAddIfNeeded) { //not already there: add if (IsEMailChatAgent(szEmail)) { CMStringW wszEMail = szEmail; GCSESSION gcw = { sizeof(gcw) }; gcw.iType = GCW_CHATROOM; gcw.pszModule = m_szModuleName; gcw.ptszName = wszEMail; gcw.ptszID = (LPWSTR)wszEMail.c_str(); if (CallServiceSync(MS_GC_NEWSESSION, NULL, (LPARAM)&gcw) == 0) { BOOL bChatAdded = FALSE; for (hContact = db_find_first(m_szModuleName); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact, m_szModuleName)) { if (mraGetStringA(hContact, "ChatRoomID", szEMailLocal)) { if (szEMailLocal == szEmail) { bChatAdded = TRUE; break; } } } if (bChatAdded == FALSE) hContact = NULL; } } else { hContact = (MCONTACT)CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_ADD, 0, 0); CallService(MS_PROTO_ADDTOCONTACT, hContact, (LPARAM)m_szModuleName); } if (hContact) { if (IsEMailChatAgent(szEmail)) SetContactBasicInfoW(hContact, SCBIFSI_LOCK_CHANGES_EVENTS, (SCBIF_ID | SCBIF_GROUP_ID | SCBIF_SERVER_FLAG | SCBIF_STATUS | SCBIF_EMAIL), -1, -1, 0, CONTACT_INTFLAG_NOT_AUTHORIZED, ID_STATUS_ONLINE, &szEmail, 0, 0); else { if (bTemporary) db_set_b(hContact, "CList", "NotOnList", 1); mraSetStringExA(hContact, "MirVer", MIRVER_UNKNOWN); SetContactBasicInfoW(hContact, SCBIFSI_LOCK_CHANGES_EVENTS, (SCBIF_ID | SCBIF_GROUP_ID | SCBIF_SERVER_FLAG | SCBIF_STATUS | SCBIF_EMAIL), -1, -1, 0, CONTACT_INTFLAG_NOT_AUTHORIZED, ID_STATUS_OFFLINE, &szEmail, 0, 0); } } } if (pbAdded) *pbAdded = (bFound == FALSE && bAddIfNeeded && hContact); return hContact; } bool CMraProto::MraUpdateContactInfo(MCONTACT hContact) { if (m_bLoggedIn && hContact) if (IsContactMra(hContact)) { CMStringA szEmail; if (mraGetStringA(hContact, "e-mail", szEmail)) { MraAvatarsQueueGetAvatarSimple(hAvatarsQueueHandle, GAIF_FORCE, hContact); if (MraWPRequestByEMail(hContact, ACKTYPE_GETINFO, szEmail)) return true; } } return false; } DWORD CMraProto::MraContactCapabilitiesGet(MCONTACT hContact) { return getDword(hContact, DBSETTING_CAPABILITIES, 0); } void CMraProto::MraContactCapabilitiesSet(MCONTACT hContact, DWORD dwFutureFlags) { setDword(hContact, DBSETTING_CAPABILITIES, dwFutureFlags); } DWORD CMraProto::MraGetContactStatus(MCONTACT hContact) { return getWord(hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); } DWORD CMraProto::MraSetContactStatus(MCONTACT hContact, DWORD dwNewStatus) { DWORD dwOldStatus = MraGetContactStatus(hContact); if (dwNewStatus != dwOldStatus) { bool bChatAgent = IsContactChatAgent(hContact); if (dwNewStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) { if (hContact) { setByte(hContact, DBSETTING_XSTATUSID, MRA_MIR_XSTATUS_NONE); delSetting(hContact, DBSETTING_XSTATUSNAME); delSetting(hContact, DBSETTING_XSTATUSMSG); delSetting(hContact, DBSETTING_BLOGSTATUSTIME); delSetting(hContact, DBSETTING_BLOGSTATUSID); delSetting(hContact, DBSETTING_BLOGSTATUS); delSetting(hContact, DBSETTING_BLOGSTATUSMUSIC); MraContactCapabilitiesSet(hContact, 0); if (bChatAgent) MraChatSessionDestroy(hContact); } setDword(hContact, "LogonTS", 0); delSetting(hContact, "IP"); delSetting(hContact, "RealIP"); } else { if (dwOldStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) { DWORD dwTime = (DWORD)_time32(NULL); setDword(hContact, "LogonTS", dwTime); if (bChatAgent) MraChatSessionNew(hContact); } MraAvatarsQueueGetAvatarSimple(hAvatarsQueueHandle, 0, hContact); } setWord(hContact, "Status", (WORD)dwNewStatus); } return dwOldStatus; } void CMraProto::MraUpdateEmailStatus(const CMStringA &pszFrom, const CMStringA &pszSubject, bool force_display) { BOOL bTrayIconNewMailNotify; WCHAR szStatusText[MAX_SECONDLINE]; bTrayIconNewMailNotify = getByte("TrayIconNewMailNotify", MRA_DEFAULT_TRAYICON_NEW_MAIL_NOTIFY); if (m_dwEmailMessagesUnread) { CMStringA szEmail; MCONTACT hContact = NULL; TCHAR szMailBoxStatus[MAX_SECONDLINE]; mir_sntprintf(szMailBoxStatus, SIZEOF(szMailBoxStatus), TranslateT("Unread mail is available: %lu/%lu messages"), m_dwEmailMessagesUnread, dwEmailMessagesTotal); if (!pszFrom.IsEmpty() || !pszSubject.IsEmpty()) { CMStringA szFrom, szSubject; if (GetEMailFromString(szFrom, szEmail)) hContact = MraHContactFromEmail(szEmail, FALSE, TRUE, NULL); mir_sntprintf(szStatusText, SIZEOF(szStatusText), TranslateT("From: %S\r\nSubject: %S\r\n%s"), pszFrom.c_str(), szSubject.c_str(), szMailBoxStatus); } else _tcsncpy_s(szStatusText, szMailBoxStatus, _TRUNCATE); if (bTrayIconNewMailNotify) { char szServiceFunction[MAX_PATH], *pszServiceFunctionName; CLISTEVENT cle = { 0 }; cle.cbSize = sizeof(cle); //cle.hContact; //cle.hDbEvent; cle.lpszProtocol = m_szModuleName; cle.hIcon = IconLibGetIcon(gdiMenuItems[0].hIcolib); cle.flags = (CLEF_UNICODE | CLEF_PROTOCOLGLOBAL); cle.pszService = ""; cle.ptszTooltip = szStatusText; if (getByte("TrayIconNewMailClkToInbox", MRA_DEFAULT_TRAYICON_NEW_MAIL_CLK_TO_INBOX)) { strncpy(szServiceFunction, m_szModuleName, MAX_PATH); pszServiceFunctionName = szServiceFunction + strlen(m_szModuleName); memcpy(pszServiceFunctionName, MRA_GOTO_INBOX, sizeof(MRA_GOTO_INBOX)); cle.pszService = szServiceFunction; } CallService(MS_CLIST_ADDEVENT, 0, (LPARAM)&cle); } SkinPlaySound(szNewMailSound); if (hContact) {// update user info MraUpdateContactInfo(hContact); MraPopupShowFromContactW(hContact, MRA_POPUP_TYPE_EMAIL_STATUS, (MRA_POPUP_ALLOW_ENTER), szStatusText); } else MraPopupShowFromAgentW(MRA_POPUP_TYPE_EMAIL_STATUS, (MRA_POPUP_ALLOW_ENTER), szStatusText); } else { if ( !force_display && getByte("IncrementalNewMailNotify", MRA_DEFAULT_INC_NEW_MAIL_NOTIFY)) { if (bTrayIconNewMailNotify) CallService(MS_CLIST_REMOVEEVENT, 0, (LPARAM)m_szModuleName); PUDeletePopup(hWndEMailPopupStatus); hWndEMailPopupStatus = NULL; } else { mir_sntprintf(szStatusText, SIZEOF(szStatusText), TranslateT("No unread mail is available\r\nTotal messages: %lu"), dwEmailMessagesTotal); MraPopupShowFromAgentW(MRA_POPUP_TYPE_EMAIL_STATUS, (MRA_POPUP_ALLOW_ENTER), szStatusText); } } } bool IsHTTPSProxyUsed(HANDLE hNetlibUser) { NETLIBUSERSETTINGS nlus = { sizeof(nlus) }; if (CallService(MS_NETLIB_GETUSERSETTINGS, (WPARAM)hNetlibUser, (LPARAM)&nlus)) if (nlus.useProxy && nlus.proxyType == PROXYTYPE_HTTPS) return true; return false; } // ���������� �������������� �������� ������ ����� ������� bool CMraProto::IsContactMra(MCONTACT hContact) { return CallService(MS_PROTO_ISPROTOONCONTACT, hContact, (LPARAM)m_szModuleName) != 0; } // ������������ �������� �� ������� ��������� MRA ���������, �� �������� �� ���� ������ ������� �� ����������� bool IsContactMraProto(MCONTACT hContact) { LPSTR lpszProto = GetContactProto(hContact); if (lpszProto) { CMStringW szBuff; if (DB_GetStringW(hContact, lpszProto, "AvatarLastCheckTime", szBuff)) if (DB_GetStringW(hContact, lpszProto, "AvatarLastModifiedTime", szBuff)) return true; } return false; } bool CMraProto::IsEMailMy(const CMStringA &szEmail) { if (!szEmail.IsEmpty()) { CMStringA szEmailMy; if (mraGetStringA(NULL, "e-mail", szEmailMy)) { if (szEmail.GetLength() == szEmailMy.GetLength()) if (!_stricmp(szEmail, szEmailMy)) return true; } } return false; } bool CMraProto::IsEMailChatAgent(const CMStringA &szEmail) { if (!szEmail.IsEmpty()) { CMStringA domain = szEmail.Right(sizeof(MAILRU_CHAT_CONF_DOMAIN)); if (domain[0] == '@' && _stricmp(domain.c_str() + 1, MAILRU_CHAT_CONF_DOMAIN)) return true; } return false; } bool CMraProto::IsContactChatAgent(MCONTACT hContact) { if (hContact == NULL) return false; CMStringA szEmail; return mraGetStringA(hContact, "e-mail", szEmail) ? IsEMailChatAgent(szEmail) : false; } bool IsEMailMR(const CMStringA &szEmail) { if (szEmail) { for (int i = 0; lpcszMailRuDomains[i]; i++) { int dwDomainLen = mir_strlen(lpcszMailRuDomains[i]); if (dwDomainLen < szEmail.GetLength()) if (!_stricmp(lpcszMailRuDomains[i], szEmail.c_str() + szEmail.GetLength() - dwDomainLen)) if (szEmail[szEmail.GetLength() - dwDomainLen - 1] == '@') return true; } } return false; } bool GetEMailFromString(const CMStringA& szBuff, CMStringA& szEmail) { if (!szBuff.IsEmpty()) { int Start, End; if ((Start = szBuff.Find('<')) != -1) { Start++; if ((End = szBuff.Find('>', Start)) != -1) { szEmail = szBuff.Mid(Start, End - Start - 1); return true; } } } szEmail.Empty(); return false; } DWORD GetContactEMailCountParam(MCONTACT hContact, BOOL bMRAOnly, LPSTR lpszModule, LPSTR lpszValueName) { DWORD dwRet = 0; CMStringA szEmail; if (DB_GetStringA(hContact, lpszModule, lpszValueName, szEmail)) if (bMRAOnly == FALSE || IsEMailMR(szEmail)) dwRet++; for (int i = 0; TRUE; i++) { char szBuff[100]; mir_snprintf(szBuff, SIZEOF(szBuff), "%s%lu", lpszValueName, i); if (DB_GetStringA(hContact, lpszModule, szBuff, szEmail)) { if (bMRAOnly == FALSE || IsEMailMR(szEmail)) dwRet++; } else { if (i > EMAILS_MIN_COUNT) break; } } return dwRet; } DWORD CMraProto::GetContactEMailCount(MCONTACT hContact, BOOL bMRAOnly) { LPSTR lpszProto = (hContact) ? GetContactProto(hContact) : m_szModuleName; DWORD dwRet = 0; dwRet += GetContactEMailCountParam(hContact, bMRAOnly, lpszProto, "e-mail"); dwRet += GetContactEMailCountParam(hContact, bMRAOnly, "UserInfo", "e-mail"); dwRet += GetContactEMailCountParam(hContact, bMRAOnly, "UserInfo", "Mye-mail"); dwRet += GetContactEMailCountParam(hContact, bMRAOnly, "UserInfo", "Companye-mail"); dwRet += GetContactEMailCountParam(hContact, bMRAOnly, "UserInfo", "MyCompanye-mail"); return dwRet; } bool GetContactFirstEMailParam(MCONTACT hContact, BOOL bMRAOnly, LPSTR lpszModule, LPSTR lpszValueName, CMStringA &res) { CMStringA szEmail; if (DB_GetStringA(hContact, lpszModule, lpszValueName, szEmail)) if (bMRAOnly == FALSE || IsEMailMR(szEmail)) { res = szEmail; return true; } for (int i = 0; true; i++) { char szBuff[100]; mir_snprintf(szBuff, SIZEOF(szBuff), "%s%lu", lpszValueName, i); if (DB_GetStringA(hContact, lpszModule, szBuff, szEmail)) { if (bMRAOnly == FALSE || IsEMailMR(szEmail)) { res = szEmail; return true; } } else if (i > EMAILS_MIN_COUNT) break; } return false; } bool CMraProto::GetContactFirstEMail(MCONTACT hContact, BOOL bMRAOnly, CMStringA &res) { LPSTR lpszProto = (hContact) ? GetContactProto(hContact) : m_szModuleName; bool bRet = GetContactFirstEMailParam(hContact, bMRAOnly, lpszProto, "e-mail", res); if (!bRet) bRet = GetContactFirstEMailParam(hContact, bMRAOnly, "UserInfo", "e-mail", res); if (!bRet) bRet = GetContactFirstEMailParam(hContact, bMRAOnly, "UserInfo", "Mye-mail", res); if (!bRet) bRet = GetContactFirstEMailParam(hContact, bMRAOnly, "UserInfo", "Companye-mail", res); if (!bRet) bRet = GetContactFirstEMailParam(hContact, bMRAOnly, "UserInfo", "MyCompanye-mail", res); return bRet; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CMraProto::ShowFormattedErrorMessage(LPWSTR lpwszErrText, DWORD dwErrorCode) { TCHAR szErrorText[2048], szErrDescription[1024]; size_t dwErrDescriptionSize; if (dwErrorCode == NO_ERROR) _tcsncpy_s(szErrorText, TranslateTS(lpwszErrText), _TRUNCATE); else { dwErrDescriptionSize = (FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, dwErrorCode, 0, szErrDescription, (SIZEOF(szErrDescription) - sizeof(WCHAR)), NULL) - 2); szErrDescription[dwErrDescriptionSize] = 0; mir_sntprintf(szErrorText, SIZEOF(szErrorText), _T("%s %lu: %s"), TranslateTS(lpwszErrText), dwErrorCode, szErrDescription); } MraPopupShowFromAgentW(MRA_POPUP_TYPE_ERROR, 0, szErrorText); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void FakeThread(void* param) { Sleep(100); CallService(MS_PROTO_BROADCASTACK, 0, (LPARAM)param); mir_free(param); } DWORD CMraProto::ProtoBroadcastAckAsync(MCONTACT hContact, int type, int hResult, HANDLE hProcess, LPARAM lParam) { ACKDATA *ack = (ACKDATA*)::mir_calloc(sizeof(ACKDATA)); ack->cbSize = sizeof(ACKDATA); ack->szModule = m_szModuleName; ack->hContact = hContact; ack->type = type; ack->result = hResult; ack->hProcess = hProcess; ack->lParam = lParam; mir_forkthread(FakeThread, ack); return 0; } CMStringA CMraProto::CreateBlobFromContact(MCONTACT hContact, const CMStringW &wszRequestReason) { CMStringA res('\0', 8), tmp; DWORD *p = (DWORD*)res.c_str(); p[0] = 0; p[1] = (DWORD)hContact; mraGetStringA(hContact, "Nick", tmp); res += tmp; res.AppendChar(0); mraGetStringA(hContact, "FirstName", tmp); res += tmp; res.AppendChar(0); mraGetStringA(hContact, "LastName", tmp); res += tmp; res.AppendChar(0); mraGetStringA(hContact, "e-mail", tmp); res += tmp; res.AppendChar(0); tmp = wszRequestReason; res += tmp; res.AppendChar(0); return res; } CMStringA CopyNumber(const CMStringA &str) { CMStringA res; for (LPCSTR p = str; *p; p++) if (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') res.AppendChar(*p); return res; } void EnableControlsArray(HWND hWndDlg, WORD *pwControlsList, size_t dwControlsListCount, BOOL bEnabled) { for (size_t i = 0; i < dwControlsListCount; i++) EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hWndDlg, pwControlsList[i]), bEnabled); } LRESULT CALLBACK MessageEditSubclassProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (msg == WM_CHAR) if (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000) { if (wParam == '\n') { PostMessage(GetParent(hwnd), WM_COMMAND, IDOK, 0); return 0; } if (wParam == 1) { // ctrl-a SendMessage(hwnd, EM_SETSEL, 0, -1); return 0; } if (wParam == 23) { // ctrl-w SendMessage(GetParent(hwnd), WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); return 0; } } return mir_callNextSubclass(hwnd, MessageEditSubclassProc, msg, wParam, lParam); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// INT_PTR CALLBACK SetXStatusDlgProc(HWND hWndDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { INT_PTR iRet = FALSE; SetXStatusData *dat = (SetXStatusData*)GetWindowLongPtr(hWndDlg, GWLP_USERDATA); switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG:// set our xStatus TranslateDialogDefault(hWndDlg); dat = (SetXStatusData*)lParam; if (dat) { char szValueName[MAX_PATH]; CMStringW szBuff; dat->hDlgIcon = IconLibGetIcon(hXStatusAdvancedStatusIcons[dat->dwXStatus]); dat->dwCountdown = 5; mir_subclassWindow(GetDlgItem(hWndDlg, IDC_XTITLE), MessageEditSubclassProc); mir_subclassWindow(GetDlgItem(hWndDlg, IDC_XMSG), MessageEditSubclassProc); SetWindowLongPtr(hWndDlg, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)dat); SendDlgItemMessage(hWndDlg, IDC_XTITLE, EM_LIMITTEXT, STATUS_TITLE_MAX, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(hWndDlg, IDC_XMSG, EM_LIMITTEXT, STATUS_DESC_MAX, 0); SendMessage(hWndDlg, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, (LPARAM)dat->hDlgIcon); SetWindowText(hWndDlg, TranslateTS(lpcszXStatusNameDef[dat->dwXStatus])); mir_snprintf(szValueName, SIZEOF(szValueName), "XStatus%ldName", dat->dwXStatus); if (dat->ppro->mraGetStringW(NULL, szValueName, szBuff)) SetDlgItemText(hWndDlg, IDC_XTITLE, szBuff.c_str()); // custom xstatus name else // default xstatus name SetDlgItemText(hWndDlg, IDC_XTITLE, TranslateTS(lpcszXStatusNameDef[dat->dwXStatus])); mir_snprintf(szValueName, SIZEOF(szValueName), "XStatus%ldMsg", dat->dwXStatus); if (dat->ppro->mraGetStringW(NULL, szValueName, szBuff)) SetDlgItemText(hWndDlg, IDC_XMSG, szBuff.c_str()); // custom xstatus description else // default xstatus description SetDlgItemText(hWndDlg, IDC_XMSG, _T("")); SendMessage(hWndDlg, WM_TIMER, 0, 0); SetTimer(hWndDlg, 1, 1000, 0); iRet = TRUE; } break; case WM_TIMER: if (dat->dwCountdown != -1) { TCHAR szBuff[MAX_PATH]; mir_sntprintf(szBuff, SIZEOF(szBuff), TranslateT("Closing in %ld"), dat->dwCountdown--); SetDlgItemText(hWndDlg, IDOK, szBuff); break; } case WM_CLOSE: DestroyWindow(hWndDlg); break; case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDOK: DestroyWindow(hWndDlg); break; case IDC_XTITLE: case IDC_XMSG: KillTimer(hWndDlg, 1); SetDlgItemText(hWndDlg, IDOK, TranslateT("OK")); break; } break; case WM_DESTROY: SetWindowLongPtr(hWndDlg, GWLP_USERDATA, 0); if (dat) { // set our xStatus TCHAR szBuff[STATUS_TITLE_MAX + STATUS_DESC_MAX]; DWORD dwBuffSize = GetDlgItemText(hWndDlg, IDC_XMSG, szBuff, (STATUS_DESC_MAX + 1)); char szValueName[MAX_PATH]; mir_snprintf(szValueName, SIZEOF(szValueName), "XStatus%ldMsg", dat->dwXStatus); dat->ppro->mraSetStringExW(NULL, szValueName, szBuff); dat->ppro->mraSetStringExW(NULL, DBSETTING_XSTATUSMSG, szBuff); dwBuffSize = GetDlgItemText(hWndDlg, IDC_XTITLE, szBuff, (STATUS_TITLE_MAX + 1)); if (dwBuffSize == 0) { // user delete all text mir_tstrncpy(szBuff, TranslateTS(lpcszXStatusNameDef[dat->dwXStatus]), STATUS_TITLE_MAX + 1); dwBuffSize = mir_wstrlen(szBuff); } mir_snprintf(szValueName, SIZEOF(szValueName), "XStatus%dName", dat->dwXStatus); dat->ppro->mraSetStringExW(NULL, szValueName, szBuff); dat->ppro->mraSetStringExW(NULL, DBSETTING_XSTATUSNAME, szBuff); CLISTMENUITEM mi = { sizeof(mi) }; mi.flags = (CMIM_NAME | CMIF_UNICODE); mi.ptszName = szBuff; Menu_ModifyItem(dat->ppro->hXStatusMenuItems[dat->dwXStatus], &mi); dat->ppro->MraSetXStatusInternal(dat->dwXStatus); mir_free(dat); } EndDialog(hWndDlg, NO_ERROR); break; } return iRet; } bool CMraProto::MraRequestXStatusDetails(DWORD dwXStatus) { if (IsXStatusValid(dwXStatus)) { SetXStatusData *dat = (SetXStatusData*)mir_calloc(sizeof(SetXStatusData)); dat->dwXStatus = dwXStatus; dat->ppro = this; return DialogBoxParam(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_SETXSTATUS), NULL, SetXStatusDlgProc, (LPARAM)dat) != -1; } return false; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// INT_PTR CALLBACK SendReplyBlogStatusDlgProc(HWND hWndDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { INT_PTR iRet = FALSE; SetBlogStatusData *dat = (SetBlogStatusData*)GetWindowLongPtr(hWndDlg, GWLP_USERDATA); switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG:// set our xStatus TranslateDialogDefault(hWndDlg); dat = (SetBlogStatusData*)lParam; if (dat) { SYSTEMTIME stBlogStatusTime = { 0 }; SetWindowLongPtr(hWndDlg, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)dat); HWND hWndEdit = GetDlgItem(hWndDlg, IDC_MSG_TO_SEND); mir_subclassWindow(GetDlgItem(hWndDlg, IDC_MSG_TO_SEND), MessageEditSubclassProc); SendMessage(hWndEdit, EM_LIMITTEXT, MICBLOG_STATUS_MAX, 0); SendMessage(hWndDlg, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, (LPARAM)IconLibGetIcon(gdiMenuItems[4].hIcolib)); // blog status message CMStringW szBuff; if (dat->ppro->mraGetStringW(dat->hContact, DBSETTING_BLOGSTATUS, szBuff)) SetDlgItemText(hWndDlg, IDC_USER_BLOG_STATUS_MSG, szBuff.c_str()); // reply to some user blog if (dat->hContact) { szBuff.Format(TranslateT("Reply to %s blog status"), GetContactNameW(dat->hContact)); SetWindowText(hWndDlg, szBuff.c_str()); } else SetWindowText(hWndDlg, TranslateT("Set my blog status")); DWORD dwTime = dat->ppro->getDword(dat->hContact, DBSETTING_BLOGSTATUSTIME, 0); if (dwTime && MakeLocalSystemTimeFromTime32(dwTime, &stBlogStatusTime)) szBuff.Format(_T("%s: %04ld.%02ld.%02ld %02ld:%02ld"), TranslateT("Written"), stBlogStatusTime.wYear, stBlogStatusTime.wMonth, stBlogStatusTime.wDay, stBlogStatusTime.wHour, stBlogStatusTime.wMinute); else szBuff.Empty(); SetDlgItemText(hWndDlg, IDC_STATIC_WRITED_TIME, szBuff.c_str()); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hWndDlg, IDC_CHK_NOTIFY), (dat->hContact == NULL)); iRet = TRUE; } break; case WM_CLOSE: DestroyWindow(hWndDlg); break; case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDOK: { DWORD dwFlags; DWORDLONG dwBlogStatusID; TCHAR szBuff[MICBLOG_STATUS_MAX]; GetDlgItemText(hWndDlg, IDC_MSG_TO_SEND, szBuff, SIZEOF(szBuff)); if (dat->hContact) { dwFlags = (MRIM_BLOG_STATUS_REPLY | MRIM_BLOG_STATUS_NOTIFY); DBVARIANT dbv; dbv.type = DBVT_BLOB; dbv.pbVal = (PBYTE)&dwBlogStatusID; dbv.cpbVal = sizeof(DWORDLONG); db_get(dat->hContact, dat->ppro->m_szModuleName, DBSETTING_BLOGSTATUSID, &dbv); } else { dwFlags = MRIM_BLOG_STATUS_UPDATE; if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hWndDlg, IDC_CHK_NOTIFY)) dwFlags |= MRIM_BLOG_STATUS_NOTIFY; dwBlogStatusID = 0; } dat->ppro->MraChangeUserBlogStatus(dwFlags, szBuff, dwBlogStatusID); } case IDCANCEL: DestroyWindow(hWndDlg); break; case IDC_MSG_TO_SEND: if (HIWORD(wParam) == EN_CHANGE) { TCHAR tszBuff[MAX_PATH]; size_t dwMessageSize = GetWindowTextLength(GetDlgItem(hWndDlg, IDC_MSG_TO_SEND)); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hWndDlg, IDOK), dwMessageSize); mir_sntprintf(tszBuff, SIZEOF(tszBuff), _T("%d/%d"), dwMessageSize, MICBLOG_STATUS_MAX); SetDlgItemText(hWndDlg, IDC_STATIC_CHARS_COUNTER, tszBuff); } break; } break; case WM_DESTROY: SetWindowLongPtr(hWndDlg, GWLP_USERDATA, 0); mir_free(dat); EndDialog(hWndDlg, NO_ERROR); break; } return iRet; } bool CMraProto::MraSendReplyBlogStatus(MCONTACT hContact) { SetBlogStatusData* dat = (SetBlogStatusData*)mir_calloc(sizeof(SetBlogStatusData)); dat->ppro = this; dat->hContact = hContact; return CreateDialogParam(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_MINIBLOG), NULL, SendReplyBlogStatusDlgProc, (LPARAM)dat) != NULL; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DWORD GetYears(CONST PSYSTEMTIME pcstSystemTime) { DWORD dwRet = 0; if (pcstSystemTime) { SYSTEMTIME stTime; GetLocalTime(&stTime); dwRet = stTime.wYear - pcstSystemTime->wYear; // ���� �������� ����� � ���� ������ if (stTime.wMonth < pcstSystemTime->wMonth) dwRet--; // �� ��� ����� � ���� ������ ��� ��� ���... else { // �� � ���� ������ if (stTime.wMonth == pcstSystemTime->wMonth) // ��� ������ �����, �� ������� if (stTime.wDay < pcstSystemTime->wDay) dwRet--; } } return dwRet; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DWORD FindFile(LPWSTR lpszFolder, DWORD dwFolderLen, LPWSTR lpszFileName, DWORD dwFileNameLen, LPWSTR lpszRetFilePathName, DWORD dwRetFilePathLen, DWORD *pdwRetFilePathLen) { DWORD dwRetErrorCode; if (lpszFolder && dwFolderLen && lpszFileName && dwFileNameLen) { TCHAR szPath[32768]; DWORD dwPathLen, dwRecDeepAllocated, dwRecDeepCurPos, dwFilePathLen; RECURSION_DATA_STACK_ITEM *prdsiItems; if (dwFolderLen == -1) dwFolderLen = mir_wstrlen(lpszFolder); if (dwFileNameLen == -1) dwFileNameLen = mir_wstrlen(lpszFileName); dwRecDeepCurPos = 0; dwRecDeepAllocated = RECURSION_DATA_STACK_ITEMS_MIN; prdsiItems = (RECURSION_DATA_STACK_ITEM*)mir_calloc(dwRecDeepAllocated*sizeof(RECURSION_DATA_STACK_ITEM)); if (prdsiItems) { dwPathLen = dwFolderLen; memcpy(szPath, lpszFolder, (dwPathLen*sizeof(WCHAR))); if (szPath[(dwPathLen - 1)] != '\\') { szPath[dwPathLen] = '\\'; dwPathLen++; } szPath[dwPathLen] = 0; mir_tstrcat(szPath, _T("*.*")); dwRetErrorCode = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; prdsiItems[dwRecDeepCurPos].dwFileNameLen = 0; prdsiItems[dwRecDeepCurPos].hFind = FindFirstFileEx(szPath, FindExInfoStandard, &prdsiItems[dwRecDeepCurPos].w32fdFindFileData, FindExSearchNameMatch, NULL, 0); if (prdsiItems[dwRecDeepCurPos].hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { dwPathLen -= prdsiItems[dwRecDeepCurPos].dwFileNameLen; while (dwRetErrorCode == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND && FindNextFile(prdsiItems[dwRecDeepCurPos].hFind, &prdsiItems[dwRecDeepCurPos].w32fdFindFileData)) { if (prdsiItems[dwRecDeepCurPos].w32fdFindFileData.dwFileAttributes&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {// folder if (CompareString(MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), NORM_IGNORECASE, prdsiItems[dwRecDeepCurPos].w32fdFindFileData.cFileName, -1, _T("."), 1) != CSTR_EQUAL) if (CompareString(MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), NORM_IGNORECASE, prdsiItems[dwRecDeepCurPos].w32fdFindFileData.cFileName, -1, _T(".."), 2) != CSTR_EQUAL) { prdsiItems[dwRecDeepCurPos].dwFileNameLen = (mir_wstrlen(prdsiItems[dwRecDeepCurPos].w32fdFindFileData.cFileName) + 1); memcpy((szPath + dwPathLen), prdsiItems[dwRecDeepCurPos].w32fdFindFileData.cFileName, (prdsiItems[dwRecDeepCurPos].dwFileNameLen*sizeof(WCHAR))); mir_tstrcat(szPath, _T("\\*.*")); dwPathLen += prdsiItems[dwRecDeepCurPos].dwFileNameLen; dwRecDeepCurPos++; if (dwRecDeepCurPos == dwRecDeepAllocated) { // need more space dwRecDeepAllocated += RECURSION_DATA_STACK_ITEMS_MIN; prdsiItems = (RECURSION_DATA_STACK_ITEM*)mir_realloc(prdsiItems, dwRecDeepAllocated*sizeof(RECURSION_DATA_STACK_ITEM)); if (prdsiItems == NULL) { dwRecDeepCurPos = 0; dwRetErrorCode = GetLastError(); break; } } prdsiItems[dwRecDeepCurPos].hFind = FindFirstFileEx(szPath, FindExInfoStandard, &prdsiItems[dwRecDeepCurPos].w32fdFindFileData, FindExSearchNameMatch, NULL, 0); } } else {// file if (CompareString(MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), NORM_IGNORECASE, prdsiItems[dwRecDeepCurPos].w32fdFindFileData.cFileName, -1, lpszFileName, dwFileNameLen) == CSTR_EQUAL) { prdsiItems[dwRecDeepCurPos].dwFileNameLen = mir_wstrlen(prdsiItems[dwRecDeepCurPos].w32fdFindFileData.cFileName); memcpy((szPath + dwPathLen), prdsiItems[dwRecDeepCurPos].w32fdFindFileData.cFileName, ((prdsiItems[dwRecDeepCurPos].dwFileNameLen + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR))); dwFilePathLen = (dwPathLen + prdsiItems[dwRecDeepCurPos].dwFileNameLen); if (pdwRetFilePathLen) (*pdwRetFilePathLen) = dwFilePathLen; if (lpszRetFilePathName && dwRetFilePathLen) { dwFilePathLen = min(dwFilePathLen, dwRetFilePathLen); memcpy(lpszRetFilePathName, szPath, ((dwFilePathLen + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR))); } dwRetErrorCode = NO_ERROR; } } } if (prdsiItems) FindClose(prdsiItems[dwRecDeepCurPos].hFind); dwRecDeepCurPos--; } while (dwRecDeepCurPos != -1); } mir_free(prdsiItems); } else dwRetErrorCode = GetLastError(); } else dwRetErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; return dwRetErrorCode; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CMraProto::GetPassDB(CMStringA &res) { int storageType = getDword("pCryptVer", 0); if (storageType == 0) return mraGetStringA(NULL, "Password", res) != 0; BYTE btRandomData[256] = { 0 }, btCryptedPass[256] = { 0 }, bthmacSHA1[MIR_SHA1_HASH_SIZE] = { 0 }; size_t dwRandomDataSize, dwCryptedPass, dwPassSize; CMStringA szEmail; if (mraGetContactSettingBlob(NULL, "pCryptData", btRandomData, sizeof(btRandomData), &dwRandomDataSize)) if (dwRandomDataSize == sizeof(btRandomData)) if (mraGetContactSettingBlob(NULL, "pCryptPass", btCryptedPass, sizeof(btCryptedPass), &dwCryptedPass)) if (dwCryptedPass == sizeof(btCryptedPass)) if (mraGetStringA(NULL, "e-mail", szEmail)) { mir_hmac_sha1(bthmacSHA1, (BYTE*)szEmail.c_str(), szEmail.GetLength(), btRandomData, sizeof(btRandomData)); if (storageType == 2) { RC4(btCryptedPass, sizeof(btCryptedPass), bthmacSHA1, MIR_SHA1_HASH_SIZE); CopyMemoryReverseDWORD(btCryptedPass, btCryptedPass, sizeof(btCryptedPass)); RC4(btCryptedPass, sizeof(btCryptedPass), btRandomData, dwRandomDataSize); RC4(btCryptedPass, sizeof(btCryptedPass), bthmacSHA1, MIR_SHA1_HASH_SIZE); dwPassSize = btCryptedPass[0]; SHA1GetDigest(&btCryptedPass[(1 + MIR_SHA1_HASH_SIZE)], dwPassSize, btRandomData); if (0 != memcmp(&btCryptedPass[1], btRandomData, MIR_SHA1_HASH_SIZE)) return false; res = CMStringA((char*)&btCryptedPass[(1 + MIR_SHA1_HASH_SIZE)], dwPassSize); } else if (storageType == 1) { RC4(btCryptedPass, sizeof(btCryptedPass), bthmacSHA1, MIR_SHA1_HASH_SIZE); CopyMemoryReverseDWORD(btCryptedPass, btCryptedPass, sizeof(btCryptedPass)); RC4(btCryptedPass, sizeof(btCryptedPass), btRandomData, dwRandomDataSize); RC4(btCryptedPass, sizeof(btCryptedPass), bthmacSHA1, MIR_SHA1_HASH_SIZE); dwPassSize = (*btCryptedPass); btCryptedPass[dwPassSize + 1 + MIR_SHA1_HASH_SIZE] = 0; unsigned dwDecodedSize; mir_ptr<BYTE> pDecoded((PBYTE)mir_base64_decode((LPCSTR)&btCryptedPass[1 + MIR_SHA1_HASH_SIZE], &dwDecodedSize)); SHA1GetDigest(pDecoded, dwDecodedSize, btRandomData); if (0 != memcmp(&btCryptedPass[1], btRandomData, MIR_SHA1_HASH_SIZE)) return false; res = CMStringA((LPSTR)(PBYTE)pDecoded, dwDecodedSize); } else return false; } delSetting("pCryptData"); delSetting("pCryptPass"); delSetting("pCryptVer"); setString("Password", res); return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static DWORD ReplaceInBuff(LPVOID lpInBuff, size_t dwInBuffSize, size_t dwReplaceItemsCount, LPVOID *plpInReplaceItems, size_t *pdwInReplaceItemsCounts, LPVOID *plpOutReplaceItems, size_t *pdwOutReplaceItemsCounts, CMStringW &ret) { DWORD dwRetErrorCode = NO_ERROR; LPBYTE *plpbtFounded = (LPBYTE*)mir_calloc((sizeof(LPBYTE)*dwReplaceItemsCount)); if (plpbtFounded) { LPBYTE lpbtOutBuffCur, lpbtInBuffCur, lpbtInBuffCurPrev, lpbtOutBuffMax; size_t i, dwFirstFoundIndex = 0, dwFoundCount = 0, dwMemPartToCopy; lpbtInBuffCurPrev = (LPBYTE)lpInBuff; lpbtOutBuffCur = (LPBYTE)ret.GetString(); lpbtOutBuffMax = LPBYTE(lpbtOutBuffCur) + ret.GetLength(); for (i = 0; i < dwReplaceItemsCount; i++) {// looking for the first time plpbtFounded[i] = (LPBYTE)MemoryFind((lpbtInBuffCurPrev - (LPBYTE)lpInBuff), lpInBuff, dwInBuffSize, plpInReplaceItems[i], pdwInReplaceItemsCounts[i]); if (plpbtFounded[i]) dwFoundCount++; } while (dwFoundCount) { for (i = 0; i < dwReplaceItemsCount; i++) if (plpbtFounded[i] && (plpbtFounded[i] < plpbtFounded[dwFirstFoundIndex] || plpbtFounded[dwFirstFoundIndex] == NULL)) dwFirstFoundIndex = i; if (plpbtFounded[dwFirstFoundIndex]) {// in found dwMemPartToCopy = (plpbtFounded[dwFirstFoundIndex] - lpbtInBuffCurPrev); if (lpbtOutBuffMax>(lpbtOutBuffCur + (dwMemPartToCopy + pdwInReplaceItemsCounts[dwFirstFoundIndex]))) { memmove(lpbtOutBuffCur, lpbtInBuffCurPrev, dwMemPartToCopy); lpbtOutBuffCur += dwMemPartToCopy; memmove(lpbtOutBuffCur, plpOutReplaceItems[dwFirstFoundIndex], pdwOutReplaceItemsCounts[dwFirstFoundIndex]); lpbtOutBuffCur += pdwOutReplaceItemsCounts[dwFirstFoundIndex]; lpbtInBuffCurPrev = (plpbtFounded[dwFirstFoundIndex] + pdwInReplaceItemsCounts[dwFirstFoundIndex]); for (i = 0; i < dwReplaceItemsCount; i++) {// looking for in next time if (plpbtFounded[i] && plpbtFounded[i] < lpbtInBuffCurPrev) { plpbtFounded[i] = (LPBYTE)MemoryFind((lpbtInBuffCurPrev - (LPBYTE)lpInBuff), lpInBuff, dwInBuffSize, plpInReplaceItems[i], pdwInReplaceItemsCounts[i]); if (plpbtFounded[i] == NULL) dwFoundCount--; } } } else { dwRetErrorCode = ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; _CrtDbgBreak(); break; } } else {// ���� �� ���� ������� �� ������, �� ������ ������. _CrtDbgBreak(); break; } } lpbtInBuffCur = (((LPBYTE)lpInBuff) + dwInBuffSize); memmove(lpbtOutBuffCur, lpbtInBuffCurPrev, (lpbtInBuffCur - lpbtInBuffCurPrev)); lpbtOutBuffCur += (lpbtInBuffCur - lpbtInBuffCurPrev); (*((WORD*)lpbtOutBuffCur)) = 0; mir_free(plpbtFounded); ret.Truncate(lpbtOutBuffCur - ((LPBYTE)ret.GetString())); } else dwRetErrorCode = GetLastError(); return dwRetErrorCode; } static const LPTSTR lpszXMLTags[] = { _T("'"), _T("""), _T("&"), _T("<"), _T(">") }; static const size_t dwXMLTagsCount[] = { (6 * sizeof(TCHAR)), (6 * sizeof(TCHAR)), (5 * sizeof(TCHAR)), (4 * sizeof(TCHAR)), (4 * sizeof(TCHAR)) }; static const LPTSTR lpszXMLSymbols[] = { _T("\'"), _T("\""), _T("&"), _T("<"), _T(">") }; static const size_t dwXMLSymbolsCount[] = { sizeof(TCHAR), sizeof(TCHAR), sizeof(TCHAR), sizeof(TCHAR), sizeof(TCHAR) }; //Decode XML coded string. The function translate special xml code into standard characters. CMStringW DecodeXML(const CMStringW &lptszMessage) { CMStringW ret('\0', (lptszMessage.GetLength() * 4)); ReplaceInBuff((void*)lptszMessage.GetString(), lptszMessage.GetLength()*sizeof(TCHAR), SIZEOF(lpszXMLTags), (LPVOID*)lpszXMLTags, (size_t*)dwXMLTagsCount, (LPVOID*)lpszXMLSymbols, (size_t*)dwXMLSymbolsCount, ret); return ret; } //Encode XML coded string. The function translate special saved xml characters into special characters. CMStringW EncodeXML(const CMStringW &lptszMessage) { CMStringW ret('\0', (lptszMessage.GetLength() * 4)); ReplaceInBuff((void*)lptszMessage.GetString(), lptszMessage.GetLength()*sizeof(TCHAR), SIZEOF(lpszXMLTags), (LPVOID*)lpszXMLSymbols, (size_t*)dwXMLSymbolsCount, (LPVOID*)lpszXMLTags, (size_t*)dwXMLTagsCount, ret); return ret; }