/* Plugin of Miranda IM for communicating with users of the MSN Messenger protocol. Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Miranda NG Team Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Boris Krasnovskiy. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef _MSN_PROTO_H_ #define _MSN_PROTO_H_ #include <m_protoint.h> struct CMsnProto : public PROTO<CMsnProto> { CMsnProto(const char*, const TCHAR*); ~CMsnProto(); //==================================================================================== // PROTO_INTERFACE //==================================================================================== virtual MCONTACT __cdecl AddToList(int flags, PROTOSEARCHRESULT* psr); virtual MCONTACT __cdecl AddToListByEvent(int flags, int iContact, MEVENT hDbEvent); virtual int __cdecl Authorize(MEVENT hDbEvent); virtual int __cdecl AuthDeny(MEVENT hDbEvent, const TCHAR* szReason); virtual int __cdecl AuthRecv(MCONTACT hContact, PROTORECVEVENT*); virtual int __cdecl AuthRequest(MCONTACT hContact, const TCHAR* szMessage); virtual HANDLE __cdecl FileAllow(MCONTACT hContact, HANDLE hTransfer, const TCHAR* szPath); virtual int __cdecl FileCancel(MCONTACT hContact, HANDLE hTransfer); virtual int __cdecl FileDeny(MCONTACT hContact, HANDLE hTransfer, const TCHAR* szReason); virtual int __cdecl FileResume(HANDLE hTransfer, int* action, const TCHAR** szFilename); virtual DWORD_PTR __cdecl GetCaps(int type, MCONTACT hContact = NULL); virtual int __cdecl GetInfo(MCONTACT hContact, int infoType); virtual HANDLE __cdecl SearchBasic(const TCHAR* id); virtual HANDLE __cdecl SearchByEmail(const TCHAR* email); virtual int __cdecl RecvMsg(MCONTACT hContact, PROTORECVEVENT*); virtual int __cdecl RecvContacts(MCONTACT hContact, PROTORECVEVENT*); #ifdef OBSOLETE virtual HANDLE __cdecl SendFile(MCONTACT hContact, const TCHAR* szDescription, TCHAR** ppszFiles); #endif virtual int __cdecl SendMsg(MCONTACT hContact, int flags, const char* msg); virtual int __cdecl SendContacts(MCONTACT hContact, int flags, int nContacts, MCONTACT *hContactsList); virtual int __cdecl SetApparentMode(MCONTACT hContact, int mode); virtual int __cdecl SetStatus(int iNewStatus); virtual HANDLE __cdecl GetAwayMsg(MCONTACT hContact); virtual int __cdecl SetAwayMsg(int m_iStatus, const TCHAR* msg); virtual int __cdecl UserIsTyping(MCONTACT hContact, int type); virtual int __cdecl OnEvent(PROTOEVENTTYPE eventType, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); //====| Services |==================================================================== INT_PTR __cdecl SvcCreateAccMgrUI(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR __cdecl GetAvatarInfo(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR __cdecl GetMyAwayMsg(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR __cdecl GetAvatar(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR __cdecl SetAvatar(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR __cdecl GetAvatarCaps(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR __cdecl GetCurrentMedia(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR __cdecl SetCurrentMedia(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR __cdecl SetNickName(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR __cdecl SendNudge(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR __cdecl GetUnreadEmailCount(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR __cdecl ManageAccount(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR __cdecl OnLeaveChat(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); //====| Events |====================================================================== int __cdecl OnContactDeleted(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); int __cdecl OnIdleChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); int __cdecl OnGroupChange(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); int __cdecl OnModulesLoaded(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); int __cdecl OnOptionsInit(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); int __cdecl OnPrebuildContactMenu(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); int __cdecl OnPreShutdown(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); int __cdecl OnContactDoubleClicked(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); int __cdecl OnDbSettingChanged(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); int __cdecl OnUserInfoInit(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); #ifdef OBSOLETE int __cdecl OnWindowEvent(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); #endif int __cdecl OnWindowPopup(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); //====| Data |======================================================================== // Security Tokens char *pAuthToken, *tAuthToken; char *oimSendToken; char *authStrToken, *authSecretToken; char *authContactToken; char *authStorageToken; char *hotSecretToken, *hotAuthToken; char *authUser, *authUIC, *authCookies, *authSSLToken, *authAccessToken, *authRefreshToken, *authSkypeComToken, *authSkypeToken; int authMethod; time_t authTokenExpiretime; bool bSentBND; char *abCacheKey, *sharingCacheKey, *storageCacheKey; mir_cs m_csLists; OBJLIST<MsnContact> m_arContacts; LIST<ServerGroupItem> m_arGroups; mir_cs m_csThreads; OBJLIST<ThreadData> m_arThreads; LIST<GCThreadData> m_arGCThreads; mir_cs m_csSessions; #ifdef OBSOLETE OBJLIST<filetransfer> m_arSessions; OBJLIST<directconnection> m_arDirect; #endif mir_cs csMsgQueue; int msgQueueSeq; OBJLIST<MsgQueueEntry> lsMessageQueue; mir_cs csAvatarQueue; LIST<AvatarQueueEntry> lsAvatarQueue; HANDLE hevAvatarQueue; LONG m_chatID; int msnPingTimeout; HANDLE hKeepAliveThreadEvt; char* msnModeMsgs[MSN_NUM_MODES]; LISTENINGTOINFO msnCurrentMedia; MYOPTIONS MyOptions; MyConnectionType MyConnection; ThreadData* msnNsThread; bool msnLoggedIn; bool usingGateway; char* msnExternalIP; char* msnRegistration; char* msnPreviousUUX; char* msnLastStatusMsg; char* mailsoundname; char* alertsoundname; unsigned langpref; unsigned emailEnabled; unsigned abchMigrated; unsigned myFlags; unsigned msnOtherContactsBlocked; int mUnreadMessages; int mUnreadJunkEmails; clock_t mHttpsTS; clock_t mStatusMsgTS; HANDLE msnSearchId; HANDLE hNetlibUserHttps; HANDLE hHttpsConnection; HANDLE hMSNNudge; HANDLE hPopupError, hPopupHotmail, hPopupNotify; HANDLE hCustomSmileyFolder; bool InitCstFldRan; bool isConnectSuccess; bool isIdle; void InitCustomFolders(void); char* getSslResult(char** parUrl, const char* parAuthInfo, const char* hdrs, unsigned& status); bool getMyAvatarFile(char *url, TCHAR *fname); void MSN_GoOffline(void); void MSN_GetCustomSmileyFileName(MCONTACT hContact, TCHAR* pszDest, size_t cbLen, const char* SmileyName, int Type); const char* MirandaStatusToMSN(int status); WORD MSNStatusToMiranda(const char *status); char** GetStatusMsgLoc(int status); void MSN_SendStatusMessage(const char* msg); void MSN_SetServerStatus(int newStatus); void MSN_FetchRecentMessages(time_t since = 0); void MSN_StartStopTyping(GCThreadData* info, bool start); void MSN_SendTyping(ThreadData* info, const char* email, int netId, bool bTyping ); void MSN_InitSB(ThreadData* info, const char* szEmail); void MSN_ReceiveMessage(ThreadData* info, char* cmdString, char* params); int MSN_HandleCommands(ThreadData* info, char* cmdString); int MSN_HandleErrors(ThreadData* info, char* cmdString); void MSN_ProcessNotificationMessage(char* buf, size_t bufLen); void MSN_ProcessStatusMessage(ezxml_t xmli, const char* wlid); void MSN_ProcessNLN(const char *userStatus, const char *wlid, char *userNick, const char *objid, char *cmdstring); void MSN_ProcessPage(char* buf, unsigned len); void MSN_ProcessRemove(char* buf, size_t len); void MSN_ProcessAdd(char* buf, size_t len); void MSN_ProcessYFind(char* buf, size_t len); void MSN_ProcessURIObject(MCONTACT hContact, ezxml_t xmli); void MSN_CustomSmiley(const char* msgBody, char* email, char* nick, int iSmileyType); void MSN_InviteMessage(ThreadData* info, char* msgBody, char* email, char* nick); void MSN_SetMirVer(MCONTACT hContact, DWORD dwValue, bool always); void LoadOptions(void); void InitPopups(void); void MSN_ShowPopup(const TCHAR* nickname, const TCHAR* msg, int flags, const char* url); void MSN_ShowPopup(const MCONTACT hContact, const TCHAR* msg, int flags); void MSN_ShowError(const char* msgtext, ...); #ifdef OBSOLETE void MSN_SetNicknameUtf(const char* nickname); #endif void MSN_SendNicknameUtf(const char* nickname); typedef struct { TCHAR *szName; const char *szMimeType; unsigned char *data; size_t dataSize; } StoreAvatarData; void __cdecl msn_storeAvatarThread(void* arg); void __cdecl msn_storeProfileThread(void*); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MSN Connection properties detection void DecryptEchoPacket(UDPProbePkt& pkt); void MSNatDetect(void); void __cdecl MSNConnDetectThread(void*); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MSN menus HGENMENU mainMenuRoot; HGENMENU menuItemsMain[4]; void MsnInitMainMenu(void); void MsnRemoveMainMenus(void); void MSN_EnableMenuItems(bool parEnable); void MsnInvokeMyURL(bool ismail, const char* url); INT_PTR __cdecl MsnBlockCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR __cdecl MsnGotoInbox(WPARAM, LPARAM); INT_PTR __cdecl MsnSendHotmail(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM); INT_PTR __cdecl MsnEditProfile(WPARAM, LPARAM); INT_PTR __cdecl MsnInviteCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR __cdecl MsnSendNetMeeting(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR __cdecl SetNicknameUI(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR __cdecl MsnViewProfile(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR __cdecl MsnSetupAlerts(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MSN thread functions void __cdecl msn_keepAliveThread(void* arg); void __cdecl msn_loginThread(void* arg); void __cdecl MSNServerThread(void* arg); void __cdecl MsnFileAckThread(void* arg); void __cdecl MsnSearchAckThread(void* arg); void __cdecl sttFakeAvatarAck(void* arg); void __cdecl MsnFakeAck(void* arg); void __cdecl MsnGetAwayMsgThread(void* arg); void __cdecl p2p_sendFeedThread(void* arg ); void __cdecl p2p_fileActiveThread(void* arg ); void __cdecl p2p_filePassiveThread(void* arg); void __cdecl MsgQueue_AllClearThread(void* arg); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MSN thread support void Threads_Uninit(void); void MSN_CloseConnections(void); int MSN_GetChatThreads(ThreadData** parResult); int MSN_GetActiveThreads(ThreadData**); ThreadData* MSN_GetThreadByConnection(HANDLE hConn); ThreadData* MSN_GetThreadByContact(const char* wlid, TInfoType type = SERVER_SWITCHBOARD); GCThreadData*MSN_GetThreadByChatId(const TCHAR* chatId); ThreadData* MSN_GetP2PThreadByContact(const char *wlid); void MSN_StartP2PTransferByContact(const char* wlid); ThreadData* MSN_GetThreadByPort(WORD wPort); ThreadData* MSN_GetUnconnectedThread(const char* wlid, TInfoType type = SERVER_SWITCHBOARD); ThreadData* MSN_GetOtherContactThread(ThreadData* thread); ThreadData* MSN_StartSB(const char* uid, bool& isOffline); void __cdecl ThreadStub(void* arg); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MSN message queue support int MsgQueue_Add(const char* wlid, int msgType, const char* msg, int msglen, filetransfer* ft = NULL, int flags = 0, STRLIST *cnt = NULL); const char* MsgQueue_CheckContact(const char* wlid, time_t tsc = 0); const char* MsgQueue_GetNextRecipient(void); bool MsgQueue_GetNext(const char* wlid, MsgQueueEntry& retVal); int MsgQueue_NumMsg(const char* wlid); void MsgQueue_Clear(const char* wlid = NULL, bool msg = false); void MsgQueue_Init(void); void MsgQueue_Uninit(void); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MSN message reassembly support OBJLIST<chunkedmsg> msgCache; int addCachedMsg(const char* id, const char* msg, const size_t offset, const size_t portion, const size_t totsz, const bool bychunk); size_t getCachedMsgSize(const char* id); bool getCachedMsg(const int idx, char*& msg, size_t& size); bool getCachedMsg(const char* id, char*& msg, size_t& size); void clearCachedMsg(int idx = -1); void CachedMsg_Uninit(void); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MSN P2P session support #ifdef OBSOLETE void p2p_clearDormantSessions(void); void p2p_cancelAllSessions(void); void p2p_redirectSessions(const char* wlid); void p2p_startSessions(const char* wlid); void p2p_clearThreadSessions(MCONTACT hContact, TInfoType mType); void p2p_invite(unsigned iAppID, filetransfer* ft, const char *wlid); void p2p_inviteDc(filetransfer* ft, const char *wlid); void p2p_processMsg(ThreadData* info, char* msgbody, const char* wlid); void p2p_processMsgV2(ThreadData* info, char* msgbody, const char* wlid); void p2p_processSIP(ThreadData* info, char* msgbody, P2PB_Header* hdr, const char* wlid); void p2p_AcceptTransfer(MimeHeaders& tFileInfo, MimeHeaders& tFileInfo2, const char* wlid); void p2p_InitDirectTransfer(MimeHeaders& tFileInfo, MimeHeaders& tFileInfo2, const char* wlid); void p2p_InitDirectTransfer2(MimeHeaders& tFileInfo, MimeHeaders& tFileInfo2, const char* wlid); void p2p_InitFileTransfer(ThreadData* info, MimeHeaders& tFileInfo, MimeHeaders& tFileInfo2, const char* wlid); void p2p_pictureTransferFailed(filetransfer* ft); void p2p_savePicture2disk(filetransfer* ft); bool p2p_createListener(filetransfer* ft, directconnection *dc, MimeHeaders& chdrs); void p2p_startConnect(const char* wlid, const char* szCallID, const char* addr, const char* port, bool ipv6); void p2p_sendAbortSession(filetransfer* ft); void p2p_sendAck(const char *wlid, P2PB_Header* hdrdata); void p2p_sendAvatarInit(filetransfer* ft); void p2p_sendBye(filetransfer* ft); void p2p_sendCancel(filetransfer* ft); void p2p_sendMsg(const char *wlid, unsigned appId, P2PB_Header& hdrdata, char* msgbody, size_t msgsz); void p2p_sendMsg(ThreadData* info, const char *wlid, unsigned appId, P2PB_Header& hdrdata, char* msgbody, size_t msgsz); void p2p_sendNoCall(filetransfer* ft); void p2p_sendSlp(int iKind, filetransfer *ft, MimeHeaders &pHeaders, MimeHeaders &pContent, const char *wlid = NULL); void p2p_sendRedirect(filetransfer* ft); void p2p_sendStatus(filetransfer* ft, long lStatus); void p2p_sendFeedStart(filetransfer* ft); LONG p2p_sendPortion(filetransfer* ft, ThreadData* T, bool isV2); void p2p_sendRecvFileDirectly(ThreadData* info); bool p2p_connectTo(ThreadData* info, directconnection *dc); bool p2p_listen(ThreadData* info, directconnection *dc); void p2p_registerSession(filetransfer* ft); void p2p_unregisterSession(filetransfer* ft); void p2p_sessionComplete(filetransfer* ft); void P2pSessions_Uninit(void); filetransfer* p2p_getAvatarSession(MCONTACT hContact); filetransfer* p2p_getThreadSession(MCONTACT hContact, TInfoType mType); filetransfer* p2p_getSessionByID(unsigned id); filetransfer* p2p_getSessionByUniqueID(unsigned id); filetransfer* p2p_getSessionByCallID(const char* CallID, const char* wlid); bool p2p_sessionRegistered(filetransfer* ft); bool p2p_isAvatarOnly(MCONTACT hContact); unsigned p2p_getMsgId(const char* wlid, int inc); unsigned p2p_getPktNum(const char* wlid); void p2p_registerDC(directconnection* ft); void p2p_unregisterDC(directconnection* dc); directconnection* p2p_getDCByCallID(const char* CallID, const char* wlid); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MSN MSNFTP file transfer void msnftp_invite(filetransfer *ft); void msnftp_sendAcceptReject(filetransfer *ft, bool acc); void msnftp_startFileSend(ThreadData* info, const char* Invcommand, const char* Invcookie); int MSN_HandleMSNFTP(ThreadData *info, char *cmdString); void __cdecl msnftp_sendFileThread(void* arg); #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MSN Chat support int MSN_ChatInit(GCThreadData *info, const char *pszID, const char *pszTopic); void MSN_ChatStart(ezxml_t xmli); void MSN_KillChatSession(const TCHAR* id); void MSN_Kickuser(GCHOOK *gch); void MSN_Promoteuser(GCHOOK *gch, const char *pszRole); const TCHAR *MSN_GCGetRole(GCThreadData* thread, const char *pszWLID); void MSN_GCProcessThreadActivity(ezxml_t xmli, const TCHAR *mChatID); void MSN_GCAddMessage(TCHAR *mChatID, MCONTACT hContact, char *email, time_t ts, bool sentMsg, char *msgBody); void MSN_GCRefreshThreadsInfo(void); MCONTACT MSN_GetChatInernalHandle(MCONTACT hContact); int __cdecl MSN_GCEventHook(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); int __cdecl MSN_GCMenuHook(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MSN contact list int Lists_Add(int list, int netId, const char* email, MCONTACT hContact = NULL, const char* nick = NULL, const char* invite = NULL); bool Lists_IsInList(int list, const char* email); int Lists_GetMask(const char* email); int Lists_GetNetId(const char* email); void Lists_Remove(int list, const char* email); void Lists_Populate(void); void Lists_Wipe(void); MsnContact* Lists_Get(const char* email); MsnContact* Lists_Get(MCONTACT hContact); MsnContact* Lists_GetNext(int& i); MsnPlace* Lists_GetPlace(const char* wlid); MsnPlace* Lists_AddPlace(const char* email, const char* id, unsigned cap1, unsigned cap2); void Lists_Uninit(void); void AddDelUserContList(const char* email, const int list, const int netId, const bool del); void MSN_CreateContList(void); void MSN_CleanupLists(void); void MSN_FindYahooUser(const char* email); bool MSN_RefreshContactList(void); bool MSN_IsMyContact(MCONTACT hContact); bool MSN_IsMeByContact(MCONTACT hContact, char* szEmail = NULL); bool MSN_AddUser(MCONTACT hContact, const char* email, int netId, int flags, const char *msg = NULL); void MSN_AddAuthRequest(const char *email, const char *nick, const char *reason); void MSN_SetContactDb(MCONTACT hContact, const char *szEmail); MCONTACT MSN_HContactFromEmail(const char* msnEmail, const char* msnNick = NULL, bool addIfNeeded = false, bool temporary = false); MCONTACT MSN_HContactFromChatID(const char* wlid); MCONTACT AddToListByEmail(const char *email, const char *nick, DWORD flags); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MSN server groups void MSN_AddGroup(const char* pName, const char* pId, bool init); void MSN_DeleteGroup(const char* pId); void MSN_FreeGroups(void); LPCSTR MSN_GetGroupById(const char* pId); LPCSTR MSN_GetGroupByName(const char* pName); void MSN_SetGroupName(const char* pId, const char* pName); void MSN_MoveContactToGroup(MCONTACT hContact, const char* grpName); void MSN_RenameServerGroup(LPCSTR szId, const char* newName); void MSN_DeleteServerGroup(LPCSTR szId); void MSN_RemoveEmptyGroups(void); void MSN_SyncContactToServerGroup(MCONTACT hContact, const char* szContId, ezxml_t cgrp); void MSN_UploadServerGroups(char* group); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MSN Authentication int MSN_GetPassportAuth(void); int MSN_SkypeAuth(const char *pszNonce, char *pszUIC); int MSN_DoOAuth(void); char* GenerateLoginBlob(char* challenge); void LoadAuthTokensDB(void); void SaveAuthTokensDB(void); int LoginSkypeOAuth(const char *pRefreshToken); bool RefreshOAuth(const char *pszRefreshToken, const char *pszService, char *pszAccessToken, char *pszOutRefreshToken=NULL, time_t *ptExpires=NULL); int MSN_AuthOAuth(void); CMStringA HotmailLogin(const char* url); void FreeAuthTokens(void); int GetMyNetID(void); const char *GetSkypeToken(bool bAsAuthHeader); LPCSTR GetMyUsername(int netId); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MSN avatars support void AvatarQueue_Init(void); void AvatarQueue_Uninit(void); void MSN_GetAvatarFileName(MCONTACT hContact, TCHAR* pszDest, size_t cbLen, const TCHAR *ext); int MSN_SetMyAvatar(const TCHAR* szFname, void* pData, size_t cbLen); void __cdecl MSN_AvatarsThread(void*); void pushAvatarRequest(MCONTACT hContact, LPCSTR pszUrl); bool loadHttpAvatar(AvatarQueueEntry *p); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MSN Mail & Offline messaging support bool nickChg; void getMetaData(void); void getOIMs(ezxml_t xmli); ezxml_t oimRecvHdr(const char* service, ezxml_t& tbdy, char*& httphdr); void processMailData(char* mailData); void sttNotificationMessage(char* msgBody, bool isInitial); void displayEmailCount(MCONTACT hContact); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SKYPE JSON Address Book bool MSN_SKYABRefreshClist(void); bool MSN_SKYABBlockContact(const char *wlid, const char *pszAction); bool MSN_SKYABAuthRq(const char *wlid, const char *pszGreeting); bool MSN_SKYABAuthRsp(const char *wlid, const char *pszAction); bool MSN_SKYABDeleteContact(const char *wlid); bool MSN_SKYABSearch(const char *keyWord, HANDLE hSearch); bool MSN_SKYABGetProfiles(const char *pszPOST); bool MSN_SKYABGetProfile(const char *wlid); bool APISkypeComRequest(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *nlhr, NETLIBHTTPHEADER *headers); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MSN SOAP Address Book bool MSN_SharingFindMembership(bool deltas = false, bool allowRecurse = true); bool MSN_SharingAddDelMember(const char* szEmail, const int listId, const int netId, const char* szMethod, bool allowRecurse = true); bool MSN_SharingMyProfile(bool allowRecurse = true); bool MSN_ABAdd(bool allowRecurse = true); bool MSN_ABFind(const char* szMethod, const char* szGuid, bool deltas = false, bool allowRecurse = true); bool MSN_ABAddDelContactGroup(const char* szCntId, const char* szGrpId, const char* szMethod, bool allowRecurse = true); void MSN_ABAddGroup(const char* szGrpName, bool allowRecurse = true); void MSN_ABRenameGroup(const char* szGrpName, const char* szGrpId, bool allowRecurse = true); void MSN_ABUpdateNick(const char* szNick, const char* szCntId); void MSN_ABUpdateAttr(const char* szCntId, const char* szAttr, const char* szValue, bool allowRecurse = true); bool MSN_ABUpdateProperty(const char* szCntId, const char* propName, const char* propValue, bool allowRecurse = true); bool MSN_ABAddRemoveContact(const char* szCntId, int netId, bool add, bool allowRecurse = true); unsigned MSN_ABContactAdd(const char* szEmail, const char* szNick, int netId, const char* szInvite, bool search, bool retry = false, bool allowRecurse = true); void MSN_ABUpdateDynamicItem(bool allowRecurse = true); bool MSN_ABRefreshClist(void); ezxml_t abSoapHdr(const char* service, const char* scenario, ezxml_t& tbdy, char*& httphdr); char* GetABHost(const char* service, bool isSharing); void SetAbParam(MCONTACT hContact, const char *name, const char *par); void UpdateABHost(const char* service, const char* url); void UpdateABCacheKey(ezxml_t bdy, bool isSharing); ezxml_t getSoapResponse(ezxml_t bdy, const char* service); ezxml_t getSoapFault(ezxml_t bdy, bool err); char mycid[32]; char mypuid[32]; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MSN SOAP Roaming Storage bool MSN_StoreGetProfile(bool allowRecurse = true); bool MSN_StoreUpdateProfile(const char* szNick, const char* szStatus, bool lock, bool allowRecurse = true); bool MSN_StoreCreateProfile(bool allowRecurse = true); bool MSN_StoreShareItem(const char* id, bool allowRecurse = true); bool MSN_StoreCreateRelationships(bool allowRecurse = true); bool MSN_StoreDeleteRelationships(bool tile, bool allowRecurse = true); bool MSN_StoreCreateDocument(const TCHAR *sztName, const char *szMimeType, const char *szPicData, bool allowRecurse = true); bool MSN_StoreUpdateDocument(const TCHAR *sztName, const char *szMimeType, const char *szPicData, bool allowRecurse = true); bool MSN_StoreFindDocuments(bool allowRecurse = true); ezxml_t storeSoapHdr(const char* service, const char* scenario, ezxml_t& tbdy, char*& httphdr); char* GetStoreHost(const char* service); void UpdateStoreHost(const char* service, const char* url); void UpdateStoreCacheKey(ezxml_t bdy); char proresid[64]; char expresid[64]; char photoid[64]; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TCHAR *m_DisplayNameCache; TCHAR* GetContactNameT(MCONTACT hContact); int getStringUtf(MCONTACT hContact, const char* name, DBVARIANT* result); int getStringUtf(const char* name, DBVARIANT* result); void setStringUtf(MCONTACT hContact, const char* name, const char* value); }; extern OBJLIST<CMsnProto> g_Instances; #endif