/* Plugin of Miranda IM for communicating with users of the MSN Messenger protocol. Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Miranda NG Team Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Boris Krasnovskiy. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "msn_global.h" #include "msn_proto.h" static const char abReqHdr[] = "SOAPAction: http://www.msn.com/webservices/AddressBook/%s\r\n"; ezxml_t CMsnProto::abSoapHdr(const char* service, const char* scenario, ezxml_t& tbdy, char*& httphdr) { ezxml_t xmlp = ezxml_new("soap:Envelope"); ezxml_set_attr(xmlp, "xmlns:soap", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"); ezxml_set_attr(xmlp, "xmlns:xsi", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"); ezxml_set_attr(xmlp, "xmlns:xsd", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"); ezxml_set_attr(xmlp, "xmlns:soapenc", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"); ezxml_t hdr = ezxml_add_child(xmlp, "soap:Header", 0); ezxml_t apphdr = ezxml_add_child(hdr, "ABApplicationHeader", 0); ezxml_set_attr(apphdr, "xmlns", "http://www.msn.com/webservices/AddressBook"); ezxml_t node = ezxml_add_child(apphdr, "ApplicationId", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, msnAppID); node = ezxml_add_child(apphdr, "IsMigration", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, abchMigrated ? "false" : "true"); node = ezxml_add_child(apphdr, "PartnerScenario", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, scenario); char *cacheKey = strstr(service, "Member") ? sharingCacheKey : abCacheKey; if (cacheKey) { node = ezxml_add_child(apphdr, "CacheKey", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, cacheKey); } ezxml_t authhdr = ezxml_add_child(hdr, "ABAuthHeader", 0); ezxml_set_attr(authhdr, "xmlns", "http://www.msn.com/webservices/AddressBook"); node = ezxml_add_child(authhdr, "ManagedGroupRequest", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "false"); node = ezxml_add_child(authhdr, "TicketToken", 0); if (authContactToken) ezxml_set_txt(node, authContactToken); ezxml_t bdy = ezxml_add_child(xmlp, "soap:Body", 0); tbdy = ezxml_add_child(bdy, service, 0); ezxml_set_attr(tbdy, "xmlns", "http://www.msn.com/webservices/AddressBook"); if (strstr(service, "Member") == NULL && strcmp(service, "ABAdd") != 0 && strcmp(service, "ABFindContactsPaged")) { ezxml_t node = ezxml_add_child(tbdy, "abId", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"); } size_t hdrsz = strlen(service) + sizeof(abReqHdr) + 20; httphdr = (char*)mir_alloc(hdrsz); mir_snprintf(httphdr, hdrsz, abReqHdr, service); return xmlp; } ezxml_t CMsnProto::getSoapResponse(ezxml_t bdy, const char* service) { char resp1[40], resp2[40]; mir_snprintf(resp1, SIZEOF(resp1), "%sResponse", service); mir_snprintf(resp2, SIZEOF(resp2), "%sResult", service); ezxml_t res = ezxml_get(bdy, "soap:Body", 0, resp1, 0, resp2, -1); if (res == NULL) res = ezxml_get(bdy, "s:Body", 0, resp1, 0, resp2, -1); return res; } ezxml_t CMsnProto::getSoapFault(ezxml_t bdy, bool err) { ezxml_t flt = ezxml_get(bdy, "soap:Body", 0, "soap:Fault", -1); return err ? ezxml_get(flt, "detail", 0, "errorcode", -1) : flt; } void CMsnProto::UpdateABHost(const char* service, const char* url) { char hostname[128]; mir_snprintf(hostname, SIZEOF(hostname), "ABHost-%s", service); if (url) setString(hostname, url); else delSetting(hostname); } void CMsnProto::UpdateABCacheKey(ezxml_t bdy, bool isSharing) { ezxml_t hdr = ezxml_get(bdy, "soap:Header", 0, "ServiceHeader", -1); bool changed = strcmp(ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(hdr, "CacheKeyChanged")), "true") == 0; if (changed) replaceStr(isSharing ? sharingCacheKey : abCacheKey, ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(hdr, "CacheKey"))); } char* CMsnProto::GetABHost(const char* service, bool isSharing) { char hostname[128]; mir_snprintf(hostname, SIZEOF(hostname), "ABHost-%s", service); char* host = (char*)mir_alloc(256); if (db_get_static(NULL, m_szModuleName, hostname, host, 256)) { mir_snprintf(host, 256, "https://byrdr.omega.contacts.msn.com/abservice/%s.asmx", isSharing ? "SharingService" : "abservice"); } return host; } bool CMsnProto::MSN_ABAdd(bool allowRecurse) { char* reqHdr; ezxml_t tbdy, node; ezxml_t xmlp = abSoapHdr("ABAdd", "Timer", tbdy, reqHdr); ezxml_t abinf = ezxml_add_child(tbdy, "abInfo", 0); ezxml_add_child(abinf, "name", 0); node = ezxml_add_child(abinf, "ownerPuid", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "0"); node = ezxml_add_child(abinf, "ownerEmail", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, MyOptions.szEmail); node = ezxml_add_child(abinf, "fDefault", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "true"); char* szData = ezxml_toxml(xmlp, true); ezxml_free(xmlp); unsigned status = 0; char *abUrl = NULL, *tResult = NULL; for (int k = 4; --k;) { mir_free(abUrl); abUrl = GetABHost("ABAdd", false); tResult = getSslResult(&abUrl, szData, reqHdr, status); if (tResult) break; UpdateABHost("ABAdd", NULL); } mir_free(reqHdr); free(szData); if (tResult != NULL) { UpdateABHost("ABAdd", abUrl); ezxml_t xmlm = ezxml_parse_str(tResult, strlen(tResult)); if (status == 500) { const char* szErr = ezxml_txt(getSoapFault(xmlm, true)); if (strcmp(szErr, "PassportAuthFail") == 0 && allowRecurse) { MSN_GetPassportAuth(); status = MSN_ABAdd(false) ? 200 : 500; } } ezxml_free(xmlm); } mir_free(tResult); mir_free(abUrl); return status == 200; } bool CMsnProto::MSN_SharingFindMembership(bool deltas, bool allowRecurse) { char* reqHdr; ezxml_t tbdy; ezxml_t xmlp = abSoapHdr("FindMembership", "Initial", tbdy, reqHdr); ezxml_t svcflt = ezxml_add_child(tbdy, "serviceFilter", 0); ezxml_t tps = ezxml_add_child(svcflt, "Types", 0); ezxml_t node = ezxml_add_child(tps, "ServiceType", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "Messenger"); /* node = ezxml_add_child(tps, "ServiceType", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "Invitation"); node = ezxml_add_child(tps, "ServiceType", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "SocialNetwork"); node = ezxml_add_child(tps, "ServiceType", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "Space"); node = ezxml_add_child(tps, "ServiceType", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "Profile"); node = ezxml_add_child(tps, "ServiceType", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "Folder"); node = ezxml_add_child(tps, "ServiceType", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "OfficeLiveWebNotification"); */ const char *szLastChange = NULL; if (deltas) { DBVARIANT dbv; if (!getString("SharingLastChange", &dbv) && dbv.pszVal[0]) { szLastChange = NEWSTR_ALLOCA(dbv.pszVal); db_free(&dbv); } deltas &= (szLastChange != NULL); } node = ezxml_add_child(tbdy, "View", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "Full"); node = ezxml_add_child(tbdy, "deltasOnly", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, deltas ? "true" : "false"); node = ezxml_add_child(tbdy, "lastChange", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, deltas ? szLastChange : "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000-08:00"); char* szData = ezxml_toxml(xmlp, true); ezxml_free(xmlp); unsigned status = 0; char *abUrl = NULL, *tResult = NULL; for (int k = 4; --k;) { mir_free(abUrl); abUrl = GetABHost("FindMembership", true); tResult = getSslResult(&abUrl, szData, reqHdr, status); if (tResult == NULL) UpdateABHost("FindMembership", NULL); else break; } mir_free(reqHdr); free(szData); if (tResult != NULL) { ezxml_t xmlm = ezxml_parse_str(tResult, strlen(tResult)); if (status == 200) { UpdateABCacheKey(xmlm, true); ezxml_t body = getSoapResponse(xmlm, "FindMembership"); ezxml_t svcs = ezxml_get(body, "Services", 0, "Service", -1); UpdateABHost("FindMembership", body ? abUrl : NULL); while (svcs != NULL) { const char* szType = ezxml_txt(ezxml_get(svcs, "Info", 0, "Handle", 0, "Type", -1)); if (_stricmp(szType, "Messenger") == 0) break; svcs = ezxml_next(svcs); } const char* szLastChange = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(svcs, "LastChange")); if (szLastChange[0]) setString("SharingLastChange", szLastChange); for (ezxml_t mems = ezxml_get(svcs, "Memberships", 0, "Membership", -1); mems != NULL; mems = ezxml_next(mems)) { const char* szRole = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(mems, "MemberRole")); int lstId = ((strcmp(szRole, "Allow") == 0) ? LIST_AL : ((strcmp(szRole, "Block") == 0) ? LIST_BL : ((strcmp(szRole, "Reverse") == 0) ? LIST_RL : ((strcmp(szRole, "Pending") == 0) ? LIST_PL : 0)))); for (ezxml_t memb = ezxml_get(mems, "Members", 0, "Member", -1); memb != NULL; memb = ezxml_next(memb)) { bool deleted = strcmp(ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(memb, "Deleted")), "true") == 0; const char *szType = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(memb, "Type")); const char *szInvite = NULL, *szEmail = NULL, *szNick = NULL; char email[128]; int netId; if (strcmp(szType, "Passport") == 0) { netId = NETID_MSN; szEmail = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(memb, "PassportName")); szNick = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(memb, "DisplayName")); if (!szNick[0]) szNick = NULL; ezxml_t anot = ezxml_get(memb, "Annotations", 0, "Annotation", -1); while (anot != NULL) { if (strcmp(ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(anot, "Name")), "MSN.IM.InviteMessage") == 0) szInvite = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(anot, "Value")); anot = ezxml_next(anot); } } else if (strcmp(szType, "Phone") == 0) { netId = NETID_MOB; mir_snprintf(email, SIZEOF(email), "tel:%s", ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(memb, "PhoneNumber"))); szEmail = email; } else if (strcmp(szType, "Email") == 0) { szEmail = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(memb, "Email")); szNick = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(memb, "DisplayName")); if (!szNick[0]) szNick = NULL; netId = strstr(szEmail, "@yahoo.com") ? NETID_YAHOO : NETID_LCS; ezxml_t anot = ezxml_get(memb, "Annotations", 0, "Annotation", -1); while (anot != NULL) { if (strcmp(ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(anot, "Name")), "MSN.IM.BuddyType") == 0) netId = atol(ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(anot, "Value"))); else if (strcmp(ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(anot, "Name")), "MSN.IM.InviteMessage") == 0) szInvite = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(anot, "Value")); anot = ezxml_next(anot); } } else continue; if (!deleted) Lists_Add(lstId, netId, szEmail, NULL, szNick, szInvite); else Lists_Remove(lstId, szEmail); } } } else if (status == 500) { const char* szErr = ezxml_txt(getSoapFault(xmlm, true)); if (strcmp(szErr, "ABDoesNotExist") == 0) { MSN_ABAdd(); status = 200; } else if (strcmp(szErr, "PassportAuthFail") == 0 && allowRecurse) { MSN_GetPassportAuth(); status = MSN_SharingFindMembership(deltas, false) ? 200 : 500; } } else UpdateABHost("FindMembership", NULL); ezxml_free(xmlm); } mir_free(tResult); mir_free(abUrl); return status == 200; } // AddMember, DeleteMember bool CMsnProto::MSN_SharingAddDelMember(const char* szEmail, const int listId, const int netId, const char* szMethod, bool allowRecurse) { const char* szRole; if (listId & LIST_AL) szRole = "Allow"; else if (listId & LIST_BL) szRole = "Block"; else if (listId & LIST_PL) szRole = "Pending"; else if (listId & LIST_RL) szRole = "Reverse"; else return false; char* reqHdr; ezxml_t tbdy; ezxml_t xmlp = abSoapHdr(szMethod, "BlockUnblock", tbdy, reqHdr); ezxml_t svchnd = ezxml_add_child(tbdy, "serviceHandle", 0); ezxml_t node = ezxml_add_child(svchnd, "Id", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "0"); node = ezxml_add_child(svchnd, "Type", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "Messenger"); node = ezxml_add_child(svchnd, "ForeignId", 0); const char* szMemberName = ""; const char* szTypeName = ""; const char* szAccIdName = ""; switch (netId) { case 1: szMemberName = "PassportMember"; szTypeName = "Passport"; szAccIdName = "PassportName"; break; case 4: szMemberName = "PhoneMember"; szTypeName = "Phone"; szAccIdName = "PhoneNumber"; szEmail = strchr(szEmail, ':') + 1; break; case 2: case 32: szMemberName = "EmailMember"; szTypeName = "Email"; szAccIdName = "Email"; break; } ezxml_t memb = ezxml_add_child(tbdy, "memberships", 0); memb = ezxml_add_child(memb, "Membership", 0); node = ezxml_add_child(memb, "MemberRole", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, szRole); memb = ezxml_add_child(memb, "Members", 0); memb = ezxml_add_child(memb, "Member", 0); ezxml_set_attr(memb, "xsi:type", szMemberName); ezxml_set_attr(memb, "xmlns:xsi", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"); node = ezxml_add_child(memb, "Type", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, szTypeName); node = ezxml_add_child(memb, "State", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "Accepted"); node = ezxml_add_child(memb, szAccIdName, 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, szEmail); char buf[64]; if ((netId == NETID_LCS || netId == NETID_YAHOO) && strcmp(szMethod, "DeleteMember") != 0) { node = ezxml_add_child(memb, "Annotations", 0); ezxml_t anot = ezxml_add_child(node, "Annotation", 0); node = ezxml_add_child(anot, "Name", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "MSN.IM.BuddyType"); node = ezxml_add_child(anot, "Value", 0); mir_snprintf(buf, SIZEOF(buf), "%02d:", netId); ezxml_set_txt(node, buf); } char* szData = ezxml_toxml(xmlp, true); ezxml_free(xmlp); unsigned status; char *abUrl = NULL, *tResult; for (int k = 4; --k;) { mir_free(abUrl); abUrl = GetABHost(szMethod, true); tResult = getSslResult(&abUrl, szData, reqHdr, status); if (tResult == NULL) UpdateABHost(szMethod, NULL); else break; } mir_free(reqHdr); free(szData); if (tResult != NULL) { UpdateABHost(szMethod, abUrl); ezxml_t xmlm = ezxml_parse_str(tResult, strlen(tResult)); UpdateABCacheKey(xmlm, true); if (status == 500) { const char* szErr = ezxml_txt(getSoapFault(xmlm, true)); if (strcmp(szErr, "PassportAuthFail") == 0 && allowRecurse) { MSN_GetPassportAuth(); status = MSN_SharingAddDelMember(szEmail, listId, netId, szMethod, false) ? 200 : 500; } } ezxml_free(xmlm); } mir_free(tResult); mir_free(abUrl); return status == 200; } bool CMsnProto::MSN_SharingMyProfile(bool allowRecurse) { char* reqHdr; ezxml_t tbdy; ezxml_t xmlp = abSoapHdr("AddMember", "RoamingSeed", tbdy, reqHdr); ezxml_t svchnd = ezxml_add_child(tbdy, "serviceHandle", 0); ezxml_t node = ezxml_add_child(svchnd, "Id", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "0"); node = ezxml_add_child(svchnd, "Type", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "Profile"); node = ezxml_add_child(svchnd, "ForeignId", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "MyProfile"); ezxml_t memb = ezxml_add_child(tbdy, "memberships", 0); memb = ezxml_add_child(memb, "Membership", 0); node = ezxml_add_child(memb, "MemberRole", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "ProfileExpression"); memb = ezxml_add_child(memb, "Members", 0); memb = ezxml_add_child(memb, "Member", 0); ezxml_set_attr(memb, "xsi:type", "RoleMember"); ezxml_set_attr(memb, "xmlns:xsi", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"); node = ezxml_add_child(memb, "Type", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "Role"); node = ezxml_add_child(memb, "State", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "Accepted"); node = ezxml_add_child(memb, "Id", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "Allow"); ezxml_t svcdef = ezxml_add_child(memb, "DefiningService", 0); node = ezxml_add_child(svcdef, "Id", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "0"); node = ezxml_add_child(svcdef, "Type", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "Messenger"); node = ezxml_add_child(svcdef, "ForeignId", 0); node = ezxml_add_child(memb, "MaxRoleRecursionDepth", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "0"); node = ezxml_add_child(memb, "MaxDegreesSeparationDepth", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "0"); char* szData = ezxml_toxml(xmlp, true); ezxml_free(xmlp); unsigned status = 0; char *abUrl = NULL, *tResult = NULL; for (int k = 4; --k;) { mir_free(abUrl); abUrl = GetABHost("AddMember", true); tResult = getSslResult(&abUrl, szData, reqHdr, status); if (tResult == NULL) UpdateABHost("AddMember", NULL); else break; } mir_free(reqHdr); free(szData); ezxml_t xmlm = ezxml_parse_str(tResult, strlen(tResult)); if (status == 500) { const char* szErr = ezxml_txt(getSoapFault(xmlm, true)); if (strcmp(szErr, "PassportAuthFail") == 0 && allowRecurse) { MSN_GetPassportAuth(); MSN_SharingMyProfile(false); } } ezxml_free(xmlm); mir_free(tResult); mir_free(abUrl); return status == 200; } void CMsnProto::SetAbParam(MCONTACT hContact, const char *name, const char *par) { if (*par) setStringUtf(hContact, name, (char*)par); // else delSetting(hContact, "FirstName"); } // "ABFindAll", "ABFindByContacts", "ABFindContactsPaged" bool CMsnProto::MSN_ABFind(const char* szMethod, const char* szGuid, bool deltas, bool allowRecurse) { char* reqHdr; ezxml_t tbdy; ezxml_t xmlp = abSoapHdr(szMethod, "Initial", tbdy, reqHdr); const char *szLastChange = NULL; if (deltas) { DBVARIANT dbv; if (!getString("ABFullLastChange", &dbv) && dbv.pszVal[0]) { szLastChange = NEWSTR_ALLOCA(dbv.pszVal); db_free(&dbv); } deltas &= (szLastChange != NULL); } const char *szDynLastChange = NULL; if (deltas) { DBVARIANT dbv; if (!getString("ABFullDynLastChange", &dbv) && dbv.pszVal[0]) { szDynLastChange = NEWSTR_ALLOCA(dbv.pszVal); db_free(&dbv); } deltas &= (szDynLastChange != NULL); } const char *szGroups, *szContacts, *szLastChangeStr; if (strcmp(szMethod, "ABFindContactsPaged")) { ezxml_t node = ezxml_add_child(tbdy, "abView", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "Full"); node = ezxml_add_child(tbdy, "deltasOnly", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, deltas ? "true" : "false"); node = ezxml_add_child(tbdy, "dynamicItemView", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "Gleam"); if (deltas) { node = ezxml_add_child(tbdy, "lastChange", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, szLastChange); node = ezxml_add_child(tbdy, "dynamicItemLastChange", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, szDynLastChange); } if (szGuid) { node = ezxml_add_child(tbdy, "contactIds", 0); node = ezxml_add_child(node, "guid", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, szGuid); } szGroups = "groups"; szContacts = "contacts"; szLastChangeStr = "LastChange"; } else { ezxml_t node = ezxml_add_child(tbdy, "abView", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "MessengerClient8"); node = ezxml_add_child(tbdy, "extendedContent", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "AB AllGroups CircleResult"); ezxml_t filt = ezxml_add_child(tbdy, "filterOptions", 0); node = ezxml_add_child(filt, "DeltasOnly", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, deltas ? "true" : "false"); if (deltas) { node = ezxml_add_child(filt, "LastChanged", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, szLastChange); } node = ezxml_add_child(filt, "ContactFilter", 0); node = ezxml_add_child(node, "IncludeHiddenContacts", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "true"); szGroups = "Groups"; szContacts = "Contacts"; szLastChangeStr = "lastChange"; } char *szData = ezxml_toxml(xmlp, true); ezxml_free(xmlp); unsigned status = 0; char *abUrl = NULL, *tResult = NULL; for (int k = 4; --k;) { mir_free(abUrl); abUrl = GetABHost(szMethod, false); tResult = getSslResult(&abUrl, szData, reqHdr, status); if (tResult == NULL) UpdateABHost(szMethod, NULL); else break; } mir_free(reqHdr); free(szData); if (tResult != NULL) { ezxml_t xmlm = ezxml_parse_str(tResult, strlen(tResult)); UpdateABCacheKey(xmlm, false); if (status == 200) { ezxml_t body = getSoapResponse(xmlm, szMethod); UpdateABHost(szMethod, body ? abUrl : NULL); ezxml_t ab = ezxml_child(body, "Ab"); if (strcmp(szMethod, "ABFindByContacts")) { const char* szLastChange = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(ab, szLastChangeStr)); if (szLastChange[0]) setString("ABFullLastChange", szLastChange); szLastChange = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(ab, "DynamicItemLastChanged")); if (szLastChange[0]) setString("ABFullDynLastChange", szLastChange); } ezxml_t abinf = ezxml_child(ab, "abInfo"); strncpy_s(mycid, ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(abinf, "OwnerCID")), _TRUNCATE); strncpy_s(mypuid, ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(abinf, "ownerPuid")), _TRUNCATE); if (MyOptions.ManageServer) { ezxml_t grp = ezxml_get(body, szGroups, 0, "Group", -1); while (grp != NULL) { const char* szGrpId = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(grp, "groupId")); const char* szGrpName = ezxml_txt(ezxml_get(grp, "groupInfo", 0, "name", -1)); MSN_AddGroup(szGrpName, szGrpId, true); grp = ezxml_next(grp); } } for (ezxml_t cont = ezxml_get(body, szContacts, 0, "Contact", -1); cont != NULL; cont = ezxml_next(cont)) { const char* szContId = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(cont, "contactId")); ezxml_t contInf = ezxml_child(cont, "contactInfo"); const char* szType = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(contInf, "contactType")); if (strcmp(szType, "Me") != 0) { char email[128]; const char* szEmail = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(contInf, "passportName")); const char* szMsgUsr = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(contInf, "isMessengerUser")); int netId = NETID_UNKNOWN; if (strcmp(szMsgUsr, "true") == 0) netId = NETID_MSN; if (szEmail[0] == '\0') { ezxml_t eml = ezxml_get(contInf, "emails", 0, "ContactEmail", -1); while (eml != NULL) { szMsgUsr = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(eml, "isMessengerEnabled")); if (strcmp(szMsgUsr, "true") == 0) { szEmail = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(eml, "email")); const char* szCntType = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(eml, "contactEmailType")); if (strcmp(szCntType, "Messenger2") == 0) netId = NETID_YAHOO; else if (strcmp(szCntType, "Messenger3") == 0) netId = NETID_LCS; break; } eml = ezxml_next(eml); } if (netId == NETID_UNKNOWN) { ezxml_t phn = ezxml_get(contInf, "phones", 0, "ContactPhone", -1); while (phn != NULL) { szMsgUsr = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(phn, "isMessengerEnabled")); if (strcmp(szMsgUsr, "true") == 0) { szEmail = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(phn, "number")); mir_snprintf(email, SIZEOF(email), "tel:%s", szEmail); szEmail = email; netId = NETID_MOB; break; } phn = ezxml_next(phn); } } } if (netId == NETID_UNKNOWN || szEmail[0] == 0) continue; Lists_Add(LIST_FL, netId, szEmail); MCONTACT hContact = MSN_HContactFromEmail(szEmail, szEmail, true, false); if (MyOptions.ManageServer) { ezxml_t grpid = ezxml_child(contInf, "groupIds"); if (!deltas || grpid) { ezxml_t grps = ezxml_child(grpid, "guid"); MSN_SyncContactToServerGroup(hContact, szContId, grps); } } const char* szNick = NULL; ezxml_t anot = ezxml_get(contInf, "annotations", 0, "Annotation", -1); while (anot != NULL) { if (strcmp(ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(anot, "Name")), "AB.NickName") == 0) { szNick = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(anot, "Value")); db_set_utf(hContact, "CList", "MyHandle", szNick); } if (strcmp(ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(anot, "Name")), "AB.JobTitle") == 0) { const char *szTmp = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(anot, "Value")); SetAbParam(hContact, "CompanyPosition", szTmp); } anot = ezxml_next(anot); } if (szNick == NULL) db_unset(hContact, "CList", "MyHandle"); setString(hContact, "ID", szContId); switch (netId) { case NETID_YAHOO: setString(hContact, "Transport", "YAHOO"); break; case NETID_LCS: setString(hContact, "Transport", "LCS"); break; default: delSetting(hContact, "Transport"); } const char *szTmp = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(contInf, "CID")); SetAbParam(hContact, "CID", szTmp); szTmp = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(contInf, "IsNotMobileVisible")); setByte(hContact, "MobileAllowed", strcmp(szTmp, "true") != 0); szTmp = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(contInf, "isMobileIMEnabled")); setByte(hContact, "MobileEnabled", strcmp(szTmp, "true") == 0); szTmp = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(contInf, "firstName")); SetAbParam(hContact, "FirstName", szTmp); szTmp = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(contInf, "lastName")); SetAbParam(hContact, "LastName", szTmp); szTmp = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(contInf, "birthdate")); char *szPtr; if (strtol(szTmp, &szPtr, 10) > 1) { setWord(hContact, "BirthYear", (WORD)strtol(szTmp, &szPtr, 10)); setByte(hContact, "BirthMonth", (BYTE)strtol(szPtr + 1, &szPtr, 10)); setByte(hContact, "BirthDay", (BYTE)strtol(szPtr + 1, &szPtr, 10)); } szTmp = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(contInf, "comment")); if (*szTmp) db_set_s(hContact, "UserInfo", "MyNotes", szTmp); ezxml_t loc = ezxml_get(contInf, "locations", 0, "ContactLocation", -1); while (loc != NULL) { const char* szCntType = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(loc, "contactLocationType")); int locid = -1; if (strcmp(szCntType, "ContactLocationPersonal") == 0) locid = 0; else if (strcmp(szCntType, "ContactLocationBusiness") == 0) locid = 1; if (locid >= 0) { szTmp = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(loc, "name")); SetAbParam(hContact, "Company", szTmp); szTmp = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(loc, "street")); SetAbParam(hContact, locid ? "CompanyStreet" : "Street", szTmp); szTmp = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(loc, "city")); SetAbParam(hContact, locid ? "CompanyCity" : "City", szTmp); szTmp = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(loc, "state")); SetAbParam(hContact, locid ? "CompanyState" : "State", szTmp); szTmp = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(loc, "country")); SetAbParam(hContact, locid ? "CompanyCountry" : "Country", szTmp); szTmp = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(loc, "postalCode")); SetAbParam(hContact, locid ? "CompanyZIP" : "ZIP", szTmp); } loc = ezxml_next(loc); } ezxml_t web = ezxml_get(contInf, "webSites", 0, "ContactWebSite", -1); while (web != NULL) { const char* szCntType = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(web, "contactWebSiteType")); if (strcmp(szCntType, "ContactWebSiteBusiness") == 0) { szTmp = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(web, "webURL")); SetAbParam(hContact, "CompanyHomepage", szTmp); } web = ezxml_next(web); } } else { const char *szTmp; szTmp = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(contInf, "isMobileIMEnabled")); setByte("MobileEnabled", strcmp(szTmp, "true") == 0); szTmp = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(contInf, "IsNotMobileVisible")); setByte("MobileAllowed", strcmp(szTmp, "true") != 0); szTmp = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(contInf, "firstName")); setStringUtf(NULL, "FirstName", szTmp); szTmp = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(contInf, "lastName")); setStringUtf(NULL, "LastName", szTmp); ezxml_t anot = ezxml_get(contInf, "annotations", 0, "Annotation", -1); while (anot != NULL) { if (strcmp(ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(anot, "Name")), "MSN.IM.BLP") == 0) msnOtherContactsBlocked = !atol(ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(anot, "Value"))); anot = ezxml_next(anot); } } } if (!msnLoggedIn && msnNsThread) { char *szCircleTicket = ezxml_txt(ezxml_get(body, "CircleResult", 0, "CircleTicket", -1)); ptrA szCircleTicketEnc(mir_base64_encode((PBYTE)szCircleTicket, (unsigned)strlen(szCircleTicket))); if (szCircleTicketEnc) msnNsThread->sendPacket("USR", "SHA A %s", szCircleTicketEnc); } } else if (status == 500) { const char* szErr = ezxml_txt(getSoapFault(xmlm, true)); if (strcmp(szErr, "PassportAuthFail") == 0 && allowRecurse) { MSN_GetPassportAuth(); status = MSN_ABFind(szMethod, szGuid, deltas, false) ? 200 : 500; } else if (strcmp(szErr, "FullSyncRequired") == 0 && deltas) { status = MSN_ABFind(szMethod, szGuid, false, false) ? 200 : 500; } } else UpdateABHost(szMethod, NULL); ezxml_free(xmlm); } mir_free(tResult); mir_free(abUrl); return status == 200; } // "ABGroupContactAdd" : "ABGroupContactDelete", "ABGroupDelete", "ABContactDelete" bool CMsnProto::MSN_ABAddDelContactGroup(const char* szCntId, const char* szGrpId, const char* szMethod, bool allowRecurse) { char* reqHdr; ezxml_t tbdy, node; ezxml_t xmlp = abSoapHdr(szMethod, "Timer", tbdy, reqHdr); if (szGrpId != NULL) { node = ezxml_add_child(tbdy, "groupFilter", 0); node = ezxml_add_child(node, "groupIds", 0); node = ezxml_add_child(node, "guid", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, szGrpId); } if (szCntId != NULL) { node = ezxml_add_child(tbdy, "contacts", 0); node = ezxml_add_child(node, "Contact", 0); node = ezxml_add_child(node, "contactId", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, szCntId); } char* szData = ezxml_toxml(xmlp, true); ezxml_free(xmlp); unsigned status = 0; char *abUrl = NULL, *tResult = NULL; for (int k = 4; --k;) { mir_free(abUrl); abUrl = GetABHost(szMethod, false); tResult = getSslResult(&abUrl, szData, reqHdr, status); if (tResult == NULL) UpdateABHost(szMethod, NULL); else break; } mir_free(reqHdr); free(szData); if (tResult != NULL) { UpdateABHost(szMethod, abUrl); ezxml_t xmlm = ezxml_parse_str(tResult, strlen(tResult)); UpdateABCacheKey(xmlm, false); if (status == 500) { const char* szErr = ezxml_txt(getSoapFault(xmlm, true)); if (strcmp(szErr, "PassportAuthFail") == 0 && allowRecurse) { MSN_GetPassportAuth(); status = MSN_ABAddDelContactGroup(szCntId, szGrpId, szMethod, false) ? 200 : 500; } } ezxml_free(xmlm); } mir_free(tResult); mir_free(abUrl); return status == 200; } void CMsnProto::MSN_ABAddGroup(const char* szGrpName, bool allowRecurse) { char* reqHdr; ezxml_t tbdy; ezxml_t xmlp = abSoapHdr("ABGroupAdd", "GroupSave", tbdy, reqHdr); ezxml_t node = ezxml_add_child(tbdy, "groupAddOptions", 0); node = ezxml_add_child(node, "fRenameOnMsgrConflict", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "false"); node = ezxml_add_child(tbdy, "groupInfo", 0); ezxml_t grpi = ezxml_add_child(node, "GroupInfo", 0); node = ezxml_add_child(grpi, "name", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, szGrpName); node = ezxml_add_child(grpi, "groupType", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "C8529CE2-6EAD-434d-881F-341E17DB3FF8"); node = ezxml_add_child(grpi, "fMessenger", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "false"); node = ezxml_add_child(grpi, "annotations", 0); ezxml_t annt = ezxml_add_child(node, "Annotation", 0); node = ezxml_add_child(annt, "Name", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "MSN.IM.Display"); node = ezxml_add_child(annt, "Value", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "1"); char* szData = ezxml_toxml(xmlp, true); ezxml_free(xmlp); unsigned status = 0; char *abUrl = NULL, *tResult = NULL; for (int k = 4; --k;) { mir_free(abUrl); abUrl = GetABHost("ABGroupAdd", false); tResult = getSslResult(&abUrl, szData, reqHdr, status); if (tResult == NULL) UpdateABHost("ABGroupAdd", NULL); else break; } free(szData); mir_free(reqHdr); if (tResult != NULL) { UpdateABHost("ABGroupAdd", abUrl); ezxml_t xmlm = ezxml_parse_str(tResult, strlen(tResult)); UpdateABCacheKey(xmlm, false); if (status == 200) { ezxml_t body = getSoapResponse(xmlm, "ABGroupAdd"); const char* szGrpId = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(body, "guid")); MSN_AddGroup(szGrpName, szGrpId, false); } else if (status == 500) { const char* szErr = ezxml_txt(getSoapFault(xmlm, true)); if (strcmp(szErr, "PassportAuthFail") == 0 && allowRecurse) { MSN_GetPassportAuth(); MSN_ABAddGroup(szGrpName, false); } } ezxml_free(xmlm); } mir_free(tResult); mir_free(abUrl); } void CMsnProto::MSN_ABRenameGroup(const char* szGrpName, const char* szGrpId, bool allowRecurse) { char* reqHdr; ezxml_t tbdy; ezxml_t xmlp = abSoapHdr("ABGroupUpdate", "Timer", tbdy, reqHdr); ezxml_t node = ezxml_add_child(tbdy, "groups", 0); ezxml_t grp = ezxml_add_child(node, "Group", 0); node = ezxml_add_child(grp, "groupId", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, szGrpId); ezxml_t grpi = ezxml_add_child(grp, "groupInfo", 0); node = ezxml_add_child(grpi, "name", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, szGrpName); node = ezxml_add_child(grp, "propertiesChanged", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "GroupName"); char* szData = ezxml_toxml(xmlp, true); ezxml_free(xmlp); unsigned status = 0; char *abUrl = NULL, *tResult = NULL; for (int k = 4; --k;) { mir_free(abUrl); abUrl = GetABHost("ABGroupUpdate", false); tResult = getSslResult(&abUrl, szData, reqHdr, status); if (tResult == NULL) UpdateABHost("ABGroupUpdate", NULL); else break; } mir_free(reqHdr); free(szData); if (tResult != NULL) { UpdateABHost("ABGroupUpdate", abUrl); ezxml_t xmlm = ezxml_parse_str(tResult, strlen(tResult)); UpdateABCacheKey(xmlm, false); if (status == 500) { const char* szErr = ezxml_txt(getSoapFault(xmlm, true)); if (strcmp(szErr, "PassportAuthFail") == 0 && allowRecurse) { MSN_GetPassportAuth(); MSN_ABRenameGroup(szGrpName, szGrpId, false); } } ezxml_free(xmlm); } mir_free(tResult); mir_free(abUrl); } bool CMsnProto::MSN_ABAddRemoveContact(const char* szCntId, int netId, bool add, bool allowRecurse) { char* reqHdr; ezxml_t tbdy, contp; ezxml_t xmlp = abSoapHdr("ABContactUpdate", "Timer", tbdy, reqHdr); ezxml_t node = ezxml_add_child(tbdy, "contacts", 0); ezxml_t cont = ezxml_add_child(node, "Contact", 0); ezxml_set_attr(cont, "xmlns", "http://www.msn.com/webservices/AddressBook"); node = ezxml_add_child(cont, "contactId", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, szCntId); ezxml_t conti = ezxml_add_child(cont, "contactInfo", 0); switch (netId) { case NETID_MSN: node = ezxml_add_child(conti, "isMessengerUser", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, add ? "true" : "false"); node = ezxml_add_child(cont, "propertiesChanged", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "IsMessengerUser"); break; case NETID_LCS: case NETID_YAHOO: contp = ezxml_add_child(conti, "emails", 0); contp = ezxml_add_child(contp, "ContactEmail", 0); node = ezxml_add_child(contp, "contactEmailType", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, netId == NETID_YAHOO ? "Messenger2" : "Messenger3"); node = ezxml_add_child(contp, "isMessengerEnabled", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, add ? "true" : "false"); node = ezxml_add_child(contp, "propertiesChanged", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "IsMessengerEnabled"); node = ezxml_add_child(cont, "propertiesChanged", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "ContactEmail"); break; case NETID_MOB: contp = ezxml_add_child(conti, "phones", 0); contp = ezxml_add_child(contp, "ContactPhone", 0); node = ezxml_add_child(contp, "contactPhoneType", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "ContactPhoneMobile"); node = ezxml_add_child(contp, "isMessengerEnabled", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, add ? "true" : "false"); node = ezxml_add_child(contp, "propertiesChanged", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "IsMessengerEnabled"); node = ezxml_add_child(cont, "propertiesChanged", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "ContactPhone"); break; } char* szData = ezxml_toxml(xmlp, true); ezxml_free(xmlp); unsigned status = 0; char *abUrl = NULL, *tResult = NULL; for (int k = 4; --k;) { mir_free(abUrl); abUrl = GetABHost("ABContactUpdate", false); tResult = getSslResult(&abUrl, szData, reqHdr, status); if (tResult == NULL) UpdateABHost("ABContactUpdate", NULL); else break; } mir_free(reqHdr); free(szData); if (tResult != NULL) { UpdateABHost("ABContactUpdate", abUrl); ezxml_t xmlm = ezxml_parse_str(tResult, strlen(tResult)); UpdateABCacheKey(xmlm, false); if (status == 500) { const char* szErr = ezxml_txt(getSoapFault(xmlm, true)); if (strcmp(szErr, "PassportAuthFail") == 0 && allowRecurse) { MSN_GetPassportAuth(); if (MSN_ABAddRemoveContact(szCntId, netId, add, false)) status = 200; } } ezxml_free(xmlm); } mir_free(tResult); mir_free(abUrl); return status == 200; } bool CMsnProto::MSN_ABUpdateProperty(const char* szCntId, const char* propName, const char* propValue, bool allowRecurse) { char* reqHdr; ezxml_t tbdy; ezxml_t xmlp = abSoapHdr("ABContactUpdate", "Timer", tbdy, reqHdr); ezxml_t node = ezxml_add_child(tbdy, "contacts", 0); ezxml_t cont = ezxml_add_child(node, "Contact", 0); ezxml_set_attr(cont, "xmlns", "http://www.msn.com/webservices/AddressBook"); ezxml_t conti = ezxml_add_child(cont, "contactInfo", 0); if (szCntId == NULL) { node = ezxml_add_child(conti, "contactType", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "Me"); } else { node = ezxml_add_child(cont, "contactId", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, szCntId); } node = ezxml_add_child(conti, propName, 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, propValue); node = ezxml_add_child(cont, "propertiesChanged", 0); char* szPrpChg = mir_strdup(propName); *szPrpChg = _toupper(*szPrpChg); ezxml_set_txt(node, szPrpChg); char* szData = ezxml_toxml(xmlp, true); ezxml_free(xmlp); mir_free(szPrpChg); unsigned status = 0; char *abUrl = NULL, *tResult = NULL; for (int k = 4; --k;) { mir_free(abUrl); abUrl = GetABHost("ABContactUpdate", false); tResult = getSslResult(&abUrl, szData, reqHdr, status); if (tResult == NULL) UpdateABHost("ABContactUpdate", NULL); else break; } mir_free(reqHdr); free(szData); if (tResult != NULL) { UpdateABHost("ABContactUpdate", abUrl); ezxml_t xmlm = ezxml_parse_str(tResult, strlen(tResult)); UpdateABCacheKey(xmlm, false); if (status == 500) { const char* szErr = ezxml_txt(getSoapFault(xmlm, true)); if (strcmp(szErr, "PassportAuthFail") == 0 && allowRecurse) { MSN_GetPassportAuth(); if (MSN_ABUpdateProperty(szCntId, propName, propValue, false)) status = 200; } } ezxml_free(xmlm); } mir_free(tResult); mir_free(abUrl); return status == 200; } void CMsnProto::MSN_ABUpdateAttr(const char* szCntId, const char* szAttr, const char* szValue, bool allowRecurse) { char* reqHdr; ezxml_t tbdy; ezxml_t xmlp = abSoapHdr("ABContactUpdate", "Timer", tbdy, reqHdr); ezxml_t node = ezxml_add_child(tbdy, "contacts", 0); ezxml_t cont = ezxml_add_child(node, "Contact", 0); ezxml_set_attr(cont, "xmlns", "http://www.msn.com/webservices/AddressBook"); ezxml_t conti = ezxml_add_child(cont, "contactInfo", 0); if (szCntId == NULL) { node = ezxml_add_child(conti, "contactType", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "Me"); } else { node = ezxml_add_child(cont, "contactId", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, szCntId); } node = ezxml_add_child(conti, "annotations", 0); ezxml_t anot = ezxml_add_child(node, "Annotation", 0); node = ezxml_add_child(anot, "Name", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, szAttr); node = ezxml_add_child(anot, "Value", 0); if (szValue != NULL) ezxml_set_txt(node, szValue); node = ezxml_add_child(cont, "propertiesChanged", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "Annotation"); char* szData = ezxml_toxml(xmlp, true); ezxml_free(xmlp); unsigned status = 0; char *abUrl = NULL, *tResult = NULL; for (int k = 4; --k;) { mir_free(abUrl); abUrl = GetABHost("ABContactUpdate", false); tResult = getSslResult(&abUrl, szData, reqHdr, status); if (tResult == NULL) UpdateABHost("ABContactUpdate", NULL); else break; } mir_free(reqHdr); free(szData); if (tResult != NULL) { UpdateABHost("ABContactUpdate", abUrl); ezxml_t xmlm = ezxml_parse_str(tResult, strlen(tResult)); UpdateABCacheKey(xmlm, false); if (status == 500) { const char* szErr = ezxml_txt(getSoapFault(xmlm, true)); if (strcmp(szErr, "PassportAuthFail") == 0 && allowRecurse) { MSN_GetPassportAuth(); MSN_ABUpdateAttr(szCntId, szAttr, szValue, false); } } ezxml_free(xmlm); } mir_free(tResult); mir_free(abUrl); } void CMsnProto::MSN_ABUpdateNick(const char* szNick, const char* szCntId) { if (szCntId != NULL) MSN_ABUpdateAttr(szCntId, "AB.NickName", szNick); else MSN_ABUpdateProperty(szCntId, "displayName", szNick); } unsigned CMsnProto::MSN_ABContactAdd(const char* szEmail, const char* szNick, int netId, const char* szInvite, bool search, bool retry, bool allowRecurse) { char* reqHdr; ezxml_t tbdy; ezxml_t xmlp = abSoapHdr("ABContactAdd", "ContactSave", tbdy, reqHdr); ezxml_t conts = ezxml_add_child(tbdy, "contacts", 0); ezxml_t node = ezxml_add_child(conts, "Contact", 0); ezxml_set_attr(node, "xmlns", "http://www.msn.com/webservices/AddressBook"); ezxml_t conti = ezxml_add_child(node, "contactInfo", 0); ezxml_t contp; const char* szEmailNP = strchr(szEmail, ':'); if (szEmailNP != NULL) netId = NETID_MOB; switch (netId) { case NETID_MSN: node = ezxml_add_child(conti, "contactType", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "LivePending"); node = ezxml_add_child(conti, "passportName", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, szEmail); node = ezxml_add_child(conti, "isMessengerUser", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "true"); if (szInvite) { node = ezxml_add_child(conti, "MessengerMemberInfo", 0); node = ezxml_add_child(node, "PendingAnnotations", 0); ezxml_t anot = ezxml_add_child(node, "Annotation", 0); node = ezxml_add_child(anot, "Name", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "MSN.IM.InviteMessage"); node = ezxml_add_child(anot, "Value", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, szInvite); } break; case NETID_MOB: ++szEmailNP; if (szNick == NULL) szNick = szEmailNP; node = ezxml_add_child(conti, "phones", 0); contp = ezxml_add_child(node, "ContactPhone", 0); node = ezxml_add_child(contp, "contactPhoneType", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "ContactPhoneMobile"); node = ezxml_add_child(contp, "number", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, szEmailNP); node = ezxml_add_child(contp, "isMessengerEnabled", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "true"); node = ezxml_add_child(contp, "propertiesChanged", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "Number IsMessengerEnabled"); break; case NETID_LCS: case NETID_YAHOO: node = ezxml_add_child(conti, "emails", 0); contp = ezxml_add_child(node, "ContactEmail", 0); node = ezxml_add_child(contp, "contactEmailType", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, netId == NETID_YAHOO ? "Messenger2" : "Messenger3"); node = ezxml_add_child(contp, "email", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, szEmail); node = ezxml_add_child(contp, "isMessengerEnabled", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "true"); node = ezxml_add_child(contp, "Capability", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, netId == NETID_YAHOO ? "32" : "2"); node = ezxml_add_child(contp, "propertiesChanged", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "Email IsMessengerEnabled Capability"); break; } if (szNick != NULL) { node = ezxml_add_child(conti, "annotations", 0); ezxml_t annt = ezxml_add_child(node, "Annotation", 0); node = ezxml_add_child(annt, "Name", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "MSN.IM.Display"); node = ezxml_add_child(annt, "Value", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, szNick); } node = ezxml_add_child(conts, "options", 0); node = ezxml_add_child(node, "EnableAllowListManagement", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "true"); char* szData = ezxml_toxml(xmlp, true); ezxml_free(xmlp); unsigned status = 0; char *abUrl = NULL, *tResult = NULL; for (int k = 4; --k;) { mir_free(abUrl); abUrl = GetABHost("ABContactAdd", false); tResult = getSslResult(&abUrl, szData, reqHdr, status); if (tResult == NULL) UpdateABHost("ABContactAdd", NULL); else break; } mir_free(reqHdr); free(szData); if (tResult != NULL) { ezxml_t xmlm = ezxml_parse_str(tResult, strlen(tResult)); UpdateABCacheKey(xmlm, false); if (status == 200) { ezxml_t body = getSoapResponse(xmlm, "ABContactAdd"); const char* szContId = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(body, "guid")); if (search) MSN_ABAddDelContactGroup(szContId, NULL, "ABContactDelete"); else { MSN_ABAddRemoveContact(szContId, NETID_MSN, true); MCONTACT hContact = MSN_HContactFromEmail(szEmail, szNick ? szNick : szEmail, true, false); setString(hContact, "ID", szContId); } status = 0; } else if (status == 500) { const char* szErr = ezxml_txt(getSoapFault(xmlm, true)); if (strcmp(szErr, "InvalidPassportUser") == 0) status = 1; else if (strcmp(szErr, "FederatedQueryFailure") == 0) status = 4; else if (strcmp(szErr, "EmailDomainIsFederated") == 0) status = 2; else if (strcmp(szErr, "BadEmailArgument") == 0) status = 4; else if (strcmp(szErr, "ContactAlreadyExists") == 0) { status = 3; ezxml_t node = getSoapFault(xmlm, false); node = ezxml_get(node, "detail", 0, "additionalDetails", 0, "conflictObjectId", -1); const char* szContId = ezxml_txt(node); if (search) { if (retry) { MSN_ABAddDelContactGroup(szContId, NULL, "ABContactDelete"); status = 0; } } else { MCONTACT hContact = MSN_HContactFromEmail(szEmail, szNick ? szNick : szEmail, true, false); setString(hContact, "ID", szContId); } } else if (strcmp(szErr, "PassportAuthFail") == 0 && allowRecurse) { MSN_GetPassportAuth(); status = MSN_ABContactAdd(szEmail, szNick, netId, NULL, search, retry, false); } else status = MSN_ABContactAdd(szEmail, szNick, netId, NULL, search, false); } ezxml_free(xmlm); } mir_free(tResult); mir_free(abUrl); return status; } void CMsnProto::MSN_ABUpdateDynamicItem(bool allowRecurse) { char* reqHdr; ezxml_t tbdy; ezxml_t xmlp = abSoapHdr("UpdateDynamicItem", "RoamingIdentityChanged", tbdy, reqHdr); ezxml_t dynitms = ezxml_add_child(tbdy, "dynamicItems", 0); ezxml_t dynitm = ezxml_add_child(dynitms, "DynamicItem", 0); ezxml_set_attr(dynitm, "xsi:type", "PassportDynamicItem"); ezxml_t node = ezxml_add_child(dynitm, "Type", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "Passport"); node = ezxml_add_child(dynitm, "PassportName", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, MyOptions.szEmail); ezxml_t nots = ezxml_add_child(dynitm, "Notifications", 0); ezxml_t notd = ezxml_add_child(nots, "NotificationData", 0); ezxml_t strsvc = ezxml_add_child(notd, "StoreService", 0); ezxml_t info = ezxml_add_child(strsvc, "Info", 0); ezxml_t hnd = ezxml_add_child(info, "Handle", 0); node = ezxml_add_child(hnd, "Id", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "0"); node = ezxml_add_child(hnd, "Type", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "Profile"); node = ezxml_add_child(hnd, "ForeignId", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "MyProfile"); node = ezxml_add_child(info, "InverseRequired", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "false"); node = ezxml_add_child(info, "IsBot", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "false"); node = ezxml_add_child(strsvc, "Changes", 0); node = ezxml_add_child(strsvc, "LastChange", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "0001-01-01T00:00:00"); node = ezxml_add_child(strsvc, "Deleted", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "false"); node = ezxml_add_child(notd, "Status", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "Exist Access"); node = ezxml_add_child(notd, "LastChanged", 0); time_t timer; time(&timer); tm *tmst = gmtime(&timer); char tmstr[64]; mir_snprintf(tmstr, SIZEOF(tmstr), "%04u-%02u-%02uT%02u:%02u:%02uZ", tmst->tm_year + 1900, tmst->tm_mon + 1, tmst->tm_mday, tmst->tm_hour, tmst->tm_min, tmst->tm_sec); ezxml_set_txt(node, tmstr); node = ezxml_add_child(notd, "Gleam", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "false"); node = ezxml_add_child(notd, "InstanceId", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "0"); node = ezxml_add_child(dynitm, "Changes", 0); ezxml_set_txt(node, "Notifications"); char* szData = ezxml_toxml(xmlp, true); ezxml_free(xmlp); unsigned status; char *abUrl = NULL, *tResult; for (int k = 4; --k;) { mir_free(abUrl); abUrl = GetABHost("UpdateDynamicItem", false); tResult = getSslResult(&abUrl, szData, reqHdr, status); if (tResult == NULL) UpdateABHost("UpdateDynamicItem", NULL); else break; } mir_free(reqHdr); free(szData); if (tResult != NULL) { UpdateABHost("UpdateDynamicItem", abUrl); ezxml_t xmlm = ezxml_parse_str(tResult, strlen(tResult)); UpdateABCacheKey(xmlm, false); if (status == 500) { const char* szErr = ezxml_txt(getSoapFault(xmlm, true)); if (strcmp(szErr, "PassportAuthFail") == 0 && allowRecurse) { MSN_GetPassportAuth(); MSN_ABUpdateDynamicItem(false); } } ezxml_free(xmlm); } mir_free(tResult); mir_free(abUrl); }