/* Plugin of Miranda IM for communicating with users of the MSN Messenger protocol. Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Miranda NG Team Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Boris Krasnovskiy. Copyright (c) 2003-2005 George Hazan. Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Richard Hughes (original version). This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "msn_global.h" #include "msn_proto.h" extern int avsPresent; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GetMyAwayMsg - obtain the current away message INT_PTR CMsnProto::GetMyAwayMsg(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { char** msgptr = GetStatusMsgLoc(wParam ? wParam : m_iStatus); if (msgptr == NULL) return 0; return (lParam & SGMA_UNICODE) ? (INT_PTR)mir_utf8decodeW(*msgptr) : (INT_PTR)mir_utf8decodeA(*msgptr); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MsnGetAvatar - retrieves the file name of my own avatar INT_PTR CMsnProto::GetAvatar(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { TCHAR* buf = (TCHAR*)wParam; int size = (int)lParam; if (buf == NULL || size <= 0) return -1; MSN_GetAvatarFileName(NULL, buf, size, NULL); return _taccess(buf, 0); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MsnGetAvatarInfo - retrieve the avatar info void CMsnProto::sttFakeAvatarAck(void* arg) { Sleep(100); ProtoBroadcastAck(((PROTO_AVATAR_INFORMATIONT*)arg)->hContact, ACKTYPE_AVATAR, ACKRESULT_FAILED, arg, 0); } INT_PTR CMsnProto::GetAvatarInfo(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { PROTO_AVATAR_INFORMATIONT* AI = (PROTO_AVATAR_INFORMATIONT*)lParam; TCHAR filename[MAX_PATH]; MsnContact *cont = NULL; if (AI->hContact) { cont = Lists_Get(AI->hContact); if (cont == NULL) return GAIR_NOAVATAR; if ((cont->cap1 & 0xf0000000) == 0) return GAIR_NOAVATAR; } if (AI->hContact == NULL || _stricmp(cont->email, MyOptions.szEmail) == 0) { MSN_GetAvatarFileName(NULL, filename, SIZEOF(filename), NULL); AI->format = MSN_GetImageFormat(filename); if (AI->format != PA_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) _tcscpy(AI->filename, filename); return AI->format == PA_FORMAT_UNKNOWN ? GAIR_NOAVATAR : GAIR_SUCCESS; } char *szContext; DBVARIANT dbv; if ( getString(AI->hContact, AI->hContact ? "PictContext" : "PictObject", &dbv) == 0) { szContext = (char*)NEWSTR_ALLOCA(dbv.pszVal); db_free(&dbv); } else return GAIR_NOAVATAR; MSN_GetAvatarFileName(AI->hContact, filename, SIZEOF(filename), NULL); AI->format = MSN_GetImageFormat(filename); if (AI->format != PA_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) { bool needupdate = true; if (getString(AI->hContact, "PictSavedContext", &dbv) == 0) { needupdate = strcmp(dbv.pszVal, szContext) != 0; db_free(&dbv); } if (needupdate) { setString(AI->hContact, "PictSavedContext", szContext); // Store also avatar hash char* szAvatarHash = MSN_GetAvatarHash(szContext); if (szAvatarHash != NULL) { setString(AI->hContact, "AvatarSavedHash", szAvatarHash); mir_free(szAvatarHash); } } _tcscpy(AI->filename, filename); return GAIR_SUCCESS; } if ((wParam & GAIF_FORCE) != 0 && AI->hContact != NULL) { if (avsPresent < 0) avsPresent = ServiceExists(MS_AV_SETMYAVATAR) != 0; if (!avsPresent) return GAIR_NOAVATAR; WORD wStatus = getWord(AI->hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); if (wStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) { delSetting(AI->hContact, "AvatarHash"); PROTO_AVATAR_INFORMATIONT* fakeAI = new PROTO_AVATAR_INFORMATIONT; *fakeAI = *AI; ForkThread(&CMsnProto::sttFakeAvatarAck, fakeAI); } else if ( !getString(AI->hContact, "AvatarUrl", &dbv)) { pushAvatarRequest(AI->hContact, dbv.pszVal); db_free(&dbv); } else if (p2p_getAvatarSession(AI->hContact) == NULL) { filetransfer* ft = new filetransfer(this); ft->std.hContact = AI->hContact; ft->p2p_object = mir_strdup(szContext); MSN_GetAvatarFileName(AI->hContact, filename, SIZEOF(filename), _T("unk")); ft->std.tszCurrentFile = mir_tstrdup(filename); p2p_invite(MSN_APPID_AVATAR, ft, NULL); } return GAIR_WAITFOR; } return GAIR_NOAVATAR; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MsnGetAvatarCaps - retrieves avatar capabilities INT_PTR CMsnProto::GetAvatarCaps(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { int res = 0; switch (wParam) { case AF_MAXSIZE: ((POINT*)lParam)->x = 96; ((POINT*)lParam)->y = 96; break; case AF_PROPORTION: res = PIP_NONE; break; case AF_FORMATSUPPORTED: res = lParam == PA_FORMAT_PNG || lParam == PA_FORMAT_GIF || lParam == PA_FORMAT_JPEG; break; case AF_ENABLED: res = 1; break; } return res; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MsnSetAvatar - sets an avatar without UI INT_PTR CMsnProto::SetAvatar(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { TCHAR* szFileName = (TCHAR*)lParam; TCHAR tFileName[MAX_PATH]; MSN_GetAvatarFileName(NULL, tFileName, SIZEOF(tFileName), NULL); _tremove(tFileName); if (szFileName == NULL) { delSetting("PictObject"); delSetting("AvatarHash"); ForkThread(&CMsnProto::msn_storeAvatarThread, NULL); } else { int fileId = _topen(szFileName, _O_RDONLY | _O_BINARY, _S_IREAD); if (fileId < 0) return 1; size_t dwPngSize = _filelengthi64(fileId); unsigned char* pData = (unsigned char*)mir_alloc(dwPngSize); if (pData == NULL) return 2; _read(fileId, pData, (unsigned)dwPngSize); _close(fileId); TCHAR drive[_MAX_DRIVE]; TCHAR dir[_MAX_DIR]; TCHAR fname[_MAX_FNAME]; TCHAR ext[_MAX_EXT]; _tsplitpath(szFileName, drive, dir, fname, ext); int fmt = MSN_SetMyAvatar(fname, pData, dwPngSize); StoreAvatarData* par = (StoreAvatarData*)mir_alloc(sizeof(StoreAvatarData)); par->szName = mir_tstrdup(fname); par->data = pData; par->dataSize = dwPngSize; par->szMimeType = "image/png"; ForkThread(&CMsnProto::msn_storeAvatarThread, par); } MSN_SetServerStatus(m_iStatus); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SetNickname - sets a nick name without UI INT_PTR CMsnProto::SetNickName(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (wParam & SMNN_UNICODE) MSN_SendNickname((wchar_t*)lParam); else MSN_SendNickname((char*)lParam); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MsnSendNudge - Sending a nudge INT_PTR CMsnProto::SendNudge(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (!msnLoggedIn) return 0; HANDLE hContact = (HANDLE)wParam; char tEmail[MSN_MAX_EMAIL_LEN]; if (MSN_IsMeByContact(hContact, tEmail)) return 0; static const char nudgemsg[] = "Content-Type: text/x-msnmsgr-datacast\r\n\r\n" "ID: 1\r\n\r\n"; int netId = Lists_GetNetId(tEmail); switch (netId) { case NETID_UNKNOWN: hContact = MSN_GetChatInernalHandle(hContact); case NETID_MSN: case NETID_LCS: { bool isOffline; ThreadData* thread = MSN_StartSB(tEmail, isOffline); if (thread == NULL) { if (isOffline) return 0; MsgQueue_Add(tEmail, 'N', nudgemsg, -1); } else { int tNnetId = netId == NETID_UNKNOWN ? NETID_MSN : netId; thread->sendMessage('N', tEmail, tNnetId, nudgemsg, MSG_DISABLE_HDR); } } break; case NETID_YAHOO: msnNsThread->sendMessage('3', tEmail, netId, nudgemsg, MSG_DISABLE_HDR); break; default: break; } return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GetCurrentMedia - get current media INT_PTR CMsnProto::GetCurrentMedia(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LISTENINGTOINFO *cm = (LISTENINGTOINFO *)lParam; if (cm == NULL || cm->cbSize != sizeof(LISTENINGTOINFO)) return -1; cm->ptszArtist = mir_tstrdup(msnCurrentMedia.ptszArtist); cm->ptszAlbum = mir_tstrdup(msnCurrentMedia.ptszAlbum); cm->ptszTitle = mir_tstrdup(msnCurrentMedia.ptszTitle); cm->ptszTrack = mir_tstrdup(msnCurrentMedia.ptszTrack); cm->ptszYear = mir_tstrdup(msnCurrentMedia.ptszYear); cm->ptszGenre = mir_tstrdup(msnCurrentMedia.ptszGenre); cm->ptszLength = mir_tstrdup(msnCurrentMedia.ptszLength); cm->ptszPlayer = mir_tstrdup(msnCurrentMedia.ptszPlayer); cm->ptszType = mir_tstrdup(msnCurrentMedia.ptszType); cm->dwFlags = msnCurrentMedia.dwFlags; return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SetCurrentMedia - set current media INT_PTR CMsnProto::SetCurrentMedia(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // Clear old info mir_free(msnCurrentMedia.ptszArtist); mir_free(msnCurrentMedia.ptszAlbum); mir_free(msnCurrentMedia.ptszTitle); mir_free(msnCurrentMedia.ptszTrack); mir_free(msnCurrentMedia.ptszYear); mir_free(msnCurrentMedia.ptszGenre); mir_free(msnCurrentMedia.ptszLength); mir_free(msnCurrentMedia.ptszPlayer); mir_free(msnCurrentMedia.ptszType); memset(&msnCurrentMedia, 0, sizeof(msnCurrentMedia)); // Copy new info LISTENINGTOINFO *cm = (LISTENINGTOINFO *)lParam; if (cm != NULL && cm->cbSize == sizeof(LISTENINGTOINFO) && (cm->ptszArtist != NULL || cm->ptszTitle != NULL)) { bool unicode = (cm->dwFlags & LTI_UNICODE) != 0; msnCurrentMedia.cbSize = sizeof(msnCurrentMedia); // Marks that there is info set msnCurrentMedia.dwFlags = LTI_TCHAR; overrideStr(msnCurrentMedia.ptszType, cm->ptszType, unicode, _T("Music")); overrideStr(msnCurrentMedia.ptszArtist, cm->ptszArtist, unicode); overrideStr(msnCurrentMedia.ptszAlbum, cm->ptszAlbum, unicode); overrideStr(msnCurrentMedia.ptszTitle, cm->ptszTitle, unicode, _T("No Title")); overrideStr(msnCurrentMedia.ptszTrack, cm->ptszTrack, unicode); overrideStr(msnCurrentMedia.ptszYear, cm->ptszYear, unicode); overrideStr(msnCurrentMedia.ptszGenre, cm->ptszGenre, unicode); overrideStr(msnCurrentMedia.ptszLength, cm->ptszLength, unicode); overrideStr(msnCurrentMedia.ptszPlayer, cm->ptszPlayer, unicode); } // Set user text if (msnCurrentMedia.cbSize == 0) delSetting("ListeningTo"); else { TCHAR *text; if (ServiceExists(MS_LISTENINGTO_GETPARSEDTEXT)) text = (TCHAR *) CallService(MS_LISTENINGTO_GETPARSEDTEXT, (WPARAM) _T("%title% - %artist%"), (LPARAM) &msnCurrentMedia); else { text = (TCHAR *) mir_alloc(128 * sizeof(TCHAR)); mir_sntprintf(text, 128, _T("%s - %s"), (msnCurrentMedia.ptszTitle ? msnCurrentMedia.ptszTitle : _T("")), (msnCurrentMedia.ptszArtist ? msnCurrentMedia.ptszArtist : _T(""))); } setTString("ListeningTo", text); mir_free(text); } // Send it char** msgptr = GetStatusMsgLoc(m_iDesiredStatus); MSN_SendStatusMessage(msgptr ? *msgptr : NULL); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MsnContactDeleted - called when a contact is deleted from list int CMsnProto::OnContactDeleted(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { const HANDLE hContact = (HANDLE)wParam; if (!msnLoggedIn) //should never happen for MSN contacts return 0; int type = getByte(hContact, "ChatRoom", 0); if (type != 0) { DBVARIANT dbv; if (!getTString(hContact, "ChatRoomID", &dbv)) { MSN_KillChatSession(dbv.ptszVal); db_free(&dbv); } } else { char szEmail[MSN_MAX_EMAIL_LEN]; if (MSN_IsMeByContact(hContact, szEmail)) CallService(MS_CLIST_REMOVEEVENT, (WPARAM)hContact, (LPARAM) 1); if (szEmail[0]) { MSN_DebugLog("Deleted Handler Email"); if (Lists_IsInList(LIST_FL, szEmail)) { DeleteParam param = { this, hContact }; DialogBoxParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DELETECONTACT), NULL, DlgDeleteContactUI, (LPARAM)¶m); MsnContact* msc = Lists_Get(szEmail); if (msc) msc->hContact = NULL; } if (Lists_IsInList(LIST_LL, szEmail)) { MSN_AddUser(hContact, szEmail, 0, LIST_LL | LIST_REMOVE); } } } return 0; } int CMsnProto::OnGroupChange(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { if (!msnLoggedIn || !MyOptions.ManageServer) return 0; const HANDLE hContact = (HANDLE)wParam; const CLISTGROUPCHANGE* grpchg = (CLISTGROUPCHANGE*)lParam; if (hContact == NULL) { if (grpchg->pszNewName == NULL && grpchg->pszOldName != NULL) { LPCSTR szId = MSN_GetGroupByName(UTF8(grpchg->pszOldName)); if (szId != NULL) MSN_DeleteServerGroup(szId); } else if (grpchg->pszNewName != NULL && grpchg->pszOldName != NULL) { LPCSTR szId = MSN_GetGroupByName(UTF8(grpchg->pszOldName)); if (szId != NULL) MSN_RenameServerGroup(szId, UTF8(grpchg->pszNewName)); } } else { if (MSN_IsMyContact(hContact)) { char* szNewName = grpchg->pszNewName ? mir_utf8encodeT(grpchg->pszNewName) : NULL; MSN_MoveContactToGroup(hContact, szNewName); mir_free(szNewName); } } return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MsnDbSettingChanged - look for contact's settings changes int CMsnProto::OnDbSettingChanged(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { HANDLE hContact = (HANDLE)wParam; DBCONTACTWRITESETTING* cws = (DBCONTACTWRITESETTING*)lParam; if (!msnLoggedIn) return 0; if (hContact == NULL) { if (MyOptions.SlowSend && strcmp(cws->szSetting, "MessageTimeout") == 0 && (strcmp(cws->szModule, "SRMM") == 0 || strcmp(cws->szModule, "SRMsg") == 0)) { if (cws->value.dVal < 60000) MessageBox(NULL, TranslateT("MSN requires message send timeout in your Message window plugin to be not less then 60 sec. Please correct the timeout value."), TranslateT("MSN Protocol"), MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION); } return 0; } if (!strcmp(cws->szSetting, "ApparentMode")) { char tEmail[MSN_MAX_EMAIL_LEN]; if (!getStaticString(hContact, "e-mail", tEmail, sizeof(tEmail))) { bool isBlocked = Lists_IsInList(LIST_BL, tEmail); if (isBlocked && (cws->value.type == DBVT_DELETED || cws->value.wVal == 0)) { MSN_AddUser(hContact, tEmail, 0, LIST_BL + LIST_REMOVE); MSN_AddUser(hContact, tEmail, 0, LIST_AL); } else if (!isBlocked && cws->value.wVal == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) { MSN_AddUser(hContact, tEmail, 0, LIST_AL + LIST_REMOVE); MSN_AddUser(hContact, tEmail, 0, LIST_BL); } } } if (!strcmp(cws->szSetting, "MyHandle") && !strcmp(cws->szModule, "CList")) { bool isMe = MSN_IsMeByContact(hContact); if (!isMe || !nickChg) { char szContactID[100]; if (!getStaticString(hContact, "ID", szContactID, sizeof(szContactID))) { if (cws->value.type != DBVT_DELETED) { if (cws->value.type == DBVT_UTF8) MSN_ABUpdateNick(cws->value.pszVal, szContactID); else MSN_ABUpdateNick(UTF8(cws->value.pszVal), szContactID); } else MSN_ABUpdateNick(NULL, szContactID); } if (isMe) displayEmailCount(hContact); } } return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OnIdleChanged - transitions to Idle int CMsnProto::OnIdleChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (m_iStatus == ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE || m_iStatus <= ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) return 0; bool bIdle = (lParam & IDF_ISIDLE) != 0; bool bPrivacy = (lParam & IDF_PRIVACY) != 0; if (isIdle && !bIdle) { isIdle = false; MSN_SetServerStatus(m_iDesiredStatus); } else if (!isIdle && bIdle && !bPrivacy && m_iDesiredStatus != ID_STATUS_AWAY) { isIdle = true; MSN_SetServerStatus(ID_STATUS_IDLE); } return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OnWindowEvent - creates session on window open int CMsnProto::OnWindowEvent(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { MessageWindowEventData* msgEvData = (MessageWindowEventData*)lParam; if (msgEvData->uType == MSG_WINDOW_EVT_OPENING) { if (m_iStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE || m_iStatus == ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE) return 0; if (!MSN_IsMyContact(msgEvData->hContact)) return 0; char tEmail[MSN_MAX_EMAIL_LEN]; if (MSN_IsMeByContact(msgEvData->hContact, tEmail)) return 0; int netId = Lists_GetNetId(tEmail); if (netId != NETID_MSN && netId != NETID_LCS) return 0; if (Lists_IsInList(LIST_BL, tEmail)) return 0; bool isOffline; ThreadData* thread = MSN_StartSB(tEmail, isOffline); if (thread == NULL && !isOffline) MsgQueue_Add(tEmail, 'X', NULL, 0); } return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OnWindowEvent - creates session on window open int CMsnProto::OnWindowPopup(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { MessageWindowPopupData *mwpd = (MessageWindowPopupData *)lParam; if (!MSN_IsMyContact(mwpd->hContact) || getByte(mwpd->hContact, "ChatRoom", 0)) return 0; switch (mwpd->uType) { case MSG_WINDOWPOPUP_SHOWING: AppendMenu(mwpd->hMenu, MF_STRING, 13465, TranslateT("Convert to Chat")); break; case MSG_WINDOWPOPUP_SELECTED: if (mwpd->selection == 13465) { DialogBoxParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_CHATROOM_INVITE), NULL, DlgInviteToChat, LPARAM(new InviteChatParam(NULL, mwpd->hContact, this))); } break; } return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MsnGetUnread - returns the actual number of unread emails in the INBOX INT_PTR CMsnProto::GetUnreadEmailCount(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (!msnLoggedIn) return 0; return mUnreadMessages; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OnLeaveChat - closes MSN chat window INT_PTR CMsnProto::OnLeaveChat(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { HANDLE hContact = (HANDLE)wParam; if (getByte(hContact, "ChatRoom", 0) != 0) { DBVARIANT dbv; if (getTString(hContact, "ChatRoomID", &dbv) == 0) { MSN_KillChatSession(dbv.ptszVal); db_free(&dbv); } } return 0; }