/* Minecraft Dynmap plugin for Miranda Instant Messenger _____________________________________________ Copyright © 2015-17 Robert Pösel This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" http::response MinecraftDynmapProto::sendRequest(const int request_type, std::string *post_data, std::string *get_data) { http::response resp; // Prepare the request NETLIBHTTPREQUEST nlhr = { sizeof(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST) }; // FIXME: get server // Set request URL std::string url = m_server + chooseAction(request_type, get_data); nlhr.szUrl = (char*)url.c_str(); // Set timeout (bigger for channel request) nlhr.timeout = 1000 * ((request_type == MINECRAFTDYNMAP_REQUEST_EVENTS) ? 65 : 20); // Set request type (GET/POST) and eventually also POST data if (post_data != nullptr) { nlhr.requestType = REQUEST_POST; nlhr.pData = (char*)(*post_data).c_str(); nlhr.dataLength = (int)post_data->length(); } else { nlhr.requestType = REQUEST_GET; } // Set headers - it depends on requestType so it must be after setting that nlhr.headers = get_request_headers(nlhr.requestType, &nlhr.headersCount); // Set flags nlhr.flags = NLHRF_HTTP11; #ifdef _DEBUG nlhr.flags |= NLHRF_DUMPASTEXT; #else nlhr.flags |= NLHRF_NODUMP; #endif // Set persistent connection (or not) switch (request_type) { case MINECRAFTDYNMAP_REQUEST_HOME: nlhr.nlc = nullptr; break; case MINECRAFTDYNMAP_REQUEST_EVENTS: nlhr.nlc = hEventsConnection; nlhr.flags |= NLHRF_PERSISTENT; break; default: WaitForSingleObject(connection_lock_, INFINITE); nlhr.nlc = hConnection; nlhr.flags |= NLHRF_PERSISTENT; break; } debugLogA("@@@@@ Sending request to '%s'", nlhr.szUrl); // Send the request NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *pnlhr = Netlib_HttpTransaction(m_hNetlibUser, &nlhr); mir_free(nlhr.headers); // Remember the persistent connection handle (or not) switch (request_type) { case MINECRAFTDYNMAP_REQUEST_HOME: break; case MINECRAFTDYNMAP_REQUEST_EVENTS: hEventsConnection = pnlhr ? pnlhr->nlc : nullptr; break; default: ReleaseMutex(connection_lock_); hConnection = pnlhr ? pnlhr->nlc : nullptr; break; } // Check and copy response data if (pnlhr != nullptr) { debugLogA("@@@@@ Got response with code %d", pnlhr->resultCode); store_headers(&resp, pnlhr->headers, pnlhr->headersCount); resp.code = pnlhr->resultCode; resp.data = pnlhr->pData ? pnlhr->pData : ""; // debugLogA("&&&&& Got response: %s", resp.data.c_str()); Netlib_FreeHttpRequest(pnlhr); } else { debugLogA("!!!!! No response from server (time-out)"); resp.code = HTTP_CODE_FAKE_DISCONNECTED; // Better to have something set explicitely as this value is compaired in all communication requests } return resp; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// std::string MinecraftDynmapProto::chooseAction(int request_type, std::string *get_data) { switch (request_type) { case MINECRAFTDYNMAP_REQUEST_MESSAGE: { return "/up/sendmessage"; } case MINECRAFTDYNMAP_REQUEST_CONFIGURATION: { return "/up/configuration"; } case MINECRAFTDYNMAP_REQUEST_EVENTS: { std::string request = "/up/world/%s/%s"; // Set world std::string world = "world"; // TODO: configurable world? utils::text::replace_first(&request, "%s", world); // Set timestamp utils::text::replace_first(&request, "%s", !m_timestamp.empty() ? m_timestamp : "0"); return request; } //case MINECRAFTDYNMAP_REQUEST_HOME: default: { return "/" + *get_data; } } } NETLIBHTTPHEADER* MinecraftDynmapProto::get_request_headers(int request_type, int* headers_count) { if (request_type == REQUEST_POST) *headers_count = 5; else *headers_count = 4; NETLIBHTTPHEADER *headers = (NETLIBHTTPHEADER*)mir_calloc(sizeof(NETLIBHTTPHEADER)*(*headers_count)); if (request_type == REQUEST_POST) { headers[4].szName = "Content-Type"; headers[4].szValue = "application/json; charset=utf-8"; } headers[3].szName = "Cookie"; headers[3].szValue = (char *)m_cookie.c_str(); headers[2].szName = "User-Agent"; headers[2].szValue = (char *)g_strUserAgent.c_str(); headers[1].szName = "Accept"; headers[1].szValue = "*/*"; headers[0].szName = "Accept-Language"; headers[0].szValue = "en,en-US;q=0.9"; return headers; } void MinecraftDynmapProto::store_headers(http::response* resp, NETLIBHTTPHEADER* headers, int headersCount) { for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t)headersCount; i++) { std::string header_name = headers[i].szName; std::string header_value = headers[i].szValue; resp->headers[header_name] = header_value; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool MinecraftDynmapProto::doSignOn() { handleEntry(__FUNCTION__); http::response resp = sendRequest(MINECRAFTDYNMAP_REQUEST_CONFIGURATION); if (resp.code != HTTP_CODE_OK) { return handleError(__FUNCTION__, "Can't load configuration", true); } JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(resp.data.c_str()); if (!root) return false; /* const JSONNode &allowchat_ = root["allowchat"]; // boolean const JSONNode &allowwebchat_ = root["allowwebchat"]; // boolean const JSONNode &loggedin_ = root["loggedin"]; // boolean const JSONNode &loginEnabled_ = root["login-enabled"]; // boolean const JSONNode &loginRequired_ = root["webchat-requires-login"]; // boolean */ const JSONNode &title_ = root["title"]; // name of server const JSONNode &interval_ = root["webchat-interval"]; // limit in seconds for sending messages const JSONNode &rate_ = root["updaterate"]; // probably update rate for events request if (!title_ || !interval_ || !rate_) { return handleError(__FUNCTION__, "No title, interval or rate in configuration", true); } m_title = title_.as_string(); m_interval = interval_.as_int(); m_updateRate = rate_.as_int(); m_cookie.clear(); if (resp.headers.find("Set-Cookie") != resp.headers.end()) { // Load Session identifier std::string cookies = resp.headers["Set-Cookie"]; const char *findStr = "JSESSIONID="; std::string::size_type start = cookies.find(findStr); if (start != std::string::npos) { m_cookie = cookies.substr(start, cookies.find(";") - start); } } if (m_cookie.empty()) { return handleError(__FUNCTION__, "Empty session id", true); } return handleSuccess(__FUNCTION__); } bool MinecraftDynmapProto::doEvents() { handleEntry(__FUNCTION__); // Get update http::response resp = sendRequest(MINECRAFTDYNMAP_REQUEST_EVENTS); if (resp.code != HTTP_CODE_OK) return handleError(__FUNCTION__, "Response is not code 200"); JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(resp.data.c_str()); if (!root) return handleError(__FUNCTION__, "Invalid JSON response"); const JSONNode ×tamp_ = root["timestamp"]; if (!timestamp_) return handleError(__FUNCTION__, "Received no timestamp node"); m_timestamp = timestamp_.as_string(); const JSONNode &updates_ = root["updates"]; if (!updates_) return handleError(__FUNCTION__, "Received no updates node"); for (auto it = updates_.begin(); it != updates_.end(); ++it) { const JSONNode &type_ = (*it)["type"]; if (type_ && type_.as_string() == "chat") { const JSONNode &time_ = (*it)["timestamp"]; // const JSONNode &source_ = (*it)["source"]; // e.g. "web" const JSONNode &playerName_ = (*it)["playerName"]; const JSONNode &message_ = (*it)["message"]; // TODO: there are also "channel" and "account" elements if (!time_ || !playerName_ || !message_) { debugLogW(L"Error: No player name, time or text for message"); continue; } time_t timestamp = utils::time::from_string(time_.as_string()); std::string name = playerName_.as_string(); std::string message = message_.as_string(); debugLogW(L"Received message: [%d] %s -> %s", timestamp, name.c_str(), message.c_str()); UpdateChat(name.c_str(), message.c_str(), timestamp); } } return handleSuccess(__FUNCTION__); } bool MinecraftDynmapProto::doSendMessage(const std::string &message_text) { handleEntry(__FUNCTION__); JSONNode json(JSON_NODE); json.push_back(JSONNode("name", m_nick.c_str())); json.push_back(JSONNode("message", message_text.c_str())); std::string data = json.write(); http::response resp = sendRequest(MINECRAFTDYNMAP_REQUEST_MESSAGE, &data); if (resp.code == HTTP_CODE_OK) { JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(resp.data.c_str()); if (root) { const JSONNode &error_ = root["error"]; if (error_) { std::string error = error_.as_string(); if (error == "none") { return handleSuccess(__FUNCTION__); } else if (error == "not-allowed") { UpdateChat(nullptr, Translate("Message was not sent. Probably you are sending them too fast or chat is disabled completely.")); } } } } return handleError(__FUNCTION__); } std::string MinecraftDynmapProto::doGetPage(const int request_type) { handleEntry(__FUNCTION__); http::response resp = sendRequest(request_type); if (resp.code == HTTP_CODE_OK) { handleSuccess(__FUNCTION__); } else { handleError(__FUNCTION__); } return resp.data; } void MinecraftDynmapProto::SignOnWorker(void*) { SYSTEMTIME t; GetLocalTime(&t); debugLogA("[%d.%d.%d] Using Omegle Protocol %s", t.wDay, t.wMonth, t.wYear, __VERSION_STRING_DOTS); ScopedLock s(signon_lock_); int old_status = m_iStatus; // Load server from database ptrA str(db_get_sa(NULL, m_szModuleName, MINECRAFTDYNMAP_KEY_SERVER)); if (!str || !str[0]) { MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Set server address to connect."), m_tszUserName, MB_OK); SetStatus(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); return; } m_server = str; // Fix format of given server if (m_server.substr(0, 7) != "http://" && m_server.substr(0, 8) != "https://") m_server = "http://" + m_server; if (m_server.substr(m_server.length() - 1, 1) == "/") m_server = m_server.substr(0, m_server.length() -1); if (doSignOn()) { // Signed in, switch to online, create chatroom and start events loop m_iStatus = m_iDesiredStatus; ProtoBroadcastAck(0, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)old_status, m_iStatus); setDword("LogonTS", (DWORD)time(nullptr)); ClearChat(); OnJoinChat(0, false); ResetEvent(events_loop_event_); ForkThread(&MinecraftDynmapProto::EventsLoop, this); } else { // Some error ProtoBroadcastAck(0, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (HANDLE)old_status, m_iStatus); } } void MinecraftDynmapProto::SignOffWorker(void*) { ScopedLock s(signon_lock_); SetEvent(events_loop_event_); m_cookie.clear(); m_title.clear(); m_server.clear(); m_timestamp.clear(); int old_status = m_iStatus; m_iStatus = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE; Netlib_Shutdown(hEventsConnection); OnLeaveChat(NULL, NULL); delSetting("LogonTS"); ProtoBroadcastAck(0, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)old_status, m_iStatus); if (hConnection) Netlib_CloseHandle(hConnection); hConnection = nullptr; if (hEventsConnection) Netlib_CloseHandle(hEventsConnection); hEventsConnection = nullptr; } void MinecraftDynmapProto::EventsLoop(void *) { ScopedLock s(events_loop_lock_); time_t tim = ::time(nullptr); debugLogA(">>>>> Entering %s[%d]", __FUNCTION__, tim); while (doEvents()) { if (!isOnline()) break; if (WaitForSingleObjectEx(events_loop_event_, m_updateRate, true) != WAIT_TIMEOUT) // FIXME: correct timeout break; debugLogA("***** %s[%d] refreshing...", __FUNCTION__, tim); } ResetEvent(events_loop_event_); ResetEvent(events_loop_lock_); debugLogA("<<<<< Exiting %s[%d]", __FUNCTION__, tim); } void MinecraftDynmapProto::SendMsgWorker(void *p) { if (p == nullptr) return; ScopedLock s(send_message_lock_); std::string data = *(std::string*)p; delete (std::string*)p; data = utils::text::trim(data); if (isOnline() && data.length()) { doSendMessage(data); } }