; Common strings that belong to many files ;[Add Feed] ;[Check All Feeds] ;[Check Feed] ;[Export Feeds] ;[Import Feeds] ;[News Aggregator] ;[URL] ; ../../protocols/NewsAggregator/Resource.rc ;[0 - check manually] ;[Add] ;[All item's tags are valid. Put them between #. Example: #<author>#] ;[Authentication] ;[Cancel] ;[Change] ;[Check every] ;[Display news using the following format:] ;[Export] ;[General Settings] ;[Import] ;[Login] ;[OK] ;[Password] ;[Remove] ;[Reset] ;[Title] ;[Use &authentication] ;[Visualization] ;[minutes] ; ../../protocols/NewsAggregator/Src/Icons.cpp ;[Protocol icon] ; ../../protocols/NewsAggregator/Src/Menus.cpp ;[Change feed] ;[Check feed] ; ../../protocols/NewsAggregator/Src/Options.cpp ;[Are you sure?] ;[Change Feed] ;[Contact deleting] ;[Enter Feed URL] ;[Enter Feed name] ;[Enter checking interval] ;[Enter message format] ;[Error] ;[Feed Tag Help] ;[Network] ;[Tags Mask Reset] ;[Wait...] ; ../../protocols/NewsAggregator/Src/Utils.cpp ;[%s\nis a not valid feed's address.] ;[%s\nis a valid feed's address.] ;[Cannot upload VersionInfo. Incorrect username or password] ;[Cannot upload VersionInfo. Unknown error] ;[Feed] ;[New Aggregator] ;[NewsAggr HTTP connection] ;[empty]