--------------------------- | Omegle Protocol | | (26.4.2012) | --------------------------- Autor: Robyer E-mail: robyer@seznam.cz Jabber: robyer@jabbim.cz ICQ: 372317536 Web: http://robyer.info SVN: http://code.google.com/p/robyer/ !!!! Required Miranda 0.9.43 or newer or Miranda 0.10.2 and newer !!!! -------------------------------- HIDDEN SETTINGS -------------------------------- TimeoutsLimit (byte) - number of allowed timeouts before disconnection protocol -------------------------------- Version history -------------------------------- - 26.4.2012 First addons release - 23.4.2012 ! Commited some fixes from Facebook protocol (patch by borkra) * Reworked commands + Remember last question in Question mode - 13.4.2012 ! Fixed saving text values in options - 13.4.2012 + Added settings and account dialogs + Getting number of users connected to server + Support for Question mode and Spy mode + Support for searching strangers with same interests + Added sounds for stranger typing notify ! Code cleanup ! Many fixes and improvements - 26.3.2012 ! Fixed connection * When connecting to stranger, chose random Omegle server - 27.9.2011 * Some internal changes (this brings some bugs - you will see :)) + Added support for send message after stranger connects (see hidden settings) + Added support for automatic reconnect to another stranger (see hidden settings) + Added support for not erasing content of chat window (see hidden settings) - 18.4.2011 * (Dis)connecting strangers in other thread * Added admin role to own contact ! Fixed <undef> in Tabsrmm ! Fixed not informing about disconnecting stranger ! Fixes to own nickname (instead of "You") ! Fixed not supporting smileys ! Another small fixes * Changed name of hidden key "ChatName" to "Nick" * You can enable logging through hidden key "EnableLogging" (byte) = 1 - 16.4.2011 + Added protocol icons (until someone creates better) + You can change your name in chat through hidden key "ChatName" (unicode string) * Changed commands: Command "/new" for connect to new stranger, "/quit" for end actual conversation ! Fixed duplicying outgoing events after reconnect ! Fix for not showing messages, which were received with another event - 13.4.2011 ! Replacing special chars in incomming messages (\r,\n,\,") + Hidden key "MessageAsl" (Unicode string) with text, which is send when you write "/asl" * Used persistent http connection * Small changes/fixes - 10.4.2011 * First public version