; Common strings that belong to many files ;[Stranger] ;[Stranger 1] ;[Stranger 2] ; ../../protocols/Omegle/chat.cpp ;[Last question is empty.] ;[Omegle is a great way of meeting new friends!] ;[Server] ;[Unknown command. Send '/commands' for list.] ;[You] ;[You aren't connected to any stranger. Send '/help' or '/commands' for help.] ;[You can't send messages in question mode.] ;[Your '/asl' setting is empty.] ;[Your question is too short.] ; ../../protocols/Omegle/communication.cpp ;[%s disconnected.] ;[Chosing server: ] ;[Connected to server %s.] ;[Connected to server %s. There are %s users online now.] ;[Connection error.] ;[Error: ] ;[On whole Omegle are %s strangers online now.] ;[Recaptcha is required.\nOpen Omegle chat in webbrowser, solve Recaptcha and try again.] ;[We are still waiting...] ;[You and the Stranger both like: ] ; ../../protocols/Omegle/connection.cpp ;[Connecting canceled.] ;[Connecting...] ;[Disconnecting...] ;[Waiting for Stranger...] ;[We are already waiting for new stranger...] ;[We are disconnecting now, wait...] ; ../../protocols/Omegle/omegle.rc ;[Automatically connect to another stranger when current disconnects] ;[Automatically send this message to stranger after connection:] ;[Don't clear chat before connecting to new stranger] ;[Enable logging for debugging purposes] ;[I want Omegle to reuse my questions if they are good enough (Question mode)] ;[Last used question (Question mode):] ;[Load count of users on actual server after connection] ;[Meet strangers with common interests] ;[Meet strangers with common interests (separated by commas):] ;[Server:] ;[This text will be sent when you use \"/asl\" message:] ;[Visible name:] ;[Your interests (separated by commas):] ; ../../protocols/Omegle/proto.cpp ;[%s server connection] ;[Account] ;[Changing stranger] ;[Network] ;[Stranger stopped typing] ;[Stranger typing] ;[Unable to get Netlib connection for Omegle] ;[Visible name] ; ../../protocols/Omegle/theme.cpp ;[Omegle] ;[Omegle Icon] ;[Protocols] ;[Visit Profile]