/* Omegle plugin for Miranda Instant Messenger _____________________________________________ Copyright © 2011-17 Robert Pösel, 2017-18 Miranda NG team This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #pragma once #define FORCE_DISCONNECT true #define STATE_INACTIVE 0 // not connected to any stranger #define STATE_WAITING 1 // connecting to stranger #define STATE_ACTIVE 2 // active discussion #define STATE_DISCONNECTING 3 // disconnecting from stranger #define STATE_SPY 4 // spy mode (read-only) #define HANDLE_ENTRY handle_entry(__FUNCTION__) #define HANDLE_SUCCESS handle_success(__FUNCTION__) #define HANDLE_ERROR(force_disconnect) handle_error(__FUNCTION__, force_disconnect) class Omegle_client { public: // Client definition Omegle_client() { nick_ = nullptr; //msgid_ = 0; state_ = STATE_INACTIVE; typing_ = spy_mode_ = false; error_count_ = 0; parent = nullptr; handle_ = nullptr; hConnection = nullptr; hEventsConnection = nullptr; connection_lock_ = nullptr; chatHandle_ = nullptr; } HNETLIBCONN hConnection; HNETLIBCONN hEventsConnection; HANDLE connection_lock_; HANDLE chatHandle_; // Parent handle OmegleProto* parent; // Chat data std::string chat_id_; std::string server_; std::string question_; ptrW nick_; //int msgid_; // State of client int state_; bool typing_; bool spy_mode_; // Data storage void store_headers(http::response *resp, NETLIBHTTPHEADER *headers, int headers_count); std::string get_server(bool not_last = false); std::string get_language(); // Connection handling unsigned int error_count_; bool handle_entry(const std::string &method); bool handle_success(const std::string &method); bool handle_error(const std::string &method, bool force_disconnect = false); void __inline increment_error() { error_count_++; } void __inline decrement_error() { if (error_count_ > 0) error_count_--; } void __inline reset_error() { error_count_ = 0; } bool start(); bool stop(); bool events(); bool typing_start(); bool typing_stop(); bool recaptcha(); std::string get_page(int); bool send_message(const std::string &message_text); // HTTP communication http::response flap(const int request_type, std::string *post_data = nullptr, std::string *get_data = nullptr); std::string choose_server(int); std::string choose_action(int, std::string *get_data = nullptr); NETLIBHTTPHEADER *get_request_headers(int request_type, int *headers_count); // Netlib handle HNETLIBUSER handle_; void set_handle(HNETLIBUSER h) { handle_ = h; } };