/* Omegle plugin for Miranda Instant Messenger _____________________________________________ Copyright � 2011-15 Robert P�sel This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "stdafx.h" http::response Omegle_client::flap(const int request_type, std::string *post_data, std::string *get_data) { http::response resp; // Prepare the request NETLIBHTTPREQUEST nlhr = { sizeof(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST) }; // Set request URL std::string url = choose_server(request_type) + choose_action(request_type, get_data); nlhr.szUrl = (char*)url.c_str(); // Set timeout (bigger for channel request) nlhr.timeout = 1000 * ((request_type == OMEGLE_REQUEST_EVENTS) ? 65 : 20); // Set request type (GET/POST) and eventually also POST data if (post_data != NULL) { nlhr.requestType = REQUEST_POST; nlhr.pData = (char*)(*post_data).c_str(); nlhr.dataLength = (int)post_data->length(); } else { nlhr.requestType = REQUEST_GET; } // Set headers - it depends on requestType so it must be after setting that nlhr.headers = get_request_headers(nlhr.requestType, &nlhr.headersCount); // Set flags nlhr.flags = NLHRF_HTTP11; #ifdef _DEBUG nlhr.flags |= NLHRF_DUMPASTEXT; #else nlhr.flags |= NLHRF_NODUMP; #endif // Set persistent connection (or not) switch (request_type) { case OMEGLE_REQUEST_HOME: nlhr.nlc = NULL; break; case OMEGLE_REQUEST_EVENTS: nlhr.nlc = hEventsConnection; nlhr.flags |= NLHRF_PERSISTENT; break; default: WaitForSingleObject(connection_lock_, INFINITE); nlhr.nlc = hConnection; nlhr.flags |= NLHRF_PERSISTENT; break; } parent->debugLogA("@@@@@ Sending request to '%s'", nlhr.szUrl); // Send the request NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *pnlhr = (NETLIBHTTPREQUEST*)CallService(MS_NETLIB_HTTPTRANSACTION, (WPARAM)handle_, (LPARAM)&nlhr); mir_free(nlhr.headers); // Remember the persistent connection handle (or not) switch ( request_type ) { case OMEGLE_REQUEST_HOME: break; case OMEGLE_REQUEST_EVENTS: hEventsConnection = pnlhr ? pnlhr->nlc : NULL; break; default: ReleaseMutex(connection_lock_); hConnection = pnlhr ? pnlhr->nlc : NULL; break; } // Check and copy response data if (pnlhr != NULL) { parent->debugLogA("@@@@@ Got response with code %d", pnlhr->resultCode); store_headers(&resp, pnlhr->headers, pnlhr->headersCount); resp.code = pnlhr->resultCode; resp.data = pnlhr->pData ? pnlhr->pData : ""; parent->debugLogA("&&&&& Got response: %s", resp.data.c_str()); CallService(MS_NETLIB_FREEHTTPREQUESTSTRUCT, 0, (LPARAM)pnlhr); } else { parent->debugLogA("!!!!! No response from server (time-out)"); resp.code = HTTP_CODE_FAKE_DISCONNECTED; // Better to have something set explicitely as this value is compaired in all communication requests } return resp; } bool Omegle_client::handle_entry(const std::string &method ) { parent->debugLogA(" >> Entering %s()", method.c_str()); return true; } bool Omegle_client::handle_success(const std::string &method ) { parent->debugLogA(" << Quitting %s()", method.c_str()); reset_error(); return true; } bool Omegle_client::handle_error(const std::string &method, bool force_disconnect ) { bool result; increment_error(); parent->debugLogA("!!!!! %s(): Something with Omegle went wrong", method.c_str()); if ( force_disconnect ) result = false; else if ( error_count_ <= (UINT)db_get_b(NULL,parent->m_szModuleName,OMEGLE_KEY_TIMEOUTS_LIMIT,OMEGLE_TIMEOUTS_LIMIT)) result = true; else result = false; if ( result == false ) { reset_error(); parent->UpdateChat(NULL, TranslateT("Connection error.")); parent->StopChat(false); } return result; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// std::string Omegle_client::get_server( bool not_last ) { int q = not_last ? 1 : 0; int server = db_get_b(NULL, parent->m_szModuleName, OMEGLE_KEY_SERVER, 0); if (server < 0 || server >= (int)(_countof(servers)-q)) server = 0; if (server == 0) { srand(::time(NULL)); server = (rand() % (_countof(servers)-1-q))+1; } return servers[server]; } std::string Omegle_client::get_language() { int language = db_get_b(NULL, parent->m_szModuleName, OMEGLE_KEY_LANGUAGE, 0); if (language < 0 || language >= (_countof(languages))) language = 0; return language > 0 ? languages[language].id : "en"; } std::string Omegle_client::choose_server(int request_type) { switch ( request_type ) { case OMEGLE_REQUEST_HOME: return OMEGLE_SERVER_REGULAR; /* case OMEGLE_REQUEST_START: case OMEGLE_REQUEST_STOP: case OMEGLE_REQUEST_SEND: case OMEGLE_REQUEST_EVENTS: case OMEGLE_REQUEST_TYPING_START: case OMEGLE_REQUEST_TYPING_STOP: case OMEGLE_REQUEST_RECAPTCHA: case OMEGLE_REQUEST_COUNT: */ default: std::string server = OMEGLE_SERVER_CHAT; utils::text::replace_first( &server, "%s", this->server_ ); return server; } } std::string Omegle_client::choose_action(int request_type, std::string* get_data) { switch ( request_type ) { case OMEGLE_REQUEST_START: { std::string action = "/start?rcs=1&spid=&lang="; action += get_language(); if (get_data != NULL) action += (*get_data); return action; } case OMEGLE_REQUEST_STOP: return "/disconnect"; case OMEGLE_REQUEST_SEND: return "/send"; case OMEGLE_REQUEST_EVENTS: return "/events"; case OMEGLE_REQUEST_TYPING_START: return "/typing"; case OMEGLE_REQUEST_TYPING_STOP: return "/stoppedtyping"; case OMEGLE_REQUEST_RECAPTCHA: return "/recaptcha"; case OMEGLE_REQUEST_COUNT: return "/count"; // "/stoplookingforcommonlikes" /* case OMEGLE_REQUEST_HOME: */ default: return "/"; } } NETLIBHTTPHEADER* Omegle_client::get_request_headers( int request_type, int* headers_count ) { if (request_type == REQUEST_POST) *headers_count = 4; else *headers_count = 3; NETLIBHTTPHEADER *headers = (NETLIBHTTPHEADER*)mir_calloc(sizeof(NETLIBHTTPHEADER)*(*headers_count)); if (request_type == REQUEST_POST) { headers[3].szName = "Content-Type"; headers[3].szValue = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8"; } headers[2].szName = "User-Agent"; headers[2].szValue = (char *)g_strUserAgent.c_str(); headers[1].szName = "Accept"; headers[1].szValue = "*/*"; headers[0].szName = "Accept-Language"; headers[0].szValue = "en,en-US;q=0.9"; return headers; } void Omegle_client::store_headers( http::response* resp, NETLIBHTTPHEADER* headers, int headersCount ) { for ( size_t i = 0; i < (size_t)headersCount; i++ ) { std::string header_name = headers[i].szName; std::string header_value = headers[i].szValue; // TODO RM: (un)comment //parent->debugLogA("----- Got header '%s': %s", header_name.c_str(), header_value.c_str()); resp->headers[header_name] = header_value; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool Omegle_client::start() { handle_entry( "start" ); this->server_ = get_server(); //parent->debugLogA("Chosing server %s", this->server_.c_str()); //std::string log = Translate("Chosing server: ") + this->server_; //parent->UpdateChat(NULL, log.c_str()); std::string data; if (this->spy_mode_) { //// get last server from list, which is for spy mode //this->server_ = servers[_countof(servers)-1]; if (this->question_.empty()) { data = "&wantsspy=1"; } else { data = "&ask=" + utils::url::encode(this->question_); data += "&cansavequestion="; data += db_get_b(NULL, parent->m_szModuleName, OMEGLE_KEY_REUSE_QUESTION, 0) ? "1" : "0"; } } else if ( db_get_b(NULL, parent->m_szModuleName, OMEGLE_KEY_MEET_COMMON, 0)) { DBVARIANT dbv; if (!db_get_utf(NULL, parent->m_szModuleName, OMEGLE_KEY_INTERESTS, &dbv)) { std::string topics = dbv.pszVal; std::string topic; db_free(&dbv); std::string::size_type pos = 0; std::string::size_type pos2 = 0; while ((pos2 = topics.find(",", pos)) != std::string::npos) { topic = topics.substr(pos, pos2 - pos); topic = utils::text::trim(topic); if (!topic.empty()) { if (pos > 0) data += ","; data += "\"" + topic + "\""; } pos = pos2 + 1; } topic = topics.substr(pos); topic = utils::text::trim(topic); if (!topic.empty()) { if (pos > 0) data += ","; data += "\"" + topic + "\""; } parent->debugLogA("TOPICS: %s", data.c_str()); if (!data.empty()) { data = "[" + data + "]"; data = "&topics=" + utils::url::encode(data); } //// get any server but last, which is for spy mode //this->server_ = get_server(true); } } if (db_get_b(NULL, parent->m_szModuleName, OMEGLE_KEY_SERVER_INFO, 0)) { std::string count = get_page( OMEGLE_REQUEST_COUNT ); if (!count.empty()) { char str[255]; mir_snprintf(str, Translate("Connected to server %s. There are %s users online now."), server_.c_str(), count.c_str()); TCHAR *msg = mir_a2t(str); parent->UpdateChat(NULL, msg); mir_free(msg); } } else { char str[255]; mir_snprintf(str, Translate("Connected to server %s."), server_.c_str()); TCHAR *msg = mir_a2t(str); parent->UpdateChat(NULL, msg); mir_free(msg); } // Send validation http::response resp = flap( OMEGLE_REQUEST_START, NULL, &data ); switch ( resp.code ) { case HTTP_CODE_FAKE_DISCONNECTED: { // If is is only timeout error, try login once more if ( handle_error( "start" )) return start(); else return false; } case HTTP_CODE_OK: { if (!resp.data.empty()) { this->chat_id_ = resp.data.substr(1,resp.data.length()-2); this->state_ = STATE_WAITING; return handle_success( "start" ); } else { return handle_error( "start", FORCE_DISCONNECT ); } } default: return handle_error( "start", FORCE_DISCONNECT ); } } bool Omegle_client::stop() { if ( parent->isOffline()) return true; handle_entry( "stop" ); std::string data = "id=" + this->chat_id_; http::response resp = flap( OMEGLE_REQUEST_STOP, &data ); if (hConnection) Netlib_CloseHandle(hConnection); hConnection = NULL; if (hEventsConnection) Netlib_CloseHandle(hEventsConnection); hEventsConnection = NULL; if (resp.data == "win") { return handle_success( "stop" ); } else { return handle_error( "stop" ); } /* switch ( resp.code ) { case HTTP_CODE_OK: case HTTP_CODE_FOUND: default: }*/ } bool Omegle_client::events() { handle_entry( "events" ); std::string data = "id=" + this->chat_id_; // Get update http::response resp = flap( OMEGLE_REQUEST_EVENTS, &data ); // Return switch ( resp.code ) { case HTTP_CODE_OK: { if ( resp.data == "null" ) { // Everything is OK, no new message received -- OR it is a problem // TODO: if we are waiting for Stranger with common likes, then we should try standard Stranger if this takes too long return handle_error( "events" ); } else if ( resp.data == "fail" ) { // Something went wrong return handle_error( "events" ); } std::string::size_type pos = 0; bool newStranger = false; bool waiting = false; if ( resp.data.find( "[\"waiting\"]" ) != std::string::npos ) { // We are just waiting for new Stranger waiting = true; } /*if ( (pos = resp.data.find( "[\"count\"," )) != std::string::npos ) { // We got info about count of connected people there pos += 9; std::string count = utils::text::trim( resp.data.substr(pos, resp.data.find("]", pos) - pos)); char str[255]; mir_snprintf(str, Translate("On whole Omegle are %s strangers online now."), count.c_str()); TCHAR *msg = mir_a2t_cp(str,CP_UTF8); parent->UpdateChat(NULL, msg); mir_free(msg); }*/ if ( (pos = resp.data.find( "[\"serverMessage\"," )) != std::string::npos ) { // We got server message pos += 18; std::string message = utils::text::trim( resp.data.substr(pos, resp.data.find("\"]", pos) - pos)); TCHAR *tstr = Langpack_PcharToTchar(message.c_str()); parent->UpdateChat(NULL, tstr); mir_free(tstr); } if ( resp.data.find( "[\"connected\"]" ) != std::string::npos ) { // Stranger connected if (this->spy_mode_ && !this->question_.empty()) { parent->AddChatContact(TranslateT("Stranger 1")); parent->AddChatContact(TranslateT("Stranger 2")); this->state_ = STATE_SPY; } else { parent->AddChatContact(TranslateT("Stranger")); this->state_ = STATE_ACTIVE; } newStranger = true; waiting = false; } if ( (pos = resp.data.find( "[\"commonLikes\"," )) != std::string::npos ) { pos += 17; std::string like = resp.data.substr(pos, resp.data.find("\"]", pos) - pos); utils::text::replace_all(&like, "\", \"", ", "); parent->debugLogA("Got common likes: '%s'", like.c_str()); like = Translate("You and the Stranger both like: ") + like; TCHAR *msg = mir_a2t(like.c_str()); parent->SetTopic(msg); mir_free(msg); } if ( (pos = resp.data.find( "[\"question\"," )) != std::string::npos ) { pos += 13; std::string question = utils::text::trim( utils::text::special_expressions_decode( utils::text::slashu_to_utf8( resp.data.substr(pos, resp.data.find("\"]", pos) - pos) )) ); TCHAR *msg = mir_a2t_cp(question.c_str(),CP_UTF8); parent->SetTopic(msg); mir_free(msg); } if ( resp.data.find( "[\"typing\"]" ) != std::string::npos || resp.data.find( "[\"spyTyping\"," ) != std::string::npos ) { // Stranger is typing, not supported by chat module yet SkinPlaySound( "StrangerTyp" ); StatusTextData st = { 0 }; st.cbSize = sizeof(st); // st.hIcon = IcoLib_GetIconByHandle(GetIconHandle("typing_on")); // TODO: typing icon mir_sntprintf(st.tszText, _countof(st.tszText), TranslateT("%s is typing."), TranslateT("Stranger")); CallService(MS_MSG_SETSTATUSTEXT, (WPARAM)parent->GetChatHandle(), (LPARAM)&st); } if ( resp.data.find( "[\"stoppedTyping\"]" ) != std::string::npos || resp.data.find( "[\"spyStoppedTyping\"," ) != std::string::npos ) { // Stranger stopped typing, not supported by chat module yet SkinPlaySound( "StrangerTypStop" ); StatusTextData st = { 0 }; st.cbSize = sizeof(st); // st.hIcon = IcoLib_GetIconByHandle(GetIconHandle("typing_off")); // TODO: typing icon mir_sntprintf(st.tszText, _countof(st.tszText), TranslateT("%s stopped typing."), TranslateT("Stranger")); CallService(MS_MSG_SETSTATUSTEXT, (WPARAM)parent->GetChatHandle(), (LPARAM)&st); } pos = 0; while ( (pos = resp.data.find( "[\"gotMessage\",", pos )) != std::string::npos ) { pos += 15; std::string message = utils::text::trim( utils::text::special_expressions_decode( utils::text::slashu_to_utf8( resp.data.substr(pos, resp.data.find("\"]", pos) - pos) )) ); if (state_ == STATE_ACTIVE) { TCHAR *msg = mir_a2t_cp(message.c_str(),CP_UTF8); parent->UpdateChat(TranslateT("Stranger"), msg); mir_free(msg); CallService(MS_MSG_SETSTATUSTEXT, (WPARAM)parent->GetChatHandle(), 0); } } pos = 0; while ( (pos = resp.data.find( "[\"spyMessage\",", pos )) != std::string::npos ) { pos += 15; std::string message = resp.data.substr(pos, resp.data.find("\"]", pos) - pos); if (state_ == STATE_SPY) { std::string stranger = message.substr(0, message.find("\"")); message = message.substr(stranger.length() + 4); message = utils::text::trim( utils::text::special_expressions_decode( utils::text::slashu_to_utf8( message )) ); stranger = Translate(stranger.c_str()); TCHAR *str = mir_a2t_cp(stranger.c_str(), CP_UTF8); TCHAR *msg = mir_a2t_cp(message.c_str(), CP_UTF8); parent->UpdateChat(str, msg); mir_free(msg); mir_free(str); } } if ( resp.data.find( "[\"strangerDisconnected\"]" ) != std::string::npos ) { // Stranger disconnected if (db_get_b(NULL, parent->m_szModuleName, OMEGLE_KEY_DONT_STOP, 0)) { SkinPlaySound( "StrangerChange" ); parent->NewChat(); } else parent->StopChat(false); } if ( (pos = resp.data.find( "[\"spyDisconnected\"," )) != std::string::npos ) { pos += 20; std::string stranger = utils::text::trim( utils::text::special_expressions_decode( utils::text::slashu_to_utf8( resp.data.substr(pos, resp.data.find("\"]", pos) - pos) )) ); char str[255]; mir_snprintf(str, Translate("%s disconnected."), Translate(stranger.c_str())); TCHAR *msg = mir_a2t(str); parent->UpdateChat(NULL, msg); mir_free(msg); // Stranger disconnected if (db_get_b(NULL, parent->m_szModuleName, OMEGLE_KEY_DONT_STOP, 0)) { SkinPlaySound( "StrangerChange" ); parent->NewChat(); } else parent->StopChat(false); } if ( resp.data.find( "[\"recaptchaRequired\"" ) != std::string::npos ) { // Nothing to do with recaptcha parent->UpdateChat(NULL, TranslateT("Recaptcha is required.\nOpen http://omegle.com , solve Recaptcha and try again.")); parent->StopChat(false); } if ( resp.data.find( "[\"recaptchaRejected\"]" ) != std::string::npos ) { // Nothing to do with recaptcha parent->StopChat(false); } if ( (pos = resp.data.find( "[\"error\"," )) != std::string::npos ) { pos += 10; std::string error = utils::text::trim( utils::text::special_expressions_decode( utils::text::slashu_to_utf8( resp.data.substr(pos, resp.data.find("\"]", pos) - pos) )) ); error = Translate("Error: ") + error; TCHAR *msg = mir_a2t(error.c_str()); parent->UpdateChat(NULL, msg); mir_free(msg); } if (newStranger && state_ != STATE_SPY) { // We got new stranger in this event, lets say him "Hi message" if enabled if ( db_get_b( NULL, parent->m_szModuleName, OMEGLE_KEY_HI_ENABLED, 0 )) { DBVARIANT dbv; if ( !db_get_utf( NULL, parent->m_szModuleName, OMEGLE_KEY_HI, &dbv )) { std::string *message = new std::string(dbv.pszVal); db_free(&dbv); parent->debugLogA("**Chat - saying Hi! message"); parent->ForkThread(&OmegleProto::SendMsgWorker, message); } else parent->debugLogA("**Chat - Hi message is enabled but not used"); } } if (waiting) { // If we are only waiting in this event... parent->UpdateChat(NULL, TranslateT("We are still waiting...")); } return handle_success( "events" ); } case HTTP_CODE_FAKE_DISCONNECTED: // timeout return handle_success( "events" ); case HTTP_CODE_FAKE_ERROR: default: return handle_error( "events" ); } } bool Omegle_client::send_message(const std::string &message_text ) { handle_entry( "send_message" ); std::string data = "msg=" + utils::url::encode( message_text ); data += "&id=" + this->chat_id_; http::response resp = flap( OMEGLE_REQUEST_SEND, &data ); switch ( resp.code ) { case HTTP_CODE_OK: if (resp.data == "win") { return handle_success( "send_message" ); } case HTTP_CODE_FAKE_ERROR: case HTTP_CODE_FAKE_DISCONNECTED: default: return handle_error( "send_message" ); } } bool Omegle_client::typing_start() { handle_entry( "typing_start" ); std::string data = "id=" + this->chat_id_; http::response resp = flap( OMEGLE_REQUEST_TYPING_START, &data ); switch ( resp.code ) { case HTTP_CODE_OK: if (resp.data == "win") { return handle_success( "typing_start" ); } case HTTP_CODE_FAKE_ERROR: case HTTP_CODE_FAKE_DISCONNECTED: default: return handle_error( "typing_start" ); } } bool Omegle_client::typing_stop() { handle_entry( "typing_stop" ); std::string data = "id=" + this->chat_id_; http::response resp = flap( OMEGLE_REQUEST_TYPING_STOP, &data ); switch ( resp.code ) { case HTTP_CODE_OK: if (resp.data == "win") { return handle_success( "typing_stop" ); } case HTTP_CODE_FAKE_ERROR: case HTTP_CODE_FAKE_DISCONNECTED: default: return handle_error( "typing_stop" ); } } bool Omegle_client::recaptcha() { // TODO: Implement! handle_entry( "recaptcha" ); // data:{id:this.clientID,challenge:b,response:a}} //std::string data = "?id=...&challenge= ..., &response= ..."; http::response resp = flap( OMEGLE_REQUEST_RECAPTCHA ); switch ( resp.code ) { case HTTP_CODE_OK: /* if (resp.data == "win") { return handle_success( "typing_start" ); }*/ case HTTP_CODE_FAKE_ERROR: case HTTP_CODE_FAKE_DISCONNECTED: default: return handle_error( "typing_start" ); } } std::string Omegle_client::get_page(const int request_type) { handle_entry("get_page"); http::response resp = flap(request_type); switch ( resp.code ) { case HTTP_CODE_OK: handle_success("get_page"); break; case HTTP_CODE_FAKE_ERROR: case HTTP_CODE_FAKE_DISCONNECTED: default: handle_error("get_page"); } return resp.data; }