/* Omegle plugin for Miranda Instant Messenger _____________________________________________ Copyright � 2011-13 Robert P�sel This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "common.h" std::string utils::url::encode(const std::string &s) { return (char*)ptrA( mir_urlEncode( s.c_str())); } void utils::text::replace_first( std::string* data, std::string from, std::string to ) { std::string::size_type position = 0; if ( ( position = data->find(from, position)) != std::string::npos ) { data->replace( position, from.size(), to ); position++; } } void utils::text::replace_all( std::string* data, std::string from, std::string to ) { std::string::size_type position = 0; while ( ( position = data->find( from, position )) != std::string::npos ) { data->replace( position, from.size(), to ); position++; } } std::string utils::text::special_expressions_decode( std::string data ) { utils::text::replace_all( &data, "\\r", "\r" ); utils::text::replace_all( &data, "\\n", "\n" ); utils::text::replace_all( &data, "\\\"", "\"" ); utils::text::replace_all( &data, "\\\\", "\\" ); return data; } std::string utils::text::slashu_to_utf8( std::string data ) { std::string new_string = ""; for ( std::string::size_type i = 0; i < data.length( ); i++ ) { if ( data.at(i) == '\\' && (i+1) < data.length( ) && data.at(i+1) == 'u' ) { unsigned int udn = strtol( data.substr( i + 2, 4 ).c_str(), NULL, 16 ); if ( udn >= 128 && udn <= 2047 ) { // U+0080 .. U+07FF new_string += ( char )( 192 + ( udn / 64 )); new_string += ( char )( 128 + ( udn % 64 )); } else if ( udn >= 2048 && udn <= 65535 ) { // U+0800 .. U+FFFF new_string += ( char )( 224 + ( udn / 4096 )); new_string += ( char )( 128 + ( ( udn / 64 ) % 64 )); new_string += ( char )( 128 + ( udn % 64 )); } else if ( udn <= 127 ) { // U+0000 .. U+007F (should not appear) new_string += ( char )udn; } i += 5; continue; } new_string += data.at(i); } return new_string; } std::string utils::text::trim( std::string data ) { std::string spaces = " \t\r\n"; std::string::size_type begin = data.find_first_not_of( spaces ); std::string::size_type end = data.find_last_not_of( spaces ) + 1; return (begin != std::string::npos) ? data.substr( begin, end - begin ) : ""; } int utils::debug::log(std::string file_name, std::string text) { char szFile[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileNameA(g_hInstance, szFile, SIZEOF(szFile)); std::string path = szFile; path = path.substr( 0, path.rfind( "\\" )); path = path.substr( 0, path.rfind( "\\" ) + 1 ); path = path + file_name.c_str() + ".txt"; SYSTEMTIME time; GetLocalTime( &time ); std::ofstream out( path.c_str(), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::app | std::ios_base::ate ); out << "[" << (time.wHour < 10 ? "0" : "") << time.wHour << ":" << (time.wMinute < 10 ? "0" : "") << time.wMinute << ":" << (time.wSecond < 10 ? "0" : "") << time.wSecond << "] " << text << std::endl; out.close( ); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } void __fastcall utils::mem::detract(char** str ) { utils::mem::detract( ( void** )str ); } void __fastcall utils::mem::detract(void** p) { utils::mem::detract((void*)(*p)); } void __fastcall utils::mem::detract(void* p) { mir_free(p); } void* __fastcall utils::mem::allocate(size_t size) { return mir_calloc(size); }