#ifndef _SAMETIME_H #define _SAMETIME_H //sametime defines #define FILE_BUFF_SIZE (1024 * 32) #define MS_SAMETIME_MENULEAVECHAT "/LeaveChat" #define MS_SAMETIME_MENUCREATECHAT "/CreateChat" #define MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE (10 * 1024) // verified limit in official client, thx Periferral #define LSTRINGLEN 256 #define DEFAULT_PORT 1533 #define WMU_STORECOMPLETE (WM_USER + 110) typedef enum {SAMETIME_POPUP_ERROR = 1, SAMETIME_POPUP_INFO = 2 } SametimePopupEnum; typedef enum {ED_MB = 1, ED_POP = 2, ED_BAL = 3} ErrorDisplay; typedef enum {CPT_USER, CPT_ANSI, CPT_UTF8, CPT_OEM, CPT_UTF7} CodePageType; //stl typedef's typedef std::queue<std::string> InviteQueue; ///for conference.cpp typedef std::queue<std::string> MessageQueue; ///for messaging.cpp typedef std::map<MCONTACT, MessageQueue> ContactMessageQueue; ///for messaging.cpp //protocol includes #include "resource.h" //methods INT_PTR CALLBACK SessionAnnounceDialogProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR CALLBACK CALLBACK SearchDialogFunc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void mwResolve_handler_callback(mwServiceResolve* srvc, guint32 id, guint32 code, GList* results, gpointer data); void SametimeInitIcons(void); // services (async thread functions) struct TFakeAckParams { struct CSametimeProto* proto; MCONTACT hContact; LPARAM lParam; }; void __cdecl sttRecvAwayThread(TFakeAckParams* tParam); //sametime structs typedef struct Options_tag { char server_name[LSTRINGLEN]; // utf8 char id[LSTRINGLEN]; // utf8 char pword[LSTRINGLEN]; // utf8 int port; bool get_server_contacts; int client_id; int client_versionMajor; int client_versionMinor; ErrorDisplay err_method; bool add_contacts; bool encrypt_session; bool idle_as_away; } SametimeOptions; struct MYPROTOSEARCHRESULT : public PROTOSEARCHRESULT { char name[256]; char stid[256]; bool group; }; struct MYCUSTOMSEARCHRESULTS : public CUSTOMSEARCHRESULTS { char name[256]; char stid[256]; bool group; }; typedef struct FileTransferClientData_tag { char* save_path; HANDLE hFile; bool sending; MCONTACT hContact; struct FileTransferClientData_tag* first; struct FileTransferClientData_tag* next; HANDLE hFt; char* buffer; int ft_number; int ft_count; // number of nodes in list - only valid in first node int totalSize; // total for all files in the list - only valid in first node int sizeToHere; // in a link list of file transfers, the sum of the filesizes of all prior nodes in the list mwFileTransfer* ft; } FileTransferClientData; // Global variables struct CSametimeProto; #include "sametime_proto.h" #endif //#ifndef _SAMETIME_H