#include "skype.h" LIST<CSkypeProto> CSkypeProto::instanceList(1, CSkypeProto::CompareProtos); int CSkypeProto::CompareProtos(const CSkypeProto *p1, const CSkypeProto *p2) { return wcscmp(p1->m_tszUserName, p2->m_tszUserName); } CSkypeProto* CSkypeProto::InitSkypeProto(const char* protoName, const wchar_t* userName) { if (CSkypeProto::instanceList.getCount() > 0) { CSkypeProto::ShowNotification( ::TranslateT("Skype protocol plugin only permits you to login to one account at a time. Adding multiple accounts is prohibited in the licence agreement and standard distribution terms of SkypeKit."), MB_ICONERROR); return NULL; } CSkypeProto *ppro = new CSkypeProto(protoName, userName); VARST profilename( _T("%miranda_profilename%")); if ( !ppro->StartSkypeRuntime((TCHAR *)profilename)) { CSkypeProto::ShowNotification(::TranslateT("Did not unpack SkypeKit.exe."), MB_ICONERROR); return NULL; } char *keyPair = ppro->LoadKeyPair(); if (keyPair == NULL) { CSkypeProto::ShowNotification(::TranslateT("Initialization key corrupted or not valid."), MB_ICONERROR); return NULL; } TransportInterface::Status status = ppro->init(keyPair, "", ppro->skypeKitPort, 0, 1); if (status != TransportInterface::OK) { wchar_t message[256]; ::mir_sntprintf(message, SIZEOF(message), ::TranslateT("SkypeKit did not initialize (%d)."), status); CSkypeProto::ShowNotification(message, MB_ICONERROR); return NULL; } if ( !ppro->start()) { CSkypeProto::ShowNotification(TranslateT("SkypeKit did not start."), MB_ICONERROR); return NULL; } ::mir_free(keyPair); CSkypeProto::instanceList.insert(ppro); return ppro; } int CSkypeProto::UninitSkypeProto(CSkypeProto* ppro) { ppro->stop(); ppro->StopSkypeRuntime(); CSkypeProto::instanceList.remove(ppro); delete ppro; return 0; } void CSkypeProto::UninitInstances() { instanceList.destroy(); } CSkypeProto* CSkypeProto::GetContactInstance(MCONTACT hContact) { char *proto = (char *)::CallService(MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO, hContact, 0); if (proto == NULL) return NULL; for (int i = 0; i < CSkypeProto::instanceList.getCount(); i++) if ( !::strcmp(proto, CSkypeProto::instanceList[i]->m_szModuleName)) return CSkypeProto::instanceList[i]; return NULL; }