#include "skype_proto.h" CSkypeProto::CSkypeProto(const char* protoName, const TCHAR* userName) : instanceHookList(1), instanceServiceList(1) { ::ProtoConstructor(this, protoName, userName); this->rememberPassword = false; this->SetAllContactStatus(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); DBEVENTTYPEDESCR dbEventType = { sizeof(dbEventType) }; dbEventType.module = m_szModuleName; dbEventType.eventType = SKYPE_DB_EVENT_TYPE_CALL; dbEventType.descr = "Skype call"; ::CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_REGISTERTYPE, 0, (LPARAM)&dbEventType); this->HookEvent(ME_MSG_PRECREATEEVENT, &CSkypeProto::OnMessagePreCreate); this->InitInstanceServiceList(); } CSkypeProto::~CSkypeProto() { ::mir_free(this->login); if (this->password) { ::mir_free(this->password); this->password = NULL; } this->UninitInstanceServiceList(); ::ProtoDestructor(this); } HANDLE __cdecl CSkypeProto::AddToList(int flags, PROTOSEARCHRESULT* psr) { //fixme CContact::Ref contact; g_skype->GetContact(::mir_u2a(psr->id), contact); return this->AddContact(contact); return 0; } HANDLE __cdecl CSkypeProto::AddToListByEvent(int flags, int iContact, HANDLE hDbEvent) { DBEVENTINFO dbei = {0}; dbei.cbSize = sizeof(dbei); /*if ((dbei.cbBlob = CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_GETBLOBSIZE, (WPARAM)hDbEvent, 0)) != -1) { dbei.pBlob = (PBYTE)alloca(dbei.cbBlob); if (CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_GET, (WPARAM)hDbEvent, (LPARAM)&dbei) == 0 && !strcmp(dbei.szModule, m_szModuleName) && (dbei.eventType == EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST || dbei.eventType == EVENTTYPE_CONTACTS)) { char *nick = (char*)(dbei.pBlob + sizeof(DWORD) * 2); char *firstName = nick + strlen(nick) + 1; char *lastName = firstName + strlen(firstName) + 1; char *skypeName = lastName + strlen(lastName) + 1; return AddContactBySkypeName(::mir_a2u(skypeName), ::mir_a2u(nick), 0); } }*/ return 0; } int __cdecl CSkypeProto::Authorize(HANDLE hDbEvent) { if (this->IsOnline() && hDbEvent) { HANDLE hContact = this->GetContactFromAuthEvent(hDbEvent); if (hContact == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return 1; return CSkypeProto::GrantAuth((WPARAM)hContact, NULL); } return 1; } int __cdecl CSkypeProto::AuthDeny(HANDLE hDbEvent, const TCHAR* szReason) { if (this->IsOnline()) { HANDLE hContact = this->GetContactFromAuthEvent(hDbEvent); if (hContact == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return 1; return CSkypeProto::RevokeAuth((WPARAM)hContact, NULL); } return 1; } int __cdecl CSkypeProto::AuthRecv(HANDLE hContact, PROTORECVEVENT* pre) { DWORD flags = 0; if (pre->flags & PREF_CREATEREAD) flags |= DBEF_READ; if (pre->flags & PREF_UTF) flags |= DBEF_UTF; this->AddDataBaseEvent( hContact, EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST, pre->timestamp, flags, pre->lParam, (PBYTE)pre->szMessage); return 0; } int __cdecl CSkypeProto::AuthRequest(HANDLE hContact, const TCHAR* szMessage) { if (this->IsOnline() && hContact) { CContact::Ref contact; SEString sid(::mir_u2a(this->GetSettingString(hContact, SKYPE_SETTINGS_LOGIN))); if (g_skype->GetContact(sid, contact)) { contact->SetBuddyStatus(Contact::AUTHORIZED_BY_ME); contact->SendAuthRequest(::mir_utf8encodeW(szMessage)); } return 0; } return 1; } HANDLE __cdecl CSkypeProto::ChangeInfo( int iInfoType, void* pInfoData ) { return 0; } HANDLE __cdecl CSkypeProto::FileAllow( HANDLE hContact, HANDLE hTransfer, const TCHAR* szPath ) { uint oid = (uint)hTransfer; CMessage *message = new CMessage(oid, g_skype); CTransfer::Refs transfers; message->GetTransfers(transfers); for (uint i = 0; i < transfers.size(); i++) { bool success; SEString name; wchar_t fullPath[MAX_PATH] = {0}; transfers[i]->GetPropFilename(name); ::mir_sntprintf(fullPath, MAX_PATH, L"%s%s", szPath, ::mir_utf8decodeW(name)); if (!transfers[i]->Accept(::mir_u2a(fullPath), success) || !success) { // todo: write to log! delete message; return 0; } } delete message; return hTransfer; } int __cdecl CSkypeProto::FileCancel( HANDLE hContact, HANDLE hTransfer ) { uint oid = (uint)hTransfer; MessageRef message(oid); CTransfer::Refs transfers; message->GetTransfers(transfers); for (uint i = 0; i < transfers.size(); i++) { if (!transfers[i]->Cancel()) { // todo: write to log! return 0; } } return 1; } int __cdecl CSkypeProto::FileDeny( HANDLE hContact, HANDLE hTransfer, const TCHAR* szReason ) { uint oid = (uint)hTransfer; MessageRef message(oid); CTransfer::Refs transfers; message->GetTransfers(transfers); for (uint i = 0; i < transfers.size(); i++) { if (!transfers[i]->Cancel()) { // todo: write to log! return 0; } } return 1; } int __cdecl CSkypeProto::FileResume( HANDLE hTransfer, int* action, const TCHAR** szFilename ) { return 0; } DWORD_PTR __cdecl CSkypeProto:: GetCaps(int type, HANDLE hContact) { switch(type) { case PFLAGNUM_1: return PF1_IM | PF1_FILE | PF1_BASICSEARCH | PF1_ADDSEARCHRES | PF1_SEARCHBYEMAIL/* | PF1_SEARCHBYNAME*/; case PFLAGNUM_2: case PFLAGNUM_3: return PF2_ONLINE | PF2_SHORTAWAY | PF2_HEAVYDND | PF2_INVISIBLE; case PFLAGNUM_4: return PF4_FORCEAUTH | PF4_FORCEADDED | PF4_SUPPORTTYPING | PF4_AVATARS | PF4_OFFLINEFILES | PF4_IMSENDUTF | PF4_IMSENDOFFLINE; case PFLAG_UNIQUEIDTEXT: return (DWORD_PTR)::Translate("g_skype Name"); case PFLAG_UNIQUEIDSETTING: return (DWORD_PTR)SKYPE_SETTINGS_LOGIN; default: return 0; } } int __cdecl CSkypeProto::GetInfo( HANDLE hContact, int infoType ) { return 0; } HANDLE __cdecl CSkypeProto::SearchBasic(const TCHAR* id) { if ( !this->IsOnline()) return 0; this->ForkThread(&CSkypeProto::SearchBySidAsync, ::mir_tstrdup(id)); return (HANDLE)SKYPE_SEARCH_BYSID; } HANDLE __cdecl CSkypeProto::SearchByEmail(const TCHAR* email) { if ( !this->IsOnline()) return 0; this->ForkThread(&CSkypeProto::SearchByEmailAsync, ::mir_tstrdup(email)); return (HANDLE)SKYPE_SEARCH_BYEMAIL; } HANDLE __cdecl CSkypeProto::SearchByName(const TCHAR* nick, const TCHAR* firstName, const TCHAR* lastName) { PROTOSEARCHRESULT psr = {0}; psr.cbSize = sizeof(psr); psr.flags = PSR_TCHAR; psr.nick = ::mir_wstrdup(nick); psr.firstName = ::mir_wstrdup(firstName); psr.lastName = ::mir_wstrdup(lastName); this->ForkThread(&CSkypeProto::SearchByNamesAsync, &psr); return (HANDLE)SKYPE_SEARCH_BYNAMES; } HWND __cdecl CSkypeProto::SearchAdvanced( HWND owner ) { return 0; } HWND __cdecl CSkypeProto::CreateExtendedSearchUI( HWND owner ){ return 0; } int __cdecl CSkypeProto::RecvContacts( HANDLE hContact, PROTORECVEVENT* ) { return 0; } int __cdecl CSkypeProto::RecvFile( HANDLE hContact, PROTORECVFILET* evt) { ::db_unset(hContact, "CList", "Hidden"); return Proto_RecvFile(hContact, evt); } int __cdecl CSkypeProto::RecvMsg( HANDLE hContact, PROTORECVEVENT* pre) { ::db_unset(hContact, "CList", "Hidden"); this->UserIsTyping(hContact, PROTOTYPE_SELFTYPING_OFF); DBEVENTINFO dbei = { 0 }; dbei.cbSize = sizeof(dbei); dbei.szModule = GetContactProto(hContact); dbei.timestamp = pre->timestamp; dbei.eventType = EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE; dbei.cbBlob = (DWORD)strlen(pre->szMessage) + 1; dbei.pBlob = (PBYTE) pre->szMessage; char *guid = (char *)pre->lParam; dbei.pBlob = (PBYTE)::mir_realloc(dbei.pBlob, dbei.cbBlob + 32); ::memcpy((char *)&dbei.pBlob[dbei.cbBlob], guid, 32); if (pre->flags & PREF_CREATEREAD) dbei.flags |= DBEF_READ; if (pre->flags & PREF_UTF) dbei.flags |= DBEF_UTF; return (INT_PTR)::db_event_add(hContact, &dbei); //return ::Proto_RecvMessage(hContact, pre); } int __cdecl CSkypeProto::RecvUrl( HANDLE hContact, PROTORECVEVENT* ) { return 0; } int __cdecl CSkypeProto::SendContacts( HANDLE hContact, int flags, int nContacts, HANDLE* hContactsList ) { return 0; } HANDLE __cdecl CSkypeProto::SendFile( HANDLE hContact, const TCHAR* szDescription, TCHAR** ppszFiles ) { if (this->IsOnline() && hContact && ppszFiles) { SEStringList targets; mir_ptr sid(::db_get_wsa(hContact, this->m_szModuleName, SKYPE_SETTINGS_LOGIN)); targets.append((char *)mir_ptr(::mir_utf8encodeW(sid))); CConversation::Ref conversation; g_skype->GetConversationByParticipants(targets, conversation); SEFilenameList fileList; for (int i = 0; ppszFiles[i]; i++) fileList.append((char *)mir_ptr(::mir_utf8encodeW(ppszFiles[i]))); auto error = TRANSFER_OPEN_SUCCESS; SEFilename errFile; MessageRef msgRef; //(char *)mir_ptr(::mir_utf8encodeW(szDescription)) if ( !conversation->PostFiles(fileList, " ", error, errFile, msgRef) || error) return 0; CTransfer::Refs transfers; if (msgRef->GetTransfers(transfers)) { for (uint i = 0; i < transfers.size(); i++) { auto transfer = transfers[i]; transfer.fetch(); transfer->SetOnTransferCallback((CTransfer::OnTransfer)&CSkypeProto::OnTransferChanged, this); this->transferList.append(transfer); } } return (HANDLE)msgRef->getOID(); } return 0; } int __cdecl CSkypeProto::SendMsg(HANDLE hContact, int flags, const char* msg) { SEStringList targets; wchar_t * sid = ::db_get_wsa(hContact, this->m_szModuleName, SKYPE_SETTINGS_LOGIN); SEString identity = ::mir_u2a(sid); targets.append(identity); CConversation::Ref conversation; g_skype->GetConversationByParticipants(targets, conversation); if (conversation) { CMessage::Ref message; if (!conversation->PostText(msg, message)) return 0; return message->getOID(); } return 0; } int __cdecl CSkypeProto::SendUrl( HANDLE hContact, int flags, const char* url ) { return 0; } int __cdecl CSkypeProto::SetApparentMode( HANDLE hContact, int mode ) { return 0; } int CSkypeProto::SetStatus(int new_status) { if (new_status == this->m_iDesiredStatus) return 0; int old_status = this->m_iStatus; this->m_iDesiredStatus = new_status; if (new_status == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) { this->LogOut(); this->m_iStatus = this->m_iDesiredStatus = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE; this->SendBroadcast(NULL, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)old_status, m_iStatus); } else { if (old_status == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE && !this->IsOnline()) { this->m_iStatus = ID_STATUS_CONNECTING; if ( !this->LogIn()) return 0; } else { if ( this->account->IsOnline()) SetServerStatus(new_status); else SendBroadcast(NULL, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)old_status, m_iStatus); } } return 0; } HANDLE __cdecl CSkypeProto::GetAwayMsg(HANDLE hContact) { return 0; } int __cdecl CSkypeProto::RecvAwayMsg( HANDLE hContact, int mode, PROTORECVEVENT* evt ) { return 0; } int __cdecl CSkypeProto::SendAwayMsg( HANDLE hContact, HANDLE hProcess, const char* msg ) { return 0; } int __cdecl CSkypeProto::SetAwayMsg( int m_iStatus, const TCHAR* msg ) { return 0; } int __cdecl CSkypeProto::UserIsTyping( HANDLE hContact, int type ) { if (hContact && this->IsOnline() && this->m_iStatus != ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE) { mir_ptr sid(::db_get_wsa(hContact, this->m_szModuleName, SKYPE_SETTINGS_LOGIN)); if (::wcsicmp(sid, this->login) != 0) { SEStringList targets; mir_ptr sid(::db_get_wsa(hContact, this->m_szModuleName, SKYPE_SETTINGS_LOGIN)); targets.append((char *)mir_ptr(::mir_utf8encodeW(sid))); CConversation::Ref conversation; g_skype->GetConversationByParticipants(targets, conversation); if (conversation) { switch (type) { case PROTOTYPE_SELFTYPING_ON: conversation->SetMyTextStatusTo(Participant::WRITING); return 0; case PROTOTYPE_SELFTYPING_OFF: conversation->SetMyTextStatusTo(Participant::READING); //todo: mb TEXT_UNKNOWN? return 0; } } } } return 1; } int __cdecl CSkypeProto::OnEvent(PROTOEVENTTYPE eventType, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (eventType) { case EV_PROTO_ONLOAD: return this->OnModulesLoaded(wParam, lParam); case EV_PROTO_ONEXIT: return this->OnPreShutdown(wParam, lParam); case EV_PROTO_ONMENU: this->OnInitStatusMenu(); case EV_PROTO_ONCONTACTDELETED: return this->OnContactDeleted(wParam, lParam); } return 1; }