
  You have to manually disable popup of messages in SKYPE, as there is
  currently no function in the API to do this
  Got to File/Options/Instant messages and disable the checkboxes there

  Currently a real mess. At least I splitted it up a bit now.
  But hey, it kinda works... ;)

------- - ! "NA" and "Free for chat" status are available again; NA is supported by skype and Free for chat 
             uses skypes "Skype Me" status; better leave it that way
           ! changes to the mood message of a contact were only visible after a status change
           ! plugin was crashing when status changed to offline and a proxy is used - ! menu item "Hang up (Skype)" was show on none skype contacts
           ! fixed serveral bugs in skype startup (including starting skype twice)
           ! show connecting state correctly
           ! hangup while ringing caused a state where contact isnt callable anymore
           * removed "NA" and "Free for chat" status - + Added option to suppress summary chat message after call is finished (jls17)
           ! Fix hangup causes a dial command if opponent hangs up a little bit earlier (jls17)
           ! removed empty chat message on incoming call
           ! empty mood message is send to skype correctly
   - + Added a trick to identify skype 3 version (fingerprint) - + Added option to enter user name and password. (Patch by NN) - + Support for new core service: get avatar caps
		   + Option to show/hide default avatar for contacts
		   + Hide Skype Avatar page in user details if >= #27 - + Voice service support in normall calls - no support for SkypeOut yet (pescuma)
		   ! Made options dialog a little bit smaller, removed frame and set bold frame for popups (pescuma)
		   + Add more status to manage for away message - ! Fix the load for pre 0.7.0 #17 build
		   * Patch by pescuma for avatar. - ! Avoid empty message from myself on first message received.
		   + Add the Get user avatar interface
		   * Change the get user info thread
		   * code cleanup
		   + Support for miranda 0.8
		   ! Correct use of folder plugin (using "avatar cache folder"\SKYPE). - ! When settings skype offline, first set proto off then contacts.
		   * move the broadcast of status change out of if statement in status change.
		   * Set contacts ofline on plugin load (avoid skype contact to be online if starts skype is not checked)
		   ! Fix the use of datapath for portable skype
		   * Allow to choose no splash - no tray  - minimized even if start skype with miranda is not checked.
		   ! Fix bug with timestamp in irc - * Use unicode nick, status message, city and country in skype profile.
           ! Fix for sending status change when offline
		   * Do not send message to skype if not attached (avoid trying to connect to api at startup)
           ! Fix crash on recieving message with groupchat checked.
   - + Try to identify if chat message comes from a group chat or not
           + Add a option to flag group chat message as read if not using chat.dll for group chat.
		   ! Fix the check of message type (group chat or normal) - ! Fix for flags of event and metacontact (thanks SJE)
           * Next step to custom popup support (in popup option page)
		   ! Fix infinite for error popup - ! Improvemnt of the Action message support.
		   ! Fix empty message on first chat with a contact. - + First step to Action Message support ( /me )
		   + Updater support for File Listing.
		   + First step to a custom popup for call notification. - + Add an option to enable/disable the timezone patch - ! Try to fix the bug (set skype offline when closing miranda) - * Improved portable skype integration - * Try to fix the start using custom command line
		   + Close skype using custom command line too - + Add a way to use a custom command line to start skype. - ! patch from markcs about timezones.
           ! shutdown patch by sje
   - * Change options dialog (use tabsrmm uxtheme) - ! Wrong db entry name for cellular (cellucar)
           + Set mirver using is video capabale to identify skype 2.0 user - * Options page redesigned
           * Work around to force refresh of avatar in MyDetail (w8 the avatar change service)
		   * Change Skype protocol to Skype in options->Network
		   * Free buffer in status message retrieve
		   * First step to a details info page.
   - * Some minor bugfixes
		   * Severe bugfix: Message sending routine worked incorrectly (no errors were shown
		     even if there were sending-errors)
		   * Removed PingPong - thread in favour of WM_TIMER
		   * Fixed critical section unlocking in skypeapi.c. In certain cases, critical sections 
		     were not left correctly.
		   * Fixed a bug that caused Miranda to crash on exit with Newstatusnotify plugin
		     (thanks to TioDuke for reporting)
		   * Hopefully fixed the nasty bug that caused Miranda to lockup on exit. - * Split service and options in two new cpp file.
           * Put the default attemps number to 10 - * Add avatar support for own user only (no api to ge contacts avatar)
           * Add set status message.
           * Add Get status message for contact where viewing contact details
           * Change icons (thanks to Faith Healer)
           * Updater support (BETA ONLY)
           * DBeEditor known module support
           * Mods to avoid warning in VC++ 8
           * Implement the MyDetail requested services
   - * HOTFIX - Double File-Transfer icon removed. Please note that you can't send files
             via drag & drop, because of the nature of Skype API - Skype wants to open its own
			 "File/Open" dialog, so I cannot supply a path to the file to be sent, therefore I
			 had to add a seperate File-sending function rather than using Miranda's function.
     - * Startup of Skype in a seperate thread was not solved properly. Now it should really
			 start in background
		   * The hack for the statusmode-bug is optional in the settings and is turned off
		     per default. (Thx to Eddie Hung for reporting problems and help)
		   * Added an ugly hack for the Skype-API offline bug   (grr.. ) 
		   * Nickname is now set correctly. To cleanup the existing Nicks, please go to
		     the options page an push the "Cleanup Nicknames" button.
			 This will clean out entries where the Nick was set to the Skype handle
		   * Fixed a bug in the message sending routine that caused errors in communication
		     (missed messages in Skype that were not fetched..)
		   * Added "Hold call" feature while calling
		   * Added support for conference calls (if a second user is calling while you 
		     are in a conversation, you can now choose whether to block the call or let 
			 the user join you in a conference with the existing caller or to put the
			 other caller on hold)
		   * Fixed a bug in the code for adding users that were just searched via the
		     Skype search-window but never have been in contact list.
		   * Fixed some bugs (memleak, nick error, ..) in the Search-Routine for 
			 Skype-contacts. (thx to Deadman for reporting)
		   * Fixed a bug with unknown SKYPE_IN contacts
		   * Added file-sending capability (requires new Skype-version)
		   * Did a litte code-cleanup
		   * Adding / Removing contacts can now be done via the Miranda standard-dialogs if
		     you use the newest Skype-Version
		   * With the new Skype-version you are able to handle Authorisation-Requests via Miranda
		     now. - * Fixed a severe memory-allocation bug in utf8-encoded messages that caused random
			 crashes (oops :-O) - Thanks to Ary Dvoretz for reporting.
		   * Bug in SkypeStatusMode-Bug fix from last release fixed (protocol stayed offline)
		   * Now onlinestatus for SkypeOut-Contacts is configurable
		   * Made Menu-Options translatable
		   * Added support for calling SkypeOut-Phonenumbers. You can now dial a PSTN-Number
		     by calling "Do a SkypeOut call" in the main menu (or top toolbar if the
			 toptoolbar plugin is installed) and entering a number or
			 by right-clicking on a non-Skype contact and selecting "Call using SkypeOut",
			 if there is a phone-Number entry in the User's-Details.
			 This, of course, is only working if you have SkypeOut privilege - * Fixed a crash on Miranda-exit when error occured on Skype-Protocol start
		   * Fixed Bug #0000006: Now user is asked if he wants to enable the Protocol
		     for the current profile, if he starts with a new profile.
		   * Fixed Bug #0000002: Now interfacing with Skype is really stopped on going
			 offline if the option is enabled. (PingPong-thread killed)
		   - This also applies on closing Skype
		   * Fixed a memory leak in MsgFetchThread that appeared in the last version because
		     of the groupchat-implementation (free() within wrong if clause, ooops ;)
		   * Fixed Bug #0000005: When there is a msg from a user that is not on Skype's contact
		     list, the user is now added PALF_TEMPORARY and disappears again on next Miranda-start
		   * Implemented a fix for Skype API's statusmode bug reported by Markus M�tzel:
		     If you change the online status while Skype is still connecting, Skype changes to
			 the FIRST state that it was requested to change to, after going online, instead of
			 the LAST state. However the bug was not reproducable for me.
		   * Fixed broken popup-support (I hope)
		   * CHANGE of behaviour (inspired by Bug #0000007): 
			 If you turn off "Start Skype with Miranda", the plugin wouldn't search for a 
			 running Skype instance anymore.
		   * Now when going online and Skype is not launched, Skype will be launched via a 
		     seperate thread (in background) so that Miranda isn't blocked while Skype is loading
		   * Options Dlg. should now be translateable too. 
		   * Miranda crash on exit if Skype was not found installed should be
		     fixed by now.
		   * Implemented compatibility layer for Skype API Protocol V3 and above.
		   * Removed some useless code introduced in
		   * Added some fixes made by TioDuke (thank you!)
			 - Using your own Nick instead of your Skype-Handle in conversations
			 - LastName 3rd token & above are not ignored any more
			 - Status modes "On the phone" and "out to lunch" are mapped now
		   * Fixed a bug that caused "Skype API not available" messages under high load.
		     (thanks to Romeo28 for testing!)
		   * Fixed a bug that caused Message sending thread to wait forever if sending
		     a message times out (causing dead threads)
		   * Skype contact list should be synced now when Skype-Status changes.
		     (thx to Markus M�tzel for Bugreport)
		   * Implemented a garbage collector that removes old messages from queue
		     in order to prevent possible memory exhaustion
		   * Added option to disable all modal Error-message dialog boxes (as people
		     keep telling me that they are annoyed by them)
		   * Added langpack support for error messages
		   * Added option to increase the time the protocol is waiting for Skype
		   * Added groupchat functions. WARNING: For testing purposes only!
		     Currently there is a memleak which I cannot find, but even worse,
			 Skype API doesn't seem to support sending to a groupchat, inviting etc.
			 So this is currently only experimental! When you send to a groupchat you
			 currently send single messages to every user seperately. Skype staff
			 didn't answer my question about sending to groupchats so far, so it
			 depends on them when this feature will be available for real use.
     - A few minor fixes:
		   * Logging off users shouldn't flood the StatusNotify-Plugin now.
		   * Popup-plugin can be enabled/disabled in the options dlg.
		   * Implemented support for SkypeOut contacts (they caused crashes)
		   * Now using Nick instead of Skype-Handle as Contact list name on
		     adding new users, if it is available.
     - Bugfixing because of strange Skype API behaviour:
		   * Adding of contacts that are just searched, but not added in Skype 
		     should be prevented now.
		   * Version number correct again.
   - Only minor bugfixes:
		   * The gender in user-details is now saved correctly to the DB
			 (thanks to LeON for the hint!)
		   * The Apply-Button should now be disabled in the options DLG by default
			 (thanks to sje for the bug report)
		   * Contactlist should be reinitialized after a SYNC-Problem now.
		   * Bug with usernames that contain commas should be fixed
		   * Protocol messages are now shown as popups if Popup-plugin is installed
   - * Hopefully recovery after sync problem works a bit better now
			 (Sync-Problem Messages are no longer shown)
		   * Now you can hang up a call directly from a contact's context menu
		   * Now implemented support for using Skype over a network. You can use
		     the included skypeproxy service to in/output Skype API messages
			 on a socket and can connect to it with the plugin.
			 So you can, for example, launch the skypeproxy service on your
			 Windows-server (eeek! :P) and control Skype from your workstation
			 using Miranda. (requested feature by foosmate)
		   * Now you can accept incoming calls via Miranda (or hang them up)
		   * The status mode bug (clist status menu was not updated properly)
		     should be fixed by now.
		   * The logfile in the dbeug-build should now always be written to the
		     Miranda directory. -  * Fixed bug with error when starting Skype with Miranda ("Wheee...")
		   * As Skype seems to use new, UNDOCUMENTED Message types (I think it's
			 a severe Skype-API bug) I adapted the plugin so that it works
			 with new API now. This fixes the problem of not being able to receive
			 messages in new Skype versions.
			 Skype now sends "MESSAGE TYPE SAID" instead of "MESSAGE TYPE TEXT",
			 the bug has been reported to Skype forum.
		   * Fixed a memory leak in Message-receiving routine
		   * Added UTF8-support for Contact properties (does this fix something?)
		   * Fixed a memory leak in Startup-routine
		   * Finally renamed Plugin from SKYPE_PROTOCOL to SKYPE internally.
			 Hopefully it will upgrade your existing DB seamlessly.
		   * Now all threads should be sync with Miranda as I'm using the pthread-
		     functions "borrowed" from Yahoo protocol. -  * Now there is support for the "Occupied" mode, which is mapped to DND
			 This is useful for users who do a global statusmodechange so that Skype
			 gets to "Occupied" state instead of staying online.
		   * Now the protocol doesn't disable itself when you chose to not start
		     Skype on startup, instead it stays offline and starts Skype when you
			 try to go online. -  * Fixed a bug that caused a lockup on Plugin startup (when a Window was not
			 reacting to the HWND_BROADCAST) (thx to Cool Blue)
		   * Fixed a bug in the Startup-procedure..
		   * Now Skype doesn't go offline when you close Miranda (thx to Egodust)
		   * Now it should really work unter WIN98 (thx to TioDuke for testing)
		   * Implemented feature for Shutting down Skype on going offline and
		     restarting Skype on changing to online mode again, as many people requested. 
      - * Added feature requests from kreisquadratur:
		   * Option to disable Skype-Menuitems
		   * Fixed bug with Apply-Button
		   * Using a nicer Skype-Icon now
		   * Now using Skype-Timestamp for messages
		   * Implementing importing history from skype (see contextmenu of contact)
		   * Fixed bug with processing first message of MESSAGES - List
		   * Found out, that RegisterClass() doesn't work for UNICODE-Programs on
			 non-UNICODE win98, therefore return-value check for RegisterClass removed
		   * Fixed a bug that caused a "We got a Sync problem :("
    - * Fixed a bug that caused the plugin to crash with bigger contact lists
			 (Skype API was flooded on startup)
      - * Missed messages are fetched now
		   * User details work now
		   * More verbose error msgs now (to help Win98 user debugging his problem)
		   * Added option for starting skype with miranda and shutting down
		     Skype when closing miranda.
		   * You can now chose the command line options to pass to Skype on startup
		   * Hopefully the bug with multiple Call - Entries per user is fixed now
		   * Protocol name is now "Skype", not "Skype_protocol" - Remember this
		     when updating, so DELETE skype_protocol.dll first!!
		   * Secured Message Queue with a Mutex 
		   * Fixed a Message-receiving bug that could cause delays in message-processing
		   * Adding a Contact in Skype now also adds it to Miranda immediately
		     (Deleting should also work, but doesn't because of a Skype API bug)
		   * Added searching for contacts, but this feature seems to be quite useless,
		     as Skype API doesn't support adding contacts, so you still have to add
			 your contacts in the Skype program, sorry
			 In order to do this comfortably, I added a Miranda Menu-Item for adding
      - * I hope it's thread-safe now
		   * Changing the Online-Status should work correctly now
		   * Fixed "We got a sync problem :(" bug	- big thx to Azzie
		   * Now starts Skype more in the background as proposed by Kreisquadratur
		   * Implemented PING-PONG with Skype to detect if Connection to Skype API
		     was lost
		   * Launching of Skype by Miranda improved