/* * SkypeAPI - All more or less important functions that deal with Skype */ #include "skype.h" #include "skypeapi.h" #include "utf8.h" #include "debug.h" #include "contacts.h" #include "skypeproxy.h" #include "pthread.h" #include "gchat.h" #include "alogon.h" #include "msgq.h" #include #pragma warning (push) #pragma warning (disable: 4100) // unreferenced formal parameter #include #include #pragma warning (push) #include #pragma warning (disable: 4706) // assignment within conditional expression // Imported Globals extern HWND hSkypeWnd, g_hWnd; extern BOOL SkypeInitialized, UseSockets, MirandaShuttingDown, bIsImoproxy; extern int SkypeStatus, receivers; extern HANDLE SkypeReady, SkypeMsgReceived, httbButton; extern UINT ControlAPIAttach, ControlAPIDiscover; extern LONG AttachStatus; extern HINSTANCE hInst; extern PLUGININFOEX pluginInfo; extern HANDLE hProtocolAvatarsFolder, hHookSkypeApiRcv; extern char DefaultAvatarsFolder[MAX_PATH+1], *pszProxyCallout, protocol, g_szProtoName[]; // -> Skype Message Queue functions // static TYP_MSGQ SkypeMsgs, SkypeSendQueue; status_map status_codes[] = { {ID_STATUS_AWAY, "AWAY"}, {ID_STATUS_NA, "NA"}, {ID_STATUS_DND, "DND"}, {ID_STATUS_ONLINE, "ONLINE"}, {ID_STATUS_FREECHAT, "SKYPEME"}, // Unfortunately Skype API tells us userstatus ONLINE, if we are free for chat {ID_STATUS_OFFLINE, "OFFLINE"}, {ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE, "INVISIBLE"}, {ID_STATUS_CONNECTING, "CONNECTING"}, {0, NULL} }; //status_map static CRITICAL_SECTION ConnectMutex; static BOOL rcvThreadRunning=FALSE, isConnecting = FALSE; static SOCKET ClientSocket=INVALID_SOCKET; static HANDLE SkypeMsgToSend=NULL; static char *m_szSendBuf = NULL; static DWORD m_iBufSize = 0; static int _ConnectToSkypeAPI(char *path, BOOL bStart); /* SkypeReceivedMessage * * Purpose: Hook to be called when a message is received, if some caller is * using our internal I/O services. * Params : wParam - Not used * lParam - COPYDATASTRUCT like in WM_COPYDATA * Returns: Result from SendMessage */ INT_PTR SkypeReceivedAPIMessage(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { return SendMessage(g_hWnd, WM_COPYDATALOCAL, (WPARAM)hSkypeWnd, lParam); } /* * Skype via Socket --> Skype2Socket connection */ void rcvThread(char *dummy) { unsigned int length; char *buf; COPYDATASTRUCT CopyData; int rcv; if (!UseSockets) return; rcvThreadRunning=TRUE; for ( ;; ) { if (ClientSocket==INVALID_SOCKET) { rcvThreadRunning=FALSE; return; } LOG(("rcvThread Receiving from socket..")); if ((rcv=recv(ClientSocket, (char *)&length, sizeof(length), 0))==SOCKET_ERROR || rcv==0) { rcvThreadRunning=FALSE; if (rcv==SOCKET_ERROR) {LOG(("rcvThread Socket error"));} else {LOG(("rcvThread lost connection, graceful shutdown"));} return; } LOG(("rcvThread Received length, recieving message..")); buf=(char *)calloc(1, length+1); if ((rcv = recv(ClientSocket, buf, length, 0))==SOCKET_ERROR || rcv==0) { rcvThreadRunning=FALSE; if (rcv==SOCKET_ERROR) {LOG(("rcvThread Socket error"));} else {LOG(("rcvThread lost connection, graceful shutdown"));} free(buf); return; } LOG(("Received message: %s", buf)); CopyData.dwData=0; CopyData.lpData=buf; CopyData.cbData=(DWORD)strlen(buf)+1; if (!SendMessage(g_hWnd, WM_COPYDATALOCAL, (WPARAM)hSkypeWnd, (LPARAM)&CopyData)) { LOG(("SendMessage failed: %08X", GetLastError())); } free(buf); } } void sendThread(char *dummy) { COPYDATASTRUCT CopyData; LRESULT SendResult; int oldstatus; unsigned int length; char *szMsg; while (SkypeMsgToSend) { if (WaitForSingleObject(SkypeMsgToSend, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) return; if (!(szMsg = MsgQ_Get(&SkypeSendQueue))) continue; length=(unsigned int)strlen(szMsg); if (UseSockets) { if (send(ClientSocket, (char *)&length, sizeof(length), 0) != SOCKET_ERROR && send(ClientSocket, szMsg, length, 0) != SOCKET_ERROR) { free (szMsg); continue; } SendResult = 0; } else { CopyData.dwData=0; CopyData.lpData=szMsg; CopyData.cbData=length+1; // Internal comm channel if (pszProxyCallout) { CallService (pszProxyCallout, 0, (LPARAM)&CopyData); free(szMsg); continue; } // If this didn't work, proceed with normal Skype API if (!hSkypeWnd) { LOG(("SkypeSend: DAMN! No Skype window handle! :(")); } SendResult=SendMessage(hSkypeWnd, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM)g_hWnd, (LPARAM)&CopyData); LOG(("SkypeSend: SendMessage returned %d", SendResult)); free(szMsg); } if (!SendResult) { SkypeInitialized=FALSE; AttachStatus=-1; ResetEvent(SkypeReady); if (g_hWnd) KillTimer (g_hWnd, 1); if (SkypeStatus!=ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) { // Go offline logoff_contacts(FALSE); oldstatus=SkypeStatus; InterlockedExchange((long *)&SkypeStatus, (int)ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); ProtoBroadcastAck(SKYPE_PROTONAME, NULL, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE) oldstatus, SkypeStatus); } // Reconnect to Skype ResetEvent(SkypeReady); pthread_create(LaunchSkypeAndSetStatusThread, (void *)ID_STATUS_ONLINE); WaitForSingleObject (SkypeReady, 10000); // SendMessageTimeout(HWND_BROADCAST, ControlAPIDiscover, (WPARAM)g_hWnd, 0, SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 3000, NULL); } } } /* * Skype Messagequeue - Implemented as a linked list */ /* SkypeMsgInit * * Purpose: Initializes the Skype Message queue and API * Returns: 0 - Success * -1 - Memory allocation failure */ int SkypeMsgInit(void) { MsgQ_Init(&SkypeMsgs); MsgQ_Init(&SkypeSendQueue); InitializeCriticalSection(&ConnectMutex); if (SkypeMsgToSend=CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, MAX_MSGS, NULL)) { if (m_szSendBuf = (char*)malloc(m_iBufSize=512)) { if (_beginthread(( pThreadFunc )sendThread, 0, NULL)!=-1) return 0; free(m_szSendBuf); } CloseHandle (SkypeMsgToSend); } return -1; } /* SkypeMsgAdd * * Purpose: Add Message to linked list * Params : msg - Message to add to queue * Returns: 0 - Success * -1 - Memory allocation failure */ int SkypeMsgAdd(char *msg) { return MsgQ_Add(&SkypeMsgs, msg)?0:-1; } /* SkypeMsgCleanup * * Purpose: Clean up the whole MESSagequeue - free() all */ void SkypeMsgCleanup(void) { int i; LOG(("SkypeMsgCleanup Cleaning up message queue..")); if (receivers>1) { LOG (("SkypeMsgCleanup Releasing %d receivers", receivers)); for (i=0;i %s", szMsg)); // Fake PING-PONG, as PING-PONG is not supported by Skype2Socket if ((UseSockets || bIsImoproxy) && !strcmp(szMsg, "PING")) { CopyData.dwData=0; CopyData.lpData="PONG"; CopyData.cbData=5; SendMessage(g_hWnd, WM_COPYDATALOCAL, (WPARAM)hSkypeWnd, (LPARAM)&CopyData); return 0; } if (UseSockets && ClientSocket==INVALID_SOCKET) return -1; if (!MsgQ_Add(&SkypeSendQueue, szMsg) || !ReleaseSemaphore(SkypeMsgToSend, 1, NULL)) return -1; return 0; } /* SkypeSend * * Purpose: Sends the specified message to the Skype API. * If it fails, try to reconnect zu the Skype API * Params: use like sprintf without first param (dest. buffer) * Returns: 0 - Success * -1 - Failure */ int SkypeSend(char *szFmt, ...) { char *pNewBuf; va_list ap; size_t iLen; // - Build message-String from supplied parameter list // so the user doesn't have to care about memory allocation any more. // - No more restrictions apply to the format string. // The temporary buffer remains allocated during the session and gets // dynamically expanded when needed. This makes sense, as this function // is used very often and therefore it is faster to not allocate // memory on every send. if (!m_szSendBuf && !(m_szSendBuf=(char*)malloc(m_iBufSize=512))) return -1; do { va_start(ap, szFmt); iLen = _vsnprintf(m_szSendBuf, m_iBufSize, szFmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (iLen == -1) { if (!(pNewBuf = (char*)realloc (m_szSendBuf, m_iBufSize*2))) { iLen = strlen (m_szSendBuf); break; } m_szSendBuf = pNewBuf; m_iBufSize*=2; } } while (iLen == -1); return __sendMsg(m_szSendBuf); } /* SkypeRcvTime * * Purpose: Wait, until either the message "what" is received or maxwait-Time has passed * or there was an error and return it * Params : what - Wait for this string-part at the beginning of a received string * If the first character of the string is NULL, the rest after the NULL * character will be searched in the entire received message-string. * You can tokenize the string by using NULL characters. * You HAVE TO end the string with a extra \0, otherwise the tokenizer * will run amok in memory! * st - The message timestamp must be newer or equal to st. * Set to 0, if you do not need this and want the first message of this * kind in the queue. * maxwait - Wait this time before returning, if nothing was received, * can be INFINITE * Returns: The received message containing "what" or a ERROR-Message or NULL if * time is up and nothing was received * Warning: Don't forget to free() return value! */ char *SkypeRcvTime(char *what, time_t st, DWORD maxwait) { char *msg, *token=NULL; struct MsgQueue *ptr; int j; DWORD dwWaitStat; BOOL bChatMsg = FALSE, bIsChatMsg = FALSE; LOG (("SkypeRcv - Requesting answer: %s", what)); if (what) bChatMsg = strncmp(what, "CHATMESSAGE", 11)==0; do { EnterCriticalSection(&SkypeMsgs.cs); // First, search for the requested message. On second run, also accept an ERROR for (j=0; j<2; j++) { for (ptr=SkypeMsgs.l.tqh_first; ptr; ptr=ptr->l.tqe_next) { if (what && what[0]==0) { // Tokenizer syntax active token=what+1; while (*token) { if (!strstr (ptr->message, token)) { token=NULL; break; } token+=strlen(token)+1; } } //if (j==1) {LOG(("SkypeRcv compare %s (%lu) -- %s (%lu)", ptr->message, ptr->tReceived, what, st));} if ((st == 0 || ptr->tReceived >= st) && (what==NULL || token || (what[0] && !strncmp(ptr->message, what, strlen(what))) || (bIsChatMsg = (j==1 && bChatMsg && !strncmp(ptr->message, what+4, strlen(what+4)))) || (j==1 && !strncmp(ptr->message, "ERROR", 5)))) { msg=MsgQ_RemoveMsg(&SkypeMsgs, ptr); LOG(("1) InterlockedDecrement ((long *)&receivers); // receivers--; if (receivers>1) {LOG (("SkypeRcv: %d receivers still waiting", receivers));} } while(dwWaitStat == WAIT_OBJECT_0 && !MirandaShuttingDown); InterlockedDecrement ((long *)&receivers); LOG(("message, what)); pCurMsg = ptr->message; bIsError = FALSE; if (*what && !strncmp(pCurMsg, what, iLenWhat)) { // Now we received a MESSAGE with an identifier. So this one is definitely for us // However the status can be SENDING instead of SENT and next message with this number // isn't using the ID anymore, so we have to save the ID as new identifier for message recognition pCurMsg+=iLenWhat; if ((pMsg = strchr (pCurMsg, ' ')) && (pMsg=strchr (pMsg+1, ' '))) strncpy (msgid, pCurMsg, pMsg-pCurMsg); else if (strncmp (pCurMsg, "ERROR", 5) == 0) bIsError = TRUE; } if ((*msgid && strncmp (pCurMsg, msgid, strlen(msgid)) == 0) || (!*what && ptr->tReceived >= st && (strncmp(pCurMsg, "MESSAGE", 7) == 0 || strncmp(pCurMsg, "CHATMESSAGE", 11) == 0 ) ) || bIsError || (ptr->tReceived >= st && ptr->tReceived <=st+1 && (bIsError=(strncmp(pCurMsg, "ERROR 26", 8)==0 || strncmp(pCurMsg, "ERROR 43", 8)==0)) ) ) { bProcess = bIsError; if (!bIsError) { if ((pMsg = strchr (pCurMsg, ' ')) && (pMsg=strchr (pMsg+1, ' '))) { pMsg++; if (strncmp (pMsg, "STATUS ", 7) == 0) { pMsg+=7; if (strcmp (pMsg, "SENDING") == 0) { // Remove dat shit struct MsgQueue *ptr_=ptr->l.tqe_next; free(MsgQ_RemoveMsg(&SkypeMsgs, ptr)); ptr=ptr_; continue; } bProcess = (strcmp (pMsg, "SENT") == 0 || strcmp (pMsg, "QUEUED") == 0 || strcmp (pMsg, "FAILED") == 0 || strcmp (pMsg, "IGNORED") == 0 || strcmp (pMsg, "SENDING") == 0); } } } if (bProcess) { msg=MsgQ_RemoveMsg(&SkypeMsgs, ptr); LOG(("l.tqe_next; } LeaveCriticalSection(&SkypeMsgs.cs); InterlockedIncrement ((long *)&receivers); //receivers++; dwWaitStat = WaitForSingleObject(SkypeMsgReceived, maxwait); if (receivers>1) InterlockedDecrement ((long *)&receivers); // receivers--; if (receivers>1) {LOG (("SkypeRcvMsg: %d receivers still waiting", receivers));} } while(dwWaitStat == WAIT_OBJECT_0 && !MirandaShuttingDown); InterlockedDecrement ((long *)&receivers); LOG((" Answer %s", str, ptr)); return ptr; } char *SkypeGetID(char *szWhat, char *szWho, char *szProperty) { char szID[16]={0}; static DWORD dwId = 0; if (protocol>=4 || bIsImoproxy) sprintf (szID, "#G%d ", dwId++); return __SkypeGet (szID, szWhat, szWho, szProperty); } char *SkypeGet(char *szWhat, char *szWho, char *szProperty) { return __SkypeGet ("", szWhat, szWho, szProperty); } #ifdef _UNICODE WCHAR *SkypeGetW(char *szWhat, WCHAR *szWho, char *szProperty) { char *ptszWho = (char*)make_utf8_string(szWho); char *pRet = SkypeGet (szWhat, ptszWho, szProperty); free (ptszWho); if (pRet) { WCHAR *ptr = make_unicode_string((const unsigned char*)pRet); free (pRet); return ptr; } return NULL; } #endif char *SkypeGetErr(char *szWhat, char *szWho, char *szProperty) { char *ret = SkypeGet(szWhat, szWho, szProperty); if (ret && !strncmp(ret, "ERROR", 5)) { free (ret); return NULL; } return ret; } #ifdef _UNICODE WCHAR *SkypeGetErrW(char *szWhat, TCHAR *szWho, char *szProperty) { WCHAR *ret = SkypeGetW(szWhat, szWho, szProperty); if (ret && !_tcsncmp(ret, _T("ERROR"), 5)) { free (ret); return NULL; } return ret; } #endif /* SkypeGetProfile * * Issues a SET PROFILE szProperty szValue and waits until the answer is received * Returns the answer or NULL on failure * BEWARE: Don't forget to free() return value! * * For example: SkypeGetProfile("FULLNAME", "Tweety"); */ char *SkypeGetProfile(char *szProperty) { return SkypeGet ("PROFILE", "", szProperty); } /* SkypeSetProfile * * */ int SkypeSetProfile(char *szProperty, char *szValue) { return SkypeSend("SET PROFILE %s %s", szProperty, szValue); } /* SkypeMsgCollectGarbage * * Purpose: Runs the garbage collector on the Skype Message-Queue to throw out old * messages which may unnecessarily eat up memory. * Params : age - Time in seconds. Messages older than this value will be * thrown out. * Returns: 0 - No messages were thrown out * >0 - n messages were thrown out */ int SkypeMsgCollectGarbage(time_t age) { return MsgQ_CollectGarbage(&SkypeMsgs, age); } /* SkypeCall * * Purpose: Give a Skype call to the given User in wParam * or hangs up existing call * (hangUp is moved over to SkypeCallHangup) * Params : wParam - Handle to the User to be called * lParam - Can be NULL * Returns: 0 - Success * -1 - Failure */ INT_PTR SkypeCall(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { DBVARIANT dbv; char *msg=0; int res; if (!db_get_s((HANDLE)wParam, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "CallId", &dbv)) { res = -1; // no direct return, because dbv needs to be freed } else { if (db_get_s((HANDLE)wParam, SKYPE_PROTONAME, SKYPE_NAME, &dbv)) return -1; msg=(char *)malloc(strlen(dbv.pszVal)+6); strcpy(msg, "CALL "); strcat(msg, dbv.pszVal); res=SkypeSend(msg); } db_free(&dbv); free(msg); return res; } /* SkypeCallHangup * * Prupose: Hangs up the existing call to the given User * in wParam. * * Params : wParam - Handle to the User to be called * lParam - Can be NULL * * Returns: 0 - Success * -1 - Failure * */ INT_PTR SkypeCallHangup(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { DBVARIANT dbv; char *msg=0; int res = -1; if (!db_get_s((HANDLE)wParam, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "CallId", &dbv)) { msg=(char *)malloc(strlen(dbv.pszVal)+21); sprintf(msg, "SET %s STATUS FINISHED", dbv.pszVal); //sprintf(msg, "ALTER CALL %s HANGUP", dbv.pszVal); res=SkypeSend(msg); #if _DEBUG db_unset((HANDLE)wParam, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "CallId"); #endif //} else { // if (db_get((HANDLE)wParam, SKYPE_PROTONAME, SKYPE_NAME, &dbv)) return -1; // msg=(char *)malloc(strlen(dbv.pszVal)+6); // strcpy(msg, "CALL "); // strcat(msg, dbv.pszVal); // res=SkypeSend(msg); } db_free(&dbv); free(msg); return res; } /* FixNumber * * Purpose: Eliminates all non-numeric chars from the given phonenumber * Params : p - Pointer to the buffer with the number */ static void FixNumber(char *p) { unsigned int i; for (i=0;i<=strlen(p);i++) if ((p[i]<'0' || p[i]>'9')) if (p[i]) { memmove(p+i, p+i+1, strlen(p+i)); i--; } else break; } /* DialDlgProc * * Purpose: Dialog procedure for the Dial-Dialog */ static INT_PTR CALLBACK DialDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { static HANDLE hContact; static unsigned int entries=0; BOOL TempAdded=FALSE; char number[64], *msg, *ptr=NULL; switch (uMsg){ case WM_INITDIALOG: hContact=(HANDLE)lParam; Utils_RestoreWindowPosition(hwndDlg, NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "DIALdlg"); TranslateDialogDefault(hwndDlg); if (lParam) { DBVARIANT dbv; BOOL bDialNow=TRUE; if (!db_get(hContact,"UserInfo","MyPhone1",&dbv)) { int j; char idstr[16]; // Multiple phone numbers, select one bDialNow=FALSE; db_free(&dbv); for(j=0;;j++) { sprintf(idstr,"MyPhone%d",j); if(db_get_s(hContact,"UserInfo",idstr,&dbv)) break; FixNumber(dbv.pszVal+1); // Leave + alone SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg,IDC_NUMBER,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)dbv.pszVal); db_free(&dbv); } } if (db_get_s(hContact,SKYPE_PROTONAME,"SkypeOutNr",&dbv)) { db_get_s(hContact,"UserInfo","MyPhone0",&dbv); FixNumber(dbv.pszVal+1); } SetDlgItemTextA(hwndDlg, IDC_NUMBER, dbv.pszVal); db_free(&dbv); if (bDialNow) PostMessage(hwndDlg, WM_COMMAND, IDDIAL, 0); } else { DBVARIANT dbv; char number[64]; for (entries=0;entriesMAX_ENTRIES) entries=MAX_ENTRIES; for (i=entries;i>0;i--) { sprintf(buf, "LastNumber%d", i-1); if (!db_get_s(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, buf, &dbv)) { sprintf(buf, "LastNumber%d", i); db_set_s(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, buf, dbv.pszVal); db_free(&dbv); } else break; } db_set_s(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "LastNumber0", number); } TempAdded=TRUE; } if (!db_set_s(hContact, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "SkypeOutNr", number)) { msg=(char *)malloc(strlen(number)+6); strcpy(msg, "CALL "); strcat(msg, number); if (SkypeSend(msg) || (ptr=SkypeRcv("ERROR", 500))) { db_unset(hContact, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "SkypeOutNr"); if (ptr) { OUTPUTA(ptr); free(ptr); } if (TempAdded) CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETE, (WPARAM)hContact, 0); } free(msg); } case IDCANCEL: DestroyWindow(hwndDlg); break; } break; case WM_DESTROY: Utils_SaveWindowPosition(hwndDlg, NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "DIALdlg"); if (httbButton) CallService(MS_TTB_SETBUTTONSTATE, (WPARAM)httbButton, TTBST_RELEASED); break; } return FALSE; } /* CallstatDlgProc * * Purpose: Dialog procedure for the CallStatus Dialog */ static INT_PTR CALLBACK CallstatDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { static int selected; static DBVARIANT dbv, dbv2={0}; switch (uMsg){ case WM_INITDIALOG: { HANDLE hContact; char *szProto; if (!db_get_s((HANDLE)lParam, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "CallId", &dbv)) { // Check, if another call is in progress for (hContact=db_find_first();hContact != NULL;hContact=db_find_next(hContact)) { szProto = (char*)CallService( MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO, (WPARAM)hContact, 0 ); if (szProto!=NULL && !strcmp(szProto, SKYPE_PROTONAME) && hContact!=(HANDLE)lParam && db_get_b(hContact, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "ChatRoom", 0) == 0 && !db_get_s(hContact, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "CallId", &dbv2)) { if (db_get_b(hContact, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "OnHold", 0)) { db_free(&dbv2); continue; } else break; } } if (dbv2.pszVal) { char buf[256], buf2[256]; char *szOtherCaller=(char *)CallService(MS_CLIST_GETCONTACTDISPLAYNAME,(WPARAM)hContact,0); Utils_RestoreWindowPosition(hwndDlg, NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "CALLSTATdlg"); TranslateDialogDefault(hwndDlg); SendMessage(hwndDlg, WM_COMMAND, IDC_JOIN, 0); GetWindowTextA(hwndDlg, buf, sizeof(buf)); _snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf), buf, CallService(MS_CLIST_GETCONTACTDISPLAYNAME,(WPARAM)lParam,0)); SetWindowTextA(hwndDlg, buf2); GetDlgItemTextA(hwndDlg, IDC_JOIN, buf, sizeof(buf)); _snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf), buf, szOtherCaller); SetDlgItemTextA(hwndDlg, IDC_JOIN, buf2); GetDlgItemTextA(hwndDlg, IDC_HOLD, buf, sizeof(buf)); _snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf), buf, szOtherCaller); SetDlgItemTextA(hwndDlg, IDC_HOLD, buf2); return TRUE; } // No other call in progress, no need for this Dlg., just answer the call SkypeSend("SET %s STATUS INPROGRESS", dbv.pszVal); testfor ("ERROR", 200); db_free(&dbv); } DestroyWindow(hwndDlg); break; } case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_JOIN: case IDC_HOLD: case IDC_HANGUP: CheckRadioButton(hwndDlg, IDC_JOIN, IDC_HANGUP, (selected=LOWORD(wParam))); break; case IDOK: { char *szIdCall2; switch (selected) { case IDC_JOIN: if (szIdCall2=strchr(dbv2.pszVal, ' ')) SkypeSend("SET %s JOIN_CONFERENCE%s", dbv.pszVal, szIdCall2); break; case IDC_HOLD: SkypeSend("SET %s STATUS ONHOLD", dbv2.pszVal); SkypeSend("SET %s STATUS INPROGRESS", dbv.pszVal); break; case IDC_HANGUP: SkypeSend("SET %s STATUS FINISHED", dbv.pszVal); break; } db_free(&dbv); db_free(&dbv2); DestroyWindow(hwndDlg); break; } } break; case WM_DESTROY: Utils_SaveWindowPosition(hwndDlg, NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "CALLSTATdlg"); break; } return FALSE; } /* SkypeOutCallErrorCheck * * Purpose: Checks, if an error has occured after call and * if so, hangs up the call * This procedure is a seperate thread to not block the core * while waiting for "ERROR" * Params : szCallId - ID of the call */ void SkypeOutCallErrorCheck(char *szCallId) { if (testfor("ERROR", 500)) EndCallThread(szCallId); } /* SkypeOutCall * * Purpose: Give a SkypeOut call to the given User in wParam * or hangs up existing call * The user's record is searched for Phone-number entries. * If there is more than 1 entry, the Dial-Dialog is shown * Params : wParam - Handle to the User to be called * If NULL, the dial-dialog is shown * Returns: 0 - Success * -1 - Failure */ INT_PTR SkypeOutCall(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { DBVARIANT dbv; int res = -1; if (wParam && !db_get_s((HANDLE)wParam, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "CallId", &dbv)) { res=SkypeSend("SET %s STATUS FINISHED", dbv.pszVal); pthread_create(( pThreadFunc )SkypeOutCallErrorCheck, _strdup(dbv.pszVal)); db_free(&dbv); } else if (!CreateDialogParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DIAL), NULL, DialDlgProc, (LPARAM)wParam)) return -1; return res; } /* SkypeHoldCall * * Purpose: Put the call to the User given in wParam on Hold or Resumes it * Params : wParam - Handle to the User * Returns: 0 - Success * -1 - Failure */ INT_PTR SkypeHoldCall(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { DBVARIANT dbv; int retval; LOG(("SkypeHoldCall started")); if (!wParam || db_get_s((HANDLE)wParam, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "CallId", &dbv)) return -1; retval = SkypeSend ("SET %s STATUS %s", dbv.pszVal, db_get_b((HANDLE)wParam, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "OnHold", 0)?"INPROGRESS":"ONHOLD"); db_free(&dbv); return retval; } /* SkypeAnswerCall * * Purpose: Answer a Skype-call when a user double-clicks on * The incoming-call-Symbol. Works for both, Skype and SkypeOut-calls * Params : wParam - Not used * lParam - CLISTEVENT* * Returns: 0 - Success * -1 - Failure */ INT_PTR SkypeAnswerCall(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LOG(("SkypeAnswerCall started")); CreateDialogParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_CALLSTAT), NULL, CallstatDlgProc, (LPARAM)((CLISTEVENT*)lParam)->hContact); return 0; } /* SkypeSetNick * * Purpose: Set Full Name in profile * Params : wParam=0 * lParam=(LPARAM)(const char*)Nick text * Returns: 0 - Success * -1 - Failure */ INT_PTR SkypeSetNick(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { int retval = -1; char *Nick = NULL; if (wParam & SMNN_UNICODE) { db_set_ws(0, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "Nick", (WCHAR*)lParam); if (AttachStatus == SKYPECONTROLAPI_ATTACH_SUCCESS && !(Nick = (char*)make_utf8_string((WCHAR*)lParam))) return -1; } else { db_set_s(0, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "Nick", (char*)lParam); if(AttachStatus == SKYPECONTROLAPI_ATTACH_SUCCESS && utf8_encode((const char *)lParam, &Nick) == -1 ) return -1; } if(AttachStatus == SKYPECONTROLAPI_ATTACH_SUCCESS) retval = SkypeSend("SET PROFILE FULLNAME %s", Nick); if (Nick) free (Nick); return retval; } /* SkypeSetAwayMessage * * Purpose: Set Mood message in profile * Params : wParam=status mode * lParam=(LPARAM)(const char*)message text * Returns: 0 - Success * -1 - Failure */ INT_PTR SkypeSetAwayMessage(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { int retval = -1; char *Mood = NULL; if (!lParam) lParam=(LPARAM)""; if(utf8_encode((const char *)lParam, &Mood) == -1 ) return -1; db_set_s(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "MoodText", (const char *)lParam); if(AttachStatus == SKYPECONTROLAPI_ATTACH_SUCCESS) retval = SkypeSend("SET PROFILE MOOD_TEXT %s", Mood); free (Mood); return retval; } INT_PTR SkypeSetAwayMessageW(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { int retval = -1; char *Mood = NULL; if (!lParam) lParam=(LPARAM)""; if (!(Mood = (char*)make_utf8_string((WCHAR*)lParam))) return -1; db_set_ws(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "MoodText", (WCHAR*)lParam); if(AttachStatus == SKYPECONTROLAPI_ATTACH_SUCCESS) retval = SkypeSend("SET PROFILE MOOD_TEXT %s", Mood); free (Mood); return retval; } /* SkypeSetAvatar * * Purpose: Set user avatar in profile * Params : wParam=0 * lParam=(LPARAM)(const char*)filename * Returns: 0 - Success * -1 - Failure */ INT_PTR SkypeSetAvatar(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { char *filename = (char *) lParam, *ext; char AvatarFile[MAX_PATH+1], OldAvatarFile[1024]; char *ptr = NULL; int ret; char command[500]; DBVARIANT dbv = {0}; BOOL hasOldAvatar = (db_get_s(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "AvatarFile", &dbv) == 0 && dbv.type == DBVT_ASCIIZ); size_t len; if (AttachStatus != SKYPECONTROLAPI_ATTACH_SUCCESS) return -3; if (filename == NULL) return -1; len = strlen(filename); if (len < 4) return -1; ext = &filename[len-4]; if (_stricmp(ext, ".jpg")==0 || _stricmp(ext-1, ".jpeg")==0) ext = "jpg"; else if (_stricmp(ext, ".png")==0) ext = "png"; else return -2; FoldersGetCustomPath(hProtocolAvatarsFolder, AvatarFile, sizeof(AvatarFile), DefaultAvatarsFolder); if (!*AvatarFile) strcpy (AvatarFile, DefaultAvatarsFolder); mir_snprintf(AvatarFile, sizeof(AvatarFile), "%s\\%s avatar.%s", AvatarFile, SKYPE_PROTONAME, ext); // Backup old file if (hasOldAvatar) { strncpy(OldAvatarFile, dbv.pszVal, sizeof(OldAvatarFile)-4); OldAvatarFile[sizeof(OldAvatarFile)-5] = '\0'; strcat(OldAvatarFile, "_old"); DeleteFileA(OldAvatarFile); if (!MoveFileA(dbv.pszVal, OldAvatarFile)) { db_free(&dbv); return -3; } } // Copy new file if (!CopyFileA(filename, AvatarFile, FALSE)) { if (hasOldAvatar) { MoveFileA(OldAvatarFile, dbv.pszVal); db_free(&dbv); } return -3; } // Try to set with skype mir_snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "SET AVATAR 1 %s", AvatarFile); if (SkypeSend(command) || (ptr = SkypeRcv(command+4, INFINITE)) == NULL || !strncmp(ptr, "ERROR", 5)) { DeleteFileA(AvatarFile); if (hasOldAvatar) MoveFileA(OldAvatarFile, dbv.pszVal); ret = -4; } else { if (hasOldAvatar) DeleteFileA(OldAvatarFile); db_set_s(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "AvatarFile", AvatarFile); ret = 0; } if (ptr != NULL) free(ptr); if (hasOldAvatar) db_free(&dbv); return ret; } /* SkypeSendFile * * Purpose: Opens the Skype-dialog to send a file * Params : wParam - Handle to the User * lParam - Not used * Returns: 0 - Success * -1 - Failure */ INT_PTR SkypeSendFile(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { DBVARIANT dbv; int retval; if (!wParam || db_get_s((HANDLE)wParam, SKYPE_PROTONAME, SKYPE_NAME, &dbv)) return -1; retval=SkypeSend("OPEN FILETRANSFER %s", dbv.pszVal); db_free(&dbv); return retval; } /* SkypeChatCreate * * Purpose: Creates a groupchat with the user * Params : wParam - Handle to the User * lParam - Not used * Returns: 0 - Success * -1 - Failure */ INT_PTR SkypeChatCreate(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { DBVARIANT dbv; HANDLE hContact=(HANDLE)wParam; char *ptr, *ptr2; if (!hContact || db_get_s(hContact, SKYPE_PROTONAME, SKYPE_NAME, &dbv)) return -1; // Flush old messages while (testfor("\0CHAT \0 STATUS \0", 0)); if (SkypeSend("CHAT CREATE %s", dbv.pszVal) || !(ptr=SkypeRcv ("\0CHAT \0 STATUS \0", INFINITE))) { db_free(&dbv); return -1; } db_free(&dbv); if (ptr2=strstr (ptr, "STATUS")) { *(ptr2-1)=0; ChatStart (ptr+5, FALSE); } free(ptr); return 0; } /* SkypeAdduserDlg * * Purpose: Show Skype's Add user Dialog */ INT_PTR SkypeAdduserDlg(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { SkypeSend("OPEN ADDAFRIEND"); return 0; } /* SkypeFlush * * Purpose: Flush the Skype Message-List */ void SkypeFlush(void) { char *ptr; while ((ptr=SkypeRcv(NULL, 0))!=NULL) free(ptr); } /* SkypeStatusToMiranda * * Purpose: Converts the specified Skype-Status mode to the corresponding Miranda-Status mode * Params : s - Skype Status * Returns: The correct Status * 0 - Nothing found */ int SkypeStatusToMiranda(char *s) { int i; if (!strcmp("SKYPEOUT", s)) return db_get_dw(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "SkypeOutStatusMode", ID_STATUS_ONTHEPHONE); for(i=0; status_codes[i].szStat; i++) if (!strcmp(status_codes[i].szStat, s)) return status_codes[i].id; return 0; } /* MirandaStatusToSkype * * Purpose: Converts the specified Miranda-Status mode to the corresponding Skype-Status mode * Params : id - Miranda Status * Returns: The correct Status * NULL - Nothing found */ char *MirandaStatusToSkype(int id) { int i; if (db_get_b(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "NoSkype3Stats", 0)) { switch (id) { case ID_STATUS_NA: return "AWAY"; case ID_STATUS_FREECHAT: return "ONLINE"; } } for(i=0; status_codes[i].szStat; i++) if (status_codes[i].id==id) return status_codes[i].szStat; return NULL; } /* GetSkypeErrorMsg * * Purpose: Get a human-readable Error-Message for the supplied Skype Error-Message * Params : str - Skype Error-Message string * Returns: Human-readable Error Message or NULL, if nothing was found * Warning: Don't forget to free() return value */ char *GetSkypeErrorMsg(char *str) { char *pos, *reason, *msg; LOG (("GetSkypeErrorMsg received error: %s", str)); if (!strncmp(str, "ERROR", 5)) { reason=_strdup(str); return reason; } if ((pos=strstr(str, "FAILURE")) ) { switch(atoi(pos+14)) { case MISC_ERROR: msg="Misc. Error"; break; case USER_NOT_FOUND: msg="User does not exist, check username"; break; case USER_NOT_ONLINE: msg="Trying to send IM to an user, who is not online"; break; case USER_BLOCKED: msg="IM blocked by recipient"; break; case TYPE_UNSUPPORTED: msg="Type unsupported"; break; case SENDER_NOT_FRIEND: msg="Sending IM message to user, who has not added you to friendslist and has chosen 'only people in my friendslist can start IM'"; break; case SENDER_NOT_AUTHORIZED: msg="Sending IM message to user, who has not authorized you and has chosen 'only people whom I have authorized can start IM'"; break; default: msg="Unknown error"; } reason=(char *)malloc(strlen(pos)+strlen(msg)+3); sprintf (reason, "%s: %s", pos, msg); return reason; } return NULL; } /* testfor * * Purpose: Wait, until the given Message-Fragment is received from Skype within * the given amount of time * Params : see SkypeRcv * Returns: TRUE - Message was received within the given amount of time * FALSE- nope, sorry */ BOOL testfor(char *what, DWORD maxwait) { char *res; if ((res=SkypeRcv(what, maxwait))==NULL) return FALSE; free(res); return TRUE; } char SendSkypeproxyCommand(char command) { int length=0; char reply=0; BOOL res; res = send(ClientSocket, (char *)&length, sizeof(length), 0)==SOCKET_ERROR || send(ClientSocket, (char *)&command, sizeof(command), 0)==SOCKET_ERROR || recv(ClientSocket, (char *)&reply, sizeof(reply), 0)==SOCKET_ERROR; if (res) return -1; else return reply; } /* ConnectToSkypeAPI * * Purpose: Establish a connection to the Skype API * Params : path - Path to the Skype application * iStart - Need to start skype for status change. * 1 = Normal start if Skype not running * 2 = Forced startp code execution no matter what * Returns: 0 - Connecting succeeded * -1 - Something went wrong */ int ConnectToSkypeAPI(char *path, int iStart) { static int iRet = -1; // last request result static volatile long newRequest = TRUE; InterlockedExchange(&newRequest, TRUE); // place new request EnterCriticalSection(&ConnectMutex); // Prevent reentrance if (iRet == -1 || newRequest) { iRet = _ConnectToSkypeAPI(path, iStart); InterlockedExchange(&newRequest, FALSE); // every thread which is waiting for connect mutex will get our result as well.. but subsequent calls will set this value to true and call _Connect again } LeaveCriticalSection(&ConnectMutex); return iRet; } void TranslateMirandaRelativePathToAbsolute(LPCSTR cszPath, LPSTR szAbsolutePath, BOOL fQuoteSpaces) { *szAbsolutePath = 0; CallService (MS_UTILS_PATHTOABSOLUTE, (WPARAM)(*cszPath ? cszPath : ".\\"), (LPARAM)szAbsolutePath); if(fQuoteSpaces && strchr((LPCSTR)szAbsolutePath, ' ')){ memmove (szAbsolutePath+1, szAbsolutePath, strlen(szAbsolutePath)+1); *szAbsolutePath='"'; strcat (szAbsolutePath, "\""); } TRACEA(szAbsolutePath); } static int my_spawnv(const char *cmdname, const char *const *argv, PROCESS_INFORMATION *pi) { int i, iLen=0; char *CommandLine; STARTUPINFOA si={0}; BOOL bRet; memset (pi, 0, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION)); for (i=0; argv[i]; i++) iLen+=strlen(argv[i])+1; if (!(CommandLine = (char*)calloc(1, iLen))) return -1; for (i=0; argv[i]; i++) { if (i) strcat (CommandLine, " "); strcat (CommandLine, argv[i]); } si.cb = sizeof(si); bRet = CreateProcessA( cmdname,CommandLine,NULL,NULL,FALSE,0,NULL,NULL,&si,pi); free(CommandLine); if (!bRet) return -1; return (DWORD)pi->hProcess; } static int _ConnectToSkypeAPI(char *path, int iStart) { BOOL SkypeLaunched=FALSE; BOOL UseCustomCommand = db_get_b(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "UseCustomCommand", 0); int counter=0, i, j, maxattempts=db_get_w(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "ConnectionAttempts", 10); char *args[16], *pFree = NULL; char *SkypeOptions[]={"/notray", "/nosplash", "/minimized", "/removable", "/datapath:", "/secondary"}; const int SkypeDefaults[]={0, 1, 1, 0, 0}; char szAbsolutePath[MAX_PATH]; LOG(("ConnectToSkypeAPI started.")); if (UseSockets) { SOCKADDR_IN service; DBVARIANT dbv; long inet; struct hostent *hp; LOG(("ConnectToSkypeAPI: Connecting to Skype2socket socket...")); if ((ClientSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP))==INVALID_SOCKET) return -1; if (!db_get_s(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "Host", &dbv)) { if ((inet=inet_addr(dbv.pszVal))==-1) { if (hp=gethostbyname(dbv.pszVal)) memcpy(&inet, hp->h_addr, sizeof(inet)); else { OUTPUT(_T("Cannot resolve host!")); db_free(&dbv); return -1; } } db_free(&dbv); } else { OUTPUT(_T("Cannot find valid host to connect to.")); return -1; } service.sin_family = AF_INET; service.sin_addr.s_addr = inet; service.sin_port = htons((unsigned short)db_get_w(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "Port", 1401)); if ( connect( ClientSocket, (SOCKADDR*) &service, sizeof(service) ) == SOCKET_ERROR) return -1; if (db_get_b(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "RequiresPassword", 0) && !db_get_s(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "Password", &dbv)) { char reply=0; CallService(MS_DB_CRYPT_DECODESTRING, strlen(dbv.pszVal)+1, (LPARAM)dbv.pszVal); if ((reply=SendSkypeproxyCommand(AUTHENTICATE))==-1) { db_free(&dbv); return -1; } if (!reply) { OUTPUT(_T("Authentication is not supported/needed for this Skype proxy server. It will be disabled.")); db_set_b(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "RequiresPassword", 0); } else { unsigned int length=(unsigned int)strlen(dbv.pszVal); BOOL res; res = send(ClientSocket, (char *)&length, sizeof(length), 0)==SOCKET_ERROR || send(ClientSocket, dbv.pszVal, length, 0)==SOCKET_ERROR || recv(ClientSocket, (char *)&reply, sizeof(reply), 0)==SOCKET_ERROR; if (res) { db_free(&dbv); return -1; } if (!reply) { OUTPUT(_T("Authentication failed for this server, connection was not successful. Verify that your password is correct!")); db_free(&dbv); return -1; } } db_free(&dbv); } else { char reply=0; if ((reply=SendSkypeproxyCommand(CAPABILITIES))==-1) return -1; if (reply&USE_AUTHENTICATION) { OUTPUT(_T("The server you specified requires authentication, but you have not supplied a password for it. Check the Skype plugin settings and try again.")); return -1; } } if (!rcvThreadRunning) if(_beginthread(( pThreadFunc )rcvThread, 0, NULL)==-1) return -1; AttachStatus=SKYPECONTROLAPI_ATTACH_SUCCESS; return 0; } if (pszProxyCallout) { if (SkypeSend("SET USERSTATUS ONLINE")==-1) { AttachStatus=SKYPECONTROLAPI_ATTACH_NOT_AVAILABLE; return -1; } for ( ;; ) { char *ptr = SkypeRcv ("CONNSTATUS", INFINITE); if (!ptr) { AttachStatus=SKYPECONTROLAPI_ATTACH_NOT_AVAILABLE; return -1; } if (strcmp (ptr+11, "CONNECTING")) { free (ptr); break; } free (ptr); } AttachStatus=SKYPECONTROLAPI_ATTACH_SUCCESS; return 0; } do { int retval; /* To initiate communication, Client should broadcast windows message ('SkypeControlAPIDiscover') to all windows in the system, specifying its own window handle in wParam parameter. */ if (iStart != 2 || counter) { LOG(("ConnectToSkypeAPI sending discover message.. hWnd=%08X", (long)g_hWnd)); retval=SendMessageTimeout(HWND_BROADCAST, ControlAPIDiscover, (WPARAM)g_hWnd, 0, SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 3000, NULL); LOG(("ConnectToSkypeAPI sent discover message returning %d", retval)); } /* In response, Skype responds with message 'SkypeControlAPIAttach' to the handle specified, and indicates connection status SkypeReady is set if there is an answer by Skype other than API_AVAILABLE. If there is no answer after 3 seconds, launch Skype as it's propably not running. */ if (iStart == 2 || (WaitForSingleObject(SkypeReady, 3000)==WAIT_TIMEOUT && AttachStatus!=SKYPECONTROLAPI_ATTACH_PENDING_AUTHORIZATION)) { if (iStart != 2 && g_hWnd==NULL) { LOG(("ConnectToSkypeAPI: hWnd of SkypeDispatchWindow not yet set..")); continue; } if ((iStart == 2 || !SkypeLaunched) && (path || UseCustomCommand)) { static PROCESS_INFORMATION pi={0}; DWORD dwExitStatus = 0; if ((!pi.hProcess || !GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &dwExitStatus) || dwExitStatus != STILL_ACTIVE) && (db_get_b(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "StartSkype", 1) || iStart)) { LOG(("ConnectToSkypeAPI Starting Skype, as it's not running")); j=1; for (i=0; i=maxattempts && AttachStatus==-1) { int oldstatus=SkypeStatus; InterlockedExchange((long *)&SkypeStatus, (int)ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); ProtoBroadcastAck(SKYPE_PROTONAME, NULL, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE) oldstatus, SkypeStatus); OUTPUT(_T("ERROR: Skype not running / too old / working!")); return -1; } } } LOG(("Attachstatus %d", AttachStatus)); } while (AttachStatus==SKYPECONTROLAPI_ATTACH_NOT_AVAILABLE || AttachStatus==SKYPECONTROLAPI_ATTACH_API_AVAILABLE || AttachStatus==-1); while (AttachStatus==SKYPECONTROLAPI_ATTACH_PENDING_AUTHORIZATION) Sleep(1000); LOG(("Attachstatus %d", AttachStatus)); if (AttachStatus!=SKYPECONTROLAPI_ATTACH_SUCCESS) { int oldstatus; switch(AttachStatus) { case SKYPECONTROLAPI_ATTACH_REFUSED: OUTPUT(_T("Skype refused the connection :(")); break; case SKYPECONTROLAPI_ATTACH_NOT_AVAILABLE: OUTPUT(_T("The Skype API is not available")); break; default: LOG(("ERROR: AttachStatus: %d", AttachStatus)); OUTPUT(_T("Wheee, Skype won't let me use the API. :(")); } oldstatus=SkypeStatus; InterlockedExchange((long *)&SkypeStatus, (int)ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); ProtoBroadcastAck(SKYPE_PROTONAME, NULL, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE) oldstatus, SkypeStatus); return -1; } return 0; } /* CloseSkypeAPI * Purpose: Closes existing api connection * Params: path - Path to the Skype application; could be NULL when using proxy * Returns: always 0 */ int CloseSkypeAPI(char *skypePath) { char szAbsolutePath[MAX_PATH]; logoff_contacts(TRUE); if (UseSockets) { if (ClientSocket != INVALID_SOCKET) { closesocket(ClientSocket); ClientSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; } } else { if (!pszProxyCallout) { if (AttachStatus!=-1) { // it was crashing when the skype-network-proxy is used (imo2sproxy for imo.im) and skype-path is empty // now, with the "UseSockets" check and the skypePath[0] != 0 check its fixed if (skypePath != NULL && skypePath[0] != 0) { TranslateMirandaRelativePathToAbsolute(skypePath, szAbsolutePath, FALSE); _spawnl(_P_NOWAIT, szAbsolutePath, szAbsolutePath, "/SHUTDOWN", NULL); } } } } SkypeInitialized=FALSE; ResetEvent(SkypeReady); AttachStatus=-1; if (g_hWnd) KillTimer (g_hWnd, 1); return 0; } /* ConnectToSkypeAPI * * Purpose: Establish a connection to the Skype API * Params : path - Path to the Skype application * Returns: 0 - Connecting succeeded * -1 - Something went wrong */ //int __connectAPI(char *path) { // int retval; // // EnterCriticalSection(&ConnectMutex); // if (AttachStatus!=-1) { // LeaveCriticalSection(&ConnectMutex); // return -1; // } // InterlockedExchange((long *)&SkypeStatus, ID_STATUS_CONNECTING); // ProtoBroadcastAck(SKYPE_PROTONAME, NULL, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE) ID_STATUS_OFFLINE, SkypeStatus); // retval=__connectAPI(path); // if (retval==-1) { // logoff_contacts(); // InterlockedExchange((long *)&SkypeStatus, ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); // ProtoBroadcastAck(SKYPE_PROTONAME, NULL, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE) ID_STATUS_CONNECTING, SkypeStatus); // } // LeaveCriticalSection(&ConnectMutex); // return retval; //}