/* Copyright (c) 2015 Miranda NG project (http://miranda-ng.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "stdafx.h" void CSkypeProto::InitGroupChatModule() { GCREGISTER gcr = { sizeof(gcr) }; gcr.iMaxText = 0; gcr.ptszDispName = m_tszUserName; gcr.pszModule = m_szModuleName; CallServiceSync(MS_GC_REGISTER, 0, (LPARAM)&gcr); HookProtoEvent(ME_GC_EVENT, &CSkypeProto::OnGroupChatEventHook); HookProtoEvent(ME_GC_BUILDMENU, &CSkypeProto::OnGroupChatMenuHook); CreateProtoService(PS_JOINCHAT, &CSkypeProto::OnJoinChatRoom); CreateProtoService(PS_LEAVECHAT, &CSkypeProto::OnLeaveChatRoom); } void CSkypeProto::CloseAllChatChatSessions() { GC_INFO gci = { 0 }; gci.Flags = GCF_BYINDEX | GCF_ID | GCF_DATA; gci.pszModule = m_szModuleName; int count = CallServiceSync(MS_GC_GETSESSIONCOUNT, 0, (LPARAM)m_szModuleName); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { gci.iItem = i; if (!CallServiceSync(MS_GC_GETINFO, 0, (LPARAM)&gci)) { GCDEST gcd = { m_szModuleName, gci.pszID, GC_EVENT_CONTROL }; GCEVENT gce = { sizeof(gce), &gcd }; CallServiceSync(MS_GC_EVENT, SESSION_OFFLINE, (LPARAM)&gce); CallServiceSync(MS_GC_EVENT, SESSION_TERMINATE, (LPARAM)&gce); } } } MCONTACT CSkypeProto::FindChatRoom(const char *chatname) { MCONTACT hContact = NULL; for (hContact = db_find_first(m_szModuleName); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact, m_szModuleName)) { if (!isChatRoom(hContact)) continue; ptrA cChatname(getStringA(hContact, "ChatRoomID")); if (!mir_strcmpi(chatname, cChatname)) break; } return hContact; } void CSkypeProto::StartChatRoom(const TCHAR *tid, const TCHAR *tname) { // Create the group chat session GCSESSION gcw = { sizeof(gcw) }; gcw.iType = GCW_CHATROOM; gcw.ptszID = tid; gcw.pszModule = m_szModuleName; gcw.ptszName = tname; CallServiceSync(MS_GC_NEWSESSION, 0, (LPARAM)&gcw); // Send setting events GCDEST gcd = { m_szModuleName, tid, GC_EVENT_ADDGROUP }; GCEVENT gce = { sizeof(gce), &gcd }; // Create a user statuses gce.ptszStatus = TranslateT("Admin"); CallServiceSync(MS_GC_EVENT, NULL, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&gce)); gce.ptszStatus = TranslateT("User"); CallServiceSync(MS_GC_EVENT, NULL, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&gce)); // Finish initialization gcd.iType = GC_EVENT_CONTROL; gce.time = time(NULL); gce.pDest = &gcd; bool hideChats = getBool("HideChats", 1); CallServiceSync(MS_GC_EVENT, (hideChats ? WINDOW_HIDDEN : SESSION_INITDONE), reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&gce)); CallServiceSync(MS_GC_EVENT, SESSION_ONLINE, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&gce)); } void CSkypeProto::OnLoadChats(const NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *response) { if (response == NULL) return; JSONROOT root(response->pData); if (root == NULL) return; JSONNODE *metadata = json_get(root, "_metadata"); JSONNODE *conversations = json_as_array(json_get(root, "conversations")); int totalCount = json_as_int(json_get(metadata, "totalCount")); ptrA syncState(mir_t2a(ptrT(json_as_string(json_get(metadata, "syncState"))))); if (totalCount >= 99 || json_size(conversations) >= 99) PushRequest(new SyncHistoryFirstRequest(syncState, RegToken), &CSkypeProto::OnSyncHistory); for (size_t i = 0; i < json_size(conversations); i++) { JSONNODE *conversation = json_at(conversations, i); JSONNODE *lastMessage = json_get(conversation, "lastMessage"); JSONNODE *threadProperties = json_get(conversation, "threadProperties"); if (json_empty(lastMessage)) continue; char *conversationLink = mir_t2a(json_as_string(json_get(lastMessage, "conversationLink"))); ptrA skypename; TCHAR *topic; if (conversationLink != NULL && strstr(conversationLink, "/19:")) { skypename = ChatUrlToName(conversationLink); topic = json_as_string(json_get(threadProperties, "topic")); SendRequest(new GetChatInfoRequest(RegToken, skypename, Server), &CSkypeProto::OnGetChatInfo, topic); } } } /* Hooks */ int CSkypeProto::OnGroupChatEventHook(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { GCHOOK *gch = (GCHOOK*)lParam; if (!gch) { return 1; } else if (strcmp(gch->pDest->pszModule, m_szModuleName) != 0) { return 0; } ptrA chat_id(mir_t2a(gch->pDest->ptszID)); switch (gch->pDest->iType) { case GC_USER_MESSAGE: { OnSendChatMessage(gch->pDest->ptszID, gch->ptszText); break; } case GC_USER_PRIVMESS: { MCONTACT hContact = FindContact(_T2A(gch->ptszUID)); if (hContact == NULL) { hContact = AddContact(_T2A(gch->ptszUID), true); setWord(hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_ONLINE); db_set_b(hContact, "CList", "Hidden", 1); setTString(hContact, "Nick", gch->ptszUID); db_set_dw(hContact, "Ignore", "Mask1", 0); } CallService(MS_MSG_SENDMESSAGET, hContact, 0); break; } case GC_USER_LOGMENU: { switch(gch->dwData) { case 10: { MCONTACT hContact = (MCONTACT)DialogBoxParam(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_GC_INVITE), NULL, InviteDlgProc, (LPARAM)this); if (hContact != NULL) { ptrA username(db_get_sa(hContact, m_szModuleName, SKYPE_SETTINGS_ID)); SendRequest(new InviteUserToChatRequest(RegToken, chat_id, username, "User", Server)); } break; } case 20: OnLeaveChatRoom(FindChatRoom(chat_id), NULL); break; case 30: break; } break; } case GC_USER_NICKLISTMENU: { ptrA user_id; if (gch->dwData == 10 || gch->dwData == 30 || gch->dwData == 40) { user_id = mir_t2a_cp(gch->ptszUID, CP_UTF8); } switch (gch->dwData) { case 10: SendRequest(new KickUserRequest(RegToken, chat_id, user_id, Server)); break; case 30: SendRequest(new InviteUserToChatRequest(RegToken, chat_id, user_id, "Admin", Server)); break; case 40: SendRequest(new InviteUserToChatRequest(RegToken, chat_id, user_id, "User", Server)); break; } break; } } return 0; } INT_PTR CSkypeProto::OnJoinChatRoom(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM) { if (hContact) { ptrT idT(getTStringA(hContact, "ChatRoomID")); ptrT nameT(getTStringA(hContact, "Nick")); StartChatRoom(idT, nameT != NULL ? nameT : idT); } return 0; } INT_PTR CSkypeProto::OnLeaveChatRoom(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM) { if (!IsOnline()) return 1; if (hContact && IDYES == MessageBox(NULL, TranslateT("This chat is going to be destroyed forever with all its contents. This action cannot be undone. Are you sure?"), TranslateT("Warning"), MB_YESNOCANCEL | MB_ICONQUESTION)) { ptrT idT(getTStringA(hContact, "ChatRoomID")); GCDEST gcd = { m_szModuleName, NULL, GC_EVENT_CONTROL }; gcd.ptszID = idT; GCEVENT gce = { sizeof(gce), &gcd }; gce.time = ::time(NULL); CallServiceSync(MS_GC_EVENT, SESSION_OFFLINE, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&gce)); CallServiceSync(MS_GC_EVENT, SESSION_TERMINATE, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&gce)); SendRequest(new KickUserRequest(RegToken, _T2A(idT), SelfSkypeName, Server)); CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETE, (WPARAM)hContact, 0); } return 0; } /* CHAT EVENT */ void CSkypeProto::OnChatEvent(JSONNODE *node) { ptrA clientMsgId(mir_t2a(ptrT(json_as_string(json_get(node, "clientmessageid"))))); ptrA skypeEditedId(mir_t2a(ptrT(json_as_string(json_get(node, "skypeeditedid"))))); ptrA fromLink(mir_t2a(ptrT(json_as_string(json_get(node, "from"))))); ptrA from(ContactUrlToName(fromLink)); time_t timestamp = IsoToUnixTime(ptrT(json_as_string(json_get(node, "composetime")))); ptrA content(mir_t2a(ptrT(json_as_string(json_get(node, "content"))))); int emoteOffset = atoi(ptrA(mir_t2a(ptrT(json_as_string(json_get(node, "skypeemoteoffset")))))); ptrA conversationLink(mir_t2a(ptrT(json_as_string(json_get(node, "conversationLink"))))); ptrA chatname(ChatUrlToName(conversationLink)); TCHAR *topic(json_as_string(json_get(node, "threadtopic"))); if (FindChatRoom(chatname) == NULL) SendRequest(new GetChatInfoRequest(RegToken, chatname, Server), &CSkypeProto::OnGetChatInfo, topic); ptrA messageType(mir_t2a(ptrT(json_as_string(json_get(node, "messagetype"))))); if (!mir_strcmpi(messageType, "Text") || !mir_strcmpi(messageType, "RichText")) { AddMessageToChat(_A2T(chatname), _A2T(from), content, emoteOffset != NULL, emoteOffset, timestamp); } else if (!mir_strcmpi(messageType, "ThreadActivity/AddMember")) { ptrA xinitiator, xtarget, initiator, target; //content = <addmember><eventtime>1429186229164</eventtime><initiator>8:initiator</initiator><target>8:user</target></addmember> HXML xml = xi.parseString(ptrT(mir_a2t(content)), 0, _T("addmember")); if (xml == NULL) return; for (int i=0; i < xi.getChildCount(xml); i++) { HXML xmlNode = xi.getNthChild(xml, L"target", i); if (xmlNode == NULL) break; xtarget = xmlNode != NULL ? mir_t2a(xi.getText(xmlNode)) : NULL; target = ParseUrl(xtarget, "8:"); AddChatContact(_A2T(chatname), target, target, L"User"); } xi.destroyNode(xml); } else if (!mir_strcmpi(messageType, "ThreadActivity/DeleteMember")) { ptrA xinitiator, xtarget, initiator, target; //content = <addmember><eventtime>1429186229164</eventtime><initiator>8:initiator</initiator><target>8:user</target></addmember> HXML xml = xi.parseString(ptrT(mir_a2t(content)), 0, _T("deletemember")); if (xml != NULL) { HXML xmlNode = xi.getChildByPath(xml, _T("initiator"), 0); xinitiator = node != NULL ? mir_t2a(xi.getText(xmlNode)) : NULL; xmlNode = xi.getChildByPath(xml, _T("target"), 0); xtarget = xmlNode != NULL ? mir_t2a(xi.getText(xmlNode)) : NULL; xi.destroyNode(xml); } if(xtarget == NULL) return; target = ParseUrl(xtarget, "8:"); initiator = ParseUrl(xinitiator, "8:"); RemoveChatContact(_A2T(chatname), target, target, true, initiator); } else if (!mir_strcmpi(messageType, "ThreadActivity/TopicUpdate")) { //content=<topicupdate><eventtime>1429532702130</eventtime><initiator>8:user</initiator><value>test topic</value></topicupdate> ptrA xinitiator, value, initiator; HXML xml = xi.parseString(ptrT(mir_a2t(content)), 0, _T("topicupdate")); if (xml != NULL) { HXML xmlNode = xi.getChildByPath(xml, _T("initiator"), 0); xinitiator = xmlNode != NULL ? mir_t2a(xi.getText(xmlNode)) : NULL; xmlNode = xi.getChildByPath(xml, _T("value"), 0); value = xmlNode != NULL ? mir_t2a(xi.getText(xmlNode)) : NULL; xi.destroyNode(xml); } initiator = ParseUrl(xinitiator, "8:"); RenameChat(chatname, value); ChangeChatTopic(chatname, value, initiator); } else if (!mir_strcmpi(messageType, "ThreadActivity/RoleUpdate")) { //content=<roleupdate><eventtime>1429551258363</eventtime><initiator>8:user</initiator><target><id>8:user1</id><role>admin</role></target></roleupdate> ptrA xinitiator, xId, initiator, id, xRole; HXML xml = xi.parseString(ptrT(mir_a2t(content)), 0, _T("roleupdate")); if (xml != NULL) { HXML xmlNode = xi.getChildByPath(xml, _T("initiator"), 0); xinitiator = xmlNode != NULL ? mir_t2a(xi.getText(xmlNode)) : NULL; xmlNode = xi.getChildByPath(xml, _T("target"), 0); if (xmlNode != NULL) { HXML xmlId = xi.getChildByPath(xmlNode, _T("id"), 0); HXML xmlRole = xi.getChildByPath(xmlNode, _T("role"), 0); xId = xmlId != NULL ? mir_t2a(xi.getText(xmlId)) : NULL; xRole = xmlRole != NULL ? mir_t2a(xi.getText(xmlRole)) : NULL; } xi.destroyNode(xml); initiator = ParseUrl(xinitiator, "8:"); id = ParseUrl(xId, "8:"); GCDEST gcd = { m_szModuleName, _A2T(chatname), !mir_strcmpi(xRole, "Admin") ? GC_EVENT_ADDSTATUS : GC_EVENT_REMOVESTATUS}; GCEVENT gce = { sizeof(gce), &gcd }; ptrT tszId(mir_a2t(id)); ptrT tszRole(mir_a2t(xRole)); ptrT tszInitiator(mir_a2t(initiator)); gce.pDest = &gcd; gce.dwFlags = GCEF_ADDTOLOG; gce.ptszNick = tszId; gce.ptszUID = tszId; gce.ptszText = tszInitiator; gce.time = time(NULL); gce.bIsMe = IsMe(id); gce.ptszStatus = TranslateT("Admin"); CallServiceSync(MS_GC_EVENT, 0, (LPARAM)&gce); } } } void CSkypeProto::OnSendChatMessage(const TCHAR *chat_id, const TCHAR * tszMessage) { if (!IsOnline()) return; ptrA szChatId(mir_t2a(chat_id)); ptrA szMessage(mir_t2a(tszMessage)); if (strncmp(szMessage, "/me ", 4) == 0) SendRequest(new SendChatActionRequest(RegToken, szChatId, time(NULL), szMessage, Server)); else SendRequest(new SendChatMessageRequest(RegToken, szChatId, time(NULL), szMessage, Server)); } void CSkypeProto::AddMessageToChat(const TCHAR *chat_id, const TCHAR *from, const char *content, bool isAction, int emoteOffset, time_t timestamp, bool isLoading) { GCDEST gcd = { m_szModuleName, chat_id, isAction? GC_EVENT_ACTION : GC_EVENT_MESSAGE }; GCEVENT gce = { sizeof(GCEVENT), &gcd }; gce.bIsMe = IsMe(_T2A(from)); gce.ptszNick = from; gce.time = timestamp; gce.ptszUID = from; ptrA szHtml(RemoveHtml(content)); ptrT tszHtml(mir_a2t(szHtml)); if (!isAction) { gce.ptszText = tszHtml; gce.dwFlags = GCEF_ADDTOLOG; } else { gce.ptszText = &tszHtml[emoteOffset]; } if (isLoading) gce.dwFlags = GCEF_NOTNOTIFY; CallServiceSync(MS_GC_EVENT, 0, (LPARAM)&gce); } void CSkypeProto::OnGetChatInfo(const NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *response, void *p) { TCHAR *topic = (TCHAR*)p; if (response == NULL || response->pData == NULL) return; JSONROOT root(response->pData); JSONNODE *members = json_get(root, "members"); JSONNODE *properties = json_get(root, "properties"); if (json_empty(json_get(properties, "capabilities"))) return; ptrA chatId(ChatUrlToName(mir_t2a(ptrT(json_as_string(json_get(root, "messages")))))); StartChatRoom(_A2T(chatId), mir_tstrdup(topic)); for (size_t i = 0; i < json_size(members); i++) { JSONNODE *member = json_at(members, i); ptrA username(ContactUrlToName(ptrA(mir_t2a(ptrT(json_as_string(json_get(member, "userLink"))))))); ptrT role(json_as_string(json_get(member, "role"))); if (!IsChatContact(_A2T(chatId), username)) AddChatContact(_A2T(chatId), username, username, role, true); } PushRequest(new GetHistoryRequest(RegToken, chatId, 15, true, 0, Server), &CSkypeProto::OnGetServerHistory); mir_free(topic); } void CSkypeProto::RenameChat(const char *chat_id, const char *name) { ptrT tchat_id(mir_a2t(chat_id)); ptrT tname(mir_a2t_cp(name, CP_UTF8)); GCDEST gcd = { m_szModuleName, tchat_id, GC_EVENT_CHANGESESSIONAME }; GCEVENT gce = { sizeof(gce), &gcd }; gce.ptszText = tname; CallService(MS_GC_EVENT, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&gce)); } void CSkypeProto::ChangeChatTopic(const char *chat_id, const char *topic, const char *initiator) { ptrT tchat_id(mir_a2t(chat_id)); ptrT tname(mir_a2t(initiator)); ptrT ttopic(mir_a2t(topic)); GCDEST gcd = { m_szModuleName, tchat_id, GC_EVENT_TOPIC }; GCEVENT gce = { sizeof(gce), &gcd }; gce.ptszUID = tname; gce.ptszNick = tname; gce.ptszText = ttopic; CallService(MS_GC_EVENT, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&gce)); } bool CSkypeProto::IsChatContact(const TCHAR *chat_id, const char *id) { ptrA users(GetChatUsers(chat_id)); return (users != NULL && strstr(users, id) != NULL); } char *CSkypeProto::GetChatUsers(const TCHAR *chat_id) { GC_INFO gci = { 0 }; gci.Flags = GCF_USERS; gci.pszModule = m_szModuleName; gci.pszID = chat_id; CallService(MS_GC_GETINFO, 0, (LPARAM)&gci); return gci.pszUsers; } void CSkypeProto::AddChatContact(const TCHAR *tchat_id, const char *id, const char *name, const TCHAR *role, bool isChange) { if (IsChatContact(tchat_id, id)) return; ptrT tnick(mir_a2t_cp(name, CP_UTF8)); ptrT tid(mir_a2t(id)); GCDEST gcd = { m_szModuleName, tchat_id, GC_EVENT_JOIN }; GCEVENT gce = { sizeof(gce), &gcd }; gce.pDest = &gcd; gce.dwFlags = GCEF_ADDTOLOG; gce.ptszNick = tnick; gce.ptszUID = tid; gce.time = !isChange ? time(NULL): NULL; gce.bIsMe = IsMe(id); gce.ptszStatus = TranslateTS(role); CallServiceSync(MS_GC_EVENT, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&gce)); } void CSkypeProto::RemoveChatContact(const TCHAR *tchat_id, const char *id, const char *name, bool isKick, const char *initiator) { if(IsMe(id)) return; ptrT tnick(mir_a2t_cp(name, CP_UTF8)); ptrT tid(mir_a2t(id)); ptrT tinitiator(mir_a2t(initiator)); GCDEST gcd = { m_szModuleName, tchat_id, isKick ? GC_EVENT_KICK : GC_EVENT_PART }; GCEVENT gce = { sizeof(gce), &gcd }; if (isKick) { gce.ptszUID = tid; gce.ptszNick = tnick; gce.ptszStatus = tinitiator; gce.time = time(NULL); } else { gce.dwFlags = GCEF_ADDTOLOG; gce.ptszNick = tnick; gce.ptszUID = tid; gce.time = time(NULL); gce.bIsMe = IsMe(id); } CallServiceSync(MS_GC_EVENT, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&gce)); } INT_PTR CSkypeProto::SvcCreateChat(WPARAM, LPARAM) { if (!IsOnline()) return 1; DialogBoxParam(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_GC_CREATE), NULL, GcCreateDlgProc, (LPARAM)this); return 0; } /* Menus */ int CSkypeProto::OnGroupChatMenuHook(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { GCMENUITEMS *gcmi = (GCMENUITEMS*)lParam; if (stricmp(gcmi->pszModule, m_szModuleName)) return 0; if (gcmi->Type == MENU_ON_LOG) { static const struct gc_item Items[] = { { LPGENT("&Invite user..."), 10, MENU_ITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENT("&Leave chat session"), 20, MENU_ITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENT("&Change topic"), 30, MENU_ITEM, FALSE } }; gcmi->nItems = SIZEOF(Items); gcmi->Item = (gc_item*)Items; } else if (gcmi->Type == MENU_ON_NICKLIST) { if (IsMe(_T2A(gcmi->pszUID))) { gcmi->nItems = 0; gcmi->Item = NULL; } else { static const struct gc_item Items[] = { { LPGENT("Kick &user"), 10, MENU_ITEM }, { NULL, 0, MENU_SEPARATOR }, { LPGENT("Set &role"), 20, MENU_NEWPOPUP }, { LPGENT("&Admin"), 30, MENU_POPUPITEM }, { LPGENT("&User"), 40, MENU_POPUPITEM } }; gcmi->nItems = SIZEOF(Items); gcmi->Item = (gc_item*)Items; } } return 0; } /* Dialogs */ INT_PTR CSkypeProto::GcCreateDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CSkypeProto *ppro = (CSkypeProto*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, GWLP_USERDATA); NMCLISTCONTROL* nmc; switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: TranslateDialogDefault(hwndDlg); ppro = (CSkypeProto*)lParam; SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, GWLP_USERDATA, lParam); { HWND hwndClist = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CLIST); SetWindowLongPtr(hwndClist, GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLongPtr(hwndClist, GWL_STYLE) | CLS_CHECKBOXES | CLS_HIDEEMPTYGROUPS | CLS_USEGROUPS | CLS_GREYALTERNATE | CLS_GROUPCHECKBOXES); SendMessage(hwndClist, CLM_SETEXSTYLE, CLS_EX_DISABLEDRAGDROP | CLS_EX_TRACKSELECT, 0); ResetOptions(hwndDlg); } return TRUE; case WM_NOTIFY: nmc = (NMCLISTCONTROL*)lParam; if (nmc->hdr.idFrom == IDC_CLIST && nmc->hdr.code == CLN_LISTREBUILT) FilterContacts(hwndDlg, ppro); break; case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hwndDlg, 0); return TRUE; case IDOK: HWND hwndClist = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CLIST); LIST<char>uids(1); for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(ppro->m_szModuleName); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact, ppro->m_szModuleName)) { if (ppro->isChatRoom(hContact)) continue; if (int hItem = SendMessage(hwndClist, CLM_FINDCONTACT, hContact, 0)) { if (SendMessage(hwndClist, CLM_GETCHECKMARK, (WPARAM)hItem, 0)) { uids.insert(db_get_sa(hContact, ppro->m_szModuleName, SKYPE_SETTINGS_ID)); } } } uids.insert(ppro->getStringA(SKYPE_SETTINGS_ID)); TCHAR tszTitle[1024]; GetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_TITLE, tszTitle, SIZEOF(tszTitle)); ppro->SendRequest(new CreateChatroomRequest(ppro->RegToken, uids, ppro->getStringA(SKYPE_SETTINGS_ID), ppro->Server)); for (int i = 0; i < uids.getCount(); i++) mir_free(uids[i]); uids.destroy(); EndDialog(hwndDlg, 0); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } INT_PTR CSkypeProto::InviteDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: TranslateDialogDefault(hwndDlg); { CSkypeProto *ppro = (CSkypeProto*)lParam; HWND hwndCombo = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CONTACT); for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(ppro->m_szModuleName); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact, ppro->m_szModuleName)) { if (ppro->isChatRoom(hContact)) continue; TCHAR *ptszNick = pcli->pfnGetContactDisplayName(hContact, 0); int idx = SendMessage(hwndCombo, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, LPARAM(ptszNick)); SendMessage(hwndCombo, CB_SETITEMDATA, idx, hContact); } SendMessage(hwndCombo, CB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0); } return TRUE; case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hwndDlg, 0); return TRUE; case IDOK: int idx = SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_CONTACT, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); if (idx != -1) EndDialog(hwndDlg, SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_CONTACT, CB_GETITEMDATA, idx, 0)); else EndDialog(hwndDlg, 0); return TRUE; } } return 0; } void CSkypeProto::FilterContacts(HWND hwndDlg, CSkypeProto *ppro) { HWND hwndClist = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CLIST); for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact)) { char *proto = GetContactProto(hContact); if (mir_strcmp(proto, ppro->m_szModuleName) || ppro->isChatRoom(hContact)) if (HANDLE hItem = (HANDLE)SendMessage(hwndClist, CLM_FINDCONTACT, hContact, 0)) SendMessage(hwndClist, CLM_DELETEITEM, (WPARAM)hItem, 0); } } void CSkypeProto::ResetOptions(HWND hwndDlg) { HWND hwndClist = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CLIST); SendMessage(hwndClist, CLM_SETHIDEEMPTYGROUPS, 1, 0); SendMessage(hwndClist, CLM_GETHIDEOFFLINEROOT, 1, 0); }