Copyright (c) 2015 Miranda NG project (http://miranda-ng.org)
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2
of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
#include "stdafx.h"
void CSkypeProto::OnGetServerHistory(const NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *response)
if (response == NULL)
JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(response->pData);
if (!root)
const JSONNode &metadata = root["_metadata"];
const JSONNode &conversations = root["messages"].as_array();
int totalCount = metadata["totalCount"].as_int();
std::string syncState = metadata["syncState"].as_string();
bool markAllAsUnread = getBool("MarkMesUnread", false);
if (totalCount >= 99 || conversations.size() >= 99)
PushRequest(new GetHistoryOnUrlRequest(syncState.c_str(), RegToken), &CSkypeProto::OnGetServerHistory);
for (int i = (int)conversations.size(); i >= 0; i--)
const JSONNode &message = conversations.at(i);
std::string clientMsgId = message["clientmessageid"].as_string();
std::string skypeEditedId = message["skypeeditedid"].as_string();
std::string messageType = message["messagetype"].as_string();
std::string from = message["from"].as_string();
std::string content = message["content"].as_string();
std::string conversationLink = message["conversationLink"].as_string();
int emoteOffset = message["skypeemoteoffset"].as_int();
time_t timestamp = IsoToUnixTime(message["composetime"].as_string().c_str());
ptrA skypename(ContactUrlToName(from.c_str()));
bool isEdited = message["skypeeditedid"];
MCONTACT hContact = FindContact(ptrA(ContactUrlToName(conversationLink.c_str())));
if (timestamp > db_get_dw(hContact, m_szModuleName, "LastMsgTime", 0))
db_set_dw(hContact, m_szModuleName, "LastMsgTime", (DWORD)timestamp);
int flags = DBEF_UTF;
if (!markAllAsUnread)
flags |= DBEF_READ;
if (IsMe(skypename))
flags |= DBEF_SENT;
if (strstr(conversationLink.c_str(), "/8:"))
if (!mir_strcmpi(messageType.c_str(), "Text") || !mir_strcmpi(messageType.c_str(), "RichText"))
ptrA message(RemoveHtml(content.c_str()));
MEVENT dbevent = GetMessageFromDb(hContact, skypeEditedId.c_str());
if (isEdited && dbevent != NULL)
DBEVENTINFO dbei = { sizeof(dbei) };
CMStringA msg;
dbei.cbBlob = db_event_getBlobSize(dbevent);
mir_ptr blob((PBYTE)mir_alloc(dbei.cbBlob));
dbei.pBlob = blob;
db_event_get(dbevent, &dbei);
time_t dbEventTimestamp = dbei.timestamp;
ptrA dbMsgText((char *)mir_alloc(dbei.cbBlob));
mir_strcpy(dbMsgText, (char*)dbei.pBlob);
TCHAR time[64];
_locale_t locale = _create_locale(LC_ALL, "");
_tcsftime_l(time, sizeof(time), L"%X %x", localtime(×tamp), locale);
msg.AppendFormat("%s\n%s %s:\n%s", dbMsgText, Translate("Edited at"), _T2A(time), message);
db_event_delete(hContact, dbevent);
AddMessageToDb(hContact, dbEventTimestamp, flags, clientMsgId.c_str(), msg.GetBuffer(), emoteOffset);
else AddMessageToDb(hContact, timestamp, flags, clientMsgId.c_str(), message, emoteOffset);
else if (!mir_strcmpi(messageType.c_str(), "Event/Call"))
//content=user name6
//Echo / Sound Test Service6
//content=user name
int iType = 3, iDuration = 0;
ptrA skypename(ContactUrlToName(from.c_str()));
HXML xml = xi.parseString(ptrT(mir_a2t(content.c_str())), 0, _T("partlist"));
if (xml != NULL)
ptrA type(mir_t2a(xi.getAttrValue(xml, _T("type"))));
if (!mir_strcmpi(type, "ended")) iType = 0;
else if (!mir_strcmpi(type, "started")) iType = 1;
HXML xmlNode = xi.getChildByPath(xml, _T("part"), 0);
HXML duration = xmlNode == NULL ? NULL : xi.getChildByPath(xmlNode, _T("duration"), 0);
iDuration = duration != NULL ? atoi(mir_t2a(xi.getText(duration))) : NULL;
CMStringA text = "";
if (iType == 1)
text.Append(Translate("Call started"));
else if (iType == 0)
CMStringA chours = "", cmins = "", csec = "";
int hours = 0, mins = 0, sec = 0;
if (iDuration != NULL)
hours = iDuration / 3600;
mins = iDuration / 60;
sec = iDuration % 60;
hours = mins = sec = 0;
chours.AppendFormat(hours < 10 ? "0%d" : "%d", hours);
cmins.AppendFormat(mins < 10 ? "0%d" : "%d", mins);
csec.AppendFormat(sec < 10 ? "0%d" : "%d", sec);
text.AppendFormat("%s\n%s: %s:%s:%s", Translate("Call ended"), Translate("Duration"), chours, cmins, csec);
AddCallInfoToDb(hContact, timestamp, flags, clientMsgId.c_str(), text.GetBuffer());
else if (!mir_strcmpi(messageType.c_str(), "RichText/Files"))
HXML xml = xi.parseString(ptrT(mir_a2t(content.c_str())), 0, _T("files"));
if (xml != NULL)
for (int i = 0; i < xi.getChildCount(xml); i++)
int fileSize; CMStringA msg = "";
HXML xmlNode = xi.getNthChild(xml, L"file", i);
if (xmlNode == NULL)
fileSize = atoi(_T2A(xi.getAttrValue(xmlNode, L"size")));
ptrA fileName(mir_t2a(xi.getText(xmlNode)));
if (fileName == NULL || fileSize == NULL)
msg.AppendFormat("%s:\n\t%s: %s\n\t%s: %d %s", Translate("File transfer"), Translate("File name"), fileName, Translate("Size"), fileSize, Translate("bytes"));
AddMessageToDb(hContact, timestamp, flags, clientMsgId.c_str(), msg.GetBuffer());
else if (!mir_strcmpi(messageType.c_str(), "RichText/UriObject"))
//content=Для просмотра этого общего фото перейдите по ссылке: https://api.asm.skype.com/s/i?0-weu-d1-262f0a1ee256d03b8e4b8360d9208834
HXML xml = xi.parseString(ptrT(mir_a2t(content.c_str())), 0, _T("URIObject"));
if (xml != NULL)
ptrA url(mir_t2a(xi.getAttrValue(xml, L"uri")));
ptrA object(ParseUrl(url, "/objects/"));
CMStringA data(FORMAT, "%s: https://api.asm.skype.com/s/i?%s", Translate("Image"), object);
AddMessageToDb(hContact, timestamp, flags, clientMsgId.c_str(), data.GetBuffer());
} //Picture
else if (conversationLink.find("/19:") != -1)
ptrA chatname(ChatUrlToName(conversationLink.c_str()));
if (!mir_strcmpi(messageType.c_str(), "Text") || !mir_strcmpi(messageType.c_str(), "RichText"))
AddMessageToChat(_A2T(chatname), _A2T(skypename), content.c_str(), emoteOffset != NULL, emoteOffset, timestamp, true);
INT_PTR CSkypeProto::GetContactHistory(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM)
PushRequest(new GetHistoryRequest(RegToken, ptrA(db_get_sa(hContact, m_szModuleName, SKYPE_SETTINGS_ID)), 100, false, 0, Server), &CSkypeProto::OnGetServerHistory);
return 0;
void CSkypeProto::OnSyncHistory(const NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *response)
if (response == NULL || response->pData == NULL)
JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(response->pData);
if (!root)
const JSONNode &metadata = root["_metadata"];
const JSONNode &conversations = root["conversations"].as_array();
int totalCount = metadata["totalCount"].as_int();
std::string syncState = metadata["syncState"].as_string();
if (totalCount >= 99 || conversations.size() >= 99)
PushRequest(new SyncHistoryFirstRequest(syncState.c_str(), RegToken), &CSkypeProto::OnSyncHistory);
for (size_t i = 0; i < conversations.size(); i++)
const JSONNode &conversation = conversations.at(i);
const JSONNode &lastMessage = conversation["lastMessage"];
if (!lastMessage)
std::string conversationLink = lastMessage["conversationLink"].as_string();
time_t composeTime(IsoToUnixTime(lastMessage["composetime"].as_string().c_str()));
if (conversationLink.find("/8:") != -1)
ptrA skypename(ContactUrlToName(conversationLink.c_str()));
MCONTACT hContact = FindContact(skypename);
if (hContact == NULL)
if (db_get_dw(hContact, m_szModuleName, "LastMsgTime", 0) < composeTime)
PushRequest(new GetHistoryRequest(RegToken, skypename, 100, false, 0, Server), &CSkypeProto::OnGetServerHistory);
HistorySynced = true;