/* Copyright (c) 2015-24 Miranda NG team (https://miranda-ng.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" /* MESSAGE SENDING */ // outcoming message flow int CSkypeProto::SendMsg(MCONTACT hContact, MEVENT, const char *szMessage) { if (!IsOnline()) return -1; SendMessageParam *param = new SendMessageParam(); param->hContact = hContact; Utils_GetRandom(¶m->hMessage, sizeof(param->hMessage)); param->hMessage &= ~0x80000000; CMStringA id(getId(hContact)); AsyncHttpRequest *pReq; if (strncmp(szMessage, "/me ", 4) == 0) pReq = new SendActionRequest(id, param->hMessage, &szMessage[4], this); else pReq = new SendMessageRequest(id, param->hMessage, szMessage); pReq->pUserInfo = param; PushRequest(pReq); mir_cslock lck(m_lckOutMessagesList); m_OutMessages.insert((void*)param->hMessage); return param->hMessage; } void CSkypeProto::OnMessageSent(MHttpResponse *response, AsyncHttpRequest *pRequest) { auto *param = (SendMessageParam*)pRequest->pUserInfo; MCONTACT hContact = param->hContact; HANDLE hMessage = (HANDLE)param->hMessage; delete param; if (response != nullptr) { if (response->resultCode != 201) { std::string strError = Translate("Unknown error!"); if (!response->body.IsEmpty()) { JSONNode jRoot = JSONNode::parse(response->body); const JSONNode &jErr = jRoot["errorCode"]; if (jErr) strError = jErr.as_string(); } ProtoBroadcastAck(hContact, ACKTYPE_MESSAGE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, hMessage, _A2T(strError.c_str())); } } else ProtoBroadcastAck(hContact, ACKTYPE_MESSAGE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, hMessage, (LPARAM)TranslateT("Network error!")); } // preparing message/action to be written into db int CSkypeProto::OnPreCreateMessage(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { MessageWindowEvent *evt = (MessageWindowEvent*)lParam; if (mir_strcmp(Proto_GetBaseAccountName(evt->hContact), m_szModuleName)) return 0; char *message = (char*)evt->dbei->pBlob; if (strncmp(message, "/me ", 4) == 0) { evt->dbei->cbBlob = evt->dbei->cbBlob - 4; memmove(evt->dbei->pBlob, &evt->dbei->pBlob[4], evt->dbei->cbBlob); evt->dbei->eventType = SKYPE_DB_EVENT_TYPE_ACTION; } return 0; } /* MESSAGE EVENT */ void CSkypeProto::OnPrivateMessageEvent(const JSONNode &node) { CMStringA szMessageId = node["clientmessageid"] ? node["clientmessageid"].as_string().c_str() : node["skypeeditedid"].as_string().c_str(); CMStringA szConversationName(UrlToSkypeId(node["conversationLink"].as_string().c_str())); CMStringA szFromSkypename(UrlToSkypeId(node["from"].as_string().c_str())); CMStringW wszContent = node["content"].as_mstring(); std::string strMessageType = node["messagetype"].as_string(); if (strMessageType == "RichText") wszContent = RemoveHtml(wszContent); bool bEdited = node["skypeeditedid"]; time_t timestamp = time(0); // fuck the server time, we need to place events in the order of our local time int nEmoteOffset = node["skypeemoteoffset"].as_int(); MCONTACT hContact = AddContact(szConversationName, nullptr, true); if (m_bHistorySynced) setDword(hContact, "LastMsgTime", timestamp); if (strMessageType == "Control/Typing") { CallService(MS_PROTO_CONTACTISTYPING, hContact, PROTOTYPE_CONTACTTYPING_INFINITE); } else if (strMessageType == "Control/ClearTyping") { CallService(MS_PROTO_CONTACTISTYPING, hContact, PROTOTYPE_CONTACTTYPING_OFF); } else if (strMessageType == "Text" || strMessageType == "RichText") { if (IsMe(szFromSkypename)) { HANDLE hMessage = (HANDLE)atoi(szMessageId); if (m_OutMessages.getIndex(hMessage) != -1) { ProtoBroadcastAck(hContact, ACKTYPE_MESSAGE, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, hMessage, (LPARAM)szMessageId.c_str()); mir_cslock lck(m_lckOutMessagesList); m_OutMessages.remove(hMessage); } else AddDbEvent(nEmoteOffset == 0 ? EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE : SKYPE_DB_EVENT_TYPE_ACTION, hContact, timestamp, DBEF_UTF | DBEF_SENT, wszContent.c_str()+nEmoteOffset, szMessageId); } else { CallService(MS_PROTO_CONTACTISTYPING, hContact, PROTOTYPE_CONTACTTYPING_OFF); MEVENT hDbEvent = GetMessageFromDb(szMessageId); if (bEdited && hDbEvent != NULL) EditEvent(hDbEvent, wszContent, timestamp); else { T2Utf szMsg(wszContent); DB::EventInfo dbei; dbei.timestamp = timestamp; dbei.pBlob = szMsg; dbei.cbBlob = nEmoteOffset; dbei.szId = szMessageId; ProtoChainRecvMsg(hContact, dbei); } } } else if (strMessageType == "Event/Call") { AddDbEvent(SKYPE_DB_EVENT_TYPE_CALL_INFO, hContact, timestamp, DBEF_UTF, wszContent, szMessageId); } else if (strMessageType == "RichText/Files") { AddDbEvent(SKYPE_DB_EVENT_TYPE_FILETRANSFER_INFO, hContact, timestamp, DBEF_UTF, wszContent , szMessageId); } else if (strMessageType == "RichText/UriObject") { AddDbEvent(SKYPE_DB_EVENT_TYPE_URIOBJ, hContact, timestamp, DBEF_UTF, wszContent, szMessageId); } else if (strMessageType == "RichText/Contacts") { ProcessContactRecv(hContact, timestamp, T2Utf(wszContent), szMessageId); } else if (strMessageType == "RichText/Media_FlikMsg") { AddDbEvent(SKYPE_DB_EVENT_TYPE_MOJI, hContact, timestamp, DBEF_UTF, wszContent, szMessageId); } else if (strMessageType == "RichText/Media_GenericFile") { AddDbEvent(SKYPE_DB_EVENT_TYPE_FILE, hContact, timestamp, DBEF_UTF, wszContent, szMessageId); } else if (strMessageType == "RichText/Media_Album") { // do nothing } else { AddDbEvent(SKYPE_DB_EVENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN, hContact, timestamp, DBEF_UTF, wszContent, szMessageId); } } void CSkypeProto::OnMarkRead(MCONTACT hContact, MEVENT hDbEvent) { if (IsOnline() && !isChatRoom(hContact)) MarkMessagesRead(hContact, hDbEvent); } void CSkypeProto::MarkMessagesRead(MCONTACT hContact, MEVENT hDbEvent) { debugLogA(__FUNCTION__); DBEVENTINFO dbei = {}; db_event_get(hDbEvent, &dbei); time_t timestamp = dbei.timestamp; if (getDword(hContact, "LastMsgTime") > (timestamp - 300)) PushRequest(new MarkMessageReadRequest(getId(hContact), timestamp, timestamp)); } void CSkypeProto::ProcessContactRecv(MCONTACT hContact, time_t timestamp, const char *szContent, const char *szMessageId) { TiXmlDocument doc; if (0 != doc.Parse(szContent)) return; auto *xmlNode = doc.FirstChildElement("contacts"); if (xmlNode == nullptr) return; int nCount = 0; for (auto *it : TiXmlEnum(xmlNode)) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(it); nCount++; } PROTOSEARCHRESULT **psr = (PROTOSEARCHRESULT**)mir_calloc(sizeof(PROTOSEARCHRESULT*) * nCount); nCount = 0; for (auto *xmlContact : TiXmlFilter(xmlNode, "c")) { psr[nCount] = (PROTOSEARCHRESULT*)mir_calloc(sizeof(PROTOSEARCHRESULT)); psr[nCount]->cbSize = sizeof(psr); psr[nCount]->id.a = mir_strdup(xmlContact->Attribute("s")); nCount++; } if (nCount) { DB::EventInfo dbei; dbei.timestamp = (uint32_t)timestamp; dbei.pBlob = (char*)psr; dbei.cbBlob = nCount; dbei.szId = szMessageId; ProtoChainRecv(hContact, PSR_CONTACTS, 0, (LPARAM)&dbei); for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { mir_free(psr[i]->id.a); mir_free(psr[i]); } } mir_free(psr); }