/* Copyright (c) 2015-24 Miranda NG team (https://miranda-ng.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" void CSkypeProto::UpdateProfileDisplayName(const JSONNode &root, MCONTACT hContact) { ptrW firstname(getWStringA(hContact, "FirstName")); ptrW lastname(getWStringA(hContact, "LastName")); if (firstname) { CMStringW nick(firstname); if (lastname) nick.AppendFormat(L" %s", lastname.get()); setWString(hContact, "Nick", nick); } else if (lastname) setWString(hContact, "Nick", lastname); else { const JSONNode &node = root["displayname"]; SetString(hContact, "Nick", (node) ? node : root["username"]); } } void CSkypeProto::UpdateProfileGender(const JSONNode &root, MCONTACT hContact) { CMStringW gender = root["gender"].as_mstring(); if (!gender.IsEmpty() && gender != "null") setByte(hContact, "Gender", (uint8_t)(_wtoi(gender) == 1 ? 'M' : 'F')); else delSetting(hContact, "Gender"); } void CSkypeProto::UpdateProfileBirthday(const JSONNode &root, MCONTACT hContact) { CMStringW birthday = root["birthday"].as_mstring(); if (!birthday.IsEmpty() && birthday != "null") { int d, m, y; if (3 == swscanf(birthday.GetBuffer(), L"%d-%d-%d", &y, &m, &d)) { setWord(hContact, "BirthYear", y); setByte(hContact, "BirthDay", d); setByte(hContact, "BirthMonth", m); } } delSetting(hContact, "BirthYear"); delSetting(hContact, "BirthDay"); delSetting(hContact, "BirthMonth"); } void CSkypeProto::UpdateProfileCountry(const JSONNode &root, MCONTACT hContact) { std::string isocode = root["country"].as_string(); if (!isocode.empty() && isocode != "null") { char *country = (char *)CallService(MS_UTILS_GETCOUNTRYBYISOCODE, (WPARAM)isocode.c_str(), 0); setString(hContact, "Country", country); } else delSetting(hContact, "Country"); } void CSkypeProto::UpdateProfileEmails(const JSONNode &root, MCONTACT hContact) { const JSONNode &node = root["emails"]; if (node) { const JSONNode &items = node.as_array(); for (int i = 0; i < min(items.size(), 3); i++) { const JSONNode &item = items.at(i); if (!item) break; CMStringA name(FORMAT, "e-mail%d", i); setWString(hContact, name, item.as_mstring()); } } else { delSetting(hContact, "e-mail0"); delSetting(hContact, "e-mail1"); delSetting(hContact, "e-mail2"); } } void CSkypeProto::UpdateProfileAvatar(const JSONNode &root, MCONTACT hContact) { CMStringW province = root["avatarUrl"].as_mstring(); if (!province.IsEmpty() && province != "null") { SetAvatarUrl(hContact, province); ReloadAvatarInfo(hContact); } } //{"firstname":"Echo \/ Sound Test Service", "lastname" : null, "birthday" : null, "gender" : null, "country" : null, "city" : null, "language" : null, "homepage" : null, "about" : null, "province" : null, "jobtitle" : null, "emails" : [], "phoneMobile" : null, "phoneHome" : null, "phoneOffice" : null, "mood" : null, "richMood" : null, "avatarUrl" : null, "username" : "echo123"} void CSkypeProto::LoadProfile(MHttpResponse *response, AsyncHttpRequest *pRequest) { MCONTACT hContact = (DWORD_PTR)pRequest->pUserInfo; JsonReply reply(response); if (reply.error()) { ProtoBroadcastAck(hContact, ACKTYPE_GETINFO, ACKRESULT_FAILED, 0); return; } auto &root = reply.data(); std::string username = root["username"].as_string(); if (username.empty()) { ProtoBroadcastAck(hContact, ACKTYPE_GETINFO, ACKRESULT_FAILED, 0); return; } if (m_szSkypename != username.c_str()) m_szMyname = username.c_str(); else m_szMyname = m_szSkypename; SetString(hContact, "City", root["city"]); SetString(hContact, "About", root["about"]); SetString(hContact, "Phone", root["phone"]); SetString(hContact, "State", root["province"]); SetString(hContact, "Cellular", root["phoneMobile"]); SetString(hContact, "Homepage", root["homepage"]); SetString(hContact, "LastName", root["lastname"]); SetString(hContact, "FirstName", root["firstname"]); SetString(hContact, "CompanyPhone", root["phoneOffice"]); if (auto &pMood = root["richMood"]) RemoveHtml(pMood.as_mstring(), true); // this call extracts only emoji / mood id UpdateProfileDisplayName(root, hContact); UpdateProfileGender(root, hContact); UpdateProfileBirthday(root, hContact); UpdateProfileCountry(root, hContact); UpdateProfileEmails(root, hContact); UpdateProfileAvatar(root, hContact); ProtoBroadcastAck(hContact, ACKTYPE_GETINFO, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, 0); }