/* Copyright (c) 2015-16 Miranda NG project (http://miranda-ng.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "stdafx.h" void CSkypeProto::OnCreateTrouter(const NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *response) { if (response == NULL || response->pData == NULL) { ShowNotification(m_tszUserName, TranslateT("Failed to establish a TRouter connection."), NULL, 1); return; } JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(response->pData); if (!root) { ShowNotification(m_tszUserName, TranslateT("Failed to establish a TRouter connection."), NULL, 1); return; } const JSONNode &ccid = root["ccid"]; const JSONNode &connId = root["connId"]; const JSONNode &instance = root["instance"]; const JSONNode &socketio = root["socketio"]; const JSONNode &url = root["url"]; if (!ccid || !connId || !instance || !socketio || !url) { ShowNotification(m_tszUserName, TranslateT("Failed to establish a TRouter connection."), NULL, 1); return; } TRouter.ccid = ccid.as_string(); TRouter.connId = connId.as_string(); TRouter.instance = instance.as_string(); TRouter.socketIo = socketio.as_string(); TRouter.url = url.as_string(); SendRequest(new CreateTrouterPoliciesRequest(li, TRouter.connId.c_str()), &CSkypeProto::OnTrouterPoliciesCreated); } void CSkypeProto::OnTrouterPoliciesCreated(const NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *response) { if (response == NULL || response->pData == NULL) { ShowNotification(m_tszUserName, TranslateT("Failed to establish a TRouter connection."), NULL, 1); return; } JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(response->pData); if (!root) { ShowNotification(m_tszUserName, TranslateT("Failed to establish a TRouter connection."), NULL, 1); return; } const JSONNode &st = root["st"]; const JSONNode &se = root["se"]; const JSONNode &sig = root["sig"]; if (!st || !se || !sig) { ShowNotification(m_tszUserName, TranslateT("Failed to establish a TRouter connection."), NULL, 1); return; } TRouter.st = st.as_string(); TRouter.se = se.as_string(); TRouter.sig = sig.as_string(); SendRequest(new GetTrouterRequest( TRouter.socketIo, TRouter.connId, TRouter.st, TRouter.se, TRouter.sig, TRouter.instance, TRouter.ccid), &CSkypeProto::OnGetTrouter); } void CSkypeProto::OnGetTrouter(const NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *response) { if (response == NULL || response->pData == NULL) { ShowNotification(m_tszUserName, TranslateT("Failed to establish a TRouter connection."), NULL, 1); return; } CMStringA data(response->pData); int iStart = 0; CMStringA szToken = data.Tokenize(":", iStart).Trim(); TRouter.sessId = szToken.GetString(); m_hTrouterEvent.Set(); m_hTrouterHealthEvent.Set(); if ((time(NULL) - TRouter.lastRegistrationTime) >= 3600) { SendRequest(new RegisterTrouterRequest(li, TRouter.url.c_str(), TRouter.sessId.c_str())); TRouter.lastRegistrationTime = time(NULL); } } void CSkypeProto::OnHealth(const NETLIBHTTPREQUEST*) { SendRequest(new GetTrouterRequest( TRouter.socketIo, TRouter.connId, TRouter.st, TRouter.se, TRouter.sig, TRouter.instance, TRouter.ccid), &CSkypeProto::OnGetTrouter); } void CSkypeProto::TRouterThread(void*) { debugLogA(__FUNCTION__": entering"); int errors = 0; while (!m_bThreadsTerminated) { m_hTrouterEvent.Wait(); errors = 0; TrouterPollRequest *request = new TrouterPollRequest(TRouter.socketIo, TRouter.connId, TRouter.st, TRouter.se, TRouter.sig, TRouter.instance, TRouter.ccid, TRouter.sessId); while (errors < POLLING_ERRORS_LIMIT && m_iStatus > ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) { request->nlc = m_TrouterConnection; NLHR_PTR response(request->Send(m_hNetlibUser)); if (response == NULL) { m_TrouterConnection = nullptr; errors++; continue; } if (response->resultCode == 200) { if (response->pData) { char *json = strstr(response->pData, "{"); if (json != NULL) { JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(json); std::string szBody = root["body"].as_string(); const JSONNode &headers = root["headers"]; const JSONNode body = JSONNode::parse(szBody.c_str()); OnTrouterEvent(body, headers); } } } else { SendRequest(new HealthTrouterRequest(TRouter.ccid.c_str()), &CSkypeProto::OnHealth); m_hTrouterHealthEvent.Wait(); } m_TrouterConnection = response->nlc; } delete request; } m_hTrouterThread = NULL; m_TrouterConnection = NULL; debugLogA(__FUNCTION__": leaving"); } void CSkypeProto::OnTrouterEvent(const JSONNode &body, const JSONNode &) { //std::string displayname = body["displayName"].as_string(); //std::string cuid = body["callerId"].as_string(); std::string uid = body["conversationId"].as_string(); std::string gp = body["gp"].as_string(); int evt = body["evt"].as_int(); switch (evt) { case 100: //incoming call { std::string callId = body["convoCallId"].as_string(); if (!uid.empty()) { MCONTACT hContact = AddContact(uid.c_str(), true); MEVENT hEvent = AddDbEvent(SKYPE_DB_EVENT_TYPE_INCOMING_CALL, hContact, time(NULL), DBEF_READ, gp.c_str(), callId.c_str()); SkinPlaySound("skype_inc_call"); CLISTEVENT cle = {}; cle.flags = CLEF_TCHAR; cle.hContact = hContact; cle.hDbEvent = hEvent; cle.lParam = SKYPE_DB_EVENT_TYPE_INCOMING_CALL; cle.hIcon = GetIcon(IDI_CALL); CMStringA service(FORMAT, "%s/IncomingCallCLE", GetContactProto(hContact)); cle.pszService = service.GetBuffer(); CMString tooltip(FORMAT, TranslateT("Incoming call from %s"), pcli->pfnGetContactDisplayName(hContact, 0)); cle.ptszTooltip = tooltip.GetBuffer(); pcli->pfnAddEvent(&cle); ShowNotification(pcli->pfnGetContactDisplayName(hContact, 0), TranslateT("Incoming call"), hContact, SKYPE_DB_EVENT_TYPE_INCOMING_CALL); } } break; case 104: //call canceled: callerId=""; conversationId=NULL; callId=call id // std::string callId = body["callId"].as_string(); SkinPlaySound("skype_call_canceled"); break; } } INT_PTR CSkypeProto::OnIncomingCallCLE(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { CLISTEVENT *cle = (CLISTEVENT*)lParam; NotifyEventHooks(g_hCallEvent, (WPARAM)cle->hContact, (LPARAM)0); return 0; } INT_PTR CSkypeProto::OnIncomingCallPP(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM hContact) { while (CLISTEVENT *cle = pcli->pfnGetEvent(hContact, 0)) { if (cle->lParam == SKYPE_DB_EVENT_TYPE_INCOMING_CALL) { pcli->pfnRemoveEvent(hContact, cle->hDbEvent); break; } } if (wParam == 1) NotifyEventHooks(g_hCallEvent, (WPARAM)hContact, (LPARAM)0); return 0; }