/* Copyright (c) 2015-22 Miranda NG team (https://miranda-ng.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "stdafx.h" #pragma warning(disable:4566) time_t CSkypeProto::IsoToUnixTime(const std::string &stamp) { char date[9]; int i, y; if (stamp.empty()) return 0; char *p = NEWSTR_ALLOCA(stamp.c_str()); // skip '-' chars int si = 0, sj = 0; while (true) { if (p[si] == '-') si++; else if (!(p[sj++] = p[si++])) break; } // Get the date part for (i = 0; *p != '\0' && i < 8 && isdigit(*p); p++, i++) date[i] = *p; // Parse year if (i == 6) { // 2-digit year (1970-2069) y = (date[0] - '0') * 10 + (date[1] - '0'); if (y < 70) y += 100; } else if (i == 8) { // 4-digit year y = (date[0] - '0') * 1000 + (date[1] - '0') * 100 + (date[2] - '0') * 10 + date[3] - '0'; y -= 1900; } else return 0; struct tm timestamp; timestamp.tm_year = y; // Parse month timestamp.tm_mon = (date[i - 4] - '0') * 10 + date[i - 3] - '0' - 1; // Parse date timestamp.tm_mday = (date[i - 2] - '0') * 10 + date[i - 1] - '0'; // Skip any date/time delimiter for (; *p != '\0' && !isdigit(*p); p++); // Parse time if (sscanf(p, "%d:%d:%d", ×tamp.tm_hour, ×tamp.tm_min, ×tamp.tm_sec) != 3) return (time_t)0; timestamp.tm_isdst = 0; // DST is already present in _timezone below time_t t = mktime(×tamp); _tzset(); t -= _timezone; return (t >= 0) ? t : 0; } struct HtmlEntity { const char *entity; const char *symbol; }; const HtmlEntity htmlEntities[] = { { "AElig", "\u00C6" }, { "Aacute", "\u00C1" }, { "Acirc", "\u00C2" }, { "Agrave", "\u00C0" }, { "Alpha", "\u0391" }, { "Aring", "\u00C5" }, { "Atilde", "\u00C3" }, { "Auml", "\u00C4" }, { "Beta", "\u0392" }, { "Ccedil", "\u00C7" }, { "Chi", "\u03A7" }, { "Dagger", "‡" }, { "Delta", "\u0394" }, { "ETH", "\u00D0" }, { "Eacute", "\u00C9" }, { "Ecirc", "\u00CA" }, { "Egrave", "\u00C8" }, { "Epsilon", "\u0395" }, { "Eta", "\u0397" }, { "Euml", "\u00CB" }, { "Gamma", "\u0393" }, { "Iacute", "\u00CD" }, { "Icirc", "\u00CE" }, { "Igrave", "\u00CC" }, { "Iota", "\u0399" }, { "Iuml", "\u00CF" }, { "Kappa", "\u039A" }, { "Lambda", "\u039B" }, { "Mu", "\u039C" }, { "Ntilde", "\u00D1" }, { "Nu", "\u039D" }, { "OElig", "\u0152" }, { "Oacute", "\u00D3" }, { "Ocirc", "\u00D4" }, { "Ograve", "\u00D2" }, { "Omega", "\u03A9" }, { "Omicron", "\u039F" }, { "Oslash", "\u00D8" }, { "Otilde", "\u00D5" }, { "Ouml", "\u00D6" }, { "Phi", "\u03A6" }, { "Pi", "\u03A0" }, { "Prime", "\u2033" }, { "Psi", "\u03A8" }, { "Rho", "\u03A1" }, { "Scaron", "Š" }, { "Sigma", "Σ" }, { "THORN", "Þ" }, { "Tau", "Τ" }, { "Theta", "Θ" }, { "Uacute", "Ú" }, { "Ucirc", "Û" }, { "Ugrave", "Ù" }, { "Upsilon", "Υ" }, { "Uuml", "Ü" }, { "Xi", "Ξ" }, { "Yacute", "Ý" }, { "Yuml", "Ÿ" }, { "Zeta", "Ζ" }, { "aacute", "á" }, { "acirc", "â" }, { "acute", "´" }, { "aelig", "æ" }, { "agrave", "à" }, { "alefsym", "ℵ" }, { "alpha", "α" }, { "amp", "&" }, { "and", "∧" }, { "ang", "∠" }, { "apos", "'" }, { "aring", "å" }, { "asymp", "≈" }, { "atilde", "ã" }, { "auml", "ä" }, { "bdquo", "„" }, { "beta", "β" }, { "brvbar", "¦" }, { "bull", "•" }, { "cap", "∩" }, { "ccedil", "ç" }, { "cedil", "¸" }, { "cent", "¢" }, { "chi", "χ" }, { "circ", "ˆ" }, { "clubs", "♣" }, { "cong", "≅" }, { "copy", "©" }, { "crarr", "↵" }, { "cup", "∪" }, { "curren", "¤" }, { "dArr", "⇓" }, { "dagger", "†" }, { "darr", "↓" }, { "deg", "°" }, { "delta", "δ" }, { "diams", "♦" }, { "divide", "÷" }, { "eacute", "é" }, { "ecirc", "ê" }, { "egrave", "è" }, { "empty", "∅" }, { "emsp", " " }, { "ensp", " " }, { "epsilon", "ε" }, { "equiv", "≡" }, { "eta", "η" }, { "eth", "ð" }, { "euml", "ë" }, { "euro", "€" }, { "exist", "∃" }, { "fnof", "ƒ" }, { "forall", "∀" }, { "frac12", "½" }, { "frac14", "¼" }, { "frac34", "¾" }, { "frasl", "⁄" }, { "gamma", "γ" }, { "ge", "≥" }, { "gt", ">" }, { "hArr", "⇔" }, { "harr", "↔" }, { "hearts", "♥" }, { "hellip", "…" }, { "iacute", "í" }, { "icirc", "î" }, { "iexcl", "¡" }, { "igrave", "ì" }, { "image", "ℑ" }, { "infin", "∞" }, { "int", "∫" }, { "iota", "ι" }, { "iquest", "¿" }, { "isin", "∈" }, { "iuml", "ï" }, { "kappa", "κ" }, { "lArr", "⇐" }, { "lambda", "λ" }, { "lang", "〈" }, { "laquo", "«" }, { "larr", "←" }, { "lceil", "⌈" }, { "ldquo", "“" }, { "le", "≤" }, { "lfloor", "⌊" }, { "lowast", "∗" }, { "loz", "◊" }, { "lrm", "\xE2\x80\x8E" }, { "lsaquo", "‹" }, { "lsquo", "‘" }, { "lt", "<" }, { "macr", "¯" }, { "mdash", "—" }, { "micro", "µ" }, { "middot", "·" }, { "minus", "−" }, { "mu", "μ" }, { "nabla", "∇" }, { "nbsp", " " }, { "ndash", "–" }, { "ne", "≠" }, { "ni", "∋" }, { "not", "¬" }, { "notin", "∉" }, { "nsub", "⊄" }, { "ntilde", "ñ" }, { "nu", "ν" }, { "oacute", "ó" }, { "ocirc", "ô" }, { "oelig", "œ" }, { "ograve", "ò" }, { "oline", "‾" }, { "omega", "ω" }, { "omicron", "ο" }, { "oplus", "⊕" }, { "or", "∨" }, { "ordf", "ª" }, { "ordm", "º" }, { "oslash", "ø" }, { "otilde", "õ" }, { "otimes", "⊗" }, { "ouml", "ö" }, { "para", "¶" }, { "part", "∂" }, { "permil", "‰" }, { "perp", "⊥" }, { "phi", "φ" }, { "pi", "π" }, { "piv", "ϖ" }, { "plusmn", "±" }, { "pound", "£" }, { "prime", "′" }, { "prod", "∏" }, { "prop", "∝" }, { "psi", "ψ" }, { "quot", "\"" }, { "rArr", "⇒" }, { "radic", "√" }, { "rang", "〉" }, { "raquo", "»" }, { "rarr", "→" }, { "rceil", "⌉" }, { "rdquo", "”" }, { "real", "ℜ" }, { "reg", "®" }, { "rfloor", "⌋" }, { "rho", "ρ" }, { "rlm", "\xE2\x80\x8F" }, { "rsaquo", "›" }, { "rsquo", "’" }, { "sbquo", "‚" }, { "scaron", "š" }, { "sdot", "⋅" }, { "sect", "§" }, { "shy", "\xC2\xAD" }, { "sigma", "σ" }, { "sigmaf", "ς" }, { "sim", "∼" }, { "spades", "♠" }, { "sub", "⊂" }, { "sube", "⊆" }, { "sum", "∑" }, { "sup", "⊃" }, { "sup1", "¹" }, { "sup2", "²" }, { "sup3", "³" }, { "supe", "⊇" }, { "szlig", "ß" }, { "tau", "τ" }, { "there4", "∴" }, { "theta", "θ" }, { "thetasym", "ϑ" }, { "thinsp", " " }, { "thorn", "þ" }, { "tilde", "˜" }, { "times", "×" }, { "trade", "™" }, { "uArr", "⇑" }, { "uacute", "ú" }, { "uarr", "↑" }, { "ucirc", "û" }, { "ugrave", "ù" }, { "uml", "¨" }, { "upsih", "ϒ" }, { "upsilon", "υ" }, { "uuml", "ü" }, { "weierp", "℘" }, { "xi", "ξ" }, { "yacute", "ý" }, { "yen", "¥" }, { "yuml", "ÿ" }, { "zeta", "ζ" }, { "zwj", "\xE2\x80\x8D" }, { "zwnj", "\xE2\x80\x8C" } }; CMStringW RemoveHtml(const CMStringW &data) { CMStringW new_string; for (int i = 0; i < data.GetLength(); i++) { wchar_t c = data[i]; if (c == '<') { i = data.Find('>', i); if (i == -1) break; continue; } // special character if (c == '&') { int begin = i; i = data.Find(';', i); if (i == -1) i = begin; else { CMStringW entity = data.Mid(begin + 1, i - begin - 1); bool found = false; if (entity.GetLength() > 1 && entity[0] == '#') { // Numeric replacement bool hex = false; if (entity[1] == 'x') { hex = true; entity.Delete(0, 2); } else entity.Delete(0, 1); if (!entity.IsEmpty()) { found = true; errno = 0; unsigned long value = wcstoul(entity, nullptr, hex ? 16 : 10); if (errno != 0) { // error with conversion in strtoul, ignore the result found = false; } else if (value <= 127) { // U+0000 .. U+007F new_string += (char)value; } else if (value >= 128 && value <= 2047) { // U+0080 .. U+07FF new_string += (char)(192 + (value / 64)); new_string += (char)(128 + (value % 64)); } else if (value >= 2048 && value <= 65535) { // U+0800 .. U+FFFF new_string += (char)(224 + (value / 4096)); new_string += (char)(128 + ((value / 64) % 64)); new_string += (char)(128 + (value % 64)); } else { new_string += (char)((value >> 24) & 0xFF); new_string += (char)((value >> 16) & 0xFF); new_string += (char)((value >> 8) & 0xFF); new_string += (char)((value) & 0xFF); } } } else { // Keyword replacement CMStringA tmp = entity; for (auto &it : htmlEntities) { if (!mir_strcmpi(tmp, it.entity)) { new_string += it.symbol; found = true; break; } } } if (found) continue; else i = begin; } } new_string.AppendChar(c); } return new_string; } const char* CSkypeProto::MirandaToSkypeStatus(int status) { switch (status) { case ID_STATUS_AWAY: return "Away"; case ID_STATUS_DND: return "Busy"; case ID_STATUS_IDLE: return "Idle"; case ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE: return "Hidden"; } return "Online"; } int CSkypeProto::SkypeToMirandaStatus(const char *status) { if (!mir_strcmpi(status, "Online")) return ID_STATUS_ONLINE; else if (!mir_strcmpi(status, "Hidden")) return ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE; else if (!mir_strcmpi(status, "Away")) return ID_STATUS_AWAY; else if (!mir_strcmpi(status, "Idle")) return ID_STATUS_AWAY; else if (!mir_strcmpi(status, "Busy")) return ID_STATUS_DND; else return ID_STATUS_OFFLINE; } bool CSkypeProto::IsFileExists(std::wstring path) { return _waccess(path.c_str(), 0) == 0; } const char* GetSkypeNick(const char *szSkypeId) { if (auto *p = strchr(szSkypeId, ':')) return p + 1; return szSkypeId; } const wchar_t* GetSkypeNick(const wchar_t *szSkypeId) { if (auto *p = wcsrchr(szSkypeId, ':')) return p + 1; return szSkypeId; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // url parsing CMStringA ParseUrl(const char *url, const char *token) { if (url == nullptr) return CMStringA(); auto *start = strstr(url, token); if (start == nullptr) return CMStringA(); auto *end = strchr(++start, '/'); if (end == nullptr) return CMStringA(start); return CMStringA(start, end - start); } CMStringW ParseUrl(const wchar_t *url, const wchar_t *token) { if (url == nullptr) return CMStringW(); auto *start = wcsstr(url, token); if (start == nullptr) return CMStringW(); auto *end = wcschr(++start, '/'); if (end == nullptr) return CMStringW(start); return CMStringW(start, end - start); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static int possibleTypes[] = { 1, 2, 8, 19 }; CMStringA UrlToSkypeId(const char *url, int *pUserType) { int userType = -1; CMStringA szResult; if (url != nullptr) { for (auto &it : possibleTypes) { char tmp[10]; sprintf_s(tmp, "/%d:", it); if (strstr(url, tmp)) { userType = it; szResult = ParseUrl(url, tmp); break; } } } if (pUserType) *pUserType = userType; return szResult; } CMStringW UrlToSkypeId(const wchar_t *url, int *pUserType) { int userType = -1; CMStringW szResult; if (url != nullptr) { for (auto &it : possibleTypes) { wchar_t tmp[10]; swprintf_s(tmp, L"/%d:", it); if (wcsstr(url, tmp)) { userType = it; szResult = ParseUrl(url, tmp); break; } } } if (pUserType) *pUserType = userType; return szResult; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// INT_PTR CSkypeProto::ParseSkypeUriService(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { wchar_t *arg = (wchar_t *)lParam; if (arg == nullptr) return 1; // skip leading prefix wchar_t szUri[1024]; wcsncpy_s(szUri, arg, _TRUNCATE); wchar_t *szJid = wcschr(szUri, ':'); if (szJid == nullptr) return 1; // empty jid? if (!*szJid) return 1; // command code wchar_t *szCommand = szJid; szCommand = wcschr(szCommand, '?'); if (szCommand) *(szCommand++) = 0; // parameters wchar_t *szSecondParam = szCommand ? wcschr(szCommand, '&') : nullptr; if (szSecondParam) *(szSecondParam++) = 0; // no command or message command if (!szCommand || !mir_wstrcmpi(szCommand, L"chat")) { if (szSecondParam) { wchar_t *szChatId = wcsstr(szSecondParam, L"id="); if (szChatId) { szChatId += 5; StartChatRoom(szChatId, szChatId); return 0; } } MCONTACT hContact = AddContact(_T2A(szJid), nullptr, true); CallService(MS_MSG_SENDMESSAGE, (WPARAM)hContact, NULL); return 0; } if (!mir_wstrcmpi(szCommand, L"call")) { MCONTACT hContact = AddContact(_T2A(szJid), nullptr, true); NotifyEventHooks(g_hCallEvent, (WPARAM)hContact, (LPARAM)0); return 0; } if (!mir_wstrcmpi(szCommand, L"userinfo")) return 0; if (!mir_wstrcmpi(szCommand, L"add")) { MCONTACT hContact = FindContact(_T2A(szJid)); if (hContact == NULL) { PROTOSEARCHRESULT psr = { 0 }; psr.cbSize = sizeof(psr); psr.id.w = mir_wstrdup(szJid); psr.nick.w = mir_wstrdup(szJid); psr.flags = PSR_UNICODE; Contact::AddBySearch(m_szModuleName, &psr); } return 0; } if (!mir_wstrcmpi(szCommand, L"sendfile")) { MCONTACT hContact = AddContact(_T2A(szJid), nullptr, true); CallService(MS_FILE_SENDFILE, hContact, NULL); return 1; } if (!mir_wstrcmpi(szCommand, L"voicemail")) return 1; return 1; } INT_PTR CSkypeProto::GlobalParseSkypeUriService(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { for (auto &it : CMPlugin::g_arInstances) if (it->IsOnline()) return it->ParseSkypeUriService(wParam, lParam); return 1; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// JsonReply::JsonReply(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *pReply) { if (pReply == nullptr) { m_errorCode = 500; return; } m_errorCode = pReply->resultCode; if (m_errorCode != 200) return; m_root = json_parse(pReply->pData); if (m_root == nullptr) { m_errorCode = 500; return; } m_errorCode = (*m_root)["status"]["code"].as_int(); } JsonReply::~JsonReply() { json_delete(m_root); }