#include "stdafx.h" void CSteamProto::SetAllContactStatuses(int status) { for (auto &hContact : AccContacts()) SetContactStatus(hContact, status); } void CSteamProto::SetContactStatus(MCONTACT hContact, uint16_t status) { if (!hContact) return; uint16_t oldStatus = getWord(hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); if (oldStatus == status) return; setWord(hContact, "Status", status); // Special handling of some statuses switch (status) { case ID_STATUS_FREECHAT: // Contact is looking to play, save it to as status message db_set_ws(hContact, "CList", "StatusMsg", TranslateT("Looking to play")); break; case ID_STATUS_OFFLINE: // if contact is offline, remove played game info delSetting(hContact, "GameID"); delSetting(hContact, "ServerIP"); delSetting(hContact, "ServerID"); // clear also xstatus delSetting(hContact, "XStatusId"); delSetting(hContact, "XStatusName"); delSetting(hContact, "XStatusMsg"); // and extra icon SetContactExtraIcon(hContact, NULL); __fallthrough; default: db_unset(hContact, "CList", "StatusMsg"); break; } } MCONTACT CSteamProto::GetContactFromAuthEvent(MEVENT hEvent) { uint32_t body[3]; DBEVENTINFO dbei = {}; dbei.cbBlob = sizeof(uint32_t) * 2; dbei.pBlob = (uint8_t*)& body; if (db_event_get(hEvent, &dbei)) return INVALID_CONTACT_ID; if (dbei.eventType != EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST) return INVALID_CONTACT_ID; if (mir_strcmp(dbei.szModule, m_szModuleName) != 0) return INVALID_CONTACT_ID; return DbGetAuthEventContact(&dbei); } MCONTACT CSteamProto::GetContact(const char *steamId) { for (auto &hContact : AccContacts()) { ptrA cSteamId(getStringA(hContact, DBKEY_STEAM_ID)); if (!mir_strcmp(cSteamId, steamId)) return hContact; } return NULL; } void CSteamProto::UpdateContactDetails(MCONTACT hContact, const JSONNode &data) { // set common data CMStringW nick = data["personaname"].as_mstring(); setWString(hContact, "Nick", nick); json_string homepage = data["profileurl"].as_string(); setString(hContact, "Homepage", homepage.c_str()); json_string primaryClanId = data["primaryclanid"].as_string(); setString(hContact, "PrimaryClanID", primaryClanId.c_str()); // set name const JSONNode &node = data["realname"]; if (node) { CMStringW realName = node.as_mstring(); if (!realName.IsEmpty()) { int pos = realName.Find(L' ', 1); if (pos != -1) { setWString(hContact, "FirstName", realName.Mid(0, pos)); setWString(hContact, "LastName", realName.Mid(pos + 1)); } else { setWString(hContact, "FirstName", realName); delSetting(hContact, "LastName"); } } } else { delSetting(hContact, "FirstName"); delSetting(hContact, "LastName"); } // avatar bool biggerAvatars = getBool("UseBigAvatars", false); json_string avatarUrl = data[biggerAvatars ? "avatarfull" : "avatarmedium"].as_string(); CheckAvatarChange(hContact, avatarUrl); // set country json_string countryCode = data["loccountrycode"].as_string(); if (!countryCode.empty()) { char *country = (char *)CallService(MS_UTILS_GETCOUNTRYBYISOCODE, (WPARAM)countryCode.c_str(), 0); setString(hContact, "Country", country); } else delSetting(hContact, "Country"); // state code // note: it seems that steam sends "incorrect" state code //node = data["locstatecode"]; //if (!node.isnull()) //{ // json_string stateCode = node.as_string(); // setString(hContact, "State", stateCode.c_str()); //} //else //{ // delSetting(hContact, "State"); delSetting(hContact, "StateCode"); //} // city id // note: steam no longer sends state city id //node = data["loccityid"]; //if (!node.isnull()) // setDword(hContact, "CityID", node.as_int()); //else delSetting(hContact, "CityID"); // account created setDword(hContact, "MemberTS", data["timecreated"].as_int()); // last logout time setDword(hContact, "LogoffTS", data["lastlogoff"].as_int()); if (!IsOnline()) return; // status // note: this here is often wrong info, probably depending on publicity of steam profile // but sometimes polling does not get status at all uint16_t oldStatus = getWord(hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); // so, set status only if contact is offline if (oldStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) { uint16_t status = SteamToMirandaStatus((PersonaState)data["personastate"].as_int()); SetContactStatus(hContact, status); } // client const JSONNode &nFlags = data["personastateflags"]; PersonaStateFlag stateflags = (nFlags) ? (PersonaStateFlag)nFlags.as_int() : (PersonaStateFlag)(-1); if (stateflags == PersonaStateFlag::None) { // nothing special, either standard client or in different status (only online, I want to play, I want to trade statuses support this flags) uint16_t status = getWord(hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); if (status == ID_STATUS_ONLINE || status == ID_STATUS_FREECHAT) setWString(hContact, "MirVer", L"Steam"); } else if (contains_flag(stateflags, PersonaStateFlag::InJoinableGame)) { // game setWString(hContact, "MirVer", L"Steam (in game)"); } else if (contains_flag(stateflags, PersonaStateFlag::ClientTypeWeb)) { // on website setWString(hContact, "MirVer", L"Steam (website)"); } else if (contains_flag(stateflags, PersonaStateFlag::ClientTypeMobile)) { // on mobile setWString(hContact, "MirVer", L"Steam (mobile)"); } else if (contains_flag(stateflags, PersonaStateFlag::ClientTypeBigPicture)) { // on big picture setWString(hContact, "MirVer", L"Steam (Big Picture)"); } else if (contains_flag(stateflags, PersonaStateFlag::ClientTypeVR)) { // on VR setWString(hContact, "MirVer", L"Steam (VR)"); } else { // none/unknown (e.g. when contact is offline) delSetting(hContact, "MirVer"); } // playing game json_string appId = data["gameid"].as_string(); CMStringW gameInfo = data["gameextrainfo"].as_mstring(); if (!appId.empty() || !gameInfo.IsEmpty()) { uint32_t gameId = atol(appId.c_str()); json_string serverIP = data["gameserverip"].as_string(); json_string serverID = data["gameserversteamid"].as_string(); setDword(hContact, "GameID", gameId); setString(hContact, "ServerIP", serverIP.c_str()); setString(hContact, "ServerID", serverID.c_str()); CMStringW message(gameInfo); if (gameId && message.IsEmpty()) { ptrA token(getStringA("TokenSecret")); SendRequest(new GetAppInfoRequest(token, appId.c_str()), &CSteamProto::OnGotAppInfo, (void*)hContact); } else { if (!gameId) message.Append(TranslateT(" (Non-Steam)")); if (!serverIP.empty()) message.AppendFormat(TranslateT(" on server %S"), serverIP.c_str()); } setDword(hContact, "XStatusId", gameId); setWString(hContact, "XStatusName", TranslateT("Playing")); setWString(hContact, "XStatusMsg", message); SetContactExtraIcon(hContact, gameId); } else { delSetting(hContact, "GameID"); delSetting(hContact, "ServerIP"); delSetting(hContact, "ServerID"); delSetting(hContact, "XStatusId"); delSetting(hContact, "XStatusName"); delSetting(hContact, "XStatusMsg"); SetContactExtraIcon(hContact, NULL); } } void CSteamProto::ContactIsFriend(MCONTACT hContact) { debugLogA("Contact %d added to a friends list", hContact); delSetting(hContact, "AuthAsked"); delSetting(hContact, "Auth"); delSetting(hContact, "Grant"); Contact::PutOnList(hContact); // Check if this contact was removed someday and if so, notify he's back if (getDword(hContact, "DeletedTS", 0) && !getByte(hContact, "Auth", 0)) { delSetting(hContact, "DeletedTS"); wchar_t message[MAX_PATH]; mir_snwprintf(message, MAX_PATH, TranslateT("%s is back in your contact list"), Clist_GetContactDisplayName(hContact)); ShowNotification(message); } } void CSteamProto::ContactIsBlocked(MCONTACT hContact) { // todo setByte(hContact, "Block", 1); } void CSteamProto::ContactIsUnblocked(MCONTACT hContact) { delSetting(hContact, "Block"); } void CSteamProto::ContactIsRemoved(MCONTACT hContact) { delSetting(hContact, "AuthAsked"); // If this contact was authorized and now is not (and isn't filled time of deletion), notify it if (!getDword(hContact, "DeletedTS", 0) && !getByte(hContact, "Auth", 0)) { setDword(hContact, "DeletedTS", now()); ptrW nick(getWStringA(hContact, "Nick")); wchar_t message[MAX_PATH]; mir_snwprintf(message, MAX_PATH, TranslateT("%s has been removed from your contact list"), nick.get()); ShowNotification(message); } setByte(hContact, "Auth", 1); SetContactStatus(hContact, ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); } void CSteamProto::ContactIsAskingAuth(MCONTACT hContact) { // auth request was already showed, do nothing here if (getByte(hContact, "AuthAsked", 0)) return; // create auth request event ptrA steamId(getUStringA(hContact, DBKEY_STEAM_ID)); SendRequest(new GetUserSummariesRequest(this, steamId), &CSteamProto::OnGotUserSummaries); ptrA nickName(getUStringA(hContact, "Nick")); if (nickName == nullptr) nickName = mir_strdup(steamId); ptrA firstName(getUStringA(hContact, "FirstName")); ptrA lastName(getUStringA(hContact, "LastName")); char reason[MAX_PATH]; mir_snprintf(reason, Translate("%s has added you to contact list"), nickName.get()); DB::AUTH_BLOB blob(hContact, nickName, firstName, lastName, steamId, reason); PROTORECVEVENT recv = { 0 }; recv.timestamp = now(); recv.szMessage = blob; recv.lParam = blob.size(); ProtoChainRecv(hContact, PSR_AUTH, 0, (LPARAM)&recv); } MCONTACT CSteamProto::AddContact(const char *steamId, const wchar_t *nick, bool isTemporary) { mir_cslock lock(m_addContactLock); if (!steamId || !mir_strlen(steamId)) { debugLogA(__FUNCTION__ ": empty steam id"); return NULL; } MCONTACT hContact = GetContact(steamId); if (hContact) return hContact; // create contact hContact = db_add_contact(); Proto_AddToContact(hContact, m_szModuleName); setString(hContact, DBKEY_STEAM_ID, steamId); if (mir_wstrlen(nick)) { setWString(hContact, "Nick", nick); db_set_ws(hContact, "CList", "MyHandle", nick); } if (isTemporary) { debugLogA("Contact %d added as a temporary one"); Contact::RemoveFromList(hContact); } setByte(hContact, "Auth", 1); // move to default group if (!Clist_GroupExists(m_wszGroupName)) Clist_GroupCreate(0, m_wszGroupName); Clist_SetGroup(hContact, m_wszGroupName); return hContact; } void CSteamProto::UpdateContactRelationship(MCONTACT hContact, const JSONNode &data) { const JSONNode &node = data["friend_since"]; if (node) db_set_dw(hContact, "UserInfo", "ContactAddTime", node.as_int()); json_string relationship = data["relationship"].as_string(); if (relationship == "friend") ContactIsFriend(hContact); else if (relationship == "ignoredfriend") ContactIsBlocked(hContact); else if (relationship == "requestrecipient") ContactIsAskingAuth(hContact); } void CSteamProto::OnGotAppInfo(const JSONNode &root, void *arg) { MCONTACT hContact = (UINT_PTR)arg; for (auto &app : root["apps"]) { uint32_t gameId = app["appid"].as_int(); CMStringW message = app["name"].as_mstring(); setDword(hContact, "XStatusId", gameId); setWString(hContact, "XStatusName", TranslateT("Playing")); setWString(hContact, "XStatusMsg", message); } } void CSteamProto::OnGotFriendList(const JSONNode &root, void *) { if (root.isnull()) return; // Comma-separated list of steam ids to update summaries std::string steamIds = (char *)ptrA(getStringA(DBKEY_STEAM_ID)); // Remember contacts on server std::map<json_string, const JSONNode*> friendsMap; for (auto &_friend : root["friends"]) { json_string steamId = _friend["steamid"].as_string(); friendsMap.insert(std::make_pair(steamId, &_friend)); } if (friendsMap.empty()) { debugLogA("Empty friends list, exiting"); return; } // Check and update contacts in database for (auto &hContact : AccContacts()) { ptrA steamId(getStringA(hContact, DBKEY_STEAM_ID)); if (steamId == nullptr) continue; auto it = friendsMap.find((char *)steamId); if (it == friendsMap.end()) { // Contact was removed from server-list, notify it ContactIsRemoved(hContact); continue; } const JSONNode &_friend = *it->second; // Contact is on server-list, update (and eventually notify) it UpdateContactRelationship(hContact, _friend); // Do not update summary for non friends json_string relationship = _friend["relationship"].as_string(); if (relationship == "friend") steamIds.append(",").append(it->first); friendsMap.erase(it); } // Check remaining contacts in map and add them to contact list for (auto it : friendsMap) { // Contact is on server-list, but not in database, add (but not notify) it const JSONNode &_friend = *it.second; json_string relationship = _friend["relationship"].as_string(); MCONTACT hContact = AddContact(it.first.c_str(), nullptr, relationship != "friend"); UpdateContactRelationship(hContact, _friend); if (relationship == "friend") steamIds.append(",").append(it.first); } friendsMap.clear(); if (!steamIds.empty()) SendRequest(new GetUserSummariesRequest(this, steamIds.c_str()), &CSteamProto::OnGotUserSummaries); // Load last conversations SendRequest(new GetConversationsRequest(this), &CSteamProto::OnGotConversations); } void CSteamProto::OnGotBlockList(const JSONNode &root, void *) { if (root.isnull()) return; for (auto &_friend : root["friends"]) { // json_string steamId = _friend["steamid"].as_string(); json_string relationship = _friend["relationship"].as_string(); if (!mir_strcmp(relationship.c_str(), "ignoredfriend")) { // todo: open block list } else continue; } } void CSteamProto::OnGotUserSummaries(const JSONNode &root, void *) { for (auto &player : root["players"]) { json_string steamId = player["steamid"].as_string(); CMStringW nick = player["personaname"].as_mstring(); MCONTACT hContact = !IsMe(steamId.c_str()) ? AddContact(steamId.c_str(), nick) : 0; UpdateContactDetails(hContact, player); } } void CSteamProto::OnGotAvatar(const HttpResponse &response, void *arg) { PROTO_AVATAR_INFORMATION ai = { 0 }; ai.hContact = (UINT_PTR)arg; GetDbAvatarInfo(ai); if (!response.IsSuccess()) { ptrA steamId(getStringA(ai.hContact, DBKEY_STEAM_ID)); debugLogA(__FUNCTION__ ": failed to get avatar %s", steamId.get()); if (ai.hContact) ProtoBroadcastAck(ai.hContact, ACKTYPE_AVATAR, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (HANDLE)& ai, 0); return; } FILE *file = _wfopen(ai.filename, L"wb"); if (file) { fwrite(response.data(), sizeof(char), response.length(), file); fclose(file); if (ai.hContact) ProtoBroadcastAck(ai.hContact, ACKTYPE_AVATAR, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)& ai, 0); else ReportSelfAvatarChanged(); } } void CSteamProto::OnFriendAdded(const HttpResponse &response, void *arg) { SendAuthParam *param = (SendAuthParam *)arg; if (!response.IsSuccess() || mir_strcmp(response.data(), "true")) { ptrW steamId(getWStringA(param->hContact, DBKEY_STEAM_ID)); ptrW who(getWStringA(param->hContact, "Nick")); if (!who) who = mir_wstrdup(steamId); wchar_t message[MAX_PATH]; mir_snwprintf(message, L"Error adding friend %s", who.get()); JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(response.data()); if (root) { int success = root["success"].as_int(); if (success == 1) { const JSONNode &invited = root["invited"]; if (invited) { const JSONNode &errors = root["failed_invites_result"]; if (!errors.empty()) { int first = 0; int errorCode = errors[first].as_int(); switch (errorCode) { case 11: mir_snwprintf(message, L"All communication with %s is blocked. Communication is only possible if you have lifted the blocking. To do this, visit the user's Steam Community page.", who.get()); break; case 15: mir_snwprintf(message, L"Request to %s can not be sent. His/her friends list is full.", who.get()); break; case 24: mir_wstrcpy(message, L"Your account does not meet the requirements to use this feature. Visit Steam Support to get more information."); break; case 25: mir_snwprintf(message, L"Request to %s can not be sent. Your friends list is full.", who.get()); break; case 40: mir_snwprintf(message, L"Error adding friend %s. The communication between you and the other Steam member is blocked.", who.get()); break; case 84: mir_wstrcpy(message, L"You've been sending too many invitations lately. Please try again in a day or two."); break; } } } else { ContactIsFriend(param->hContact); ProtoBroadcastAck(param->hContact, ACKTYPE_AUTHREQ, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, param->hAuth, 0); return; } } } ShowNotification(message, MB_ICONERROR); ProtoBroadcastAck(param->hContact, ACKTYPE_AUTHREQ, ACKRESULT_FAILED, param->hAuth, 0); return; } ContactIsFriend(param->hContact); ProtoBroadcastAck(param->hContact, ACKTYPE_AUTHREQ, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, param->hAuth, 0); } void CSteamProto::OnFriendBlocked(const HttpResponse &response, void *arg) { ptrA steamId((char *)arg); if (!response.IsSuccess() || mir_strcmp(response.data(), "true")) { debugLogA(__FUNCTION__ ": failed to ignore friend %s", (char *)steamId); return; } MCONTACT hContact = GetContact(steamId); if (hContact) ContactIsBlocked(hContact); } void CSteamProto::OnFriendUnblocked(const HttpResponse &response, void *arg) { ptrA steamId((char *)arg); if (!response.IsSuccess() || mir_strcmp(response.data(), "true")) { debugLogA(__FUNCTION__ ": failed to unignore friend %s", (char *)steamId); return; } MCONTACT hContact = GetContact(steamId); if (hContact) ContactIsUnblocked(hContact); } void CSteamProto::OnFriendRemoved(const HttpResponse &response, void *arg) { ptrA steamId((char *)arg); if (!response.IsSuccess() || mir_strcmp(response.data(), "true")) { debugLogA(__FUNCTION__ ": failed to remove friend %s", (char *)steamId); return; } MCONTACT hContact = GetContact(steamId); if (hContact) ContactIsRemoved(hContact); } void CSteamProto::OnAuthRequested(const JSONNode &root, void *) { if (root.isnull()) return; for (auto &player : root["players"]) { json_string steamId = player["steamid"].as_string(); CMStringW nick = player["personaname"].as_mstring(); MCONTACT hContact = AddContact(steamId.c_str(), nick); UpdateContactDetails(hContact, player); ContactIsAskingAuth(hContact); } } void CSteamProto::OnPendingApproved(const JSONNode &root, void *arg) { ptrA steamId((char *)arg); if (root.isnull()) return; int success = root["success"].as_int(); if (success == 0) { json_string error = root["error_text"].as_string(); debugLogA(__FUNCTION__ ": failed to approve pending from %s (%s)", steamId.get(), ptrA(mir_utf8decodeA(error.c_str())).get()); } } void CSteamProto::OnPendingIgnoreded(const JSONNode &root, void *arg) { ptrA steamId((char *)arg); if (root.isnull()) return; int success = root["success"].as_int(); if (success == 0) { json_string error = root["error_text"].as_string(); debugLogA(__FUNCTION__ ": failed to ignore pending from %s (%s)", steamId.get(), ptrA(mir_utf8decodeA(error.c_str())).get()); } } void CSteamProto::OnSearchResults(const HttpResponse &response, void *arg) { HANDLE searchType = (HANDLE)arg; if (!response.IsSuccess()) { ProtoBroadcastAck(NULL, ACKTYPE_SEARCH, ACKRESULT_FAILED, searchType, 0); debugLogA(__FUNCTION__ ": failed to get summaries"); return; } JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(response.data()); if (root.isnull()) { ProtoBroadcastAck(NULL, ACKTYPE_SEARCH, ACKRESULT_FAILED, searchType, 0); debugLogA(__FUNCTION__ ": no data"); return; } for (auto &player : root["players"]) { STEAM_SEARCH_RESULT ssr = { 0 }; ssr.psr.cbSize = sizeof(STEAM_SEARCH_RESULT); ssr.psr.flags = PSR_UNICODE; CMStringW steamId = player["steamid"].as_mstring(); ssr.psr.id.w = steamId.Detach(); CMStringW nick = player["personaname"].as_mstring(); ssr.psr.nick.w = nick.Detach(); const JSONNode &node = player["realname"]; if (node) { CMStringW realName = node.as_mstring(); if (!realName.IsEmpty()) { int pos = realName.Find(' ', 1); if (pos != -1) { ssr.psr.firstName.w = realName.Mid(0, pos).Detach(); ssr.psr.lastName.w = realName.Mid(pos + 1).Detach(); } else ssr.psr.firstName.w = realName.Detach(); } } // todo: is this needed and safe (no memleak) to be here? ssr.data = json_copy(&player); ProtoBroadcastAck(NULL, ACKTYPE_SEARCH, ACKRESULT_DATA, searchType, (LPARAM)& ssr); } ProtoBroadcastAck(NULL, ACKTYPE_SEARCH, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, searchType, 0); } void CSteamProto::OnSearchByNameStarted(const HttpResponse &response, void *arg) { if (!response.IsSuccess()) { ProtoBroadcastAck(NULL, ACKTYPE_SEARCH, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (HANDLE)arg, 0); debugLogA(__FUNCTION__ ": failed to get results"); return; } JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(response.data()); if (root.isnull()) { ProtoBroadcastAck(NULL, ACKTYPE_SEARCH, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (HANDLE)arg, 0); debugLogA(__FUNCTION__ ": no data"); return; } // JSONNode *count = json_get(root, "count"); // number of results given in this request // JSONNode *total = json_get(root, "total"); // number of all search results // TODO: may need to load all remaining results, but we need to remember our previous offset and then increment it and cycle with results std::string steamIds; for (auto &result : root["results"]) { json_string steamId = result["steamid"].as_string(); steamIds.append(steamId).append(","); } if (steamIds.empty()) { ProtoBroadcastAck(NULL, ACKTYPE_SEARCH, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)arg, 0); return; } // remove trailing "," steamIds.pop_back(); SendRequest(new GetUserSummariesRequest(this, steamIds.c_str()), &CSteamProto::OnSearchResults, (HANDLE)arg); }