#ifndef _STEAM_PROTO_H_
#define _STEAM_PROTO_H_

#define STEAM_SEARCH_BYID 1001

struct SendAuthParam
	MCONTACT hContact;
	HANDLE hAuth;

	JSONNode *data;

	CMI_MAX   // this item shall be the last one

typedef void(CSteamProto::*SteamResponseCallback)(const HttpResponse *response);
typedef void(CSteamProto::*SteamResponseWithArgCallback)(const HttpResponse *response, void *arg);

class CSteamProto : public PROTO<CSteamProto>
	friend CSteamPasswordEditor;
	friend CSteamOptionsMain;
	friend CSteamOptionsBlockList;

	CSteamProto(const char *protoName, const wchar_t *userName);

	virtual	MCONTACT  __cdecl AddToList(int flags, PROTOSEARCHRESULT *psr);

	virtual	int       __cdecl Authorize(MEVENT hDbEvent);
	virtual	int       __cdecl AuthDeny(MEVENT hDbEvent, const wchar_t *szReason);
	virtual	int       __cdecl AuthRequest(MCONTACT hContact, const wchar_t * szMessage);

	virtual	DWORD_PTR __cdecl GetCaps(int type, MCONTACT hContact = NULL);

	virtual	HANDLE    __cdecl SearchBasic(const wchar_t *id);
	virtual HANDLE    __cdecl SearchByName(const wchar_t* nick, const wchar_t* firstName, const wchar_t* lastName);

	virtual	int       __cdecl SendMsg(MCONTACT hContact, int flags, const char* msg);

	virtual	int       __cdecl SetStatus(int iNewStatus);

	virtual	int       __cdecl UserIsTyping(MCONTACT hContact, int type);

	virtual	int       __cdecl OnEvent(PROTOEVENTTYPE eventType, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);

	// instances
	static CSteamProto* InitProtoInstance(const char* protoName, const wchar_t* userName);
	static int UninitProtoInstance(CSteamProto* ppro);

	static CSteamProto* GetContactProtoInstance(MCONTACT hContact);
	static void UninitProtoInstances();

	// menus
	static void InitMenus();
	static void UninitMenus();

	wchar_t *password;
	bool isLoginAgain;
	time_t m_idleTS;
	HANDLE m_evRequestsQueue, m_hQueueThread;
	HANDLE m_pollingConnection, m_hPollingThread;
	ULONG  hAuthProcess;
	ULONG  hMessageProcess;
	mir_cs contact_search_lock;
	mir_cs requests_queue_lock;
	mir_cs set_status_lock;
	std::map<HANDLE, time_t> m_mpOutMessages;

	 * Used only to compare in steam_history.cpp, others should write such value directly to db profile, because PollingThread
	 * may start sooner than steam_history requests so it could possibly break getting history messages from server
	time_t m_lastMessageTS;

	// instances
	static LIST<CSteamProto> InstanceList;
	static int CompareProtos(const CSteamProto *p1, const CSteamProto *p2);

	// requests
	RequestQueue *requestQueue;

	void PushRequest(HttpRequest *request);
	void PushRequest(HttpRequest *request, SteamResponseCallback response);
	void PushRequest(HttpRequest *request, SteamResponseWithArgCallback response, void *arg, HttpFinallyCallback last = NULL);

	void SendRequest(HttpRequest *request);
	void SendRequest(HttpRequest *request, SteamResponseCallback response);
	void SendRequest(HttpRequest *request, SteamResponseWithArgCallback response, void *arg, HttpFinallyCallback last = NULL);

	static void MirFreeArg(void *arg) { mir_free(arg); }

	// pooling thread
	void ParsePollData(JSONNode *data);
	void __cdecl PollingThread(void*);

	// account
	bool IsOnline();
	bool IsMe(const char *steamId);
	bool Relogin();

	void OnGotRsaKey(const HttpResponse *response);
	void OnAuthorization(const HttpResponse *response);
	void OnAuthorizationError(const JSONNode &node);
	void OnAuthorizationSuccess(const JSONNode &node);
	void OnGotSession(const HttpResponse *response);

	void OnLoggedOn(const HttpResponse *response);

	void HandleTokenExpired();
	void DeleteAuthSettings();

	// contacts
	void SetContactStatus(MCONTACT hContact, WORD status);
	void SetAllContactsStatus(WORD status);

	MCONTACT GetContactFromAuthEvent(MEVENT hEvent);

	void UpdateContact(MCONTACT hContact, JSONNode *data);
	void ProcessContact(std::map<std::string, JSONNode*>::iterator *it, MCONTACT hContact);
	void ContactIsRemoved(MCONTACT hContact);
	void ContactIsFriend(MCONTACT hContact);
	void ContactIsIgnored(MCONTACT hContact);
	void ContactIsAskingAuth(MCONTACT hContact);

	MCONTACT FindContact(const char *steamId);
	MCONTACT AddContact(const char *steamId, bool isTemporary = false);

	void OnGotFriendList(const HttpResponse *response);
	void OnGotBlockList(const HttpResponse *response);
	void OnGotUserSummaries(const HttpResponse *response);
	void OnGotAvatar(const HttpResponse *response, void *arg);

	void OnFriendAdded(const HttpResponse *response, void *arg);
	void OnFriendBlocked(const HttpResponse *response, void *arg);
	void OnFriendRemoved(const HttpResponse *response, void *arg);

	void OnAuthRequested(const HttpResponse *response, void *arg);

	void OnPendingApproved(const HttpResponse *response, void *arg);
	void OnPendingIgnoreded(const HttpResponse *response, void *arg);

	void OnSearchResults(const HttpResponse *response, void *arg);
	void OnSearchByNameStarted(const HttpResponse *response, void *arg);

	// messages
	int OnSendMessage(MCONTACT hContact, const char* message);
	void OnMessageSent(const HttpResponse *response, void *arg);
	int __cdecl OnPreCreateMessage(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam);

	// history
	void OnGotConversations(const HttpResponse *response);
	void OnGotHistoryMessages(const HttpResponse *response, void *arg);

	// menus
	static int hChooserMenu;
	static HGENMENU contactMenuItems[CMI_MAX];

	int __cdecl AuthRequestCommand(WPARAM, LPARAM);
	int __cdecl BlockCommand(WPARAM, LPARAM);
	int __cdecl JoinToGameCommand(WPARAM, LPARAM);

	INT_PTR __cdecl OpenBlockListCommand(WPARAM, LPARAM);

	static INT_PTR MenuChooseService(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);

	static int PrebuildContactMenu(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
	int OnPrebuildContactMenu(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM);

	void OnInitStatusMenu();

	// avatars
	wchar_t* GetAvatarFilePath(MCONTACT hContact);
	bool GetDbAvatarInfo(PROTO_AVATAR_INFORMATION &pai);
	void CheckAvatarChange(MCONTACT hContact, std::string avatarUrl);

	INT_PTR __cdecl GetAvatarInfo(WPARAM, LPARAM);
	INT_PTR __cdecl GetAvatarCaps(WPARAM, LPARAM);
	INT_PTR __cdecl GetMyAvatar(WPARAM, LPARAM);

	// xstatuses
	INT_PTR  __cdecl OnGetXStatusEx(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
	INT_PTR  __cdecl OnGetXStatusIcon(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
	INT_PTR  __cdecl OnRequestAdvStatusIconIdx(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
	HICON GetXStatusIcon(int status, UINT flags);
	int GetContactXStatus(MCONTACT hContact);

	HANDLE __cdecl GetAwayMsg(MCONTACT hContact);
	void __cdecl GetAwayMsgThread(void *arg);

	// events
	int OnModulesLoaded(WPARAM, LPARAM);
	int OnPreShutdown(WPARAM, LPARAM);
	int __cdecl OnIdleChanged(WPARAM, LPARAM);
	int __cdecl OnOptionsInit(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
	INT_PTR __cdecl OnAccountManagerInit(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);

	// utils
	static WORD SteamToMirandaStatus(int state);
	static int MirandaToSteamState(int status);

	static int RsaEncrypt(const char *pszModulus, const char *data, BYTE *encrypted, DWORD &encryptedSize);

	static void CSteamProto::ShowNotification(const wchar_t *message, int flags = 0, MCONTACT hContact = NULL);
	static void CSteamProto::ShowNotification(const wchar_t *caption, const wchar_t *message, int flags = 0, MCONTACT hContact = NULL);

	INT_PTR __cdecl OnGetEventTextChatStates(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);

	// helpers
	inline int IdleSeconds() {
		// Based on idle time we report Steam server will mark us as online/away/snooze
		switch (this->m_iStatus) {
		case ID_STATUS_NA:
			return 0;

		// ... or we can report real idle info
		// return m_idleTS ? time(0) - m_idleTS : 0;

	inline const char *AccountIdToSteamId(long long accountId)
		static char steamId[20];
		mir_snprintf(steamId, "%llu", accountId + 76561197960265728ll);
		return steamId;

int OnReloadIcons(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
void SetContactExtraIcon(MCONTACT hContact, int status);

#endif //_STEAM_PROTO_H_