AC_PREREQ([2.68]) AC_INIT([telegram-cli], [1.0]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([]) AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([config.h]) m4_include([m4_ax_check_openssl.m4]) m4_include([m4_ax_check_zlib.m4]) m4_include([m4-ax_gcc_builtin.m4]) # Checks for programs. AC_PROG_CC # BSD locations for headers and libraries from packages, Linux locations for self-compiled stuff. CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I/usr/local/include" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L/usr/local/lib" # Checks for libraries. AC_CHECK_LIB([m], [sqrt]) AC_SEARCH_LIBS([clock_gettime], [rt]) EVENT_VER="" EXTRA_OBJECTS="" # OPENSSL_INCLUDES to the include directives required # OPENSSL_LIBS to the -l directives required # OPENSSL_LDFLAGS to the -L or -R flags required AX_CHECK_OPENSSL(,[AC_MSG_ERROR([No openssl found])]) AX_CHECK_ZLIB(, [AC_MSG_ERROR([No zlib found])]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(extf,[enables extended queries system], [ if test "x$enableval" = "xno" ; then AC_DEFINE([DISABLE_EXTF],[1],[disable extf queries]) fi ],[ ]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(libevent,[--enable-libevent include libevent-based net and timers], [ if test "x$enableval" = "xyes" ; then AC_CHECK_LIB([event], [event_base_new], [], [AC_MSG_ERROR([no libevent found])]) AC_CHECK_HEADER(event2/event.h, [AC_DEFINE([EVENT_V2], [1], [Use libevent v2])], [ AC_CHECK_HEADER(event.h, [AC_DEFINE([EVENT_V1], [1], [Use libevent v1])], [AC_MSG_ERROR([no libevent found])]) ]) EXTRA_OBJECTS="${EXTRA_OBJECTS} objs/tgl-net.o objs/tgl-timers.o" fi ],[ ]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(valgrind,[fixes for correct valgrind work], [ if test "x$enableval" = "xyes" ; then AC_CHECK_HEADER(valgrind/memcheck.h, [AC_DEFINE([VALGRIND_FIXES], [1], [fixed for correct valgrind work])], [ ]) fi ],[ ]) # Checks for header files. AC_CHECK_HEADERS([execinfo.h fcntl.h malloc.h netdb.h stdlib.h string.h unistd.h arpa/inet.h mach/mach.h netinet/in.h sys/file.h sys/socket.h termios.h]) # Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. AC_TYPE_SIZE_T AC_TYPE_UID_T AC_C_INLINE # Checks for library functions. AC_FUNC_MALLOC AC_FUNC_REALLOC AC_CHECK_FUNCS([alarm endpwent memset memmove mkdir select socket strdup strndup uname]) AX_GCC_BUILTIN(__builtin_bswap32) AC_SUBST(EXTRA_LIBS) AC_SUBST(EXTRA_OBJECTS) AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile]) AC_OUTPUT