#pragma once #define STATUS_SWITCH_TIMEOUT 600 #define DBKEY_ID "id" #define DBKEY_COMPAT "Compatibility" #define DBKEY_AUTHORIZED "Authorized" #define DBKEY_AVATAR_HASH "AvatarHash" #define DBKEY_AVATAR_TYPE "AvatarType" class CTelegramProto; typedef void (CTelegramProto:: *TG_QUERY_HANDLER)(td::ClientManager::Response &response); typedef void (CTelegramProto:: *TG_QUERY_HANDLER_FULL)(td::ClientManager::Response &response, void *pUserInfo); struct TG_REQUEST_BASE { TG_REQUEST_BASE(td::ClientManager::RequestId _1) : requestId(_1) {} virtual ~TG_REQUEST_BASE() {} td::ClientManager::RequestId requestId; virtual void Execute(CTelegramProto *ppro, td::ClientManager::Response &response) = 0; }; struct TG_REQUEST : public TG_REQUEST_BASE { TG_REQUEST(td::ClientManager::RequestId _1, TG_QUERY_HANDLER _2) : TG_REQUEST_BASE(_1), pHandler(_2) {} TG_QUERY_HANDLER pHandler; void Execute(CTelegramProto *ppro, td::ClientManager::Response &response) override { (ppro->*pHandler)(response); } }; struct TG_REQUEST_FULL : public TG_REQUEST_BASE { TG_REQUEST_FULL(td::ClientManager::RequestId _1, TG_QUERY_HANDLER_FULL _2, void *_3) : TG_REQUEST_BASE(_1), pHandler(_2), pUserInfo(_3) {} TG_QUERY_HANDLER_FULL pHandler; void *pUserInfo; void Execute(CTelegramProto *ppro, td::ClientManager::Response &response) override { (ppro->*pHandler)(response, pUserInfo); } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct TG_FILE_REQUEST : public MZeroedObject { enum Type { AVATAR = 1, FILE = 2, PICTURE = 3, VIDEO = 4, VOICE = 5 }; TG_FILE_REQUEST(Type _1, TD::int53 _2, const char *_3) : m_type(_1), m_fileId(_2), m_uniqueId(_3) {} ~TG_FILE_REQUEST() { delete ofd; } void AutoDetectType(); Type m_type; MCONTACT m_hContact = 0; TD::int53 m_fileId, m_fileSize = 0; CMStringA m_uniqueId, m_szUserId; CMStringW m_destPath, m_fileName, m_wszDescr; OFDTHREAD *ofd = 0; }; struct TG_USER : public MZeroedObject { TG_USER(int64_t _1, MCONTACT _2, bool _3 = false) : id(_1), hContact(_2), isGroupChat(_3) { chatId = (isGroupChat) ? -1 : id; } ~TG_USER() { delete pReactions; } int64_t id, chatId; MCONTACT hContact; bool isGroupChat, bLoadMembers; CMStringA szAvatarHash; CMStringW wszNick, wszFirstName, wszLastName; time_t m_timer1 = 0, m_timer2 = 0; SESSION_INFO *m_si = nullptr; TD::chatNotificationSettings notificationSettings; OBJLIST *pReactions = nullptr; CMStringW getDisplayName() const; }; struct TG_SUPER_GROUP { TG_SUPER_GROUP(int64_t _1, TD::object_ptr _2) : id(_1), group(std::move(_2)) {} int64_t id; TD::object_ptr group; }; struct TG_BASIC_GROUP { TG_BASIC_GROUP(int64_t _1, TD::object_ptr _2) : id(_1), group(std::move(_2)) {} int64_t id; TD::object_ptr group; }; struct TG_OWN_MESSAGE { TG_OWN_MESSAGE(MCONTACT _1, HANDLE _2, int64_t _3) : hContact(_1), hAck(_2), tmpMsgId(_3) {} int64_t tmpMsgId, tmpFileId = -1; HANDLE hAck; MCONTACT hContact; }; class CTelegramProto : public PROTO { friend class CForwardDlg; friend class CReactionsDlg; friend class CAddPhoneContactDlg; class CProtoImpl { friend class CTelegramProto; CTelegramProto &m_proto; CTimer m_keepAlive, m_markRead, m_deleteMsg; void OnKeepAlive(CTimer *) { m_proto.SendKeepAlive(); } void OnDeleteMsg(CTimer *) { m_proto.SendDeleteMsg(); } void OnMarkRead(CTimer *) { m_proto.SendMarkRead(); } CProtoImpl(CTelegramProto &pro) : m_proto(pro), m_markRead(Miranda_GetSystemWindow(), UINT_PTR(this)), m_keepAlive(Miranda_GetSystemWindow(), UINT_PTR(this)+1), m_deleteMsg(Miranda_GetSystemWindow(), UINT_PTR(this)+2) { m_markRead.OnEvent = Callback(this, &CProtoImpl::OnMarkRead); m_deleteMsg.OnEvent = Callback(this, &CProtoImpl::OnDeleteMsg); m_keepAlive.OnEvent = Callback(this, &CProtoImpl::OnKeepAlive); } } m_impl; bool __forceinline isRunning() const { return m_pClientManager != nullptr; } std::unique_ptr m_pClientManager; TD::object_ptr pAuthState; TD::object_ptr pConnState; mir_cs m_csMarkRead; TD::int53 m_markChatId = 0; TD::array m_markIds; mir_cs m_csDeleteMsg; TD::int53 m_deleteChatId = 0; TD::array m_deleteIds; bool m_bAuthorized, m_bTerminated, m_bUnregister = false, m_bSmileyAdd = false; int32_t m_iClientId, m_iQueryId; CMStringA m_defaultEmoji; OBJLIST m_arOwnMsg; OBJLIST m_arRequests; mir_cs m_csFiles; LIST m_arFiles; TG_FILE_REQUEST* PopFile(const char *pszUniqueId); static INT_PTR CALLBACK EnterEmail(void *param); static INT_PTR CALLBACK EnterEmailCode(void *param); static INT_PTR CALLBACK EnterPassword(void *param); static INT_PTR CALLBACK EnterPhoneCode(void *param); CMStringW GetProtoFolder() const { return CMStringW(VARSW(L"%miranda_userdata%")) + L"\\" + _A2T(m_szModuleName); } void OnEndSession(td::ClientManager::Response &response); void OnGetFileInfo(td::ClientManager::Response &response, void *pUserInfo); void OnGetHistory(td::ClientManager::Response &response, void *pUserInfo); void OnSendFile(td::ClientManager::Response &response, void *pUserInfo); void OnSendMessage(td::ClientManager::Response &response); void OnUpdateAuth(td::ClientManager::Response &response); void LogOut(void); void OnLoggedIn(void); void ProcessResponse(td::ClientManager::Response); void SendKeepAlive(void); void SendDeleteMsg(void); void SendMarkRead(void); int SendQuery(TD::Function *pFunc, TG_QUERY_HANDLER pHandler = nullptr); int SendQuery(TD::Function *pFunc, TG_QUERY_HANDLER_FULL pHandler, void *pUserInfo); int SendTextMessage(int64_t chatId, const char *pszMessage); void ProcessAuth(TD::updateAuthorizationState *pObj); void ProcessBasicGroup(TD::updateBasicGroup *pObj); void ProcessChat(TD::updateNewChat *pObj); void ProcessChatLastMessage(TD::updateChatLastMessage *pObj); void ProcessChatNotification(TD::updateChatNotificationSettings *pObj); void ProcessChatPosition(TD::updateChatPosition *pObj); void ProcessChatReactions(TD::updateChatAvailableReactions *); void ProcessConnectionState(TD::updateConnectionState *pObj); void ProcessActiveEmoji(TD::updateActiveEmojiReactions *pObj); void ProcessDeleteMessage(TD::updateDeleteMessages *pObj); void ProcessFile(TD::updateFile *pObj); void ProcessGroups(TD::updateChatFolders *pObj); void ProcessMarkRead(TD::updateChatReadInbox *pObj); void ProcessMessage(const TD::message *pMsg); void ProcessMessageContent(TD::updateMessageContent *pObj); void ProcessOption(TD::updateOption *pObj); void ProcessStatus(TD::updateUserStatus *pObj); void ProcessSuperGroup(TD::updateSupergroup *pObj); void ProcessUser(TD::updateUser *pObj); bool GetMessageFile(TG_FILE_REQUEST::Type, TG_USER *pUser, const TD::file *pFile, const char *pszFileName, const std::string &caption, const char *szId, const char *szUser, const TD::message *pMsg); CMStringA GetMessageSticker(const TD::file *pFile, const char *pwszExtension); CMStringA GetMessageText(TG_USER *pUser, const TD::message *pMsg); void UpdateString(MCONTACT hContact, const char *pszSetting, const std::string &str); // Avatars CMStringW GetAvatarFilename(MCONTACT hContact); INT_PTR __cdecl SvcGetAvatarCaps(WPARAM, LPARAM); INT_PTR __cdecl SvcGetAvatarInfo(WPARAM, LPARAM); INT_PTR __cdecl SvcGetMyAvatar(WPARAM, LPARAM); INT_PTR __cdecl SvcSetMyAvatar(WPARAM, LPARAM); // Group chats OBJLIST m_arBasicGroups; OBJLIST m_arSuperGroups; void InitGroupChat(TG_USER *pUser, const TD::chat *pChat); void StartGroupChat(td::ClientManager::Response &response, void *pUserData); void Chat_SendPrivateMessage(GCHOOK *gch); void Chat_LogMenu(GCHOOK *gch); bool GetGcUserId(TG_USER *pUser, const TD::message *pMsg, char *dest); // Search volatile unsigned m_iSearchCount; TD::array m_searchIds; void OnSearchResults(td::ClientManager::Response &response); bool CheckSearchUser(TG_USER *pUser); void ReportSearchUser(TG_USER *pUser); // Users int64_t m_iOwnId; MGROUP m_iBaseGroup; MCONTACT m_iSavedMessages; LIST m_arChats; OBJLIST m_arUsers; TG_USER* FindChat(int64_t id); TG_USER* FindUser(int64_t id); TG_USER* AddUser(int64_t id, bool bIsChat); TG_USER* AddFakeUser(int64_t id, bool bIsChat); TG_USER* GetSender(const TD::MessageSender *pSender); int64_t GetId(MCONTACT); void SetId(MCONTACT, int64_t id); MCONTACT GetRealContact(const TG_USER *pUser); // Menus HGENMENU hmiForward, hmiReaction; void InitMenus(); INT_PTR __cdecl SvcExecMenu(WPARAM, LPARAM); int __cdecl OnPrebuildMenu(WPARAM, LPARAM); // Popups HANDLE m_hPopupClass; void InitPopups(void); void Popup(MCONTACT hContact, const wchar_t *szMsg, const wchar_t *szTitle); public: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Ctors CTelegramProto(const char *protoName, const wchar_t *userName); ~CTelegramProto(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Virtual functions MCONTACT AddToList(int flags, PROTOSEARCHRESULT *psr) override; int AuthRequest(MCONTACT hContact, const wchar_t *) override; INT_PTR GetCaps(int type, MCONTACT hContact = NULL) override; HANDLE SendFile(MCONTACT hContact, const wchar_t *szDescription, wchar_t **ppszFiles) override; MEVENT RecvFile(MCONTACT hContact, PROTORECVFILE *pre) override; HANDLE SearchByName(const wchar_t *nick, const wchar_t *firstName, const wchar_t *lastName) override; int SendMsg(MCONTACT hContact, const char *pszMessage) override; int SetStatus(int iNewStatus) override; void OnBuildProtoMenu() override; void OnContactDeleted(MCONTACT hContact) override; MWindow OnCreateAccMgrUI(MWindow hwndParent) override; void OnErase() override; void OnEventDeleted(MCONTACT, MEVENT) override; void OnEventEdited(MCONTACT, MEVENT, const DBEVENTINFO &dbei) override; void OnMarkRead(MCONTACT, MEVENT) override; void OnModulesLoaded() override; void OnReceiveOfflineFile(DB::FILE_BLOB &blob, void *ft) override; void OnSendOfflineFile(DB::EventInfo &dbei, DB::FILE_BLOB &blob, void *hTransfer) override; void OnShutdown() override; // Events //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int __cdecl OnEmptyHistory(WPARAM, LPARAM); int __cdecl OnOptionsInit(WPARAM, LPARAM); int __cdecl GcMenuHook(WPARAM, LPARAM); int __cdecl GcMuteHook(WPARAM, LPARAM); int __cdecl GcEventHook(WPARAM, LPARAM); // Services ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// INT_PTR __cdecl SvcAddByPhone(WPARAM, LPARAM); INT_PTR __cdecl SvcOfflineFile(WPARAM, LPARAM); INT_PTR __cdecl SvcLoadServerHistory(WPARAM, LPARAM); // Options /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CMOption m_iCountry; // set this status to m_iStatus1 after this interval of secs CMOption m_szOwnPhone; // our own phone number CMOption m_wszDefaultGroup; // clist group to store contacts CMOption m_wszDeviceName; // how do you see this session in Device List CMOption m_bHideGroupchats; // do not open chat windows on creation CMOption m_bUsePopups; CMOption m_bCompressFiles; // embed pictures & videos into a message on send CMOption m_iTimeDiff1; // set this status to m_iStatus1 after this interval of secs CMOption m_iStatus1; CMOption m_iTimeDiff2; // set this status to m_iStatus2 after this interval of secs CMOption m_iStatus2; // Processing Threads //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void __cdecl OfflineFileThread(void *); void __cdecl ServerThread(void *); }; typedef CProtoDlgBase CTelegramDlgBase;