/* This file is part of tgl-library This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Copyright Vitaly Valtman 2013-2015 */ #ifndef __TREE_H__ #define __TREE_H__ #include <stdio.h> #include <memory.h> #include <assert.h> #include "tools.h" #pragma pack(push,4) #define DEFINE_TREE(X_NAME, X_TYPE, X_CMP, X_UNSET) \ struct tree_ ## X_NAME { \ struct tree_ ## X_NAME *left, *right;\ X_TYPE x;\ int y;\ };\ \ static struct tree_ ## X_NAME *new_tree_node_ ## X_NAME (X_TYPE x, int y) {\ struct tree_ ## X_NAME *T = talloc (sizeof (*T));\ T->x = x;\ T->y = y;\ T->left = T->right = 0;\ return T;\ }\ \ static void delete_tree_node_ ## X_NAME (struct tree_ ## X_NAME *T) {\ tfree (T, sizeof (*T));\ }\ \ static void tree_split_ ## X_NAME (struct tree_ ## X_NAME *T, X_TYPE x, struct tree_ ## X_NAME **L, struct tree_ ## X_NAME **R) {\ if (!T) {\ *L = *R = 0;\ } else {\ int c = X_CMP (x, T->x);\ if (c < 0) {\ tree_split_ ## X_NAME (T->left, x, L, &T->left);\ *R = T;\ } else {\ tree_split_ ## X_NAME (T->right, x, &T->right, R);\ *L = T;\ }\ }\ }\ \ static struct tree_ ## X_NAME *tree_insert_ ## X_NAME (struct tree_ ## X_NAME *T, X_TYPE x, int y) __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result,unused));\ static struct tree_ ## X_NAME *tree_insert_ ## X_NAME (struct tree_ ## X_NAME *T, X_TYPE x, int y) {\ if (!T) {\ return new_tree_node_ ## X_NAME (x, y);\ } else {\ if (y > T->y) {\ struct tree_ ## X_NAME *N = new_tree_node_ ## X_NAME (x, y);\ tree_split_ ## X_NAME (T, x, &N->left, &N->right);\ return N;\ } else {\ int c = X_CMP (x, T->x);\ assert (c);\ if (c < 0) { \ T->left = tree_insert_ ## X_NAME (T->left, x, y);\ } else { \ T->right = tree_insert_ ## X_NAME (T->right, x, y);\ } \ return T; \ }\ }\ }\ \ static struct tree_ ## X_NAME *tree_merge_ ## X_NAME (struct tree_ ## X_NAME *L, struct tree_ ## X_NAME *R) {\ if (!L || !R) {\ return L ? L : R;\ } else {\ if (L->y > R->y) {\ L->right = tree_merge_ ## X_NAME (L->right, R);\ return L;\ } else {\ R->left = tree_merge_ ## X_NAME (L, R->left);\ return R;\ }\ }\ }\ \ static struct tree_ ## X_NAME *tree_delete_ ## X_NAME (struct tree_ ## X_NAME *T, X_TYPE x) __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result,unused));\ static struct tree_ ## X_NAME *tree_delete_ ## X_NAME (struct tree_ ## X_NAME *T, X_TYPE x) {\ assert (T);\ int c = X_CMP (x, T->x);\ if (!c) {\ struct tree_ ## X_NAME *N = tree_merge_ ## X_NAME (T->left, T->right);\ delete_tree_node_ ## X_NAME (T);\ return N;\ } else {\ if (c < 0) { \ T->left = tree_delete_ ## X_NAME (T->left, x); \ } else { \ T->right = tree_delete_ ## X_NAME (T->right, x); \ } \ return T; \ }\ }\ \ static X_TYPE tree_get_min_ ## X_NAME (struct tree_ ## X_NAME *t) __attribute__ ((unused));\ static X_TYPE tree_get_min_ ## X_NAME (struct tree_ ## X_NAME *T) {\ if (!T) { return X_UNSET; } \ while (T->left) { T = T->left; }\ return T->x; \ } \ \ static X_TYPE tree_lookup_ ## X_NAME (struct tree_ ## X_NAME *T, X_TYPE x) __attribute__ ((unused));\ static X_TYPE tree_lookup_ ## X_NAME (struct tree_ ## X_NAME *T, X_TYPE x) {\ int c;\ while (T && (c = X_CMP (x, T->x))) {\ T = (c < 0 ? T->left : T->right);\ }\ return T ? T->x : X_UNSET;\ }\ \ static void tree_act_ ## X_NAME (struct tree_ ## X_NAME *T, void (*act)(X_TYPE)) __attribute__ ((unused));\ static void tree_act_ ## X_NAME (struct tree_ ## X_NAME *T, void (*act)(X_TYPE)) {\ if (!T) { return; } \ tree_act_ ## X_NAME (T->left, act); \ act (T->x); \ tree_act_ ## X_NAME (T->right, act); \ }\ \ static void tree_act_ex_ ## X_NAME (struct tree_ ## X_NAME *T, void (*act)(X_TYPE, void *), void *extra) __attribute__ ((unused));\ static void tree_act_ex_ ## X_NAME (struct tree_ ## X_NAME *T, void (*act)(X_TYPE, void *), void *extra) {\ if (!T) { return; } \ tree_act_ex_ ## X_NAME (T->left, act, extra); \ act (T->x, extra); \ tree_act_ex_ ## X_NAME (T->right, act, extra); \ }\ \ static int tree_count_ ## X_NAME (struct tree_ ## X_NAME *T) __attribute__ ((unused));\ static int tree_count_ ## X_NAME (struct tree_ ## X_NAME *T) { \ if (!T) { return 0; }\ return 1 + tree_count_ ## X_NAME (T->left) + tree_count_ ## X_NAME (T->right); \ }\ static void tree_check_ ## X_NAME (struct tree_ ## X_NAME *T) __attribute__ ((unused));\ static void tree_check_ ## X_NAME (struct tree_ ## X_NAME *T) { \ if (!T) { return; }\ if (T->left) { \ assert (T->left->y <= T->y);\ assert (X_CMP (T->left->x, T->x) < 0); \ }\ if (T->right) { \ assert (T->right->y <= T->y);\ assert (X_CMP (T->right->x, T->x) > 0); \ }\ tree_check_ ## X_NAME (T->left); \ tree_check_ ## X_NAME (T->right); \ }\ static struct tree_ ## X_NAME *tree_clear_ ## X_NAME (struct tree_ ## X_NAME *T) __attribute__ ((unused));\ static struct tree_ ## X_NAME *tree_clear_ ## X_NAME (struct tree_ ## X_NAME *T) { \ if (!T) { return 0; }\ tree_clear_ ## X_NAME (T->left); \ tree_clear_ ## X_NAME (T->right); \ delete_tree_node_ ## X_NAME (T); \ return 0; \ } \ #define int_cmp(a,b) ((a) - (b)) #pragma pack(pop) #endif