/* Copyright (C) 2012-23 Miranda NG team (https://miranda-ng.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" const char *getName(const TD::usernames *pName) { return (pName == nullptr) ? TranslateU("none") : pName->editable_username_.c_str(); } TD::object_ptr makeFile(const CMStringW &wszFile) { std::string szPath = T2Utf(wszFile); return TD::make_object(std::move(szPath)); } void TG_FILE_REQUEST::AutoDetectType() { if (ProtoGetAvatarFileFormat(m_fileName) != PA_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) { m_type = this->PICTURE; return; } int idx = m_fileName.ReverseFind('.'); if (idx == -1 || m_fileName.Find('\\', idx) != -1) return; auto wszExt = m_fileName.Right(m_fileName.GetLength() - idx); wszExt.MakeLower(); if (wszExt == L"mp4" || wszExt == L"webm") m_type = this->VIDEO; else if (wszExt == L"mp3" || wszExt == "ogg" || wszExt == "oga" || wszExt == "wav") m_type = this->VOICE; } CMStringW TG_USER::getDisplayName() const { if (!wszFirstName.IsEmpty()) return (wszLastName.IsEmpty()) ? wszFirstName : wszFirstName + L" " + wszLastName; return wszNick; } MCONTACT CTelegramProto::GetRealContact(const TG_USER *pUser) { return (pUser->hContact != 0) ? pUser->hContact : m_iSavedMessages; } TG_USER* CTelegramProto::GetSender(const TD::MessageSender *pSender) { switch (pSender->get_id()) { case TD::messageSenderChat::ID: return FindChat(((TD::messageSenderChat *)pSender)->chat_id_); case TD::messageSenderUser::ID: return FindUser(((TD::messageSenderUser *)pSender)->user_id_); } return nullptr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CTelegramProto::CheckSearchUser(TG_USER *pUser) { auto pSearchId = std::find(m_searchIds.begin(), m_searchIds.end(), pUser->chatId); if (pSearchId == m_searchIds.end()) return false; ReportSearchUser(pUser); m_searchIds.erase(pSearchId); if (m_searchIds.empty()) ProtoBroadcastAck(0, ACKTYPE_SEARCH, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, this); return true; } void CTelegramProto::ReportSearchUser(TG_USER *pUser) { CMStringW wszId(FORMAT, L"%lld", pUser->id), wszNick, wszLastName, wszFirstName; PROTOSEARCHRESULT psr = {}; psr.cbSize = sizeof(psr); psr.flags = PSR_UNICODE; psr.id.w = wszId.GetBuffer(); if (pUser->hContact != INVALID_CONTACT_ID) { wszNick = getMStringW(pUser->hContact, "Nick"); wszLastName = getMStringW(pUser->hContact, "LastName"); wszFirstName = getMStringW(pUser->hContact, "FirstName"); psr.nick.w = wszNick.GetBuffer(); psr.lastName.w = wszLastName.GetBuffer(); psr.firstName.w = wszFirstName.GetBuffer(); } else { psr.firstName.w = pUser->wszFirstName.GetBuffer(); psr.lastName.w = pUser->wszLastName.GetBuffer(); psr.nick.w = pUser->wszNick.GetBuffer(); } ProtoBroadcastAck(0, ACKTYPE_SEARCH, ACKRESULT_DATA, this, (LPARAM)&psr); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int64_t CTelegramProto::GetId(MCONTACT hContact) { return _atoi64(getMStringA(hContact, DBKEY_ID)); } void CTelegramProto::SetId(MCONTACT hContact, int64_t id) { char szId[100]; _i64toa(id, szId, 10); setString(hContact, DBKEY_ID, szId); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CTelegramProto::UpdateString(MCONTACT hContact, const char *pszSetting, const std::string &str) { if (str.empty()) delSetting(hContact, pszSetting); else setUString(hContact, pszSetting, str.c_str()); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Users TG_USER* CTelegramProto::FindChat(int64_t id) { auto *tmp = (TG_USER *)_alloca(sizeof(TG_USER)); tmp->chatId = id; return m_arChats.find(tmp); } TG_USER* CTelegramProto::FindUser(int64_t id) { return m_arUsers.find((TG_USER *)&id); } TG_USER* CTelegramProto::AddFakeUser(int64_t id, bool bIsChat) { auto *pu = FindUser(id); if (pu == nullptr) { pu = new TG_USER(id, INVALID_CONTACT_ID, bIsChat); m_arUsers.insert(pu); if (!bIsChat) m_arChats.insert(pu); } return pu; } TG_USER* CTelegramProto::AddUser(int64_t id, bool bIsChat) { auto *pUser = FindUser(id); if (pUser != nullptr) if (pUser->hContact != INVALID_CONTACT_ID) return pUser; MCONTACT hContact = db_add_contact(); Proto_AddToContact(hContact, m_szModuleName); SetId(hContact, id); if (bIsChat) { Clist_SetGroup(hContact, TranslateT("Chat rooms")); setByte(hContact, "ChatRoom", 1); } else if (mir_wstrlen(m_wszDefaultGroup)) Clist_SetGroup(hContact, m_wszDefaultGroup); if (pUser == nullptr) { pUser = new TG_USER(id, hContact, bIsChat); m_arUsers.insert(pUser); if (!bIsChat) m_arChats.insert(pUser); } else { pUser->hContact = hContact; setWString(hContact, "Nick", pUser->wszNick); setWString(hContact, "FirstName", pUser->wszFirstName); setWString(hContact, "LastName", pUser->wszLastName); } return pUser; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Popups void CTelegramProto::InitPopups(void) { g_plugin.addPopupOption(CMStringW(FORMAT, TranslateT("%s error notifications"), m_tszUserName), m_bUsePopups); char name[256]; mir_snprintf(name, "%s_%s", m_szModuleName, "Error"); wchar_t desc[256]; mir_snwprintf(desc, L"%s/%s", m_tszUserName, TranslateT("Errors")); POPUPCLASS ppc = {}; ppc.flags = PCF_UNICODE; ppc.pszName = name; ppc.pszDescription.w = desc; ppc.hIcon = IcoLib_GetIconByHandle(m_hProtoIcon); ppc.colorBack = RGB(191, 0, 0); //Red ppc.colorText = RGB(255, 245, 225); //Yellow ppc.iSeconds = 60; m_hPopupClass = Popup_RegisterClass(&ppc); IcoLib_ReleaseIcon(ppc.hIcon); } void CTelegramProto::Popup(MCONTACT hContact, const wchar_t *szMsg, const wchar_t *szTitle) { if (!m_bUsePopups) return; char name[256]; mir_snprintf(name, "%s_%s", m_szModuleName, "Error"); CMStringW wszTitle(szTitle); if (hContact == 0) { wszTitle.Insert(0, L": "); wszTitle.Insert(0, m_tszUserName); } POPUPDATACLASS ppd = {}; ppd.szTitle.w = wszTitle; ppd.szText.w = szMsg; ppd.pszClassName = name; ppd.hContact = hContact; Popup_AddClass(&ppd); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CTelegramProto::GetGcUserId(TG_USER *pUser, const TD::message *pMsg, char *dest) { if (pUser->isGroupChat) { if (auto *pSender = GetSender(pMsg->sender_id_.get())) { _i64toa(pSender->id, dest, 10); if (pUser->m_si && !pSender->wszFirstName.IsEmpty()) g_chatApi.UM_AddUser(pUser->m_si, Utf2T(dest), pSender->getDisplayName(), ID_STATUS_ONLINE); return true; } } *dest = 0; return false; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CTelegramProto::GetMessageFile( TG_FILE_REQUEST::Type fileType, TG_USER *pUser, const TD::file *pFile, const char *pszFileName, const std::string &caption, const char *pszId, const char *pszUserId, const TD::message *pMsg) { if (pFile->get_id() != TD::file::ID) { debugLogA("Document contains unsupported type %d, exiting", pFile->get_id()); return false; } auto *pRequest = new TG_FILE_REQUEST(fileType, pFile->id_, pFile->remote_->id_.c_str()); pRequest->m_fileName = Utf2T(pszFileName); pRequest->m_fileSize = pFile->size_; { mir_cslock lck(m_csFiles); m_arFiles.insert(pRequest); } MCONTACT hContact = GetRealContact(pUser); PROTORECVFILE pre = {}; pre.dwFlags = PRFF_UTF | PRFF_SILENT; pre.fileCount = 1; pre.timestamp = pMsg->date_; pre.files.a = &pszFileName; pre.lParam = (LPARAM)pRequest; pre.szId = pszId; pre.szUserId = pszUserId; if (!caption.empty()) pre.descr.a = caption.c_str(); if (pMsg->is_outgoing_) pre.dwFlags |= PRFF_SENT; if (Contact::IsGroupChat(hContact)) pre.dwFlags |= PRFF_READ; ProtoChainRecvFile(hContact, &pre); return true; } CMStringA CTelegramProto::GetMessageSticker(const TD::file *pFile, const char *pwszExtension) { auto *pFileId = pFile->remote_->unique_id_.c_str(); auto *pRequest = new TG_FILE_REQUEST(TG_FILE_REQUEST::AVATAR, pFile->id_, pFileId); pRequest->m_destPath = GetAvatarPath() + L"\\Stickers"; CreateDirectoryW(pRequest->m_destPath, 0); pRequest->m_fileName.Format(L"STK{%S}.%S", pFileId, pwszExtension); { mir_cslock lck(m_csFiles); m_arFiles.insert(pRequest); } SendQuery(new TD::downloadFile(pFile->id_, 10, 0, 0, true)); return CMStringA(FORMAT, "STK{%s}", pFileId); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static const TD::photoSize* GetBiggestPhoto(const TD::photo *pPhoto) { const char *types[] = { "y", "x", "m", "s" }; for (auto *pType : types) for (auto &it : pPhoto->sizes_) if (it->type_ == pType) return it.get(); return nullptr; } static bool checkStickerType(uint32_t ID) { switch (ID) { case TD::stickerTypeRegular::ID: case TD::stickerFullTypeRegular::ID: return true; default: return false; } } static const char *getFormattedText(TD::object_ptr &pText) { if (pText->get_id() == TD::formattedText::ID) return pText->text_.c_str(); return nullptr; } CMStringA CTelegramProto::GetMessageText(TG_USER *pUser, const TD::message *pMsg) { const TD::MessageContent *pBody = pMsg->content_.get(); char szId[100], szUserId[100], *pszUserId = nullptr; _i64toa(pMsg->id_, szId, 10); if (GetGcUserId(pUser, pMsg, szUserId)) pszUserId = szUserId; switch (pBody->get_id()) { case TD::messagePhoto::ID: { auto *pDoc = (TD::messagePhoto *)pBody; auto *pPhoto = GetBiggestPhoto(pDoc->photo_.get()); if (pPhoto == nullptr) { debugLogA("cannot find photo, exiting"); break; } CMStringA fileName(FORMAT, "%s (%d x %d)", TranslateU("Picture"), pPhoto->width_, pPhoto->height_); GetMessageFile(TG_FILE_REQUEST::PICTURE, pUser, pPhoto->photo_.get(), fileName, pDoc->caption_->text_, szId, pszUserId, pMsg); } break; case TD::messageVideo::ID: { auto *pDoc = (TD::messageVideo *)pBody; auto *pVideo = pDoc->video_.get(); CMStringA fileName(FORMAT, "%s (%d x %d, %d %s)", TranslateU("Video"), pVideo->width_, pVideo->height_, pVideo->duration_, TranslateU("seconds")); std::string caption = fileName.c_str(); if (!pDoc->caption_->text_.empty()) { caption += " "; caption += pDoc->caption_->text_; } GetMessageFile(TG_FILE_REQUEST::VIDEO, pUser, pVideo->video_.get(), pVideo->file_name_.c_str(), caption, szId, pszUserId, pMsg); } break; case TD::messageAnimation::ID: { auto *pDoc = (TD::messageAnimation *)pBody; auto *pVideo = pDoc->animation_.get(); CMStringA fileName(FORMAT, "%s (%d x %d, %d %s)", TranslateU("Video"), pVideo->width_, pVideo->height_, pVideo->duration_, TranslateU("seconds")); std::string caption = fileName.c_str(); if (!pDoc->caption_->text_.empty()) { caption += " "; caption += pDoc->caption_->text_; } GetMessageFile(TG_FILE_REQUEST::VIDEO, pUser, pVideo->animation_.get(), pVideo->file_name_.c_str(), caption, szId, pszUserId, pMsg); } break; case TD::messageVoiceNote::ID: { auto *pDoc = (TD::messageVoiceNote *)pBody; CMStringA fileName(FORMAT, "%s (%d %s)", TranslateU("Voice message"), pDoc->voice_note_->duration_, TranslateU("seconds")); GetMessageFile(TG_FILE_REQUEST::VOICE, pUser, pDoc->voice_note_->voice_.get(), fileName, pDoc->caption_->text_, szId, pszUserId, pMsg); } break; case TD::messageDocument::ID: { auto *pDoc = (TD::messageDocument *)pBody; GetMessageFile(TG_FILE_REQUEST::FILE, pUser, pDoc->document_->document_.get(), pDoc->document_->file_name_.c_str(), pDoc->caption_->text_, szId, pszUserId, pMsg); } break; case TD::messageAnimatedEmoji::ID: { auto *pObj = (TD::messageAnimatedEmoji *)pBody; if (m_bSmileyAdd) { if (auto *pAnimated = pObj->animated_emoji_.get()) { if (auto *pSticker = pAnimated->sticker_.get()) { if (!checkStickerType(pSticker->full_type_->get_id())) { debugLogA("You received a sticker of unsupported type %d, ignored", pSticker->full_type_->get_id()); break; } const char *pwszFileExt; switch (pSticker->thumbnail_->format_->get_id()) { case TD::thumbnailFormatGif::ID: pwszFileExt = "gif"; break; case TD::thumbnailFormatPng::ID: pwszFileExt = "png"; break; case TD::thumbnailFormatTgs::ID: pwszFileExt = "tga"; break; case TD::thumbnailFormatJpeg::ID: pwszFileExt = "jpg"; break; case TD::thumbnailFormatWebm::ID: pwszFileExt = "webm"; break; case TD::thumbnailFormatWebp::ID: pwszFileExt = "webp"; break; default:pwszFileExt = "jpeg"; break; } return GetMessageSticker(pSticker->thumbnail_->file_.get(), pwszFileExt); } } } return pObj->emoji_.c_str(); } case TD::messageSticker::ID: { auto *pSticker = ((TD::messageSticker *)pBody)->sticker_.get(); if (!checkStickerType(pSticker->full_type_->get_id())) { debugLogA("You received a sticker of unsupported type %d, ignored", pSticker->full_type_->get_id()); break; } if (!m_bSmileyAdd) return CMStringA(FORMAT, "%s: %s", TranslateU("SmileyAdd plugin required to support stickers"), pSticker->emoji_.c_str()); const char *pwszFileExt; switch (pSticker->format_->get_id()) { case TD::stickerFormatTgs::ID: pwszFileExt = "tga"; break; case TD::stickerFormatWebm::ID: pwszFileExt = "webm"; break; case TD::stickerFormatWebp::ID: pwszFileExt = "webp"; break; default:pwszFileExt = "jpeg"; break; } return GetMessageSticker(pSticker->thumbnail_->file_.get(), pwszFileExt); } case TD::messageInvoice::ID: { auto *pInvoice = ((TD::messageInvoice *)pBody); CMStringA ret(FORMAT, "%s: %.2lf %s", TranslateU("You received an invoice"), double(pInvoice->total_amount_)/100.0, pInvoice->currency_.c_str()); if (!pInvoice->title_.empty()) ret.AppendFormat("\r\n%s: %s", TranslateU("Title"), pInvoice->title_.c_str()); if (auto *pszText = getFormattedText(pInvoice->description_)) ret.AppendFormat("\r\n%s", ((TD::formattedText *)pInvoice->description_.get())->text_.c_str()); return ret; } case TD::messageText::ID: if (auto *pszText = getFormattedText(((TD::messageText *)pBody)->text_)) return CMStringA(pszText); break; } return CMStringA(); }