@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set PACKAGE_NAME="telegram-cli" set PACKAGE_TARNAME="telegram-cli" set PACKAGE_VERSION="1.0" set PACKAGE_STRING="!PACKAGE_TARNAME:~1,-1! %PACKAGE_VERSION:~1%" set PACKAGE_BUGREPORT="" set PACKAGE_URL="" set SRC_FOLDER=..\.. set SOURCE_LIST=() set AUTO_FOLDER=%SRC_FOLDER%\auto set BIN_FOLDER=bin set LIB_FOLDER=lib set DEFAULT_OUT_FOLDER=build set OUT_PATH= set GEN_TOOL=generate.exe set PARSER_TOOL=%SRC_FOLDER%\tl-parser\contrib\vs\build\Release\tl-parser.exe set CONFIG_HEADER_IN=%SRC_FOLDER%\config.h.in set CONFIG_HEADER=%SRC_FOLDER%\config.h set /p SCHEME_TL=<%SRC_FOLDER%\scheme.tl set SCHEME_TL=%SRC_FOLDER%\%SCHEME_TL% set /p ENCRYPTED_SCHEME_TL=<%SRC_FOLDER%\encrypted_scheme.tl set ENCRYPTED_SCHEME_TL=%SRC_FOLDER%\%ENCRYPTED_SCHEME_TL% set BINLOG_TL=%SRC_FOLDER%\binlog.tl set MTPROTO_TL=%SRC_FOLDER%\mtproto.tl set APPEND_TL=%SRC_FOLDER%\append.tl set CONSTANTS_HEADER=constants.h ::################################################################################################################################################# :parse_args if not "%1"=="" ( if "%1"=="-o" ( set OUT_PATH=%2 ) if "%1"=="--gen-config" ( set /A GEN_CONFIG=1 ) if "%1"=="--gen-scheme" ( set /A GEN_SCHEME=1 ) if "%1"=="-debug" ( set /A DEBUG=1 set PARSER_TOOL=%PARSER_TOOL:Release=Debug% ) if "%1"=="--parser-path" ( set PARSER_TOOL=%2 ) if "%1"=="--help" ( echo TGL Config echo Usage: echo --gen-config generate config.h echo --gen-scheme generate Telegram API scheme headers and source files echo --parser-path path to tl-parser.exe echo -debug debuge mode exit /b 0 ) shift goto :parse_args ) if {%OUT_PATH%}=={} ( set OUT_PATH=%DEFAULT_OUT_FOLDER% ) ::Make output folder if not exists if not exist %OUT_PATH% mkdir %OUT_PATH% ::Copy source files to the output folder for %%i in %SOURCE_LIST% do ( if not exist %OUT_PATH%\%%i ( echo |set /p=Copying file: %%i copy %%i %OUT_PATH%\%%i 1>NUL && ( echo Done ) || ( echo Failed ) ) ) ::Generate config.h if defined GEN_CONFIG ( if not exist %CONFIG_HEADER% call :gen_config %CONFIG_HEADER% ) ::Generate Telegram API scheme source files if defined GEN_SCHEME ( set /a ERR_ENC=0 ::Check if tl-parser.exe exists if not exist %PARSER_TOOL% ( echo Error: Cannot find %PARSER_TOOL% exit /b 1 ) ::Check if generate.exe exists set "GEN_TOOL=%OUT_PATH%\%BIN_FOLDER%\%GEN_TOOL%" if not exist !GEN_TOOL! ( echo Error: Cannot find !GEN_TOOL! exit /b 1 ) ::Make auto folder if not exist %AUTO_FOLDER% mkdir %AUTO_FOLDER% ::Generate scheme.tl echo |set /p=Generating scheme.tl type %SCHEME_TL% %ENCRYPTED_SCHEME_TL% %ENCRYPTED_SCHEME% %BINLOG_TL% %MTPROTO_TL% %APPEND_TL% 2>NUL > %AUTO_FOLDER%\scheme.tl echo Done ::Generate scheme2.tl echo |set /p=Generating scheme2.tl %PARSER_TOOL% -E %AUTO_FOLDER%\scheme.tl 2> %AUTO_FOLDER%\scheme2.tl if not !ERRORLEVEL!==0 ( echo Failed exit /b 1 ) else ( echo Done ) ::Generate scheme.tlo echo |set /p=Generating scheme.tlo "%PARSER_TOOL%" -e "%AUTO_FOLDER%\scheme.tlo" %AUTO_FOLDER%\scheme.tl if not !ERRORLEVEL!==0 ( echo Failed exit /b 1 ) else ( echo Done ) ::Generate constants.h echo |set /p=Generating constants.h call :gen_constants %AUTO_FOLDER%\scheme2.tl > %AUTO_FOLDER%\constants.h if not !ERRORLEVEL!==0 ( echo Failed exit /b 1 ) else ( echo Done ) ::Generate auto-*.h echo |set /p=Generating auto-skip.h !GEN_TOOL! -g skip-header %AUTO_FOLDER%\scheme.tlo > %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-skip.h if not !ERRORLEVEL!==0 ( set /a ERR_ENC=!ERRORLEVEL! if exist %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-skip.h del /q /f %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-skip.h echo Failed ) else ( echo Done ) echo |set /p=Generating auto-fetch.h !GEN_TOOL! -g fetch-header %AUTO_FOLDER%\scheme.tlo > %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-fetch.h if not !ERRORLEVEL!==0 ( set /a ERR_ENC=!ERRORLEVEL! if exist %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-fetch.h del /q /f %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-fetch.h echo Failed ) else ( echo Done ) echo |set /p=Generating auto-store.h !GEN_TOOL! -g store-header %AUTO_FOLDER%\scheme.tlo > %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-store.h if not !ERRORLEVEL!==0 ( set /a ERR_ENC=!ERRORLEVEL! if exist %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-store.h del /q /f %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-store.h echo Failed ) else ( echo Done ) echo |set /p=Generating auto-autocomplete.h !GEN_TOOL! -g autocomplete-header %AUTO_FOLDER%\scheme.tlo > %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-autocomplete.h if not !ERRORLEVEL!==0 ( set /a ERR_ENC=!ERRORLEVEL! if exist %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-autocomplete.h del /q /f %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-autocomplete.h echo Failed ) else ( echo Done ) echo |set /p=Generating auto-types.h !GEN_TOOL! -g types-header %AUTO_FOLDER%\scheme.tlo > %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-types.h if not !ERRORLEVEL!==0 ( set /a ERR_ENC=!ERRORLEVEL! if exist %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-types.h del /q /f %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-types.h echo Failed ) else ( echo Done ) echo |set /p=Generating auto-fetch-ds.h !GEN_TOOL! -g fetch-ds-header %AUTO_FOLDER%\scheme.tlo > %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-fetch-ds.h if not !ERRORLEVEL!==0 ( set /a ERR_ENC=!ERRORLEVEL! if exist %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-fetch-ds.h del /q /f %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-fetch-ds.h echo Failed ) else ( echo Done ) echo |set /p=Generating auto-free-ds.h !GEN_TOOL! -g free-ds-header %AUTO_FOLDER%\scheme.tlo > %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-free-ds.h if not !ERRORLEVEL!==0 ( set /a ERR_ENC=!ERRORLEVEL! if exist %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-free-ds.h del /q /f %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-free-ds.h echo Failed ) else ( echo Done ) echo |set /p=Generating auto-store-ds.h !GEN_TOOL! -g store-ds-header %AUTO_FOLDER%\scheme.tlo > %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-store-ds.h if not !ERRORLEVEL!==0 ( set /a ERR_ENC=!ERRORLEVEL! if exist %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-store-ds.h del /q /f %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-store-ds.h echo Failed ) else ( echo Done ) echo |set /p=Generating auto-print-ds.h !GEN_TOOL! -g print-ds-header %AUTO_FOLDER%\scheme.tlo > %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-print-ds.h if not !ERRORLEVEL!==0 ( set /a ERR_ENC=!ERRORLEVEL! if exist %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-print-ds.h del /q /f %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-print-ds.h echo Failed ) else ( echo Done ) ::Generate auto-*.c echo |set /p=Generating auto-skip.c !GEN_TOOL! -g skip %AUTO_FOLDER%\scheme.tlo > %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-skip.c if not !ERRORLEVEL!==0 ( set /a ERR_ENC=!ERRORLEVEL! if exist %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-skip.c del /q /f %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-skip.c echo Failed ) else ( echo Done ) echo |set /p=Generating auto-fetch.c !GEN_TOOL! -g fetch %AUTO_FOLDER%\scheme.tlo > %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-fetch.c if not !ERRORLEVEL!==0 ( set /a ERR_ENC=!ERRORLEVEL! if exist %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-fetch.c del /q /f %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-fetch.c echo Failed ) else ( echo Done ) echo |set /p=Generating auto-store.c !GEN_TOOL! -g store %AUTO_FOLDER%\scheme.tlo > %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-store.c if not !ERRORLEVEL!==0 ( set /a ERR_ENC=!ERRORLEVEL! if exist %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-store.c del /q /f %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-store.c echo Failed ) else ( echo Done ) echo |set /p=Generating auto-autocomplete.c !GEN_TOOL! -g autocomplete %AUTO_FOLDER%\scheme.tlo > %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-autocomplete.c if not !ERRORLEVEL!==0 ( set /a ERR_ENC=!ERRORLEVEL! if exist %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-autocomplete.c del /q /f %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-autocomplete.c echo Failed ) else ( echo Done ) echo |set /p=Generating auto-types.c !GEN_TOOL! -g types %AUTO_FOLDER%\scheme.tlo > %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-types.c if not !ERRORLEVEL!==0 ( set /a ERR_ENC=!ERRORLEVEL! if exist %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-types.c del /q /f %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-types.c echo Failed ) else ( echo Done ) echo |set /p=Generating auto-fetch-ds.c !GEN_TOOL! -g fetch-ds %AUTO_FOLDER%\scheme.tlo > %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-fetch-ds.c if not !ERRORLEVEL!==0 ( set /a ERR_ENC=!ERRORLEVEL! if exist %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-fetch-ds.c del /q /f %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-fetch-ds.c echo Failed ) else ( echo Done ) echo |set /p=Generating auto-free-ds.c !GEN_TOOL! -g free-ds %AUTO_FOLDER%\scheme.tlo > %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-free-ds.c if not !ERRORLEVEL!==0 ( set /a ERR_ENC=!ERRORLEVEL! if exist %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-free-ds.c del /q /f %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-free-ds.c echo Failed ) else ( echo Done ) echo |set /p=Generating auto-store-ds.c !GEN_TOOL! -g store-ds %AUTO_FOLDER%\scheme.tlo > %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-store-ds.c if not !ERRORLEVEL!==0 ( set /a ERR_ENC=!ERRORLEVEL! if exist %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-store-ds.c del /q /f %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-store-ds.c echo Failed ) else ( echo Done ) echo |set /p=Generating auto-print-ds.c !GEN_TOOL! -g print-ds %AUTO_FOLDER%\scheme.tlo > %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-print-ds.c if not !ERRORLEVEL!==0 ( set /a ERR_ENC=!ERRORLEVEL! if exist %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-print-ds.c del /q /f %AUTO_FOLDER%\auto-print-ds.c echo Failed ) else ( echo Done ) set /a ERRORLEVEL=!ERR_ENC! ) ::Script End exit /b !ERRORLEVEL! ::################################################################################################################################################# :: Script Functions ::################################################################################################################################################# :find_and_replace set file_path=%1 set find_str=%2 set "find_str=!find_str:~1,-1!" set replace_str=%3 %4 set "replace_str=!replace_str:~1,-2!" for /f "delims=" %%i in ('type "%file_path%" ^| find /n /v "" ^& break ^> "%file_path%" ') do ( set "line=%%i" setlocal enableDelayedExpansion set "line=!line:*]%find_str%=%replace_str%!" set "line=!line:*]=!" >>%file_path% echo(!line! endlocal ) exit /B %ERRORLEVEL% :gen_config :rem Copy config.h.in to the output folder echo |set /p=Copying file: %CONFIG_HEADER_in% copy %CONFIG_HEADER_IN% %1 1>NUL && ( echo Done ) || ( echo Failed exit /B %ERRORLEVEL% ) echo |set /p=Configurating file: config.h call :find_and_replace %1 "#undef PACKAGE_BUGREPORT" "#define PACKAGE_BUGREPORT %PACKAGE_BUGREPORT%" call :find_and_replace %1 "#undef PACKAGE_NAME" "#define PACKAGE_NAME %PACKAGE_NAME%" call :find_and_replace %1 "#undef PACKAGE_STRING" "#define PACKAGE_STRING %PACKAGE_STRING%" call :find_and_replace %1 "#undef PACKAGE_TARNAME" "#define PACKAGE_TARNAME %PACKAGE_TARNAME%" call :find_and_replace %1 "#undef PACKAGE_URL" "#define PACKAGE_URL %PACKAGE_URL%" call :find_and_replace %1 "#undef PACKAGE_VERSION" "#define PACKAGE_VERSION %PACKAGE_VERSION%" call :find_and_replace %1 "#undef EVENT_V2" "#define EVENT_V2 1" call :find_and_replace %1 "#undef HAVE_FCNTL_H" "#define HAVE_FCNTL_H 1" call :find_and_replace %1 "#undef HAVE_INTTYPES_H" "#define HAVE_INTTYPES_H 1" call :find_and_replace %1 "#undef HAVE_LIBM" "#define HAVE_LIBM 1" call :find_and_replace %1 "#undef HAVE_LIBZ" "#define HAVE_LIBZ 1" call :find_and_replace %1 "#undef HAVE_MALLOC_H" "#define HAVE_MALLOC_H 1" call :find_and_replace %1 "#undef HAVE_MALLOC" "#define HAVE_MALLOC 1" call :find_and_replace %1 "#undef HAVE_MEMMOVE" "#define HAVE_MEMMOVE 1" call :find_and_replace %1 "#undef HAVE_MEMORY_H" "#define HAVE_MEMORY_H 1" call :find_and_replace %1 "#undef HAVE_MEMSET" "#define HAVE_MEMSET 1" call :find_and_replace %1 "#undef HAVE_MKDIR" "#define HAVE_MKDIR 1" call :find_and_replace %1 "#undef HAVE_REALLOC" "#define HAVE_REALLOC 1" call :find_and_replace %1 "#undef HAVE_SELECT" "#define HAVE_SELECT 1" call :find_and_replace %1 "#undef HAVE_SOCKET" "#define HAVE_SOCKET 1" call :find_and_replace %1 "#undef HAVE_STDINT_H" "#define HAVE_STDINT_H 1" call :find_and_replace %1 "#undef HAVE_STDLIB_H" "#define HAVE_STDLIB_H 1" call :find_and_replace %1 "#undef HAVE_STRDUP" "#define HAVE_STRDUP 1" call :find_and_replace %1 "#undef HAVE_STRING_H" "#define HAVE_STRING_H 1" call :find_and_replace %1 "#undef HAVE_STRNDUP" "#define HAVE_STRNDUP 1" call :find_and_replace %1 "#undef HAVE_SYS_STAT_H" "#define HAVE_SYS_STAT_H 1" call :find_and_replace %1 "#undef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H" "#define HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H 1" call :find_and_replace %1 "#undef STDC_HEADERS" "#define STDC_HEADERS 1" call :find_and_replace %1 "#undef gid_t" "#define gid_t int" call :find_and_replace %1 "#undef uid_t" "#define uid_t int" call :find_and_replace %1 "#undef inline" "#define inline __inline" call :find_and_replace %1 "#undef" "// #undef" if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 echo Done if not %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 ( echo Failed if exist %1\%CONFIG_HEADER% del /q /f %1\%CONFIG_HEADER% exit /b 1 ) exit /B 0 :gen_constants echo /* echo This file is part of telegram-client. echo. echo Telegram-client is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify echo it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by echo the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or echo (at your option) any later version. echo. echo Telegram-client is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, echo but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of echo MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the echo GNU General Public License for more details. echo. echo You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License echo along with this telegram-client. If not, see ^. echo. echo Copyright Vitaly Valtman 2013 echo */ echo #ifndef CONSTANTS_H echo #define CONSTANTS_H setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion for /F "tokens=1" %%A in (%1) do ( call :split %%A # a if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 ( call :sub a[0] if not "!h[%a[1]%]!"=="" ( echo ERROR: Duplicate magic %a[1]% for define %a[0]% and !h[%a[1]%]! 1>&2 exit /b 1 ) set h[!a[1]!]=!a[0]! echo #define CODE_!a[0]! 0x!a[1]! ) ) endlocal echo #endif exit /b0 :split for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=%2" %%a in ("%1") do ( if "%%a"=="" exit /b 1 set %3[0]=%%a if "%%b"=="" exit /b 1 set %3[1]=%%b ) exit /b0 :sub set /A len= 0 call :strlen %%1 len ( setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set "substr=" for /l %%a IN (0,1,!len!) DO ( set Char=!%1:~%%a,1! if "!Char!" EQU "A" SET Char=_a if "!Char!" EQU "B" SET Char=_b if "!Char!" EQU "C" SET Char=_c if "!Char!" EQU "D" SET Char=_d if "!Char!" EQU "E" SET Char=_e if "!Char!" EQU "F" SET Char=_f if "!Char!" EQU "G" SET Char=_g if "!Char!" EQU "H" SET Char=_h if "!Char!" EQU "I" SET Char=_i if "!Char!" EQU "J" SET Char=_j if "!Char!" EQU "K" SET Char=_k if "!Char!" EQU "L" SET Char=_l if "!Char!" EQU "M" SET Char=_m if "!Char!" EQU "N" SET Char=_n if "!Char!" EQU "O" SET Char=_o if "!Char!" EQU "P" SET Char=_p if "!Char!" EQU "Q" SET Char=_q if "!Char!" EQU "R" SET Char=_r if "!Char!" EQU "S" SET Char=_s if "!Char!" EQU "T" SET Char=_t if "!Char!" EQU "U" SET Char=_u if "!Char!" EQU "V" SET Char=_v if "!Char!" EQU "W" SET Char=_w if "!Char!" EQU "X" SET Char=_x if "!Char!" EQU "Y" SET Char=_y if "!Char!" EQU "Z" SET Char=_z if "!Char!" EQU "." SET Char=_ set substr=!substr!!Char! ) ) ( endlocal set "%~1=%substr%" exit /b ) :strlen ( setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set "s=!%~1!#" set "len=0" for %%P in (4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1) do ( if "!s:~%%P,1!" NEQ "" ( set /a "len+=%%P" set "s=!s:~%%P!" ) ) ) ( endlocal set "%~2=%len%" exit /b )