/* Tlen Protocol Plugin for Miranda NG Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Santithorn Bunchua Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Piotr Piastucki This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "tlen_list.h" #include "tlen_file.h" #include "tlen_p2p_old.h" typedef struct { TlenProtocol *proto; TLEN_LIST_ITEM *item; } TLENPSREQUESTTHREADDATA; static void LogPictureMessage(TlenProtocol *proto, const char *jid, const char *filename, BOOL isSent) { char message[1024]; const char *msg = isSent ? LPGEN("Image sent file://%s") : LPGEN("Image received file://%s"); mir_snprintf(message, Translate(msg), filename); TlenLogMessage(proto, TlenHContactFromJID(proto, jid), isSent ? DBEF_SENT : 0, message); } static void TlenPsPostThread(void *ptr) { TLENPSREQUESTTHREADDATA *data = (TLENPSREQUESTTHREADDATA *)ptr; TlenProtocol *proto = data->proto; TLEN_LIST_ITEM *item = data->item; HANDLE socket = TlenWsConnect(proto, "ps.tlen.pl", 443); BOOL bSent = FALSE; if (socket != NULL) { char header[512]; item->ft->s = socket; item->ft->hFileEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); int ret = mir_snprintf(header, "<pic auth='%s' t='p' to='%s' size='%d' idt='%s'/>", proto->threadData->username, item->ft->jid, item->ft->fileTotalSize, item->jid); TlenWsSend(proto, socket, header, ret); ret = WaitForSingleObject(item->ft->hFileEvent, 1000 * 60 * 5); if (ret == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { FILE *fp = fopen( item->ft->files[0], "rb" ); if (fp) { char fileBuffer[2048]; ret = mir_snprintf(header, "<pic st='%s' idt='%s'/>", item->ft->iqId, item->jid); TlenWsSend(proto, socket, header, ret); proto->debugLogA("Sending picture data..."); for (int i = item->ft->filesSize[0]; i > 0; ) { int toread = min(2048, i); int readcount = (int)fread(fileBuffer, (size_t)1, (size_t)toread, fp); i -= readcount; if (readcount > 0) TlenWsSend(proto, socket, fileBuffer, readcount); if (toread != readcount) break; } fclose(fp); SleepEx(3000, TRUE); bSent = TRUE; } } Netlib_CloseHandle(socket); if (bSent) { TlenSend(proto, "<message to='%s' idt='%s' rt='%s' pid='1001' type='pic' />", item->ft->jid, item->jid, item->ft->id2); LogPictureMessage(proto, item->ft->jid, item->ft->files[0], TRUE); } TlenP2PFreeFileTransfer(item->ft); TlenListRemove(proto, LIST_PICTURE, item->jid); } mir_free(data); } static void TlenPsPost(TlenProtocol *proto, TLEN_LIST_ITEM *item) { TLENPSREQUESTTHREADDATA *threadData = (TLENPSREQUESTTHREADDATA *)mir_alloc(sizeof(TLENPSREQUESTTHREADDATA)); threadData->proto = proto; threadData->item = item; mir_forkthread(TlenPsPostThread, threadData); } static void TlenPsGetThread(void *ptr) { TLENPSREQUESTTHREADDATA *data = (TLENPSREQUESTTHREADDATA *)ptr; TlenProtocol *proto = data->proto; TLEN_LIST_ITEM *item = data->item; FILE *fp; fp = fopen( item->ft->files[0], "wb" ); if (fp) { HANDLE socket = TlenWsConnect(proto, "ps.tlen.pl", 443); if (socket != NULL) { XmlState xmlState; char header[512]; char fileBuffer[2048]; TlenXmlInitState(&xmlState); int header_len = mir_snprintf(header, "<pic auth='%s' t='g' to='%s' pid='1001' idt='%s' rt='%s'/>", proto->threadData->username, item->ft->jid, item->jid, item->ft->id2); TlenWsSend(proto, socket, header, header_len); proto->debugLogA("Reveiving picture data..."); { int totalcount = 0; int size = item->ft->filesSize[0]; BOOL bHeader = TRUE; while (TRUE) { int readcount = TlenWsRecv(proto, socket, fileBuffer, 2048 - totalcount); if (readcount == 0) { break; } totalcount += readcount; if (bHeader) { char * tagend = (char*)memchr(fileBuffer, '/', totalcount); tagend = (char*)memchr(tagend + 1, '>', totalcount - (tagend - fileBuffer) - 1); if (tagend != NULL) { int parsed = TlenXmlParse(&xmlState, fileBuffer, tagend - fileBuffer + 1); if (parsed == 0) { continue; } bHeader = FALSE; totalcount -= parsed; memmove(fileBuffer, fileBuffer+parsed, totalcount); } } if (!bHeader) { if (totalcount > 0) { fwrite(fileBuffer, 1, totalcount, fp); size -= totalcount; totalcount = 0; } if (size == 0) { break; } } } } Netlib_CloseHandle(socket); proto->debugLogA("Picture received..."); LogPictureMessage(proto, item->ft->jid, item->ft->files[0], FALSE); } else { /* cannot connect to ps server */ } fclose(fp); } else { /* cannot create file */ } TlenP2PFreeFileTransfer(item->ft); TlenListRemove(proto, LIST_PICTURE, item->jid); mir_free(data); } static void TlenPsGet(TlenProtocol *proto, TLEN_LIST_ITEM *item) { TLENPSREQUESTTHREADDATA *threadData = (TLENPSREQUESTTHREADDATA *)mir_alloc(sizeof(TLENPSREQUESTTHREADDATA)); threadData->proto = proto; threadData->item = item; mir_forkthread(TlenPsGetThread, threadData); } void TlenProcessPic(XmlNode *node, TlenProtocol *proto) { TLEN_LIST_ITEM *item = NULL; char *crc, *crc_c, *idt, *size, *from, *fromRaw, *rt; from = TlenXmlGetAttrValue(node, "from"); fromRaw = TlenLoginFromJID(from); idt = TlenXmlGetAttrValue(node, "idt"); size = TlenXmlGetAttrValue(node, "size"); crc_c = TlenXmlGetAttrValue(node, "crc_c"); crc = TlenXmlGetAttrValue(node, "crc"); rt = TlenXmlGetAttrValue(node, "rt"); if (idt != NULL) { item = TlenListGetItemPtr(proto, LIST_PICTURE, idt); } if (item != NULL) { if (!mir_strcmp(from, "ps")) { char *st = TlenXmlGetAttrValue(node, "st"); if (st != NULL) { item->ft->iqId = mir_strdup(st); item->ft->id2 = mir_strdup(rt); if (item->ft->hFileEvent != NULL) { SetEvent(item->ft->hFileEvent); item->ft->hFileEvent = NULL; } } } else if (!mir_strcmp(item->ft->jid, fromRaw)) { if (crc_c != NULL) { if (!mir_strcmp(crc_c, "n")) { /* crc_c = n, picture transfer accepted */ TlenPsPost(proto, item); } else if (!mir_strcmp(crc_c, "f")) { /* crc_c = f, picture cached, no need to transfer again */ LogPictureMessage(proto, item->ft->jid, item->ft->files[0], TRUE); TlenP2PFreeFileTransfer(item->ft); TlenListRemove(proto, LIST_PICTURE, idt); } } else if (rt != NULL) { item->ft->id2 = mir_strdup(rt); TlenPsGet(proto, item); } } } else if (crc != NULL) { BOOL bAccept = proto->tlenOptions.imagePolicy == TLEN_IMAGES_ACCEPT_ALL || (proto->tlenOptions.imagePolicy == TLEN_IMAGES_IGNORE_NIR && IsAuthorized(proto, from)); if (bAccept) { FILE* fp; char fileName[MAX_PATH]; char *ext = TlenXmlGetAttrValue(node, "ext"); char *tmpPath = Utils_ReplaceVars( "%miranda_userdata%" ); int tPathLen = mir_snprintf(fileName, "%s\\Images\\Tlen", tmpPath); long oldSize = 0, lSize = atol(size); DWORD dwAttributes = GetFileAttributesA( fileName ); if ( dwAttributes == 0xffffffff || ( dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) == 0 ) CreateDirectoryTree(fileName); mir_free(tmpPath); fileName[ tPathLen++ ] = '\\'; mir_snprintf( fileName + tPathLen, _countof(fileName) - tPathLen, "%s.%s", crc, ext ); fp = fopen( fileName, "rb" ); if (fp) { fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); oldSize = ftell(fp); fclose(fp); } if (oldSize != lSize) { item = TlenListAdd(proto, LIST_PICTURE, idt); item->ft = TlenFileCreateFT(proto, from); item->ft->files = (char **) mir_alloc(sizeof(char *)); item->ft->filesSize = (long *) mir_alloc(sizeof(long)); item->ft->files[0] = mir_strdup(fileName); item->ft->filesSize[0] = lSize; item->ft->fileTotalSize = item->ft->filesSize[0]; TlenSend(proto, "<message type='pic' to='%s' crc_c='n' idt='%s'/>", from, idt); } else { TlenSend(proto, "<message type='pic' to='%s' crc_c='f' idt='%s'/>", from, idt); LogPictureMessage(proto, from, fileName, FALSE); } } } mir_free(fromRaw); } BOOL SendPicture(TlenProtocol *proto, MCONTACT hContact) { DBVARIANT dbv; if (!db_get(hContact, proto->m_szModuleName, "jid", &dbv)) { char *jid = dbv.pszVal; TCHAR tszFilter[512], tszFileName[MAX_PATH]; Bitmap_GetFilter(tszFilter, _countof(tszFilter)); tszFileName[0] = '\0'; OPENFILENAME ofn = {0}; ofn.lStructSize = OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400; ofn.lpstrFilter = tszFilter; ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL; ofn.lpstrFile = tszFileName; ofn.nMaxFile = _MAX_PATH; ofn.Flags = OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST; if (GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) { long size; FILE* fp = _tfopen(tszFileName, _T("rb")); if (fp) { fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); size = ftell(fp); if (size > 0 && size < 256*1024) { TLEN_LIST_ITEM *item; mir_sha1_ctx sha; DWORD digest[5]; int i; char idStr[10]; char fileBuffer[2048]; int id = TlenSerialNext(proto); T2Utf szFileName(tszFileName); mir_snprintf(idStr, "%d", id); item = TlenListAdd(proto, LIST_PICTURE, idStr); item->ft = TlenFileCreateFT(proto, jid); item->ft->files = (char **) mir_alloc(sizeof(char *)); item->ft->filesSize = (long *) mir_alloc(sizeof(long)); item->ft->files[0] = szFileName; item->ft->filesSize[0] = size; item->ft->fileTotalSize = size; fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); mir_sha1_init( &sha ); for (i = item->ft->filesSize[0]; i > 0; ) { int toread = min(2048, i); int readcount = (int)fread(fileBuffer, (size_t)1, (size_t)toread, fp); i -= readcount; if (readcount > 0) { mir_sha1_append( &sha, (BYTE* )fileBuffer, readcount); } if (toread != readcount) { break; } } mir_sha1_finish( &sha, (BYTE* )digest ); TlenSend(proto, "<message type='pic' to='%s' crc='%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x' idt='%s' size='%d' ext='%s'/>", jid, (int)htonl(digest[0]), (int)htonl(digest[1]), (int)htonl(digest[2]), (int)htonl(digest[3]), (int)htonl(digest[4]), idStr, item->ft->filesSize[0], "jpg"); } else { /* file too big */ } fclose(fp); } } db_free(&dbv); } return FALSE; }