#include "common.h" bool CToxProto::IsOnline() { return isConnected && m_iStatus > ID_STATUS_OFFLINE; } void CToxProto::BootstrapNode(const char *address, int port, const uint8_t *pubKey) { TOX_ERR_BOOTSTRAP error; if (!tox_bootstrap(tox, address, port, pubKey, &error)) { debugLogA("CToxProto::BootstrapNode: failed to bootstrap node %s:%d \"%s\" (%d)", address, port, (const char*)ToxHexAddress(pubKey), error); } } void CToxProto::BootstrapNodesFromDb(bool isIPv6) { char module[MAX_PATH]; mir_snprintf(module, SIZEOF(module), "%s_Nodes", m_szModuleName); int nodeCount = db_get_w(NULL, module, TOX_SETTINGS_NODE_COUNT, 0); if (nodeCount > 0) { char setting[MAX_PATH]; for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) { mir_snprintf(setting, SIZEOF(setting), TOX_SETTINGS_NODE_IPV4, i); ptrA address(db_get_sa(NULL, module, setting)); mir_snprintf(setting, SIZEOF(setting), TOX_SETTINGS_NODE_PORT, i); int port = db_get_w(NULL, module, setting, 33445); mir_snprintf(setting, SIZEOF(setting), TOX_SETTINGS_NODE_PKEY, i); ToxBinAddress pubKey(ptrA(db_get_sa(NULL, module, setting))); BootstrapNode(address, port, pubKey); if (isIPv6) { mir_snprintf(setting, SIZEOF(setting), TOX_SETTINGS_NODE_IPV6, i); address = db_get_sa(NULL, module, setting); BootstrapNode(address, port, pubKey); } } } } void CToxProto::BootstrapNodesFromIni(bool isIPv6) { if (IsFileExists((TCHAR*)VARST(_T(TOX_INI_PATH)))) { char fileName[MAX_PATH]; mir_strcpy(fileName, VARS(TOX_INI_PATH)); char *section, sections[MAX_PATH], value[MAX_PATH]; GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesA(sections, SIZEOF(sections), fileName); section = sections; while (*section != NULL) { if (strstr(section, TOX_SETTINGS_NODE_PREFIX) == section) { GetPrivateProfileStringA(section, "IPv4", NULL, value, SIZEOF(value), fileName); ptrA address(mir_strdup(value)); int port = GetPrivateProfileIntA(section, "Port", 33445, fileName); GetPrivateProfileStringA(section, "PubKey", NULL, value, SIZEOF(value), fileName); ToxBinAddress pubKey(value); BootstrapNode(address, port, pubKey); if (isIPv6) { GetPrivateProfileStringA(section, "IPv6", NULL, value, SIZEOF(value), fileName); address = mir_strdup(value); BootstrapNode(address, port, pubKey); } } section += strlen(section) + 1; } } } void CToxProto::BootstrapNodes() { debugLogA(__FUNCTION__": bootstraping DHT"); bool isIPv6 = getBool("EnableIPv6", 0); BootstrapNodesFromDb(isIPv6); BootstrapNodesFromIni(isIPv6); } void CToxProto::TryConnect() { if (tox_self_get_connection_status(tox) != TOX_CONNECTION_NONE) { isConnected = true; debugLogA(__FUNCTION__": successfuly connected to DHT"); ForkThread(&CToxProto::LoadFriendList, NULL); m_iStatus = m_iDesiredStatus; ProtoBroadcastAck(NULL, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)ID_STATUS_CONNECTING, m_iStatus); tox_self_set_status(tox, MirandaToToxStatus(m_iStatus)); debugLogA(__FUNCTION__": changing status from %i to %i", ID_STATUS_CONNECTING, m_iDesiredStatus); } else if (m_iStatus++ > TOX_MAX_CONNECT_RETRIES) { SetStatus(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); ProtoBroadcastAck(NULL, ACKTYPE_LOGIN, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (HANDLE)NULL, LOGINERR_NONETWORK); debugLogA(__FUNCTION__": failed to connect to DHT"); } } void CToxProto::CheckConnection(int &retriesCount) { if (!isConnected) { TryConnect(); } else if (tox_self_get_connection_status(tox) != TOX_CONNECTION_NONE) { if (retriesCount < TOX_MAX_DISCONNECT_RETRIES) { debugLogA(__FUNCTION__": restored connection with DHT"); retriesCount = TOX_MAX_DISCONNECT_RETRIES; } } else { if (retriesCount == TOX_MAX_DISCONNECT_RETRIES) { retriesCount--; debugLogA(__FUNCTION__": lost connection with DHT"); } else if (retriesCount % 50 == 0) { retriesCount--; BootstrapNodes(); } else if (!(--retriesCount)) { isConnected = false; debugLogA(__FUNCTION__": disconnected from DHT"); SetStatus(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); } } } void CToxProto::DoTox() { { mir_cslock lock(toxLock); tox_iterate(tox); toxav_do(toxAv); } uint32_t interval = tox_iteration_interval(tox); Sleep(interval); } void CToxProto::PollingThread(void*) { debugLogA(__FUNCTION__": entering"); if (!InitToxCore()) { SetStatus(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); ProtoBroadcastAck(NULL, ACKTYPE_LOGIN, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (HANDLE)NULL, LOGINERR_WRONGPASSWORD); debugLogA(__FUNCTION__": leaving"); return; } int retriesCount = TOX_MAX_DISCONNECT_RETRIES; isConnected = false; BootstrapNodes(); while (!isTerminated) { CheckConnection(retriesCount); DoTox(); } UninitToxCore(); isConnected = false; debugLogA(__FUNCTION__": leaving"); }