#include "common.h" HANDLE CToxProto::hProfileFolderPath; std::tstring CToxProto::GetToxProfilePath() { return GetToxProfilePath(m_tszUserName); } std::tstring CToxProto::GetToxProfilePath(const TCHAR *accountName) { TCHAR profilePath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR profileRootPath[MAX_PATH]; FoldersGetCustomPathT(hProfileFolderPath, profileRootPath, SIZEOF(profileRootPath), VARST(_T("%miranda_userdata%"))); mir_sntprintf(profilePath, MAX_PATH, _T("%s\\%s.tox"), profileRootPath, accountName); return profilePath; } bool CToxProto::LoadToxProfile(Tox_Options *options) { debugLogA(__FUNCTION__": loading tox profile"); size_t size = 0; uint8_t *data = NULL; std::tstring profilePath = GetToxProfilePath(); if (IsFileExists(profilePath)) { FILE *profile = _tfopen(profilePath.c_str(), _T("rb")); if (profile == NULL) { debugLogA(__FUNCTION__": failed to open tox profile"); return false; } fseek(profile, 0, SEEK_END); size = ftell(profile); rewind(profile); if (size == 0) { fclose(profile); debugLogA(__FUNCTION__": tox profile is empty"); return true; } data = (uint8_t*)mir_calloc(size); if (fread((char*)data, sizeof(char), size, profile) != size) { fclose(profile); debugLogA(__FUNCTION__": failed to read tox profile"); mir_free(data); return false; } fclose(profile); } if (data != NULL && tox_is_data_encrypted(data)) { password = mir_utf8encodeW(ptrT(getTStringA("Password"))); if (password == NULL || mir_strlen(password) == 0) { CToxPasswordEditor passwordEditor(this); if (!passwordEditor.DoModal()) { mir_free(data); return false; } } TOX_ERR_DECRYPTION coreDecryptError; if (!tox_pass_decrypt(data, size, (uint8_t*)password, mir_strlen(password), data, &coreDecryptError)) { debugLogA(__FUNCTION__": failed to load tox profile (%d)", coreDecryptError); mir_free(data); return false; } size -= TOX_PASS_ENCRYPTION_EXTRA_LENGTH; } TOX_ERR_NEW initError; tox = tox_new(options, data, size, &initError); if (initError != TOX_ERR_NEW_OK) { debugLogA(__FUNCTION__": failed to load tox profile (%d)", initError); mir_free(data); return false; } debugLogA(__FUNCTION__": tox profile load successfully"); return true; } void CToxProto::SaveToxProfile() { size_t size = tox_get_savedata_size(tox); uint8_t *data = (uint8_t*)mir_calloc(size + TOX_PASS_ENCRYPTION_EXTRA_LENGTH); tox_get_savedata(tox, data); if (password && strlen(password)) { TOX_ERR_ENCRYPTION coreEncryptError; if (!tox_pass_encrypt(data, size, (uint8_t*)password, strlen(password), data, &coreEncryptError)) { debugLogA(__FUNCTION__": failed to encrypt tox profile"); mir_free(data); return; } size += TOX_PASS_ENCRYPTION_EXTRA_LENGTH; } std::tstring profilePath = GetToxProfilePath(); FILE *profile = _tfopen(profilePath.c_str(), _T("wb")); if (profile == NULL) { debugLogA(__FUNCTION__": failed to open tox profile"); return; } size_t written = fwrite(data, sizeof(char), size, profile); if (size != written) { fclose(profile); debugLogA(__FUNCTION__": failed to write tox profile"); } fclose(profile); mir_free(data); } INT_PTR CToxProto::OnCopyToxID(WPARAM, LPARAM) { ptrA address(getStringA(TOX_SETTINGS_ID)); size_t length = mir_strlen(address) + 1; if (OpenClipboard(NULL)) { EmptyClipboard(); HGLOBAL hMemory = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, length); memcpy(GlobalLock(hMemory), address, length); GlobalUnlock(hMemory); SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, hMemory); CloseClipboard(); } return 0; } CToxPasswordEditor::CToxPasswordEditor(CToxProto *proto) : CToxDlgBase(proto, IDD_PASSWORD, false), ok(this, IDOK), password(this, IDC_PASSWORD), savePermanently(this, IDC_SAVEPERMANENTLY) { ok.OnClick = Callback(this, &CToxPasswordEditor::OnOk); } void CToxPasswordEditor::OnOk(CCtrlButton*) { if (savePermanently.Enabled()) m_proto->setTString("Password", password.GetText()); if (m_proto->password != NULL) mir_free(m_proto->password); m_proto->password = mir_utf8encodeW(password.GetText()); EndDialog(m_hwnd, 1); }