- Updater now working - Basic "auto" group support. If you want to have twitter contacts auto added to a group, before you connect to twitter (but after you create the account in miranda) create a "DefaultGroup" string key in the database and make the value the group you want twitter contacts to be automatically added to. This won't copy existing contacts to the group, just newly added ones. - Other minor fixes

- Retweets will now appear in the timeline!
- Fixed group chat highlighting when YOU make a tweet
- Stopped self contact joining the clist

- Fixed duplicate contacts

- Fixed connection problems
- Hopefully fixed unicode problems, please let me know!
- Cleaned up some code, got rid of the password input field as this isn't required with OAuth. If you're security conscious feel free to delete the password field from the database. i'll add some code to do this automatically next time.

- DMs now actually work.
- your username should appear in the chat window now.. thx Thief

- Tweeting (and posting DMs?) now works (thanks Borkra!)
- Removed dependencies on WinInet, so this now an actual Release build. yay
- seem to have broken proxy support.. which is weird. working on it.

- OAuth used for authorisation now
- I have broken many things, and desecrated Dentist's once beautiful code. i think at one point i added a "2" to a variable name because i couldn't think of a better name. So sorry :(