/* aww whatup? this is all the oauth functions, at the moment * they're all part of the twitter class.. i think this is the * best way? */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "twitter.h" #include "utility.h" OAuthParameters mir_twitter::BuildSignedOAuthParameters( const OAuthParameters& requestParameters, const std::wstring& url, const std::wstring& httpMethod, const OAuthParameters *postData, const std::wstring& consumerKey, const std::wstring& consumerSecret, const std::wstring& requestToken = L"", const std::wstring& requestTokenSecret = L"", const std::wstring& pin = L"" ) { wstring timestamp = OAuthCreateTimestamp(); wstring nonce = OAuthCreateNonce(); // create oauth requestParameters OAuthParameters oauthParameters; oauthParameters[L"oauth_timestamp"] = timestamp; oauthParameters[L"oauth_nonce"] = nonce; oauthParameters[L"oauth_version"] = L"1.0"; oauthParameters[L"oauth_signature_method"] = L"HMAC-SHA1"; oauthParameters[L"oauth_consumer_key"] = consumerKey; // add the request token if found if (!requestToken.empty()) { oauthParameters[L"oauth_token"] = requestToken; /*debugLogW("requestToken not empty: %s", requestToken);*/ } // add the authorization pin if found if (!pin.empty()) { oauthParameters[L"oauth_verifier"] = pin; } // create a parameter list containing both oauth and original parameters // this will be used to create the parameter signature OAuthParameters allParameters = requestParameters; if(Compare(httpMethod, L"POST", false) && postData) { //debugLogA("in post section of buildOAuthParams"); allParameters.insert(postData->begin(), postData->end()); } allParameters.insert(oauthParameters.begin(), oauthParameters.end()); // prepare a signature base, a carefully formatted string containing // all of the necessary information needed to generate a valid signature wstring normalUrl = OAuthNormalizeUrl(url); //debugLogW("normalURL is %s", normalUrl); wstring normalizedParameters = OAuthNormalizeRequestParameters(allParameters); //debugLogW("normalisedparams is %s", normalizedParameters); wstring signatureBase = OAuthConcatenateRequestElements(httpMethod, normalUrl, normalizedParameters); //debugLogW("sigBase is %s", signatureBase); // obtain a signature and add it to header requestParameters wstring signature = OAuthCreateSignature(signatureBase, consumerSecret, requestTokenSecret); //debugLogW("**BuildSignedOAuthParameters - sig is %s", signature); oauthParameters[L"oauth_signature"] = signature; return oauthParameters; } wstring mir_twitter::UrlGetQuery( const wstring& url ) { wstring query; /* URL_COMPONENTS components = {sizeof(URL_COMPONENTS)}; wchar_t buf[1024*4] = {}; components.lpszExtraInfo = buf; components.dwExtraInfoLength = SIZEOF(buf); BOOL crackUrlOk = InternetCrackUrl(url.c_str(), url.size(), 0, &components); _ASSERTE(crackUrlOk); if(crackUrlOk) {*/ map<wstring, wstring> brokenURL = CrackURL(url); query = brokenURL[L"extraInfo"]; //debugLogW("inside crack, url is %s", url); wstring::size_type q = query.find_first_of(L'?'); if(q != wstring::npos) { query = query.substr(q + 1); } wstring::size_type h = query.find_first_of(L'#'); if(h != wstring::npos) { query = query.substr(0, h); } //} return query; } // OAuthWebRequest used for all OAuth related queries // // consumerKey and consumerSecret - must be provided for every call, they identify the application // oauthToken and oauthTokenSecret - need to be provided for every call, except for the first token request before authorizing // pin - only used during authorization, when the user enters the PIN they received from the twitter website wstring mir_twitter::OAuthWebRequestSubmit( const wstring& url, const wstring& httpMethod, const OAuthParameters *postData, const wstring& consumerKey, const wstring& consumerSecret, const wstring& oauthToken, const wstring& oauthTokenSecret, const wstring& pin ) { //debugLogW("URL is %s", url); wstring query = UrlGetQuery(url); //debugLogW("query is %s", query); OAuthParameters originalParameters = ParseQueryString(query); OAuthParameters oauthSignedParameters = BuildSignedOAuthParameters( originalParameters, url, httpMethod, postData, consumerKey, consumerSecret, oauthToken, oauthTokenSecret, pin ); return OAuthWebRequestSubmit(oauthSignedParameters, url); } wstring mir_twitter::OAuthWebRequestSubmit( const OAuthParameters& parameters, const wstring& url ) { //debugLogW("OAuthWebRequestSubmit(%s)", url); //wstring oauthHeader = L"Authorization: OAuth "; wstring oauthHeader = L"OAuth "; for(OAuthParameters::const_iterator it = parameters.begin(); it != parameters.end(); ++it) { //debugLogW("%s = ", it->first); //debugLogW("%s", it->second); //debugLogA("---------"); if(it != parameters.begin()) { oauthHeader += L","; } wstring pair; pair += it->first + L"=\"" + it->second + L"\""; oauthHeader += pair; } //debugLogW("oauthheader is %s", oauthHeader); return oauthHeader; } // parameters must already be URL encoded before calling BuildQueryString std::wstring mir_twitter::BuildQueryString( const OAuthParameters ¶meters ) { wstring query; //debugLogA("do we ever get here?"); for(OAuthParameters::const_iterator it = parameters.begin(); it != parameters.end(); ++it) { //debugLogA("aww como ONNNNNN"); //debugLogA("%s = %s", it->first.c_str(), it->second.c_str()); //debugLogW("in buildqueryString bit, first is %s", it->first); if(it != parameters.begin()) { query += L"&"; } wstring pair; pair += it->first + L"=" + it->second + L""; query += pair; } return query; } wstring mir_twitter::OAuthConcatenateRequestElements( const wstring& httpMethod, wstring url, const wstring& parameters ) { wstring escapedUrl = UrlEncode(url); //debugLogW("before OAUTHConcat, params are %s", parameters); wstring escapedParameters = UrlEncode(parameters); //debugLogA(")))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))"); //debugLogW("after url encode, its %s", escapedParameters); wstring ret = httpMethod + L"&" + escapedUrl + L"&" + escapedParameters; return ret; } /* CrackURL.. just basically pulls apart a url into a map of wstrings: * scheme, domain, port, path, extraInfo, explicitPort * explicitPort will be 0 or 1, 0 if there was no actual port in the url, * and 1 if it was explicitely specified. * eg "http://twitter.com/blah.htm" will give: * http, twitter.com, 80, blah.htm, "", 0 * "https://twitter.com:989/blah.htm?boom" will give: * https, twitter.com, 989, blah.htm?boom, ?boom, 1 */ map<wstring, wstring> mir_twitter::CrackURL(wstring url) { wstring scheme1, domain1, port1, path1, extraInfo, explicitPort; vector<wstring> urlToks, urlToks2, extraInfoToks; Split(url, urlToks, L':', false); //debugLogW("**CRACK - URL to split is %s", url); scheme1 = urlToks[0]; //debugLogW("**CRACK - scheme is %s", scheme1); if (urlToks.size() == 2) { // if there is only 1 ":" in the url if (Compare(scheme1, L"http", false)) { port1 = L"80"; } else { port1 = L"443"; } //debugLogW("**CRACK::2 - port is %s", port1); Split(urlToks[1], urlToks2, L'/', false); domain1 = urlToks2[0]; //debugLogW("**CRACK::2 - domain is %s", domain1); explicitPort = L"0"; } else if (urlToks.size() == 3) { // if there are 2 ":"s in the URL, ie a port is explicitly set domain1 = urlToks[1].substr(2, urlToks[1].size()); //debugLogW("**CRACK::3 - domain is %s", domain1); Split(urlToks[2], urlToks2, L'/', false); port1 = urlToks2[0]; //debugLogW("**CRACK::3 - port is %s", port1); explicitPort = L"1"; } else ppro_->debugLogW(L"**CRACK - not a proper URL? doesn't have a colon. URL is %s", url); for (size_t i = 1; i < urlToks2.size(); ++i) { if (i > 1) { path1 += L"/"; } path1 += urlToks2[i]; } //debugLogW("**CRACK - path is %s", path1); wstring::size_type foundHash = path1.find(L"#"); wstring::size_type foundQ = path1.find(L"?"); if ((foundHash != wstring::npos) || (foundQ != wstring::npos)) { // if we've found a # or a ?... if (foundHash == wstring::npos) { // if we didn't find a #, we must have found a ? extraInfo = path1.substr(foundQ); } else if (foundQ == wstring::npos) { // if we didn't find a ?, we must have found a # extraInfo = path1.substr(foundHash); } else { // we found both a # and a ?, whichever came first we grab the sub string from there if (foundQ < foundHash) { extraInfo = path1.substr(foundQ); } else { extraInfo = path1.substr(foundHash); } } } else { // we have no # or ? in the path... extraInfo = L""; } //debugLogW("**CRACK - extraInfo is %s", extraInfo); map<wstring, wstring> result; result[L"scheme"] = scheme1; result[L"domain"] = domain1; result[L"port"] = port1; result[L"path"] = path1; result[L"extraInfo"] = extraInfo; result[L"explicitPort"] = explicitPort; return result; } wstring mir_twitter::OAuthNormalizeUrl( const wstring& url ) { /*wchar_t scheme[1024*4] = {}; wchar_t host[1024*4] = {}; wchar_t path[1024*4] = {}; URL_COMPONENTS components = { sizeof(URL_COMPONENTS) }; components.lpszScheme = scheme; components.dwSchemeLength = SIZEOF(scheme); components.lpszHostName = host; components.dwHostNameLength = SIZEOF(host); components.lpszUrlPath = path; components.dwUrlPathLength = SIZEOF(path); BOOL crackUrlOk = InternetCrackUrl(url.c_str(), url.size(), 0, &components);*/ wstring normalUrl = url; map<wstring, wstring> brokenURL = CrackURL(url); /*_ASSERTE(crackUrlOk); if(crackUrlOk) {*/ wchar_t port[10] = {}; // The port number must only be included if it is non-standard if(Compare(brokenURL[L"scheme"], L"http", false) && !(Compare(brokenURL[L"port"], L"80", false)) || (Compare(brokenURL[L"scheme"], L"https", false) && !(Compare(brokenURL[L"port"], L"443", false)))) { mir_snwprintf(port, SIZEOF(port), L":%s", brokenURL[L"port"]); } // InternetCrackUrl includes ? and # elements in the path, // which we need to strip off wstring pathOnly = brokenURL[L"path"]; wstring::size_type q = pathOnly.find_first_of(L"#?"); if(q != wstring::npos) { pathOnly = pathOnly.substr(0, q); } normalUrl = brokenURL[L"scheme"] + L"://" + brokenURL[L"domain"] + port + L"/" + pathOnly; //debugLogW("**OAuthNOrmailseURL - normalUrl is %s", normalUrl); //} return normalUrl; } wstring mir_twitter::OAuthNormalizeRequestParameters( const OAuthParameters& requestParameters ) { list<wstring> sorted; for(OAuthParameters::const_iterator it = requestParameters.begin(); it != requestParameters.end(); ++it) { wstring param = it->first + L"=" + it->second; sorted.push_back(param); } sorted.sort(); wstring params; for(list<wstring>::iterator it = sorted.begin(); it != sorted.end(); ++it) { if(params.size() > 0) { params += L"&"; } params += *it; } return params; } OAuthParameters mir_twitter::ParseQueryString( const wstring& url ) { OAuthParameters ret; vector<wstring> queryParams; Split(url, queryParams, L'&', false); for(size_t i = 0; i < queryParams.size(); ++i) { vector<wstring> paramElements; Split(queryParams[i], paramElements, L'=', true); _ASSERTE(paramElements.size() == 2); if(paramElements.size() == 2) { ret[paramElements[0]] = paramElements[1]; } } return ret; } wstring mir_twitter::OAuthCreateNonce() { wchar_t ALPHANUMERIC[] = L"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; wstring nonce; for(int i = 0; i <= 16; ++i) { nonce += ALPHANUMERIC[rand() % (SIZEOF(ALPHANUMERIC) - 1)]; // don't count null terminator in array } return nonce; } wstring mir_twitter::OAuthCreateTimestamp() { __time64_t utcNow; __time64_t ret = _time64(&utcNow); _ASSERTE(ret != -1); wchar_t buf[100] = {}; mir_snwprintf(buf, SIZEOF(buf), L"%I64u", utcNow); return buf; } wstring mir_twitter::OAuthCreateSignature( const wstring& signatureBase, const wstring& consumerSecret, const wstring& requestTokenSecret ) { // URL encode key elements wstring escapedConsumerSecret = UrlEncode(consumerSecret); wstring escapedTokenSecret = UrlEncode(requestTokenSecret); wstring key = escapedConsumerSecret + L"&" + escapedTokenSecret; string keyBytes = WideToUTF8(key); BYTE digest[MIR_SHA1_HASH_SIZE]; string data = WideToUTF8(signatureBase); mir_hmac_sha1(digest, (PBYTE)keyBytes.c_str(), keyBytes.size(), (PBYTE)data.c_str(), data.size()); ptrA encoded( mir_base64_encode(digest, sizeof(digest))); return UrlEncode((TCHAR*)_A2T(encoded)); }