Copyright © 2009 Jim Porter
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
#pragma once
#include "common.h"
#include "utility.h"
#include "stdafx.h"
class TwitterProto : public PROTO
TwitterProto(const char*,const TCHAR*);
inline const char * ModuleName() const
return m_szModuleName;
virtual HCONTACT __cdecl AddToList(int,PROTOSEARCHRESULT *);
virtual HCONTACT __cdecl AddToListByEvent(int,int,HANDLE);
virtual int __cdecl Authorize(HANDLE);
virtual int __cdecl AuthDeny(HANDLE,const TCHAR *);
virtual int __cdecl AuthRecv(HCONTACT, PROTORECVEVENT *);
virtual int __cdecl AuthRequest(HCONTACT, const TCHAR *);
virtual HANDLE __cdecl ChangeInfo(int,void *);
virtual HANDLE __cdecl FileAllow(HCONTACT, HANDLE, const TCHAR *);
virtual int __cdecl FileCancel(HCONTACT, HANDLE);
virtual int __cdecl FileDeny(HCONTACT, HANDLE, const TCHAR *);
virtual int __cdecl FileResume(HANDLE, int *, const TCHAR **);
virtual DWORD_PTR __cdecl GetCaps(int, HCONTACT = 0);
virtual int __cdecl GetInfo(HCONTACT, int);
virtual HANDLE __cdecl SearchBasic(const TCHAR *);
virtual HANDLE __cdecl SearchByEmail(const TCHAR *);
virtual HANDLE __cdecl SearchByName(const TCHAR *,const TCHAR *,const TCHAR *);
virtual HWND __cdecl SearchAdvanced(HWND);
virtual HWND __cdecl CreateExtendedSearchUI(HWND);
virtual int __cdecl RecvContacts(HCONTACT, PROTORECVEVENT *);
virtual int __cdecl RecvFile(HCONTACT, PROTORECVFILET *);
virtual int __cdecl RecvMsg(HCONTACT, PROTORECVEVENT *);
virtual int __cdecl RecvUrl(HCONTACT, PROTORECVEVENT *);
virtual int __cdecl SendContacts(HCONTACT, int, int, HCONTACT*);
virtual HANDLE __cdecl SendFile(HCONTACT, const TCHAR *, TCHAR **);
virtual int __cdecl SendMsg(HCONTACT, int, const char *);
virtual int __cdecl SendUrl(HCONTACT, int, const char *);
virtual int __cdecl SetApparentMode(HCONTACT, int);
virtual int __cdecl SetStatus(int);
virtual HANDLE __cdecl GetAwayMsg(HCONTACT);
virtual int __cdecl RecvAwayMsg(HCONTACT, int, PROTORECVEVENT *);
virtual int __cdecl SetAwayMsg(int,const TCHAR *);
virtual int __cdecl UserIsTyping(HCONTACT, int);
virtual int __cdecl OnEvent(PROTOEVENTTYPE,WPARAM,LPARAM);
void UpdateSettings();
// Services
INT_PTR __cdecl SvcCreateAccMgrUI(WPARAM,LPARAM);
INT_PTR __cdecl GetStatus(WPARAM,LPARAM);
INT_PTR __cdecl ReplyToTweet(WPARAM,LPARAM);
INT_PTR __cdecl VisitHomepage(WPARAM,LPARAM);
INT_PTR __cdecl GetAvatar(WPARAM,LPARAM);
INT_PTR __cdecl SetAvatar(WPARAM,LPARAM);
INT_PTR __cdecl OnJoinChat(WPARAM,LPARAM);
INT_PTR __cdecl OnLeaveChat(WPARAM,LPARAM);
// Events
int __cdecl OnContactDeleted(WPARAM,LPARAM);
int __cdecl OnBuildStatusMenu(WPARAM,LPARAM);
int __cdecl OnOptionsInit(WPARAM,LPARAM);
int __cdecl OnModulesLoaded(WPARAM,LPARAM);
int __cdecl OnPreShutdown(WPARAM,LPARAM);
int __cdecl OnPrebuildContactMenu(WPARAM,LPARAM);
int __cdecl OnChatOutgoing(WPARAM,LPARAM);
void __cdecl SendTweetWorker(void *);
// Worker threads
void __cdecl AddToListWorker(void *p);
void __cdecl SendSuccess(void *);
void __cdecl DoSearch(void *);
void __cdecl SignOn(void *);
void __cdecl MessageLoop(void *);
void __cdecl GetAwayMsgWorker(void *);
void __cdecl UpdateAvatarWorker(void *);
void __cdecl UpdateInfoWorker(void *);
bool NegotiateConnection();
void UpdateStatuses(bool pre_read,bool popups, bool tweetToMsg);
void UpdateMessages(bool pre_read);
void UpdateFriends();
void UpdateAvatar(HCONTACT, const std::string &, bool force = false);
int ShowPinDialog();
void ShowPopup(const wchar_t *, int Error = 0);
void ShowPopup(const char *, int Error = 0);
void ShowContactPopup(HCONTACT, const std::string &);
bool IsMyContact(HCONTACT, bool include_chat = false);
HCONTACT UsernameToHContact(const char *);
HCONTACT AddToClientList(const char *, const char *);
void SetAllContactStatuses(int);
void debugLogA(TCHAR *fmt,...);
__inline void debugLogW(TCHAR* first, const tstring& last) { debugLogA(first, last.c_str()); }
static void CALLBACK APC_callback(ULONG_PTR p);
void UpdateChat(const twitter_user &update);
void AddChatContact(const char *name,const char *nick=0);
void DeleteChatContact(const char *name);
void SetChatStatus(int);
void TwitterProto::resetOAuthKeys();
std::tstring GetAvatarFolder();
HANDLE signon_lock_;
HANDLE avatar_lock_;
HANDLE twitter_lock_;
HANDLE hAvatarNetlib_;
HANDLE hMsgLoop_;
mir_twitter twit_;
twitter_id since_id_;
twitter_id dm_since_id_;
bool in_chat_;
int disconnectionCount;
//mirandas keys
wstring ConsumerKey;
wstring ConsumerSecret;
// various twitter api URLs
wstring AuthorizeUrl;
// TODO: remove this
inline std::string profile_base_url(const std::string &url)
size_t x = url.find("://");
if(x == std::string::npos)
return url.substr(0,url.find('/')+1);
return url.substr(0,url.find('/',x+3)+1);