Copyright © 2012-20 Miranda NG team
Copyright © 2009 Jim Porter
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
#pragma once
#include "..\..\..\..\miranda-private-keys\Twitter\oauth.dev.h"
typedef __int64 twitter_id;
struct twitter_status
std::string text;
twitter_id id;
time_t time;
struct twitter_user
std::string username;
std::string real_name;
std::string profile_image_url;
twitter_status status;
time_t parse_time(const CMStringA &str);
struct AsyncHttpRequest : public MHttpRequest
AsyncHttpRequest(int type, const char *szUrl);
struct CChatMark
CChatMark(MEVENT _p1, const CMStringA &_p2) :
MEVENT hEvent;
CMStringA szId;
class CTwitterProto : public PROTO
ptrA m_szChatId;
http::response request_token();
http::response request_access_tokens();
bool get_info(const CMStringA &name, twitter_user *);
bool get_info_by_email(const CMStringA &email, twitter_user *);
bool add_friend(const CMStringA &name, twitter_user &u);
void remove_friend(const CMStringA &name);
void mark_read(MCONTACT hContact, const CMStringA &msgId);
void set_status(const CMStringA &text);
void send_direct(const CMStringA &name, const CMStringA &text);
http::response Execute(AsyncHttpRequest *req);
CMStringA m_szUserName;
CMStringA m_szPassword;
CMStringA m_szConsumerKey;
CMStringA m_szConsumerSecret;
CMStringA m_szAccessToken;
CMStringA m_szAccessTokenSecret;
CMStringA m_szPin;
CMStringW GetAvatarFolder();
mir_cs signon_lock_;
mir_cs avatar_lock_;
mir_cs twitter_lock_;
OBJLIST m_arChatMarks;
HNETLIBUSER hAvatarNetlib_;
HANDLE hMsgLoop_;
twitter_id since_id_;
twitter_id dm_since_id_;
bool in_chat_;
int disconnectionCount;
// OAuthWebRequest used for all OAuth related queries
// consumerKey and consumerSecret - must be provided for every call, they identify the application
// oauthToken and oauthTokenSecret - need to be provided for every call, except for the first token request before authorizing
// pin - only used during authorization, when the user enters the PIN they received from the CTwitterProto website
CMStringA OAuthWebRequestSubmit(const CMStringA &url, const char *httpMethod, const char *postData);
CMStringA UrlGetQuery(const CMStringA &url);
CMStringA BuildSignedOAuthParameters(const CMStringA &requestParameters, const CMStringA &url, const char *httpMethod, const char *postData);
CMStringA OAuthCreateNonce();
CMStringA OAuthCreateSignature(const CMStringA &signatureBase, const CMStringA &consumerSecret, const CMStringA &requestTokenSecret);
void Disconnect(void) { if (m_hConnHttp) Netlib_CloseHandle(m_hConnHttp); m_hConnHttp = nullptr; }
bool NegotiateConnection();
void UpdateStatuses(bool pre_read, bool popups, bool tweetToMsg);
void UpdateMessages(bool pre_read);
void UpdateFriends();
void UpdateAvatar(MCONTACT, const CMStringA &, bool force = false);
int ShowPinDialog();
void ShowPopup(const wchar_t *, int Error = 0);
void ShowPopup(const char *, int Error = 0);
void ShowContactPopup(MCONTACT, const CMStringA &, const CMStringA *);
bool IsMyContact(MCONTACT, bool include_chat = false);
MCONTACT UsernameToHContact(const char *);
MCONTACT AddToClientList(const char *, const char *);
MCONTACT FindContactById(const char *);
static void CALLBACK APC_callback(ULONG_PTR p);
void UpdateChat(const twitter_user &update);
void AddChatContact(const char *name, const char *nick = nullptr);
void DeleteChatContact(const char *name);
void SetChatStatus(int);
void resetOAuthKeys();
CTwitterProto(const char*,const wchar_t*);
INT_PTR GetCaps(int, MCONTACT = 0) override;
int GetInfo(MCONTACT, int) override;
HANDLE SearchBasic(const wchar_t *) override;
HANDLE SearchByEmail(const wchar_t *) override;
int SendMsg(MCONTACT, int, const char *) override;
int SetStatus(int) override;
HANDLE GetAwayMsg(MCONTACT) override;
void OnModulesLoaded() override;
void UpdateSettings();
// Services
INT_PTR __cdecl SvcCreateAccMgrUI(WPARAM,LPARAM);
INT_PTR __cdecl ReplyToTweet(WPARAM,LPARAM);
INT_PTR __cdecl VisitHomepage(WPARAM,LPARAM);
INT_PTR __cdecl GetAvatar(WPARAM,LPARAM);
INT_PTR __cdecl SetAvatar(WPARAM,LPARAM);
INT_PTR __cdecl OnJoinChat(WPARAM,LPARAM);
INT_PTR __cdecl OnLeaveChat(WPARAM,LPARAM);
// Events
int __cdecl OnBuildStatusMenu(WPARAM, LPARAM);
int __cdecl OnChatOutgoing(WPARAM, LPARAM);
int __cdecl OnContactDeleted(WPARAM,LPARAM);
int __cdecl OnMarkedRead(WPARAM, LPARAM);
int __cdecl OnOptionsInit(WPARAM,LPARAM);
int __cdecl OnPrebuildContactMenu(WPARAM,LPARAM);
void __cdecl SendTweetWorker(void *);
// Threads
void __cdecl AddToListWorker(void *p);
void __cdecl DoSearch(void *);
void __cdecl SignOn(void *);
void __cdecl MessageLoop(void *);
void __cdecl GetAwayMsgWorker(void *);
void __cdecl UpdateAvatarWorker(void *);
void __cdecl UpdateInfoWorker(void *);
struct CMPlugin : public ACCPROTOPLUGIN
int Load() override;