/* Copyright © 2009 Jim Porter This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "twitter.h" //#include "tc2.h" #include #include #include #include #include "tinyjson.hpp" #include //#include "boost/spirit/include/classic_core.hpp" //#include "boost/spirit/include/classic_loops.hpp" typedef json::grammar js; // utility functions template static T cast_and_decode(boost::any &a,bool allow_null) { if(allow_null && a.type() == typeid(void)) return T(); return boost::any_cast(a); } template <> static std::string cast_and_decode(boost::any &a,bool allow_null) { if(allow_null && a.type() == typeid(void)) return std::string(); std::string s = boost::any_cast(a); // Twitter *only* encodes < and >, so decode them size_t off; while( (off = s.find("<")) != std::string::npos) s.replace(off,4,"<"); while( (off = s.find(">")) != std::string::npos) s.replace(off,4,">"); return s; } template static T retrieve(const js::object &o,const std::string &key,bool allow_null = false) { using boost::any_cast; js::object::const_iterator i = o.find(key); if(i == o.end()) throw std::exception( ("unable to retrieve key '"+key+"'").c_str()); try { return cast_and_decode(*i->second,allow_null); } catch(const boost::bad_any_cast &) { throw std::exception( ("unable to cast key '"+key+"' to target type").c_str()); } } twitter::twitter() : base_url_("https://twitter.com/") {} bool twitter::set_credentials(const std::string &username, const std::wstring &consumerKey, const std::wstring &consumerSecret, const std::wstring &oauthAccessToken, const std::wstring &oauthAccessTokenSecret, const std::wstring &pin, bool test) { username_ = username; consumerKey_ = consumerKey; consumerSecret_ = consumerSecret; oauthAccessToken_ = oauthAccessToken; oauthAccessTokenSecret_ = oauthAccessTokenSecret; pin_ = pin; if(test) return slurp(base_url_+"account/verify_credentials.json",http::get).code == 200; else return true; } http::response twitter::request_token() { return slurp(base_url_+"oauth/request_token",http::get); } http::response twitter::request_access_tokens() { return slurp(base_url_+"oauth/access_token", http::get); } void twitter::set_base_url(const std::string &base_url) { base_url_ = base_url; } const std::string & twitter::get_username() const { return username_; } const std::string & twitter::get_base_url() const { return base_url_; } std::vector twitter::get_friends() { std::vector friends; http::response resp = slurp(base_url_+"statuses/friends.json",http::get); if(resp.code != 200) throw bad_response(); const js::variant var = json::parse( resp.data.begin(),resp.data.end()); if(var->type() != typeid(js::array)) throw std::exception("unable to parse response"); const js::array &list = boost::any_cast(*var); for(js::array::const_iterator i=list.begin(); i!=list.end(); ++i) { if((*i)->type() == typeid(js::object)) { const js::object &one = boost::any_cast(**i); twitter_user user; user.username = retrieve(one,"screen_name"); user.real_name = retrieve(one,"name",true); user.profile_image_url = retrieve(one,"profile_image_url",true); if(one.find("status") != one.end()) { js::object &status = retrieve(one,"status"); user.status.text = retrieve(status,"text"); user.status.id = retrieve(status,"id"); std::string timestr = retrieve(status,"created_at"); user.status.time = parse_time(timestr); } friends.push_back(user); } } return friends; } bool twitter::get_info(const std::string &name,twitter_user *info) { if(!info) return false; std::string url = base_url_+"users/show/"+http::url_encode(name)+".json"; http::response resp = slurp(url,http::get); if(resp.code != 200) throw bad_response(); const js::variant var = json::parse( resp.data.begin(),resp.data.end()); if(var->type() == typeid(js::object)) { const js::object &user_info = boost::any_cast(*var); if(user_info.find("error") != user_info.end()) return false; info->username = retrieve(user_info,"screen_name"); info->real_name = retrieve(user_info,"name",true); info->profile_image_url = retrieve(user_info,"profile_image_url",true); return true; } else return false; } bool twitter::get_info_by_email(const std::string &email,twitter_user *info) { if(!info) return false; std::string url = base_url_+"users/show.json?email="+http::url_encode(email); http::response resp = slurp(url,http::get); if(resp.code != 200) throw bad_response(); js::variant var = json::parse( resp.data.begin(),resp.data.end()); if(var->type() == typeid(js::object)) { const js::object &user_info = boost::any_cast(*var); if(user_info.find("error") != user_info.end()) return false; info->username = retrieve(user_info,"screen_name"); info->real_name = retrieve(user_info,"name",true); info->profile_image_url = retrieve(user_info,"profile_image_url",true); return true; } else return false; } twitter_user twitter::add_friend(const std::string &name) { std::string url = base_url_+"friendships/create/"+http::url_encode(name)+".json"; twitter_user ret; http::response resp = slurp(url,http::post); if(resp.code != 200) throw bad_response(); js::variant var = json::parse( resp.data.begin(),resp.data.end()); if(var->type() != typeid(js::object)) throw std::exception("unable to parse response"); const js::object &user_info = boost::any_cast(*var); ret.username = retrieve(user_info,"screen_name"); ret.real_name = retrieve(user_info,"name",true); ret.profile_image_url = retrieve(user_info,"profile_image_url",true); if(user_info.find("status") != user_info.end()) { // TODO: fill in more fields const js::object &status = retrieve(user_info,"status"); ret.status.text = retrieve(status,"text"); } return ret; } void twitter::remove_friend(const std::string &name) { std::string url = base_url_+"friendships/destroy/"+http::url_encode(name)+".json"; slurp(url,http::post); } void twitter::set_status(const std::string &text) { if(text.size()) { /* slurp(base_url_+"statuses/update.json",http::post, "status="+http::url_encode(text)+ "&source=mirandaim");*/ //MessageBox(NULL, UTF8ToWide(text).c_str(), NULL, MB_OK); std::wstring wTweet = UTF8ToWide(text); OAuthParameters postParams; postParams[L"status"] = UrlEncode(wTweet); slurp(base_url_+"statuses/update.json",http::post, postParams); } } void twitter::send_direct(const std::string &name,const std::string &text) { std::wstring temp = UTF8ToWide(text); OAuthParameters postParams; postParams[L"text"] = UrlEncode(temp); postParams[L"screen_name"] = UTF8ToWide(name); slurp(base_url_+"direct_messages/new.json", http::post, postParams); } std::vector twitter::get_statuses(int count,twitter_id id) { using boost::lexical_cast; std::vector statuses; std::string url = base_url_+"statuses/home_timeline.json?count="+ lexical_cast(count); if(id != 0) url += "&since_id="+boost::lexical_cast(id); http::response resp = slurp(url,http::get); if(resp.code != 200) throw bad_response(); js::variant var = json::parse( resp.data.begin(),resp.data.end()); if(var->type() != typeid(js::array)) throw std::exception("unable to parse response"); const js::array &list = boost::any_cast(*var); for(js::array::const_iterator i=list.begin(); i!=list.end(); ++i) { if((*i)->type() == typeid(js::object)) { const js::object &one = boost::any_cast(**i); const js::object &user = retrieve(one,"user"); twitter_user u; u.username = retrieve(user,"screen_name"); bool isTruncated = retrieve(one,"truncated"); if (isTruncated) { // the tweet will be truncated unless we take action. i hate you twitter API // here we grab the "retweeted_status" um.. section? it's in here that all the info we need is const js::object &Retweet = retrieve(one,"retweeted_status"); const js::object &RTUser = retrieve(Retweet,"user"); std::string retweeteesName = retrieve(RTUser,"screen_name"); // the user that is being retweeted std::string retweetText = retrieve(Retweet,"text"); // their tweet in all it's untruncated glory u.status.text = "RT @" + retweeteesName + " " + retweetText; // mash it together in some format people will understand } else { // if it's not truncated, then the twitter API returns the native RT correctly anyway, u.status.text = retrieve(one,"text"); // so we can just pretend it doesn't happen } u.status.id = retrieve(one,"id"); std::string timestr = retrieve(one,"created_at"); u.status.time = parse_time(timestr); statuses.push_back(u); } } return statuses; } std::vector twitter::get_direct(twitter_id id) { std::vector messages; std::string url = base_url_+"direct_messages.json"; if(id != 0) url += "?since_id="+boost::lexical_cast(id); http::response resp = slurp(url,http::get); if(resp.code != 200) throw bad_response(); js::variant var = json::parse( resp.data.begin(),resp.data.end()); if(var->type() != typeid(js::array)) throw std::exception("unable to parse response"); const js::array &list = boost::any_cast(*var); for(js::array::const_iterator i=list.begin(); i!=list.end(); ++i) { if((*i)->type() == typeid(js::object)) { const js::object &one = boost::any_cast(**i); twitter_user u; u.username = retrieve(one,"sender_screen_name"); u.status.text = retrieve(one,"text"); u.status.id = retrieve(one,"id"); std::string timestr = retrieve(one,"created_at"); u.status.time = parse_time(timestr); messages.push_back(u); } } return messages; } string twitter::urlencode(const string &c) { string escaped; int max = c.length(); for(int i=0; i>4; char dig2 = (dec&0x0F); if ( 0<= dig1 && dig1<= 9) dig1+=48; //0,48 in ascii if (10<= dig1 && dig1<=15) dig1+=65-10; //A,65 in ascii if ( 0<= dig2 && dig2<= 9) dig2+=48; if (10<= dig2 && dig2<=15) dig2+=65-10; string r; r.append( &dig1, 1); r.append( &dig2, 1); return r; } // Some Unices get this, now we do too! time_t timegm(struct tm *t) { _tzset(); t->tm_sec -= _timezone; t->tm_isdst = 0; return mktime(t); } static char *month_names[] = { "Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun", "Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec" }; int parse_month(const char *m) { for(size_t i=0; i<12; i++) { if(strcmp(month_names[i],m) == 0) return i; } return -1; } time_t parse_time(const std::string &s) { struct tm t; char day[4],month[4]; char plus; int zone; if(sscanf(s.c_str(),"%3s %3s %d %d:%d:%d %c%d %d", day,month,&t.tm_mday,&t.tm_hour,&t.tm_min,&t.tm_sec, &plus,&zone,&t.tm_year) == 9) { t.tm_year -= 1900; t.tm_mon = parse_month(month); if(t.tm_mon == -1) return 0; return timegm(&t); } return 0; }