/* Copyright (c) 2013-17 Miranda NG project (http://miranda-ng.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #pragma once #define VK_APP_ID 3917910 // LongPool servers events #define VKPOLL_MSG_REMOVED 0 #define VKPOLL_MSG_NEWFLAGS 1 #define VKPOLL_MSG_ADDFLAGS 2 #define VKPOLL_MSG_DELFLAGS 3 #define VKPOLL_MSG_ADDED 4 #define VKPOLL_READ_ALL_IN 6 #define VKPOLL_READ_ALL_OUT 7 #define VKPOLL_USR_ONLINE 8 #define VKPOLL_USR_OFFLINE 9 #define VKPOLL_CHAT_CHANGED 51 #define VKPOLL_USR_UTN 61 #define VKPOLL_CHAT_UTN 62 #define VKPOLL_RING 70 // Flags for VKPOLL_MSG_ADDED #define VKFLAG_MSGUNREAD 1 // ��������� �� ��������� #define VKFLAG_MSGOUTBOX 2 // ��������� ��������� #define VKFLAG_MSGREPLIED 4 // �� ��������� ��� ������ ����� #define VKFLAG_MSGIMPORTANT 8 // ���������� ��������� #define VKFLAG_MSGCHAT 16 // ��������� ���������� ����� ��� #define VKFLAG_MSGFRIENDS 32 // ��������� ���������� ������ #define VKFLAG_MSGSPAM 64 // ��������� �������� ��� "����" #define VKFLAG_MSGDELETED 128 // ��������� ������� (� �������) #define VKFLAG_MSGFIXED 256 // ��������� ��������� ������������� �� ���� #define VKFLAG_MSGMEDIA 512 // ��������� �������� ������������ // Errors #define VKERR_NO_JSONNODE -2 // No JSON Node in server reply #define VKERR_OFFLINE -1 // Proto is offline #define VKERR_NOERRORS 0 // No error #define VKERR_UNKNOWN 1 // Unknown error occurred #define VKERR_TOO_MANY_REQ_PER_SEC 6 // Too many requests per second #define VKERR_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED 5 // User authorization failed #define VKERR_FLOOD_CONTROL 9 // Flood control #define VKERR_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERR 10 // Internal server error #define VKERR_CAPTCHA_NEEDED 14 // Captcha needed #define VKERR_ACCESS_DENIED 15 // Access denied #define VKERR_VALIDATION_REQUIRED 17 // Validation Required #define VKERR_COULD_NOT_SAVE_FILE 105 // Couldn't save file #define VKERR_INVALID_ALBUM_ID 114 // Invalid album id #define VKERR_INVALID_SERVER 118 // Invalid server #define VKERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS 100 // One of the parameters specified was missing or invalid #define VKERR_INVALID_HASH 121 // Invalid hash #define VKERR_INVALID_AUDIO 123 // Invalid audio #define VKERR_HIMSELF_AS_FRIEND 174 // Cannot add user himself as friend #define VKERR_YOU_ON_BLACKLIST 175 // Cannot add this user to friends as they have put you on their blacklist #define VKERR_USER_ON_BLACKLIST 176 // Cannot add this user to friends as you put him on blacklist #define VKERR_ACC_WALL_POST_DENIED 214 // Access to adding post denied #define VKERR_AUDIO_DEL_COPYRIGHT 270 // The audio file was removed by the copyright holder and cannot be reuploaded. #define VKERR_INVALID_FILENAME 301 // Invalid filename #define VKERR_INVALID_FILESIZE 302 // Invalid filesize // File upload custom error #define VKERR_FILE_NOT_EXIST 10100 // File does not exist #define VKERR_FTYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED 10101 // File type not supported #define VKERR_ERR_OPEN_FILE 10103 // Error open file #define VKERR_ERR_READ_FILE 10104 // Error read file #define VKERR_FILE_NOT_UPLOADED 10105 // File upload error #define VKERR_INVALID_URL 10106 // Upload server returned empty URL #define VKERR_INVALID_USER 10107 // Invalid or unknown recipient user ID #define VK_USER_DEACTIVATE_ACTION 9321 #define VK_API_VER "5.63" #define VER_API CHAR_PARAM("v", VK_API_VER) #define VK_FEED_USER 2147483647L #define VK_INVALID_USER 0L #if defined(_DEBUG) #define VK_NODUMPHEADERS 0 #else #define VK_NODUMPHEADERS NLHRF_NODUMPHEADERS #endif struct CVkProto; extern LIST<CVkProto> vk_Instances; extern mir_cs csInstances; extern HINSTANCE hInst; LPCSTR findHeader(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *hdr, LPCSTR szField); bool wlstrstr(wchar_t *_s1, wchar_t *_s2); void InitIcons(void); HANDLE GetIconHandle(int iCommand); char* ExpUrlEncode(const char *szUrl, bool strict = false); bool IsEmpty(LPCWSTR str); bool IsEmpty(LPCSTR str);