/* Copyright (c) 2013-18 Miranda NG team (https://miranda-ng.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" enum { IDM_NONE, IDM_TOPIC, IDM_INVITE, IDM_DESTROY, IDM_KICK, IDM_INFO, IDM_CHANGENICK, IDM_VISIT_PROFILE }; static LPCWSTR sttStatuses[] = { LPGENW("Participants"), LPGENW("Owners") }; extern JSONNode nullNode; CVkChatInfo* CVkProto::AppendChat(int id, const JSONNode &jnDlg) { debugLogW(L"CVkProto::AppendChat"); if (id == 0) return nullptr; if (jnDlg) { CMStringW action_chat = jnDlg["action"].as_mstring(); int action_mid = _wtoi(jnDlg["action_mid"].as_mstring()); if ((action_chat == L"chat_kick_user") && (action_mid == m_myUserId)) return nullptr; } MCONTACT chatContact = FindChat(id); if (chatContact && getBool(chatContact, "kicked")) return nullptr; CVkChatInfo *c = m_chats.find((CVkChatInfo*)&id); if (c != nullptr) return c; CMStringW wszTitle; c = new CVkChatInfo(id); if (jnDlg) { wszTitle = jnDlg["title"].as_mstring(); c->m_wszTopic = mir_wstrdup(!wszTitle.IsEmpty() ? wszTitle : L""); } CMStringW sid; sid.Format(L"%S_%d", m_szModuleName, id); c->m_wszId = mir_wstrdup(sid); GCSessionInfoBase *si = Chat_NewSession(GCW_CHATROOM, m_szModuleName, sid, wszTitle); if (si == nullptr) return nullptr; c->m_hContact = si->hContact; setWString(si->hContact, "Nick", wszTitle); m_chats.insert(c); for (int i = _countof(sttStatuses) - 1; i >= 0; i--) Chat_AddGroup(m_szModuleName, sid, TranslateW(sttStatuses[i])); setDword(si->hContact, "vk_chat_id", id); CMStringW wszHomepage(FORMAT, L"https://vk.com/im?sel=c%d", id); setWString(si->hContact, "Homepage", wszHomepage); db_unset(si->hContact, m_szModuleName, "off"); if (jnDlg && jnDlg["left"].as_bool()) { setByte(si->hContact, "off", 1); m_chats.remove(c); return nullptr; } Chat_Control(m_szModuleName, sid, (m_vkOptions.bHideChats) ? WINDOW_HIDDEN : SESSION_INITDONE); Chat_Control(m_szModuleName, sid, SESSION_ONLINE); RetrieveChatInfo(c); return c; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CVkProto::RetrieveChatInfo(CVkChatInfo *cc) { debugLogA("CVkProto::RetrieveChatInfo"); Push(new AsyncHttpRequest(this, REQUEST_GET, "/method/execute.RetrieveChatInfo", true, &CVkProto::OnReceiveChatInfo) << INT_PARAM("chatid", cc->m_chatid) << INT_PARAM("func_v", cc->m_bHistoryRead ? 1 : 2) )->pUserInfo = cc; } void CVkProto::OnReceiveChatInfo(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *reply, AsyncHttpRequest *pReq) { debugLogA("CVkProto::OnReceiveChatInfo %d", reply->resultCode); if (reply->resultCode != 200) return; JSONNode jnRoot; const JSONNode &jnResponse = CheckJsonResponse(pReq, reply, jnRoot); if (!jnResponse) return; CVkChatInfo *cc = (CVkChatInfo*)pReq->pUserInfo; if (m_chats.indexOf(cc) == -1) return; const JSONNode &jnInfo = jnResponse["info"]; if (jnInfo) { if (jnInfo["title"]) SetChatTitle(cc, jnInfo["title"].as_mstring()); if (jnInfo["left"].as_bool() || jnInfo["kicked"].as_bool()) { setByte(cc->m_hContact, "kicked", jnInfo["kicked"].as_bool()); LeaveChat(cc->m_chatid); return; } cc->m_admin_id = jnInfo["admin_id"].as_int(); } const JSONNode &jnUsers = jnResponse["users"]; if (jnUsers) { for (auto &it : cc->m_users) it->m_bDel = true; for (auto &jnUser : jnUsers) { if (!jnUser) break; int uid = jnUser["id"].as_int(); wchar_t wszId[20]; _itow(uid, wszId, 10); bool bNew; CVkChatUser *cu = cc->m_users.find((CVkChatUser*)&uid); if (cu == nullptr) { cc->m_users.insert(cu = new CVkChatUser(uid)); bNew = true; } else bNew = cu->m_bUnknown; cu->m_bDel = false; CMStringW wszNick(ptrW(db_get_wsa(cc->m_hContact, m_szModuleName, CMStringA(FORMAT, "nick%d", cu->m_uid)))); if (wszNick.IsEmpty()) { CMStringW fName(jnUser["first_name"].as_mstring()); CMStringW lName(jnUser["last_name"].as_mstring()); wszNick = fName.Trim() + L" " + lName.Trim(); } cu->m_wszNick = mir_wstrdup(wszNick); cu->m_bUnknown = false; if (bNew) { GCEVENT gce = { m_szModuleName, cc->m_wszId, GC_EVENT_JOIN }; gce.bIsMe = uid == m_myUserId; gce.ptszUID = wszId; gce.ptszNick = wszNick; gce.ptszStatus = TranslateW(sttStatuses[uid == cc->m_admin_id]); gce.dwItemData = (INT_PTR)cu; Chat_Event(&gce); } } auto T = cc->m_users.rev_iter(); for (auto &cu : T) { if (!cu->m_bDel) continue; wchar_t wszId[20]; _itow(cu->m_uid, wszId, 10); GCEVENT gce = { m_szModuleName, cc->m_wszId, GC_EVENT_PART }; gce.ptszUID = wszId; gce.dwFlags = GCEF_NOTNOTIFY; gce.time = time(0); gce.ptszNick = mir_wstrdup(CMStringW(FORMAT, L"%s (https://vk.com/id%s)", cu->m_wszNick, wszId)); Chat_Event(&gce); cc->m_users.remove(T.indexOf(&cu)); } } const JSONNode &jnMsgsUsers = jnResponse["msgs_users"]; for (auto &jnUser : jnMsgsUsers) { LONG uid = jnUser["id"].as_int(); CVkChatUser *cu = cc->m_users.find((CVkChatUser*)&uid); if (cu) continue; MCONTACT hContact = FindUser(uid); if (hContact) continue; hContact = SetContactInfo(jnUser, true, VKContactType::vkContactMUCUser); } const JSONNode &jnMsgs = jnResponse["msgs"]; const JSONNode &jnFUsers = jnResponse["fwd_users"]; if (jnMsgs) { const JSONNode &jnItems = jnMsgs["items"]; if (jnItems) { for (auto &jnMsg : jnItems) { if (!jnMsg) break; AppendChatMessage(cc->m_chatid, jnMsg, jnFUsers, true); } cc->m_bHistoryRead = true; } } for (auto &p : cc->m_msgs) AppendChatMessage(cc, p->m_uid, p->m_date, p->m_wszBody, p->m_bHistory, p->m_bIsAction); cc->m_msgs.destroy(); } void CVkProto::SetChatTitle(CVkChatInfo *cc, LPCWSTR wszTopic) { debugLogW(L"CVkProto::SetChatTitle"); if (!cc) return; if (mir_wstrcmp(cc->m_wszTopic, wszTopic) == 0) return; cc->m_wszTopic = mir_wstrdup(wszTopic); setWString(cc->m_hContact, "Nick", wszTopic); Chat_ChangeSessionName(m_szModuleName, cc->m_wszId, wszTopic); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CVkProto::AppendChatMessage(int id, const JSONNode &jnMsg, const JSONNode &jnFUsers, bool bIsHistory) { debugLogA("CVkProto::AppendChatMessage"); CVkChatInfo *cc = AppendChat(id, nullNode); if (cc == nullptr) return; int mid = jnMsg["id"].as_int(); int uid = jnMsg["user_id"].as_int(); bool bIsAction = false; int msgTime = jnMsg["date"].as_int(); time_t now = time(0); if (!msgTime || msgTime > now) msgTime = now; CMStringW wszBody(jnMsg["body"].as_mstring()); const JSONNode &jnFwdMessages = jnMsg["fwd_messages"]; if (jnFwdMessages) { CMStringW wszFwdMessages = GetFwdMessages(jnFwdMessages, jnFUsers, bbcNo); if (!wszBody.IsEmpty()) wszFwdMessages = L"\n" + wszFwdMessages; wszBody += wszFwdMessages; } const JSONNode &jnAttachments = jnMsg["attachments"]; if (jnAttachments) { CMStringW wszAttachmentDescr = GetAttachmentDescr(jnAttachments, bbcNo); if (!wszBody.IsEmpty()) wszAttachmentDescr = L"\n" + wszAttachmentDescr; wszBody += wszAttachmentDescr; } if (m_vkOptions.bAddMessageLinkToMesWAtt && (jnAttachments || jnFwdMessages)) wszBody += SetBBCString(TranslateT("Message link"), bbcNo, vkbbcUrl, CMStringW(FORMAT, L"https://vk.com/im?sel=c%d&msgid=%d", cc->m_chatid, mid)); if (jnMsg["action"]) { bIsAction = true; CMStringW wszAction = jnMsg["action"].as_mstring(); if (wszAction == L"chat_create") { CMStringW wszActionText = jnMsg["action_text"].as_mstring(); wszBody.AppendFormat(L"%s \"%s\"", TranslateT("create chat"), wszActionText.IsEmpty() ? L" " : wszActionText); } else if (wszAction == L"chat_kick_user") { CMStringW wszActionMid = jnMsg["action_mid"].as_mstring(); if (wszActionMid.IsEmpty()) wszBody = TranslateT("kick user"); else { CMStringW wszUid(FORMAT, L"%d", uid); if (wszUid == wszActionMid) { if (cc->m_bHistoryRead) return; wszBody.AppendFormat(L" (https://vk.com/id%s) %s", wszUid.c_str(), TranslateT("left chat")); } else { int a_uid = 0; int iReadCount = swscanf(wszActionMid, L"%d", &a_uid); if (iReadCount == 1) { CVkChatUser *cu = cc->m_users.find((CVkChatUser*)&a_uid); if (cu == nullptr) wszBody.AppendFormat(L"%s (https://vk.com/id%d)", TranslateT("kick user"), a_uid); else wszBody.AppendFormat(L"%s %s (https://vk.com/id%d)", TranslateT("kick user"), cu->m_wszNick, a_uid); } else wszBody = TranslateT("kick user"); } } } else if (wszAction == L"chat_invite_user" || wszAction == L"chat_invite_user_by_link") { CMStringW wszActionMid = jnMsg["action_mid"].as_mstring(); if (wszActionMid.IsEmpty()) wszBody = TranslateT("invite user"); else { CMStringW wszUid(FORMAT, L"%d", uid); if (wszUid == wszActionMid) wszBody.AppendFormat(L" (https://vk.com/id%s) %s", wszUid.c_str(), TranslateT("returned to chat")); else { int a_uid = 0; int iReadCount = swscanf(wszActionMid, L"%d", &a_uid); if (iReadCount == 1) { CVkChatUser *cu = cc->m_users.find((CVkChatUser*)&a_uid); if (cu == nullptr) wszBody.AppendFormat(L"%s (https://vk.com/id%d)", TranslateT("invite user"), a_uid); else wszBody.AppendFormat(L"%s %s (https://vk.com/id%d)", TranslateT("invite user"), cu->m_wszNick, a_uid); } else wszBody = TranslateT("invite user"); } } } else if (wszAction == L"chat_title_update") { CMStringW wszTitle = jnMsg["action_text"].as_mstring(); wszBody.AppendFormat(L"%s \"%s\"", TranslateT("change chat title to"), wszTitle.IsEmpty() ? L" " : wszTitle); if (!bIsHistory) SetChatTitle(cc, wszTitle); } else if (wszAction == L"chat_pin_message") wszBody = TranslateT("pin message"); else if (wszAction == L"chat_unpin_message") wszBody = TranslateT("unpin message"); else if (wszAction == L"chat_photo_update") wszBody.Replace(TranslateT("Attachments:"), TranslateT("changed chat cover:")); else if (wszAction == L"chat_photo_remove") wszBody = TranslateT("deleted chat cover"); else wszBody.AppendFormat(L": %s (%s)", TranslateT("chat action not supported"), wszAction.c_str()); } wszBody.Replace(L"%", L"%%"); if (cc->m_bHistoryRead) { if (jnMsg["title"]) SetChatTitle(cc, jnMsg["title"].as_mstring()); AppendChatMessage(cc, uid, msgTime, wszBody, bIsHistory, bIsAction); } else { CVkChatMessage *cm = cc->m_msgs.find((CVkChatMessage *)&mid); if (cm == nullptr) cc->m_msgs.insert(cm = new CVkChatMessage(mid)); cm->m_uid = uid; cm->m_date = msgTime; cm->m_wszBody = mir_wstrdup(wszBody); cm->m_bHistory = bIsHistory; cm->m_bIsAction = bIsAction; } } void CVkProto::AppendChatMessage(CVkChatInfo *cc, int uid, int msgTime, LPCWSTR pwszBody, bool bIsHistory, bool bIsAction) { debugLogA("CVkProto::AppendChatMessage2"); MCONTACT hContact = FindUser(uid); CVkChatUser *cu = cc->m_users.find((CVkChatUser*)&uid); if (cu == nullptr) { cc->m_users.insert(cu = new CVkChatUser(uid)); CMStringW wszNick(ptrW(db_get_wsa(cc->m_hContact, m_szModuleName, CMStringA(FORMAT, "nick%d", cu->m_uid)))); cu->m_wszNick = mir_wstrdup(wszNick.IsEmpty() ? (hContact ? ptrW(db_get_wsa(hContact, m_szModuleName, "Nick")) : TranslateT("Unknown")) : wszNick); cu->m_bUnknown = true; } wchar_t wszId[20]; _itow(uid, wszId, 10); GCEVENT gce = { m_szModuleName, cc->m_wszId, bIsAction ? GC_EVENT_ACTION : GC_EVENT_MESSAGE }; gce.bIsMe = (uid == m_myUserId); gce.ptszUID = wszId; gce.time = msgTime; gce.dwFlags = (bIsHistory) ? GCEF_NOTNOTIFY : GCEF_ADDTOLOG; gce.ptszNick = cu->m_wszNick ? mir_wstrdup(cu->m_wszNick) : mir_wstrdup(hContact ? ptrW(db_get_wsa(hContact, m_szModuleName, "Nick")) : TranslateT("Unknown")); gce.ptszText = IsEmpty((wchar_t *)pwszBody) ? mir_wstrdup(L"...") : mir_wstrdup(pwszBody); Chat_Event(&gce); StopChatContactTyping(cc->m_chatid, uid); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CVkChatInfo* CVkProto::GetChatById(LPCWSTR pwszId) { for (auto &it : m_chats) if (!mir_wstrcmp(it->m_wszId, pwszId)) return it; return nullptr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CVkProto::SetChatStatus(MCONTACT hContact, int iStatus) { ptrW wszChatID(getWStringA(hContact, "ChatRoomID")); if (wszChatID == nullptr) return; CVkChatInfo *cc = GetChatById(wszChatID); if (cc != nullptr) Chat_Control(m_szModuleName, wszChatID, (iStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) ? SESSION_OFFLINE : SESSION_ONLINE); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int CVkProto::OnChatEvent(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { GCHOOK *gch = (GCHOOK*)lParam; if (gch == nullptr) return 0; if (mir_strcmpi(gch->pszModule, m_szModuleName)) return 0; CVkChatInfo *cc = GetChatById(gch->ptszID); if (cc == nullptr) return 0; switch (gch->iType) { case GC_USER_MESSAGE: if (IsOnline() && mir_wstrlen(gch->ptszText) > 0) { ptrW pwszBuf(mir_wstrdup(gch->ptszText)); rtrimw(pwszBuf); Chat_UnescapeTags(pwszBuf); SendMsg(cc->m_hContact, 0, T2Utf(pwszBuf)); } break; case GC_USER_PRIVMESS: { MCONTACT hContact = FindUser(_wtoi(gch->ptszUID)); if (hContact == 0) { hContact = FindUser(_wtoi(gch->ptszUID), true); db_set_b(hContact, "CList", "Hidden", 1); db_set_b(hContact, "CList", "NotOnList", 1); db_set_dw(hContact, "Ignore", "Mask1", 0); RetrieveUserInfo(_wtoi(gch->ptszUID)); } CallService(MS_MSG_SENDMESSAGEW, hContact); } break; case GC_USER_LOGMENU: LogMenuHook(cc, gch); break; case GC_USER_NICKLISTMENU: NickMenuHook(cc, gch); break; } return 0; } void CVkProto::OnSendChatMsg(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *reply, AsyncHttpRequest *pReq) { debugLogA("CVkProto::OnSendChatMsg %d", reply->resultCode); int iResult = ACKRESULT_FAILED; if (reply->resultCode == 200) { JSONNode jnRoot; CheckJsonResponse(pReq, reply, jnRoot); iResult = ACKRESULT_SUCCESS; } if (!pReq->pUserInfo) return; CVkFileUploadParam *fup = (CVkFileUploadParam *)pReq->pUserInfo; ProtoBroadcastAck(fup->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, iResult, (HANDLE)(fup)); if (!pReq->bNeedsRestart || m_bTerminated) { delete fup; pReq->pUserInfo = nullptr; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LPTSTR CVkProto::ChangeChatTopic(CVkChatInfo *cc) { ENTER_STRING pForm = { sizeof(pForm) }; pForm.type = ESF_MULTILINE; pForm.caption = TranslateT("Enter new chat title"); pForm.ptszInitVal = cc->m_wszTopic; pForm.szModuleName = m_szModuleName; pForm.szDataPrefix = "gctopic_"; return (!EnterString(&pForm)) ? nullptr : pForm.ptszResult; } void CVkProto::LogMenuHook(CVkChatInfo *cc, GCHOOK *gch) { if (!IsOnline()) return; switch (gch->dwData) { case IDM_TOPIC: if (LPTSTR pwszNew = ChangeChatTopic(cc)) { Push(new AsyncHttpRequest(this, REQUEST_GET, "/method/messages.editChat.json", true, &CVkProto::OnReceiveSmth) << WCHAR_PARAM("title", pwszNew) << INT_PARAM("chat_id", cc->m_chatid)); mir_free(pwszNew); } break; case IDM_INVITE: { CVkInviteChatForm dlg(this); if (dlg.DoModal() && dlg.m_hContact != 0) { int uid = getDword(dlg.m_hContact, "ID", VK_INVALID_USER); if (uid != VK_INVALID_USER) Push(new AsyncHttpRequest(this, REQUEST_GET, "/method/messages.addChatUser.json", true, &CVkProto::OnReceiveSmth) << INT_PARAM("user_id", uid) << INT_PARAM("chat_id", cc->m_chatid)); } } break; case IDM_DESTROY: if (IDYES == MessageBoxW(nullptr, TranslateT("This chat is going to be destroyed forever with all its contents. This action cannot be undone. Are you sure?"), TranslateT("Warning"), MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) ) Push(new AsyncHttpRequest(this, REQUEST_GET, "/method/execute.DestroyChat", true, &CVkProto::OnChatDestroy) << INT_PARAM("chatid", cc->m_chatid) << INT_PARAM("userid", m_myUserId) )->pUserInfo = cc; break; } } INT_PTR __cdecl CVkProto::OnJoinChat(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM) { debugLogA("CVkProto::OnJoinChat"); if (!IsOnline() || getBool(hContact, "kicked") || !getBool(hContact, "off")) return 1; int chat_id = getDword(hContact, "vk_chat_id", VK_INVALID_USER); if (chat_id == VK_INVALID_USER) return 1; AsyncHttpRequest *pReq = new AsyncHttpRequest(this, REQUEST_POST, "/method/messages.send.json", true, &CVkProto::OnSendChatMsg, AsyncHttpRequest::rpHigh) << INT_PARAM("chat_id", chat_id) << WCHAR_PARAM("message", m_vkOptions.pwszReturnChatMessage); pReq->AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); Push(pReq); db_unset(hContact, m_szModuleName, "off"); return 0; } INT_PTR __cdecl CVkProto::OnLeaveChat(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM) { debugLogA("CVkProto::OnLeaveChat"); if (!IsOnline()) return 1; ptrW wszChatID(getWStringA(hContact, "ChatRoomID")); if (wszChatID == nullptr) return 1; CVkChatInfo *cc = GetChatById(wszChatID); if (cc == nullptr) return 1; Push(new AsyncHttpRequest(this, REQUEST_GET, "/method/messages.removeChatUser.json", true, &CVkProto::OnChatLeave) << INT_PARAM("chat_id", cc->m_chatid) << INT_PARAM("user_id", m_myUserId))->pUserInfo = cc; return 0; } void CVkProto::LeaveChat(int chat_id, bool close_window, bool delete_chat) { debugLogA("CVkProto::LeaveChat"); CVkChatInfo *cc = (CVkChatInfo*)m_chats.find((CVkChatInfo*)&chat_id); if (cc == nullptr) return; if (close_window) Chat_Terminate(m_szModuleName, cc->m_wszId); else Chat_Control(m_szModuleName, cc->m_wszId, SESSION_OFFLINE); if (delete_chat) DeleteContact(cc->m_hContact); else setByte(cc->m_hContact, "off", (int)true); m_chats.remove(cc); } void CVkProto::KickFromChat(int chat_id, int user_id, const JSONNode &jnMsg, const JSONNode &jnFUsers) { debugLogA("CVkProto::KickFromChat (%d)", user_id); MCONTACT chatContact = FindChat(chat_id); if (chatContact && getBool(chatContact, "off")) return; if (user_id == m_myUserId) LeaveChat(chat_id); CVkChatInfo *cc = (CVkChatInfo*)m_chats.find((CVkChatInfo*)&chat_id); if (cc == nullptr) return; MCONTACT hContact = FindUser(user_id, false); CMStringW msg(jnMsg["body"].as_mstring()); if (msg.IsEmpty()) { msg = TranslateT("You've been kicked by "); if (hContact != 0) msg += ptrW(db_get_wsa(hContact, m_szModuleName, "Nick")); else msg += TranslateT("(Unknown contact)"); } else AppendChatMessage(chat_id, jnMsg, jnFUsers, false); MsgPopup(hContact, msg, TranslateT("Chat")); setByte(cc->m_hContact, "kicked", 1); LeaveChat(chat_id); } void CVkProto::OnChatLeave(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *reply, AsyncHttpRequest *pReq) { debugLogA("CVkProto::OnChatLeave %d", reply->resultCode); if (reply->resultCode != 200) return; CVkChatInfo *cc = (CVkChatInfo*)pReq->pUserInfo; LeaveChat(cc->m_chatid); } INT_PTR __cdecl CVkProto::SvcDestroyKickChat(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM) { debugLogA("CVkProto::SvcDestroyKickChat"); if (!IsOnline()) return 1; if (!getBool(hContact, "off")) return 1; int chat_id = getDword(hContact, "vk_chat_id", VK_INVALID_USER); if (chat_id == VK_INVALID_USER) return 1; Push(new AsyncHttpRequest(this, REQUEST_GET, "/method/execute.DestroyKickChat", true, &CVkProto::OnReceiveSmth) << INT_PARAM("chatid", chat_id) ); DeleteContact(hContact); return 0; } void CVkProto::OnChatDestroy(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *reply, AsyncHttpRequest *pReq) { debugLogA("CVkProto::OnChatDestroy %d", reply->resultCode); if (reply->resultCode != 200) return; CVkChatInfo *cc = (CVkChatInfo*)pReq->pUserInfo; LeaveChat(cc->m_chatid, true, true); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CVkProto::NickMenuHook(CVkChatInfo *cc, GCHOOK *gch) { CVkChatUser *cu = cc->GetUserById(gch->ptszUID); MCONTACT hContact; if (cu == nullptr) return; char szUid[20], szChatId[20]; _itoa(cu->m_uid, szUid, 10); _itoa(cc->m_chatid, szChatId, 10); switch (gch->dwData) { case IDM_INFO: hContact = FindUser(cu->m_uid); if (hContact == 0) { hContact = FindUser(cu->m_uid, true); db_set_b(hContact, "CList", "Hidden", 1); db_set_b(hContact, "CList", "NotOnList", 1); db_set_dw(hContact, "Ignore", "Mask1", 0); } CallService(MS_USERINFO_SHOWDIALOG, hContact); break; case IDM_VISIT_PROFILE: hContact = FindUser(cu->m_uid); if (hContact == 0) Utils_OpenUrlW(CMStringW(FORMAT, L"https://vk.com/id%d", cu->m_uid)); else SvcVisitProfile(hContact, 0); break; case IDM_CHANGENICK: { CMStringW wszNewNick = RunRenameNick(cu->m_wszNick); if (wszNewNick.IsEmpty() || wszNewNick == cu->m_wszNick) break; wchar_t wszId[20]; _itow(cu->m_uid, wszId, 10); GCEVENT gce = { m_szModuleName, cc->m_wszId, GC_EVENT_NICK }; gce.ptszNick = mir_wstrdup(cu->m_wszNick); gce.bIsMe = (cu->m_uid == m_myUserId); gce.ptszUID = wszId; gce.ptszText = mir_wstrdup(wszNewNick); gce.dwFlags = GCEF_ADDTOLOG; gce.time = time(0); Chat_Event(&gce); cu->m_wszNick = mir_wstrdup(wszNewNick); setWString(cc->m_hContact, CMStringA(FORMAT, "nick%d", cu->m_uid), wszNewNick); } break; case IDM_KICK: if (!IsOnline()) return; Push(new AsyncHttpRequest(this, REQUEST_GET, "/method/messages.removeChatUser.json", true, &CVkProto::OnReceiveSmth) << INT_PARAM("chat_id", cc->m_chatid) << INT_PARAM("user_id", cu->m_uid)); cu->m_bUnknown = true; break; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static gc_item sttLogListItems[] = { { LPGENW("&Invite a user"), IDM_INVITE, MENU_ITEM }, { LPGENW("View/change &title"), IDM_TOPIC, MENU_ITEM }, { nullptr, 0, MENU_SEPARATOR }, { LPGENW("&Destroy room"), IDM_DESTROY, MENU_ITEM } }; static gc_item sttListItems[] = { { LPGENW("&User details"), IDM_INFO, MENU_ITEM }, { LPGENW("Visit profile"), IDM_VISIT_PROFILE, MENU_ITEM }, { LPGENW("Change nick"), IDM_CHANGENICK, MENU_ITEM }, { LPGENW("&Kick"), IDM_KICK, MENU_ITEM } }; int CVkProto::OnGcMenuHook(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { GCMENUITEMS *gcmi = (GCMENUITEMS*)lParam; if (gcmi == nullptr || mir_strcmpi(gcmi->pszModule, m_szModuleName)) return 0; if (gcmi->Type == MENU_ON_LOG) Chat_AddMenuItems(gcmi->hMenu, _countof(sttLogListItems), sttLogListItems); else if (gcmi->Type == MENU_ON_NICKLIST) Chat_AddMenuItems(gcmi->hMenu, _countof(sttListItems), sttListItems); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CVkProto::ChatContactTypingThread(void *p) { CVKChatContactTypingParam *param = (CVKChatContactTypingParam *)p; if (!p) return; int iChatId = param->m_ChatId; int iUserId = param->m_UserId; debugLogA("CVkProto::ChatContactTypingThread %d %d", iChatId, iUserId); MCONTACT hChatContact = FindChat(iChatId); if (hChatContact && getBool(hChatContact, "off")) { delete param; return; } CVkChatInfo *cc = (CVkChatInfo*)m_chats.find((CVkChatInfo*)&iChatId); if (cc == nullptr) { delete param; return; } CVkChatUser *cu = cc->GetUserById(iUserId); if (cu == nullptr) { delete param; return; } { mir_cslock lck(m_csChatTyping); CVKChatContactTypingParam *cp = (CVKChatContactTypingParam *)m_ChatsTyping.find((CVKChatContactTypingParam *)&iChatId); if (cp != nullptr) m_ChatsTyping.remove(cp); m_ChatsTyping.insert(param); Srmm_SetStatusText(hChatContact, CMStringW(FORMAT, TranslateT("%s is typing a message..."), cu->m_wszNick)); } Sleep(9500); StopChatContactTyping(iChatId, iUserId); } void CVkProto::StopChatContactTyping(int iChatId, int iUserId) { debugLogA("CVkProto::StopChatContactTyping %d %d", iChatId, iUserId); MCONTACT hChatContact = FindChat(iChatId); if (hChatContact && getBool(hChatContact, "off")) return; CVkChatInfo *cc = (CVkChatInfo*)m_chats.find((CVkChatInfo*)&iChatId); if (cc == nullptr) return; CVkChatUser *cu = cc->GetUserById(iUserId); if (cu == nullptr) return; mir_cslock lck(m_csChatTyping); CVKChatContactTypingParam *cp = (CVKChatContactTypingParam *)m_ChatsTyping.find((CVKChatContactTypingParam *)&iChatId); if (cp != nullptr && cp->m_UserId == iUserId) { m_ChatsTyping.remove(cp); Srmm_SetStatusText(hChatContact, nullptr); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// INT_PTR CVkProto::SvcCreateChat(WPARAM, LPARAM) { if (!IsOnline()) return (INT_PTR)1; CVkGCCreateForm dlg(this); return (INT_PTR)!dlg.DoModal(); } void CVkProto::CreateNewChat(LPCSTR uids, LPCWSTR pwszTitle) { if (!IsOnline()) return; Push(new AsyncHttpRequest(this, REQUEST_GET, "/method/messages.createChat.json", true, &CVkProto::OnCreateNewChat) << WCHAR_PARAM("title", pwszTitle ? pwszTitle : L"") << CHAR_PARAM("user_ids", uids)); } void CVkProto::OnCreateNewChat(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *reply, AsyncHttpRequest *pReq) { debugLogA("CVkProto::OnCreateNewChat %d", reply->resultCode); if (reply->resultCode != 200) return; JSONNode jnRoot; const JSONNode &jnResponse = CheckJsonResponse(pReq, reply, jnRoot); if (!jnResponse) return; int chat_id = jnResponse.as_int(); if (chat_id != 0) AppendChat(chat_id, nullNode); }