/* Copyright (c) 2013-14 Miranda NG project (http://miranda-ng.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" #define VK_EVENTTYPE_FEED 10001 static char* szImageTypes[] = { "photo_2560", "photo_1280", "photo_807", "photo_604", "photo_256", "photo_130", "photo_128", "photo_75", "photo_64" }; void CVkProto::AddFeedSpecialUser() { MCONTACT hContact = FindUser(VK_FEED_USER, m_bNewsEnabled); if (!m_bNewsEnabled) { if (hContact) CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETE, (WPARAM)hContact, 0); return; } CMString tszNick = TranslateT("VKontakte"); setTString(hContact, "Nick", tszNick.GetBuffer()); CMString url = _T("https://vk.com/press/Simple.png"); SetAvatarUrl(hContact, url); ReloadAvatarInfo(hContact); if (getWord(hContact, "Status", 0) != ID_STATUS_ONLINE) setWord(hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_ONLINE); SetMirVer(hContact, 7); setTString(hContact, "domain", _T("feed")); setTString(hContact, "Homepage", _T("https://vk.com/feed")); } void CVkProto::AddFeedEvent(CMString& tszBody, time_t tTime) { MCONTACT hContact = FindUser(VK_FEED_USER, true); ptrT ptszBody; PROTORECVEVENT recv = { 0 }; ptszBody = mir_tstrdup(tszBody.GetBuffer()); recv.flags = PREF_TCHAR; recv.timestamp = tTime; recv.tszMessage = ptszBody; recv.lParam = 0; recv.pCustomData = NULL; recv.cbCustomDataSize = 0; ProtoChainRecvMsg(hContact, &recv); } void CVkProto::RetrieveUnreadNews() { debugLogA("CVkProto::RetrieveUnreadNews"); if (!IsOnline() || !m_bNewsEnabled) return; time_t tLastNewsTime = getDword("LastNewsTime", time(NULL) - 24 * 60 * 60); if (time(NULL) - tLastNewsTime <= m_iNewsInterval * 60 ) return; Push(new AsyncHttpRequest(this, REQUEST_GET, "/method/newsfeed.get.json", true, &CVkProto::OnReceiveUnreadNews) << INT_PARAM("count", 100) << INT_PARAM("return_banned", 0) << INT_PARAM("max_photos", 100) << INT_PARAM("start_time", tLastNewsTime + 1) << CHAR_PARAM("filters", "post,photo,photo_tag,wall_photo") << VER_API); } void CVkProto::CreateVkUserInfoList(OBJLIST &vkUsers, JSONNODE *pResponse) { debugLogA("CVkProto::CreateVkUserInfoList"); if (pResponse == NULL) return; JSONNODE *pProfiles = json_get(pResponse, "profiles"); JSONNODE *pProfile; if (pProfiles != NULL) for (size_t i = 0; (pProfile = json_at(pProfiles, i)) != NULL; i++){ LONG UserId = json_as_int(json_get(pProfile, "id")); if (!UserId) continue; CMString tszNick = json_as_string(json_get(pProfile, "first_name")); tszNick.AppendChar(' '); tszNick += json_as_string(json_get(pProfile, "last_name")); CMString tszLink = _T("https://vk.com/"); tszLink += json_as_string(json_get(pProfile, "screen_name")); CVkUserInfo * vkUser = new CVkUserInfo(UserId, false, tszNick, tszLink); debugLog(_T("CVkProto::CreateVkUserInfoList %d %d %s %s"), UserId, false, tszNick.GetBuffer(), tszLink.GetBuffer()); vkUsers.insert(vkUser); } JSONNODE *pGroups = json_get(pResponse, "groups"); if (pGroups != NULL) for (size_t i = 0; (pProfile = json_at(pGroups, i)) != NULL; i++){ LONG UserId = -json_as_int(json_get(pProfile, "id")); if (!UserId) continue; CMString tszNick = json_as_string(json_get(pProfile, "name")); CMString tszLink = _T("https://vk.com/"); tszLink += json_as_string(json_get(pProfile, "screen_name")); CVkUserInfo * vkUser = new CVkUserInfo(UserId, true, tszNick, tszLink); debugLog(_T("CVkProto::CreateVkUserInfoList %d %d %s %s"), UserId, true, tszNick.GetBuffer(), tszLink.GetBuffer()); vkUsers.insert(vkUser); } } CMString CVkProto::GetVkPhotoItem(JSONNODE *pPhoto) { CMString tszRes; if (pPhoto == NULL) return tszRes; ptrT ptszLink; for (int i = 0; i < SIZEOF(szImageTypes); i++) { JSONNODE *n = json_get(pPhoto, szImageTypes[i]); if (n != NULL) { ptszLink = json_as_string(n); break; } } int iWidth = json_as_int(json_get(pPhoto, "width")); int iHeight = json_as_int(json_get(pPhoto, "height")); tszRes.AppendFormat(_T("%s: %s (%dx%d)"), TranslateT("Photo"), ptszLink, iWidth, iHeight); if (m_bAddImgBbc) tszRes.AppendFormat(_T("\n\t[img]%s[/img]"), ptszLink); CMString tszText = json_as_string(json_get(pPhoto, "text")); if (!tszText.IsEmpty()) tszRes += "\n" + tszText; return tszRes; } CMString CVkProto::GetVkNewsItem(JSONNODE *pItem, OBJLIST &vkUsers, time_t &tDate) { debugLogA("CVkProto::GetVkNewsItem"); bool m_bBBCOnNews = true; //!!! bool bPostLink = true; CMString tszRes; if (pItem == NULL) return tszRes; CMString tszType = json_as_string(json_get(pItem, "type")); LONG iSourceId = json_as_int(json_get(pItem, "source_id")); iSourceId = iSourceId ? iSourceId : json_as_int(json_get(pItem, "owner_id")); bool bIsGroup = (iSourceId < 0); CVkUserInfo * vkUser = vkUsers.find((CVkUserInfo *)&iSourceId); if (vkUser == NULL) { CMString tszNick = TranslateT("Unknown"); CMString tszLink = _T("https://vk.com/"); if (iSourceId){ tszLink += bIsGroup ? "club" : "id"; tszLink.AppendFormat(_T("%d"), bIsGroup ? -iSourceId : iSourceId); } vkUser = new CVkUserInfo(iSourceId, bIsGroup, tszNick, tszLink); vkUsers.insert(vkUser); } LONG iPostId = json_as_int(json_get(pItem, "post_id")); tDate = json_as_int(json_get(pItem, "date")); CMString tszText = json_as_string(json_get(pItem, "text")); if (!tszText.IsEmpty()) tszText += _T("\n"); if (tszType == _T("photo_tag")){ bPostLink = false; JSONNODE *pPhotos = json_get(pItem, "photo_tags"); if (pPhotos){ JSONNODE *pPhotoItems = json_get(pPhotos, "items"); if (pPhotoItems){ JSONNODE *pPhotoItem; tszText = TranslateT("User was tagged in these photos:"); for (size_t i = 0; (pPhotoItem = json_at(pPhotoItems, i)) != NULL; i++) tszText += _T("\n") + GetVkPhotoItem(pPhotoItem); } } } else if (tszType == _T("photo") || tszType == _T("wall_photo")){ bPostLink = false; JSONNODE *pPhotos = json_get(pItem, "photos"); if (pPhotos){ JSONNODE *pPhotoItems = json_get(pPhotos, "items"); if (pPhotoItems){ JSONNODE *pPhotoItem; for (size_t i = 0; (pPhotoItem = json_at(pPhotoItems, i)) != NULL; i++){ tszText += GetVkPhotoItem(pPhotoItem) + _T("\n"); if (i == 0 && tszType == _T("wall_photo")){ iPostId = json_as_int(json_get(pPhotoItem, "post_id")); bPostLink = true; break; // Max 1 wall_photo } } } } } else if (tszType == _T("post") || tszType.IsEmpty()) { bPostLink = true; JSONNODE * pRepost = json_get(pItem, "copy_history"); if (pRepost){ time_t tRDate; CMString tszRepostText = GetVkNewsItem(json_at(pRepost, 0), vkUsers, tRDate); tszRepostText.Replace(_T("\n"), _T("\n\t")); tszText += tszRepostText; tszText += _T("\n"); } JSONNODE *pAttachments = json_get(pItem, "attachments"); if (pAttachments) tszText += GetAttachmentDescr(pAttachments); } CMString tszResFormat; CMString tszBBCIn, tszBBCOut; CMString tszUrl; if (iPostId) tszResFormat = Translate("News from %s%s%s (%s)\n%s"); else { tszResFormat = Translate("\tRepost from %s%s%s (%s)\n%s"); bPostLink = false; } tszBBCIn = m_bBBCOnNews ? "[b]" : "["; tszBBCOut = m_bBBCOnNews ? "[/b]" : "]"; tszRes.AppendFormat(tszResFormat, tszBBCIn.GetBuffer(), vkUser->m_tszUserNick.GetBuffer(), tszBBCOut.GetBuffer(), vkUser->m_tszLink.GetBuffer(), tszText.GetBuffer()); if (bPostLink) { tszUrl.AppendFormat(_T("%d_%d"), vkUser->m_UserId, iPostId); tszUrl = CMString(_T("https://vk.com/wall")) + tszUrl; tszRes.AppendFormat(TranslateT("\nNews link: %s"), tszUrl.GetBuffer()); } return tszRes; } void CVkProto::OnReceiveUnreadNews(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *reply, AsyncHttpRequest *pReq) { debugLogA("CVkProto::OnReceiveUnreadNews %d", reply->resultCode); if (reply->resultCode != 200) return; JSONROOT pRoot; JSONNODE *pResponse = CheckJsonResponse(pReq, reply, pRoot); if (pResponse == NULL) return; OBJLIST vkUsers(5, NumericKeySortT); CreateVkUserInfoList(vkUsers, pResponse); JSONNODE *pItems = json_get(pResponse, "items"); JSONNODE *pItem; if (pItems != NULL) for (int i = 0; (pItem = json_at(pItems, i)) != NULL; i++){ time_t tDate; CMString tszText = GetVkNewsItem(pItem, vkUsers, tDate); AddFeedEvent(tszText, tDate); } setDword("LastNewsTime", time(NULL)); vkUsers.destroy(); }