/* Copyright (c) 2013-14 Miranda NG project (http://miranda-ng.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" HANDLE CVkProto::FileAllow(MCONTACT hContact, HANDLE hTransfer, const PROTOCHAR *path) { return NULL; } int CVkProto::FileCancel(MCONTACT hContact, HANDLE hTransfer) { return 1; } int CVkProto::FileDeny(MCONTACT hContact, HANDLE hTransfer, const PROTOCHAR *reason) { return 1; } int CVkProto::FileResume(HANDLE hTransfer, int *action, const PROTOCHAR **filename) { return 1; } int CVkProto::RecvFile(MCONTACT hContact, PROTORECVFILET *) { return 1; } FileUploadParam::FileUploadParam(MCONTACT _hContact, const PROTOCHAR* _desc, PROTOCHAR** _files): hContact(_hContact), filetype(typeInvalid), atr(NULL), fname(NULL) { Desc = mir_tstrdup(_desc); FileName = mir_tstrdup(_files[0]); } FileUploadParam::~FileUploadParam() { mir_free(Desc); mir_free(FileName); mir_free(atr); mir_free(fname); } FileUploadParam::VKFileType FileUploadParam::GetType() { if (filetype != typeInvalid) return filetype; TCHAR img[] = L"jpg jpeg png bmp"; TCHAR audio[] = L"mp3"; TCHAR DRIVE[3], DIR[256], FNAME[256], EXT[256]; _tsplitpath(FileName, DRIVE, DIR, FNAME, EXT); CMStringA fn(mir_utf8encodeT(FNAME)); fn.AppendChar('.'); fn.AppendFormat("%s", mir_utf8encodeT(EXT)); fname = mir_strdup(fn.GetBuffer()); if (tlstrstr(img, EXT)){ filetype = FileUploadParam::typeImg; atr = mir_strdup("photo"); } else if (tlstrstr(audio, EXT)){ filetype = FileUploadParam::typeAudio; atr = mir_strdup("file"); } else{ filetype = FileUploadParam::typeDoc; atr = mir_strdup("file"); } return filetype; } HANDLE CVkProto::SendFile(MCONTACT hContact, const PROTOCHAR *desc, PROTOCHAR **files) { debugLogA("CVkProto::SendFile"); FileUploadParam *fup = new FileUploadParam(hContact, desc, files); ForkThread(&CVkProto::SendFileThread, (void *)fup); return (HANDLE)fup; } void CVkProto::SendFileFiled(FileUploadParam *fup, TCHAR *reason) { debugLog(L"CVkProto::SendFileFiled <%s>", reason); ProtoBroadcastAck(fup->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (HANDLE)fup, 0); delete fup; } void CVkProto::SendFileThread(void *p) { FileUploadParam *fup = (FileUploadParam *)p; debugLogA("CVkProto::SendFileThread"); if (!fup->IsAccess()){ SendFileFiled(fup, L"FileIsNotAccess"); return; } AsyncHttpRequest *pReq; switch (fup->GetType()){ case FileUploadParam::typeImg: pReq = new AsyncHttpRequest(this, REQUEST_GET, "/method/photos.getMessagesUploadServer.json", true, &CVkProto::OnReciveUploadServer) << VER_API; pReq->pUserInfo = p; Push(pReq); break; case FileUploadParam::typeAudio: // Audio SendFileFiled(fup, L"FileTypeIsNotSupported"); break; case FileUploadParam::typeDoc: // Doc SendFileFiled(fup, L"FileTypeIsNotSupported"); break; default: SendFileFiled(fup); } } void CVkProto::OnReciveUploadServer(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *reply, AsyncHttpRequest *pReq) { FileUploadParam *fup = (FileUploadParam *)pReq->pUserInfo; debugLogA("CVkProto::OnReciveUploadServer %d", reply->resultCode); if (reply->resultCode != 200){ SendFileFiled(fup, L"NotUploadServer"); return; } JSONROOT pRoot; JSONNODE *pResponse = CheckJsonResponse(pReq, reply, pRoot); if (pResponse == NULL){ SendFileFiled(fup); return; } CMStringA uri = json_as_string(json_get(pResponse, "upload_url")); if (uri.IsEmpty()){ SendFileFiled(fup); return; } FILE *pFile = _tfopen(fup->FileName, _T("rb")); if (pFile == NULL){ SendFileFiled(fup, L"ErrorOpenFile"); return; } fseek(pFile, 0, SEEK_END); size_t szFileLen = ftell(pFile); //FileSize fseek(pFile, 0, SEEK_SET); AsyncHttpRequest *pUploadReq = new AsyncHttpRequest(this, REQUEST_POST, uri.GetBuffer(), false, &CVkProto::OnReciveUpload); pUploadReq->m_bApiReq = false; pUploadReq->m_szParam = ""; CMStringA boundary, header; CMStringA NamePart = fup->atrName(); CMStringA FNamePart = fup->fileName(); srand(time(NULL)); int iboundary = rand(); boundary.AppendFormat("Miranda%dNG%d", iboundary, time(NULL)); header.AppendFormat("multipart/form-data; boundary=%s", boundary.GetBuffer()); pUploadReq->AddHeader("Content-Type", header.GetBuffer()); CMStringA DataBegin = "--"; DataBegin += boundary; DataBegin += "\r\n"; DataBegin += "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\""; DataBegin += NamePart; DataBegin += "\"; filename=\""; DataBegin += FNamePart; DataBegin += "\";\r\n\r\n"; CMStringA DataEnd = "\r\n--"; DataEnd += boundary; DataEnd += "--\r\n"; size_t dataLength = szFileLen + DataBegin.GetLength() + DataEnd.GetLength(); char* pData = (char *)mir_alloc(dataLength); memcpy(pData, (void *)DataBegin.GetBuffer(), DataBegin.GetLength()); pUploadReq->pData = pData; pData += DataBegin.GetLength(); fread(pData, 1, szFileLen, pFile); pData += szFileLen; memcpy(pData, (void *)DataEnd.GetBuffer(), DataEnd.GetLength()); pUploadReq-> dataLength = dataLength; pUploadReq->pUserInfo = pReq->pUserInfo; debugLogA("CVkProto::OnReciveUploadServer \n<%d>", dataLength); Push(pUploadReq); fclose(pFile); } void CVkProto::OnReciveUpload(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *reply, AsyncHttpRequest *pReq) { FileUploadParam *fup = (FileUploadParam *)pReq->pUserInfo; debugLogA("CVkProto::OnReciveUploadServer %d", reply->resultCode); if (reply->resultCode != 200){ SendFileFiled(fup); return; } JSONROOT pRoot; JSONNODE *pResponse = CheckJsonResponse(pReq, reply, pRoot); CMString server = json_as_string(json_get(pRoot, "server")); CMString photo = json_as_string(json_get(pRoot, "photo")); CMString hash = json_as_string(json_get(pRoot, "hash")); AsyncHttpRequest *pUploadReq = new AsyncHttpRequest(this, REQUEST_GET, "/method/photos.saveMessagesPhoto.json", true, &CVkProto::OnReciveUploadFile) << TCHAR_PARAM("server", server) << TCHAR_PARAM("photo", photo) << TCHAR_PARAM("hash", hash) << VER_API; pUploadReq->pUserInfo = pReq->pUserInfo; Push(pUploadReq); } void CVkProto::OnReciveUploadFile(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *reply, AsyncHttpRequest *pReq) { FileUploadParam *fup = (FileUploadParam *)pReq->pUserInfo; debugLogA("CVkProto::OnReciveUploadPhoto %d", reply->resultCode); if (reply->resultCode != 200){ SendFileFiled(fup); return; } JSONROOT pRoot; JSONNODE *pResponse = CheckJsonResponse(pReq, reply, pRoot); if (pResponse == NULL){ SendFileFiled(fup); return; } int id = json_as_int(json_get(json_at(pResponse,0), "id")); int owner_id = json_as_int(json_get(json_at(pResponse, 0), "owner_id")); CMString Attachment; Attachment.AppendFormat(L"photo%d_%d", owner_id, id); debugLog(L"CVkProto::OnReciveUploadPhoto Att %s", Attachment.GetBuffer()); LONG userID = getDword(fup->hContact, "ID", -1); if (userID == -1){ SendFileFiled(fup); return; } AsyncHttpRequest *pMsgReq = new AsyncHttpRequest(this, REQUEST_POST, "/method/messages.send.json", true, &CVkProto::OnSendMessage) << INT_PARAM("user_id", userID) << TCHAR_PARAM("message", fup->Desc) << TCHAR_PARAM("attachment", Attachment.GetBuffer()) << VER_API; pMsgReq->AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); pMsgReq->pUserInfo = new CVkSendMsgParam(fup->hContact, -1, (int)pReq->pUserInfo); Push(pMsgReq); }