/* Copyright (c) 2013-17 Miranda NG project (http://miranda-ng.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" //////////////////////////// History services /////////////////////////////////////////// INT_PTR __cdecl CVkProto::SvcGetAllServerHistoryForContact(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM) { debugLogA("CVkProto::SvcGetAllServerHistoryForContact"); if (!IsOnline()) return 0; LPCWSTR str = TranslateT("Are you sure to reload all messages from vk.com?\nLocal contact history will be deleted and reloaded from the server.\nIt may take a long time.\nDo you want to continue?"); if (IDNO == MessageBoxW(NULL, str, TranslateT("Attention!"), MB_ICONWARNING | MB_YESNO)) return 0; LONG userID = getDword(hContact, "ID", VK_INVALID_USER); if (userID == VK_INVALID_USER || userID == VK_FEED_USER) return 0; MEVENT hDBEvent = db_event_first(hContact); while (hDBEvent) { MEVENT hDBEventNext = db_event_next(hContact, hDBEvent); db_event_delete(hContact, hDBEvent); hDBEvent = hDBEventNext; } m_bNotifyForEndLoadingHistory = true; db_unset(hContact, m_szModuleName, "lastmsgid"); GetServerHistory(hContact, 0, MAXHISTORYMIDSPERONE, 0, 0); return 1; } INT_PTR __cdecl CVkProto::SvcGetAllServerHistory(WPARAM, LPARAM) { debugLogA("CVkProto::SvcGetAllServerHistory start"); if (!IsOnline()) return 0; LPCWSTR str = TranslateT("Are you sure you want to reload all messages for all contacts from vk.com?\nLocal contact history will be deleted and reloaded from the server.\nIt may take a very long time and/or corrupt Miranda database.\nWe recommend check your database before reloading messages and after it (Miranda32.exe /svc:dbchecker or Miranda64.exe /svc:dbchecker).\nDo you want to continue?"); if (IDNO == MessageBoxW(NULL, str, TranslateT("Attention!"), MB_ICONWARNING | MB_YESNO)) return 0; for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(m_szModuleName); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact, m_szModuleName)) { LONG userID = getDword(hContact, "ID", VK_INVALID_USER); if (userID == VK_INVALID_USER || userID == VK_FEED_USER) continue; MEVENT hDBEvent = db_event_first(hContact); while (hDBEvent) { MEVENT hDBEventNext = db_event_next(hContact, hDBEvent); db_event_delete(hContact, hDBEvent); hDBEvent = hDBEventNext; } { mir_cslock lck(m_csLoadHistoryTask); m_iLoadHistoryTask++; m_bNotifyForEndLoadingHistoryAllContact = m_bNotifyForEndLoadingHistory = true; debugLogA("CVkProto::SvcGetAllServerHistory for ID=%d m_iLoadHistoryTask=%d", userID, m_iLoadHistoryTask); } db_unset(hContact, m_szModuleName, "lastmsgid"); GetServerHistory(hContact, 0, MAXHISTORYMIDSPERONE, 0, 0); } return 1; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CVkProto::GetServerHistoryLastNDay(MCONTACT hContact, int NDay) { debugLogA("CVkProto::SvcGetServerHistoryLastNDay %d", NDay); time_t tTime = time(NULL) - 60 * 60 * 24 * NDay; MEVENT hDBEvent = db_event_first(hContact); while (hDBEvent) { MEVENT hDBEventNext = db_event_next(hContact, hDBEvent); DBEVENTINFO dbei = {}; db_event_get(hDBEvent, &dbei); if (dbei.timestamp > tTime && dbei.eventType != VK_USER_DEACTIVATE_ACTION) db_event_delete(hContact, hDBEvent); hDBEvent = hDBEventNext; } { mir_cslock lck(m_csLoadHistoryTask); m_iLoadHistoryTask++; if (NDay > 3) m_bNotifyForEndLoadingHistory = true; } setDword(hContact, "oldlastmsgid", getDword(hContact, "lastmsgid", -1)); db_unset(hContact, m_szModuleName, "lastmsgid"); GetServerHistory(hContact, 0, MAXHISTORYMIDSPERONE, tTime, 0); } void CVkProto::GetServerHistory(MCONTACT hContact, int iOffset, int iCount, int iTime, int iLastMsgId, bool once) { debugLogA("CVkProto::GetServerHistory %d %d %d %d %d", iOffset, iCount, iTime, iLastMsgId, (int)once); if (!IsOnline()) return; LONG userID = getDword(hContact, "ID", VK_INVALID_USER); if (VK_INVALID_USER == userID || userID == VK_FEED_USER) return; Push(new AsyncHttpRequest(this, REQUEST_GET, "/method/execute.GetServerHistory", true, &CVkProto::OnReceiveHistoryMessages, AsyncHttpRequest::rpLow) << INT_PARAM("reqcount", iCount) << INT_PARAM("offset", iOffset) << INT_PARAM("userid", userID) << INT_PARAM("time", iTime) << INT_PARAM("lastmid", iLastMsgId) << INT_PARAM("once", (int)once) )->pUserInfo = new CVkSendMsgParam(hContact, iLastMsgId, iOffset); } void CVkProto::GetHistoryDlg(MCONTACT hContact, int iLastMsg) { debugLogA("CVkProto::GetHistoryDlg %d", iLastMsg); int lastmsgid = -1; switch (m_vkOptions.iSyncHistoryMetod) { case syncAuto: lastmsgid = getDword(hContact, "lastmsgid", -1); if (lastmsgid == -1 || !IsOnline()) { setDword(hContact, "lastmsgid", iLastMsg); return; } m_bNotifyForEndLoadingHistory = false; GetServerHistory(hContact, 0, MAXHISTORYMIDSPERONE, 0, lastmsgid); break; case sync1Days: GetServerHistoryLastNDay(hContact, 1); break; case sync3Days: GetServerHistoryLastNDay(hContact, 3); break; } } void CVkProto::OnReceiveHistoryMessages(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *reply, AsyncHttpRequest *pReq) { debugLogA("CVkProto::OnReceiveHistoryMessages %d", reply->resultCode); if (reply->resultCode != 200 || !pReq->pUserInfo) { mir_cslock lck(m_csLoadHistoryTask); if (m_iLoadHistoryTask > 0) m_iLoadHistoryTask--; debugLogW(L"CVkProto::OnReceiveHistoryMessages error m_iLoadHistoryTask=%d", m_iLoadHistoryTask); MsgPopup(NULL, TranslateT("Error loading message history from server."), TranslateT("Error"), true); if (m_iLoadHistoryTask == 0 && m_bNotifyForEndLoadingHistoryAllContact) { MsgPopup(NULL, TranslateT("Loading messages for all contacts is completed."), TranslateT("Loading history")); m_bNotifyForEndLoadingHistoryAllContact = m_bNotifyForEndLoadingHistory = false; } return; } JSONNode jnRoot; CVkSendMsgParam *param = (CVkSendMsgParam*)pReq->pUserInfo; const JSONNode &jnResponse = CheckJsonResponse(pReq, reply, jnRoot); if (!jnResponse) { if (!pReq->bNeedsRestart || m_bTerminated) { mir_cslock lck(m_csLoadHistoryTask); if (m_iLoadHistoryTask > 0) m_iLoadHistoryTask--; ptrW pwszNick(db_get_wsa(param->hContact, m_szModuleName, "Nick")); CMStringW str(FORMAT, TranslateT("Error loading message history for %s from server."), pwszNick); MsgPopup(param->hContact, str, TranslateT("Error"), true); debugLogW(L"CVkProto::OnReceiveHistoryMessages error for %s m_iLoadHistoryTask=%d", pwszNick, m_iLoadHistoryTask); if (m_iLoadHistoryTask == 0 && m_bNotifyForEndLoadingHistoryAllContact) { MsgPopup(NULL, TranslateT("Loading messages for all contacts is completed."), TranslateT("Loading history")); m_bNotifyForEndLoadingHistoryAllContact = m_bNotifyForEndLoadingHistory = false; } delete param; pReq->pUserInfo = NULL; } return; } int iTime = jnResponse["datetime"].as_int(); const JSONNode &jnMsgs = jnResponse["items"]; const JSONNode &jnFUsers = jnResponse["fwd_users"]; int iLastMsgId = getDword(param->hContact, "lastmsgid", -1); time_t tLastReadMessageTime = 0; int count = 0; for (auto it = jnMsgs.rbegin(); it != jnMsgs.rend(); ++it) { const JSONNode &jnMsg = (*it); int mid = jnMsg["id"].as_int(); if (iLastMsgId < mid) iLastMsgId = mid; char szMid[40]; _itoa(mid, szMid, 10); CMStringW wszBody(jnMsg["body"].as_mstring()); int datetime = jnMsg["date"].as_int(); int isOut = jnMsg["out"].as_int(); int isRead = jnMsg["read_state"].as_int(); int uid = jnMsg["user_id"].as_int(); const JSONNode &jnFwdMessages = jnMsg["fwd_messages"]; if (jnFwdMessages) { CMStringW wszFwdMessages = GetFwdMessages(jnFwdMessages, jnFUsers, m_vkOptions.BBCForAttachments()); if (!wszBody.IsEmpty()) wszFwdMessages = L"\n" + wszFwdMessages; wszBody += wszFwdMessages; } const JSONNode &jnAttachments = jnMsg["attachments"]; if (jnAttachments) { CMStringW wszAttachmentDescr = GetAttachmentDescr(jnAttachments, m_vkOptions.BBCForAttachments()); if (!wszBody.IsEmpty()) wszAttachmentDescr = L"\n" + wszAttachmentDescr; wszBody += wszAttachmentDescr; } if (m_vkOptions.bAddMessageLinkToMesWAtt && (jnAttachments || jnFwdMessages)) wszBody += SetBBCString(TranslateT("Message link"), m_vkOptions.BBCForAttachments(), vkbbcUrl, CMStringW(FORMAT, L"https://vk.com/im?sel=%d&msgid=%d", uid, mid)); T2Utf pszBody(wszBody); MCONTACT hContact = FindUser(uid, true); PROTORECVEVENT recv = { 0 }; if (isRead) recv.flags |= PREF_CREATEREAD; if (isOut) recv.flags |= PREF_SENT; recv.timestamp = datetime; recv.szMessage = pszBody; recv.lParam = isOut; recv.pCustomData = szMid; recv.cbCustomDataSize = (int)mir_strlen(szMid); ProtoChainRecvMsg(hContact, &recv); if (isRead && isOut && datetime > tLastReadMessageTime) tLastReadMessageTime = datetime; count++; } setDword(param->hContact, "lastmsgid", iLastMsgId); if (ServiceExists(MS_MESSAGESTATE_UPDATE)) { MessageReadData data(tLastReadMessageTime, MRD_TYPE_MESSAGETIME); CallService(MS_MESSAGESTATE_UPDATE, param->hContact, (LPARAM)&data); } int once = jnResponse["once"].as_int(); int iRCount = jnResponse["rcount"].as_int(); if (count == iRCount && once == 0) GetServerHistory(param->hContact, param->iCount + count, iRCount, iTime, param->iMsgID); else { mir_cslock lck(m_csLoadHistoryTask); if (m_iLoadHistoryTask > 0) m_iLoadHistoryTask--; setDword(param->hContact, "lastmsgid", iLastMsgId == -1 ? getDword(param->hContact, "oldlastmsgid", -1) : iLastMsgId); db_unset(param->hContact, m_szModuleName, "oldlastmsgid"); ptrW pwszNick(db_get_wsa(param->hContact, m_szModuleName, "Nick")); CMStringW str(FORMAT, TranslateT("Loading messages for %s is completed."), pwszNick); debugLogW(L"CVkProto::OnReceiveHistoryMessages for %s m_iLoadHistoryTask=%d", pwszNick, m_iLoadHistoryTask); if (m_bNotifyForEndLoadingHistory) MsgPopup(param->hContact, str, TranslateT("Loading history")); if (m_iLoadHistoryTask == 0 && m_bNotifyForEndLoadingHistoryAllContact) { MsgPopup(NULL, TranslateT("Loading messages for all contacts is completed."), TranslateT("Loading history")); m_bNotifyForEndLoadingHistoryAllContact = m_bNotifyForEndLoadingHistory = false; } } if (!pReq->bNeedsRestart || m_bTerminated) { delete param; pReq->pUserInfo = NULL; } }