/* Copyright (c) 2013-15 Miranda NG project (http://miranda-ng.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "stdafx.h" #pragma once typedef void (CVkProto::*VK_REQUEST_HANDLER)(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST*, struct AsyncHttpRequest*); struct AsyncHttpRequest : public NETLIBHTTPREQUEST, public MZeroedObject { enum RequestPriority { rpLow, rpMedium, rpHigh }; AsyncHttpRequest(); AsyncHttpRequest(CVkProto*, int iRequestType, LPCSTR szUrl, bool bSecure, VK_REQUEST_HANDLER pFunc, RequestPriority rpPriority = rpMedium); ~AsyncHttpRequest(); void AddHeader(LPCSTR, LPCSTR); void Redirect(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST*); CMStringA m_szUrl; CMStringA m_szParam; VK_REQUEST_HANDLER m_pFunc; void *pUserInfo; int m_iRetry; int m_iErrorCode; RequestPriority m_priority; static ULONG m_reqCount; ULONG m_reqNum; bool m_bApiReq; bool bExpUrlEncode; bool bNeedsRestart, bIsMainConn; }; struct PARAM { LPCSTR szName; __forceinline PARAM(LPCSTR _name) : szName(_name) {} }; struct INT_PARAM : public PARAM { int iValue; __forceinline INT_PARAM(LPCSTR _name, int _value) : PARAM(_name), iValue(_value) {} }; AsyncHttpRequest* operator<<(AsyncHttpRequest*, const INT_PARAM&); struct CHAR_PARAM : public PARAM { LPCSTR szValue; __forceinline CHAR_PARAM(LPCSTR _name, LPCSTR _value) : PARAM(_name), szValue(_value) {} }; AsyncHttpRequest* operator<<(AsyncHttpRequest*, const CHAR_PARAM&); struct TCHAR_PARAM : public PARAM { LPCTSTR tszValue; __forceinline TCHAR_PARAM(LPCSTR _name, LPCTSTR _value) : PARAM(_name), tszValue(_value) {} }; AsyncHttpRequest* operator<<(AsyncHttpRequest*, const TCHAR_PARAM&); struct CVkFileUploadParam : public MZeroedObject { enum VKFileType { typeInvalid, typeImg, typeAudio, typeDoc, typeNotSupported }; TCHAR* FileName; TCHAR* Desc; char* atr; char* fname; MCONTACT hContact; VKFileType filetype; CVkFileUploadParam(MCONTACT _hContact, const TCHAR* _desc, TCHAR** _files); ~CVkFileUploadParam(); VKFileType GetType(); __forceinline bool IsAccess() { return ::_taccess(FileName, 0) == 0; } __forceinline char* atrName() { GetType(); return atr; } __forceinline char* fileName() { GetType(); return fname; } }; struct CVkSendMsgParam : public MZeroedObject { CVkSendMsgParam(MCONTACT _hContact, int _iMsgID = 0, int _iCount = 0) : hContact(_hContact), iMsgID(_iMsgID), iCount(_iCount), pFUP(NULL) {} CVkSendMsgParam(MCONTACT _hContact, CVkFileUploadParam *_pFUP) : hContact(_hContact), iMsgID(-1), iCount(0), pFUP(_pFUP) {} MCONTACT hContact; int iMsgID; int iCount; CVkFileUploadParam *pFUP; }; struct CVkChatMessage : public MZeroedObject { CVkChatMessage(int _id) : m_mid(_id), m_uid(0), m_date(0), m_bHistory(false), m_bIsAction(false) {} int m_mid, m_uid, m_date; bool m_bHistory, m_bIsAction; ptrT m_tszBody; }; struct CVkChatUser : public MZeroedObject { CVkChatUser(int _id) : m_uid(_id), m_bDel(false), m_bUnknown(false) {} int m_uid; bool m_bDel, m_bUnknown; ptrT m_tszNick; }; struct CVkChatInfo : public MZeroedObject { CVkChatInfo(int _id) : m_users(10, NumericKeySortT), m_msgs(10, NumericKeySortT), m_chatid(_id), m_admin_id(0), m_bHistoryRead(0), m_hContact(INVALID_CONTACT_ID) {} int m_chatid, m_admin_id; bool m_bHistoryRead; ptrT m_tszTopic, m_tszId; MCONTACT m_hContact; OBJLIST<CVkChatUser> m_users; OBJLIST<CVkChatMessage> m_msgs; CVkChatUser* GetUserById(LPCTSTR); }; struct CVkUserInfo : public MZeroedObject { CVkUserInfo(LONG _UserId) : m_UserId(_UserId), m_bIsGroup(false) {} CVkUserInfo(LONG _UserId, bool _bIsGroup, CMString& _tszUserNick, CMString& _tszLink, MCONTACT _hContact = NULL) : m_UserId(_UserId), m_bIsGroup(_bIsGroup), m_tszUserNick(_tszUserNick), m_tszLink(_tszLink), m_hContact(_hContact) {} LONG m_UserId; MCONTACT m_hContact; CMString m_tszUserNick; CMString m_tszLink; bool m_bIsGroup; }; enum VKObjType { vkNull, vkPost, vkPhoto, vkVideo, vkComment, vkTopic, vkUsers, vkCopy, vkInvite }; struct CVKNotification { TCHAR *ptszType; VKObjType vkParent, vkFeedback; TCHAR *ptszTranslate; }; struct CVKNewsItem : public MZeroedObject { CVKNewsItem() : tDate(NULL), vkUser(NULL), bIsGroup(false), bIsRepost(false), vkFeedbackType(vkNull), vkParentType(vkNull) {} CMString tszId; time_t tDate; CVkUserInfo *vkUser; CMString tszText; CMString tszLink; CMString tszType; CMString tszPopupTitle; CMString tszPopupText; VKObjType vkFeedbackType, vkParentType; bool bIsGroup; bool bIsRepost; }; enum VKBBCType { vkbbcB, vkbbcI, vkbbcS, vkbbcU, vkbbcImg, vkbbcUrl, vkbbcSize, vkbbcColor }; enum BBCSupport { bbcNo, bbcBasic, bbcAdvanced }; struct CVKBBCItem { VKBBCType vkBBCType; BBCSupport vkBBCSettings; TCHAR *ptszTempate; };