/* Copyright (c) 2013-15 Miranda NG project (http://miranda-ng.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" UINT_PTR CVkProto::m_timer; char szBlankUrl[] = "https://oauth.vk.com/blank.html"; static char VK_TOKEN_BEG[] = "access_token="; static char VK_LOGIN_DOMAIN[] = "https://m.vk.com"; static char fieldsName[] = "id, first_name, last_name, photo_100, bdate, sex, timezone, contacts, online, status, about, domain"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CVkProto::ShutdownSession() { debugLogA("CVkProto::ShutdownSession"); if (m_hWorkerThread) { m_bTerminated = true; SetEvent(m_evRequestsQueue); } OnLoggedOut(); } void CVkProto::ConnectionFailed(int iReason) { delSetting("AccessToken"); ProtoBroadcastAck(NULL, ACKTYPE_LOGIN, ACKRESULT_FAILED, NULL, iReason); debugLogA("CVkProto::ConnectionFailed ShutdownSession"); ShutdownSession(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static VOID CALLBACK TimerProc(HWND, UINT, UINT_PTR, DWORD) { for (int i = 0; i < vk_Instances.getCount(); i++) if (vk_Instances[i]->IsOnline()) { vk_Instances[i]->SetServerStatus(vk_Instances[i]->m_iDesiredStatus); vk_Instances[i]->RetrieveUsersInfo(true); vk_Instances[i]->RetrieveUnreadEvents(); } } static void CALLBACK VKSetTimer(void*) { CVkProto::m_timer = SetTimer(NULL, 0, 60000, TimerProc); } static void CALLBACK VKUnsetTimer(void*) { if (CVkProto::m_timer) KillTimer(NULL, CVkProto::m_timer); CVkProto::m_timer = 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CVkProto::OnLoggedIn() { debugLogA("CVkProto::OnLoggedIn"); m_bOnline = true; SetServerStatus(m_iDesiredStatus); // initialize online timer if (!m_timer) CallFunctionAsync(VKSetTimer, this); } void CVkProto::OnLoggedOut() { debugLogA("CVkProto::OnLoggedOut"); m_bOnline = false; if (m_pollingConn) CallService(MS_NETLIB_SHUTDOWN, (WPARAM)m_pollingConn, 0); ProtoBroadcastAck(NULL, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)m_iStatus, ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); m_iStatus = m_iDesiredStatus = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE; bool bOnline = false; for (int i = 0; i < vk_Instances.getCount(); i++) bOnline = bOnline || vk_Instances[i]->IsOnline(); if (!bOnline) CallFunctionAsync(VKUnsetTimer, this); SetAllContactStatuses(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); m_chats.destroy(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CVkProto::OnOAuthAuthorize(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *reply, AsyncHttpRequest *pReq) { debugLogA("CVkProto::OnOAuthAuthorize %d", reply->resultCode); GrabCookies(reply); if (reply->resultCode == 302) { // manual redirect LPCSTR pszLocation = findHeader(reply, "Location"); if (pszLocation) { if (!_strnicmp(pszLocation, szBlankUrl, sizeof(szBlankUrl)-1)) { m_szAccessToken = NULL; LPCSTR p = strstr(pszLocation, VK_TOKEN_BEG); if (p) { p += sizeof(VK_TOKEN_BEG)-1; for (LPCSTR q = p+1; *q; q++) { if (*q == '&' || *q == '=' || *q == '\"') { m_szAccessToken = mir_strndup(p, q-p); break; } } if (m_szAccessToken == NULL) m_szAccessToken = mir_strdup(p); setString("AccessToken", m_szAccessToken); RetrieveMyInfo(); } else { delSetting("AccessToken"); ConnectionFailed(LOGINERR_NOSERVER); } } else { AsyncHttpRequest *pReq = new AsyncHttpRequest(); pReq->requestType = REQUEST_GET; pReq->flags = NLHRF_DUMPASTEXT | NLHRF_HTTP11; pReq->m_pFunc = &CVkProto::OnOAuthAuthorize; pReq->AddHeader("Referer", m_prevUrl); pReq->Redirect(reply); if (!pReq->m_szUrl.IsEmpty()) { if (pReq->m_szUrl.GetBuffer()[0] == '/') pReq->m_szUrl = VK_LOGIN_DOMAIN + pReq->m_szUrl; ApplyCookies(pReq); m_prevUrl = pReq->m_szUrl; } pReq->m_bApiReq = false; pReq->bIsMainConn = true; Push(pReq); } } else ConnectionFailed(LOGINERR_NOSERVER); return; } if (reply->resultCode != 200 || !strstr(reply->pData, "form method=\"post\"")) { // something went wrong ConnectionFailed(LOGINERR_NOSERVER); return; } if (strstr(reply->pData, "service_msg_warning")) { ConnectionFailed(LOGINERR_WRONGPASSWORD); return; } CMStringA szAction, szBody; bool bSuccess = AutoFillForm(reply->pData, szAction, szBody); if (!bSuccess || szAction.IsEmpty() || szBody.IsEmpty()) { if (m_prevError) { ConnectionFailed(LOGINERR_NOSERVER); return; } m_prevError = true; } pReq = new AsyncHttpRequest(); pReq->requestType = REQUEST_POST; pReq->flags = NLHRF_DUMPASTEXT | NLHRF_HTTP11; pReq->m_szParam = szBody; pReq->m_szUrl = szAction; if (!pReq->m_szUrl.IsEmpty()) if (pReq->m_szUrl.GetBuffer()[0] == '/') pReq->m_szUrl = VK_LOGIN_DOMAIN + pReq->m_szUrl; m_prevUrl = pReq->m_szUrl; pReq->m_pFunc = &CVkProto::OnOAuthAuthorize; pReq->AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); pReq->Redirect(reply); ApplyCookies(pReq); pReq->m_bApiReq = false; pReq->bIsMainConn = true; Push(pReq); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CVkProto::RetrieveMyInfo() { debugLogA("CVkProto::RetrieveMyInfo"); Push(new AsyncHttpRequest(this, REQUEST_GET, "/method/users.get.json", true, &CVkProto::OnReceiveMyInfo,AsyncHttpRequest::rpHigh) << VER_API); } void CVkProto::OnReceiveMyInfo(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *reply, AsyncHttpRequest *pReq) { debugLogA("CVkProto::OnReceiveMyInfo %d", reply->resultCode); if (reply->resultCode != 200) { ConnectionFailed(LOGINERR_WRONGPASSWORD); return; } JSONROOT pRoot; JSONNODE *pResponse = CheckJsonResponse(pReq, reply, pRoot); if (pResponse == NULL) return; m_myUserId = json_as_int(json_get(json_at(pResponse, 0), "id")); setDword("ID", m_myUserId); OnLoggedIn(); RetrieveUserInfo(m_myUserId); RetrieveUnreadMessages(); RetrieveFriends(); RetrievePollingInfo(); } MCONTACT CVkProto::SetContactInfo(JSONNODE* pItem, bool flag, bool self) { if (pItem == NULL) { debugLogA("CVkProto::SetContactInfo pItem == NULL"); return INVALID_CONTACT_ID; } LONG userid = json_as_int(json_get(pItem, "id")); debugLogA("CVkProto::SetContactInfo %d", userid); if (userid == 0 || userid == VK_FEED_USER) return NULL; MCONTACT hContact = FindUser(userid, flag); if (userid == m_myUserId) { if (hContact != NULL) if (self) hContact = NULL; else SetContactInfo(pItem, flag, true); } else if (hContact == NULL) return NULL; CMString tszNick, tszValue; int iValue; tszValue = json_as_CMString(json_get(pItem, "first_name")); if (!tszValue.IsEmpty()) { setTString(hContact, "FirstName", tszValue.GetBuffer()); tszNick.Append(tszValue); tszNick.AppendChar(' '); } tszValue = json_as_CMString(json_get(pItem, "last_name")); if (!tszValue.IsEmpty()) { setTString(hContact, "LastName", tszValue.GetBuffer()); tszNick.Append(tszValue); } if (!tszNick.IsEmpty()) setTString(hContact, "Nick", tszNick); int sex = json_as_int(json_get(pItem, "sex")); if (sex) setByte(hContact, "Gender", sex == 2 ? 'M' : 'F'); tszValue = json_as_CMString(json_get(pItem, "bdate")); if (!tszValue.IsEmpty()) { int d, m, y, iReadCount; iReadCount = _stscanf(tszValue.GetBuffer(), _T("%d.%d.%d"), &d, &m, &y); if (iReadCount > 1) { if (iReadCount == 3) setWord(hContact, "BirthYear", y); setByte(hContact, "BirthDay", d); setByte(hContact, "BirthMonth", m); } } tszValue = json_as_CMString(json_get(pItem, "photo_100")); if (!tszValue.IsEmpty()) { SetAvatarUrl(hContact, tszValue); ReloadAvatarInfo(hContact); } int iNewStatus = (json_as_int(json_get(pItem, "online")) == 0) ? ID_STATUS_OFFLINE : ID_STATUS_ONLINE; if (getWord(hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) != iNewStatus) setWord(hContact, "Status", iNewStatus); if (iNewStatus == ID_STATUS_ONLINE) { int online_app = _ttoi(json_as_CMString(json_get(pItem, "online_app"))); int online_mobile = json_as_int(json_get(pItem, "online_mobile")); if (online_app == 0 && online_mobile == 0) SetMirVer(hContact, 7); // vk.com else if (online_app != 0) SetMirVer(hContact, online_app); // App else SetMirVer(hContact, 1); // m.vk.com } else SetMirVer(hContact, -1); // unset MinVer if ((iValue = json_as_int(json_get(pItem, "timezone"))) != 0) setByte(hContact, "Timezone", iValue * -2); tszValue = json_as_CMString(json_get(pItem, "mobile_phone")); if (!tszValue.IsEmpty()) setTString(hContact, "Cellular", tszValue.GetBuffer()); tszValue = json_as_CMString(json_get(pItem, "home_phone")); if (!tszValue.IsEmpty()) setTString(hContact, "Phone", tszValue.GetBuffer()); tszValue = json_as_CMString(json_get(pItem, "status")); CMString tszOldStatus(ptrT(db_get_tsa(hContact, hContact ? "CList" : m_szModuleName, "StatusMsg"))); if (tszValue != tszOldStatus) { db_set_ts(hContact, hContact ? "CList" : m_szModuleName, "StatusMsg", tszValue.GetBuffer()); db_unset(hContact, m_szModuleName, "AudioUrl"); JSONNODE* pAudio = json_get(pItem, "status_audio"); if (pAudio != NULL) { db_set_ts(hContact, m_szModuleName, "ListeningTo", tszValue.GetBuffer()); tszValue = json_as_CMString(json_get(pAudio, "url")); db_set_ts(hContact, m_szModuleName, "AudioUrl", tszValue.GetBuffer()); } else if (tszValue.GetBuffer()[0] == TCHAR(9835) && tszValue.GetLength() > 2) db_set_ts(hContact, m_szModuleName, "ListeningTo", &(tszValue.GetBuffer())[2]); else db_unset(hContact, m_szModuleName, "ListeningTo"); } tszValue = json_as_CMString(json_get(pItem, "about")); if (!tszValue.IsEmpty()) setTString(hContact, "About", tszValue.GetBuffer()); tszValue = json_as_CMString(json_get(pItem, "domain")); if (!tszValue.IsEmpty()) { setTString(hContact, "domain", tszValue.GetBuffer()); CMString tszUrl("https://vk.com/"); tszUrl.Append(tszValue); setTString(hContact, "Homepage", tszUrl.GetBuffer()); } return hContact; } void CVkProto::RetrieveUserInfo(LONG userID) { debugLogA("CVkProto::RetrieveUserInfo (%d)", userID); if (userID == VK_FEED_USER || !IsOnline()) return; CMString userIDs, code; userIDs.AppendFormat(_T("%i"), userID); code.AppendFormat(_T("var userIDs=\"%s\";return{\"freeoffline\":0,\"users\":API.users.get({\"user_ids\":userIDs,\"fields\":\"%s\",\"name_case\":\"nom\"})};"), userIDs.GetBuffer(), CMString(fieldsName).GetBuffer()); Push(new AsyncHttpRequest(this, REQUEST_POST, "/method/execute.json", true, &CVkProto::OnReceiveUserInfo) << TCHAR_PARAM("code", code) << VER_API); } void CVkProto::RetrieveUsersInfo(bool flag) { debugLogA("CVkProto::RetrieveUsersInfo"); if (!IsOnline()) return; CMString userIDs, code; for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(m_szModuleName); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact, m_szModuleName)) { LONG userID = getDword(hContact, "ID", -1); if (userID == -1 || userID == VK_FEED_USER) continue; if (!userIDs.IsEmpty()) userIDs.AppendChar(','); userIDs.AppendFormat(_T("%i"), userID); } CMString codeformat("var userIDs=\"%s\";"); if (m_bNeedSendOnline) codeformat += _T("API.account.setOnline();"); if (flag) codeformat += CMString("var US=API.users.get({\"user_ids\":userIDs,\"fields\":\"%s\",\"name_case\":\"nom\"});" "var res=[];var index=US.length;while(index >0){index=index-1;if(US[index].online==1){res.unshift(US[index]);};};" "return{\"freeoffline\":1,\"users\":res,\"requests\":API.friends.getRequests({\"extended\":0,\"need_mutual\":0,\"out\":0})};"); else codeformat += CMString("var res=API.users.get({\"user_ids\":userIDs,\"fields\":\"%s\",\"name_case\":\"nom\"});" "return{\"freeoffline\":0,\"users\":res};"); code.AppendFormat(codeformat, userIDs.GetBuffer(), CMString(flag ? "online,status" : fieldsName).GetBuffer()); Push(new AsyncHttpRequest(this, REQUEST_POST, "/method/execute.json", true, &CVkProto::OnReceiveUserInfo) << TCHAR_PARAM("code", code) << VER_API); } void CVkProto::OnReceiveUserInfo(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *reply, AsyncHttpRequest *pReq) { debugLogA("CVkProto::OnReceiveUserInfo %d", reply->resultCode); if (reply->resultCode != 200 || !IsOnline()) return; JSONROOT pRoot; JSONNODE *pResponse = CheckJsonResponse(pReq, reply, pRoot); if (pResponse == NULL) return; JSONNODE *pUsers = json_get(pResponse, "users"); if (pUsers == NULL) return; LIST arContacts(10, PtrKeySortT); MCONTACT hContact; for (hContact = db_find_first(m_szModuleName); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact, m_szModuleName)) if (!isChatRoom(hContact)) arContacts.insert((HANDLE)hContact); for (size_t i = 0; (hContact = SetContactInfo(json_at(pUsers, i))) != INVALID_CONTACT_ID; i++) if (hContact) arContacts.remove((HANDLE)hContact); if (json_as_int(json_get(pResponse, "freeoffline"))) for (int i = 0; i < arContacts.getCount(); i++) { hContact = (MCONTACT)arContacts[i]; LONG userID = getDword(hContact, "ID", -1); if (userID == m_myUserId || userID == VK_FEED_USER) continue; int iContactStatus = getWord(hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); if ((iContactStatus == ID_STATUS_ONLINE) || (iContactStatus == ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE && time(NULL) - getDword(hContact, "InvisibleTS", 0) >= m_iInvisibleInterval * 60)) { setWord(hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); SetMirVer(hContact, -1); db_unset(hContact, m_szModuleName, "ListeningTo"); } } arContacts.destroy(); AddFeedSpecialUser(); JSONNODE *pRequests = json_get(pResponse, "requests"); if (pRequests == NULL) return; int iCount = json_as_int(json_get(pRequests, "count")); JSONNODE *pItems = json_get(pRequests, "items"), *pInfo; if (!iCount || pItems == NULL) return; debugLogA("CVkProto::OnReceiveUserInfo AuthRequests"); for (int i = 0; (pInfo = json_at(pItems, i)) != NULL; i++) { LONG userid = json_as_int(pInfo); if (userid == 0) break; hContact = FindUser(userid, true); if (!getBool(hContact, "ReqAuth", false)) { RetrieveUserInfo(userid); setByte(hContact, "ReqAuth", 1); ForkThread(&CVkProto::DBAddAuthRequestThread, (void *)hContact); } } } void CVkProto::RetrieveFriends() { debugLogA("CVkProto::RetrieveFriends"); if (!IsOnline()) return; Push(new AsyncHttpRequest(this, REQUEST_GET, "/method/friends.get.json", true, &CVkProto::OnReceiveFriends) << INT_PARAM("count", 1000) << CHAR_PARAM("fields", fieldsName) <resultCode); if (reply->resultCode != 200 || !IsOnline()) return; JSONROOT pRoot; JSONNODE *pResponse = CheckJsonResponse(pReq, reply, pRoot); if (pResponse == NULL) return; bool bCleanContacts = getBool("AutoClean", false); LIST arContacts(10, PtrKeySortT); for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(m_szModuleName); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact, m_szModuleName)) { if (!isChatRoom(hContact)) setByte(hContact, "Auth", 1); db_unset(hContact, m_szModuleName, "ReqAuth"); SetMirVer(hContact, -1); if (bCleanContacts && !isChatRoom(hContact)) arContacts.insert((HANDLE)hContact); } int iCount = json_as_int(json_get(pResponse, "count")); JSONNODE *pItems = json_get(pResponse, "items"); if (pItems) for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { MCONTACT hContact = SetContactInfo(json_at(pItems, i), true); if (hContact == NULL || hContact == INVALID_CONTACT_ID) continue; arContacts.remove((HANDLE)hContact); setByte(hContact, "Auth", 0); } if (bCleanContacts) for (int i = 0; i < arContacts.getCount(); i++) { MCONTACT hContact = (MCONTACT)arContacts[i]; LONG userID = getDword(hContact, "ID", -1); if (userID == m_myUserId || userID == VK_FEED_USER) continue; CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETE, (WPARAM)hContact, 0); } arContacts.destroy(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// INT_PTR __cdecl CVkProto::SvcAddAsFriend(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM) { debugLogA("CVkProto::SvcAddAsFriend"); LONG userID = getDword(hContact, "ID", -1); if (!IsOnline() || userID == -1 || userID == VK_FEED_USER) return 1; CallContactService(hContact, PSS_AUTHREQUESTW, 0, (LPARAM)TranslateT("Please authorize me to add you to my friend list.")); return 0; } INT_PTR __cdecl CVkProto::SvcDeleteFriend(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM flag) { debugLogA("CVkProto::SvcDeleteFriend"); LONG userID = getDword(hContact, "ID", -1); if (!IsOnline() || userID == -1 || userID == VK_FEED_USER) return 1; ptrT ptszNick(db_get_tsa(hContact, m_szModuleName, "Nick")); CMString ptszMsg; if (flag == 0) { ptszMsg.AppendFormat(TranslateT("Are you sure to delete %s from your friend list?"), IsEmpty(ptszNick) ? TranslateT("(Unknown contact)") : ptszNick); if (IDNO == MessageBox(NULL, ptszMsg.GetBuffer(), TranslateT("Attention!"), MB_ICONWARNING | MB_YESNO)) return 1; } Push(new AsyncHttpRequest(this, REQUEST_GET, "/method/friends.delete.json", true, &CVkProto::OnReceiveDeleteFriend) << INT_PARAM("user_id", userID) << VER_API)->pUserInfo = new CVkSendMsgParam(hContact); return 0; } void CVkProto::OnReceiveDeleteFriend(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST* reply, AsyncHttpRequest* pReq) { debugLogA("CVkProto::OnReceiveDeleteFriend %d", reply->resultCode); CVkSendMsgParam *param = (CVkSendMsgParam*)pReq->pUserInfo; if (reply->resultCode == 200) { JSONROOT pRoot; JSONNODE *pResponse = CheckJsonResponse(pReq, reply, pRoot); if (pResponse != NULL) { CMString tszNick = ptrT(db_get_tsa(param->hContact, m_szModuleName, "Nick")); if (tszNick.IsEmpty()) tszNick = TranslateT("(Unknown contact)"); CMString msgformat, msg; if (json_as_int(json_get(pResponse, "success"))) { if (json_as_int(json_get(pResponse, "friend_deleted"))) msgformat = TranslateT("User %s was deleted from your friend list"); else if (json_as_int(json_get(pResponse, "out_request_deleted"))) msgformat = TranslateT("Your request to the user %s was deleted"); else if (json_as_int(json_get(pResponse, "in_request_deleted"))) msgformat = TranslateT("Friend request from the user %s declined"); else if (json_as_int(json_get(pResponse, "suggestion_deleted"))) msgformat = TranslateT("Friend request suggestion for the user %s deleted"); msg.AppendFormat(msgformat, tszNick); MsgPopup(param->hContact, msg.GetBuffer(), tszNick.GetBuffer()); setByte(param->hContact, "Auth", 1); } else { msg = TranslateT("User or request was not deleted"); MsgPopup(param->hContact, msg.GetBuffer(), tszNick.GetBuffer()); } } } delete param; } INT_PTR __cdecl CVkProto::SvcBanUser(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM) { debugLogA("CVkProto::SvcBanUser"); LONG userID = getDword(hContact, "ID", -1); if (!IsOnline() || userID == -1 || userID == VK_FEED_USER) return 1; CMStringA code; code.AppendFormat("var userID=\"%d\";API.account.banUser({\"user_id\":userID});", userID); CMString tszVarWarning; if (m_bReportAbuse) { debugLogA("CVkProto::SvcBanUser m_bReportAbuse = true"); code += "API.users.report({\"user_id\":userID,type:\"spam\"});"; tszVarWarning = TranslateT(" report abuse on him/her"); } if (m_bClearServerHistory) { debugLogA("CVkProto::SvcBanUser m_bClearServerHistory = true"); code += "API.messages.deleteDialog({\"user_id\":userID,count:10000});"; if (!tszVarWarning.IsEmpty()) tszVarWarning.AppendChar(L','); tszVarWarning += TranslateT(" clear server history with him/her"); } if (m_bRemoveFromFrendlist) { debugLogA("CVkProto::SvcBanUser m_bRemoveFromFrendlist = true"); code += "API.friends.delete({\"user_id\":userID});"; if (!tszVarWarning.IsEmpty()) tszVarWarning.AppendChar(L','); tszVarWarning += TranslateT(" remove him/her from your friend list"); } if (m_bRemoveFromClist) { debugLogA("CVkProto::SvcBanUser m_bRemoveFromClist = true"); if (!tszVarWarning.IsEmpty()) tszVarWarning.AppendChar(L','); tszVarWarning += TranslateT(" remove him/her from your contact list"); } if (!tszVarWarning.IsEmpty()) tszVarWarning += ".\n"; code += "return 1;"; ptrT ptszNick(db_get_tsa(hContact, m_szModuleName, "Nick")); CMString ptszMsg; ptszMsg.AppendFormat(TranslateT("Are you sure to ban %s? %s%sContinue?"), IsEmpty(ptszNick) ? TranslateT("(Unknown contact)") : ptszNick, tszVarWarning.IsEmpty() ? _T(" ") : TranslateT("\nIt will also"), tszVarWarning.IsEmpty() ? _T("\n") : tszVarWarning.GetBuffer()); if (IDNO == MessageBox(NULL, ptszMsg.GetBuffer(), TranslateT("Attention!"), MB_ICONWARNING | MB_YESNO)) return 1; Push(new AsyncHttpRequest(this, REQUEST_GET, "/method/execute.json", true, &CVkProto::OnReceiveSmth) << CHAR_PARAM("code", code) << VER_API); if (m_bRemoveFromClist) CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETE, (WPARAM)hContact, 0); return 0; } INT_PTR __cdecl CVkProto::SvcReportAbuse(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM) { debugLogA("CVkProto::SvcReportAbuse"); LONG userID = getDword(hContact, "ID", -1); if (!IsOnline() || userID == -1 || userID == VK_FEED_USER) return 1; CMString formatstr = TranslateT("Are you sure to report abuse on %s?"), tszNick = ptrT(db_get_tsa(hContact, m_szModuleName, "Nick")), ptszMsg; ptszMsg.AppendFormat(formatstr, tszNick.IsEmpty() ? TranslateT("(Unknown contact)") : tszNick); if (IDNO == MessageBox(NULL, ptszMsg.GetBuffer(), TranslateT("Attention!"), MB_ICONWARNING | MB_YESNO)) return 1; Push(new AsyncHttpRequest(this, REQUEST_GET, "/method/users.report.json", true, &CVkProto::OnReceiveSmth) << INT_PARAM("user_id", userID) << CHAR_PARAM("type", "spam") << VER_API); return 0; } INT_PTR __cdecl CVkProto::SvcOpenBroadcast(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM) { debugLogA("CVkProto::SvcOpenBroadcast"); CMString tszAudio(ptrT(db_get_tsa(hContact, m_szModuleName, "AudioUrl"))); if (!tszAudio.IsEmpty()) CallService(MS_UTILS_OPENURL, (WPARAM)OUF_TCHAR, (LPARAM)tszAudio.GetBuffer()); return 0; } INT_PTR __cdecl CVkProto::SvcVisitProfile(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM) { debugLogA("CVkProto::SvcVisitProfile"); LONG userID = getDword(hContact, "ID", -1); ptrT tszDomain(db_get_tsa(hContact, m_szModuleName, "domain")); CMString tszUrl("https://vk.com/"); if (tszDomain) tszUrl.Append(tszDomain); else tszUrl.AppendFormat(_T("id%i"), userID); CallService(MS_UTILS_OPENURL, (WPARAM)OUF_TCHAR, (LPARAM)tszUrl.GetBuffer()); return 0; }